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Chocolate-Raspberry Sauce

Chocolate or Vanilla?

The subject of today’s post is once again chocolate. You didn’t think I’d ignore it two days in a row, did you?

chocolate syrup

Above, on top of my Voluminous Ice Cream.

The sauce is actually not my recipe; it’s Barleans Essential Woman chocolate-raspberry swirl. I discovered this healthy chocolate sauce while shopping at my local health food store. Don’t ask me why, but they were giving out free samples. Yes, on a spoon. Weird, right?

Or maybe not so weird… I certainly never would’ve bought it on my own. But as soon as I read it was vegan, I was all over those free samples.


Barleans Essential Woman Chocolate-Raspberry Swirl

Oh my chocolate cream pie, this stuff is good. And—bonus—it’s rich in Omega-3s, 6s and 9s! I’m a big believer in only eating foods that taste good, regardless of their health benefits. If it doesn’t taste good, I’m not eating it. (So keep that wheatgrass away from me, thanks.)

This healthy chocolate syrup, while packing a nutritional punch, manages to taste like real chocolate syrup. It’s also sugar free. (Side note: The info on their website is outdated; this sauce is, in fact, vegan.)

Question of the Day:

Chocolate or Vanilla?

You know where my loyalties lie! Just in case, here’s a clue.

Published on June 16, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Anna says

    I love quality chocolate but when it comes to ice cream I usually stick with a vanilla base and add to that depending on my mood 🙂

  2. Vogelstar says

    It’s incredible what they come up with in the health food world. Back when i first became vegetarian, there were so few items to choose from, there was basically a bad veggie burger or a bad veggie hot dog and only one company made them. Now here we are with healthy chocolate sauce. It’s almost overwhelming with all the products but so very exciting. Ps, chocolate all the way

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh my gosh, I know! We are SO spoiled! My friends ask me how I can be vegan and give up things like ice cream… I answer that I really don’t have to! They even make vegan mozarella sticks now. Probably not the healthiest thing lol… but hey, they exist!

  3. Marissa says

    My nutritionist gave me a sample of that stuff! It was pretty good. I was expecting it to taste all oily and nasty… but it was really just like chocolate sauce (which I’ve never been that big of a fan of anyways–gets kinda sickly after a while!)

  4. Dina S says

    How do you manage to take such gorgeous pictures especially mid-pouring? Also, how do you always have different bowls and layout materials, where do you keep them? Who takes the pictures of you?

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      It’s hard! I usually use a tripod for pouring photos, but even still I take a lot before getting one good shot. Right now I don’t have a lot of bowls/plates, as I just moved. In my old home, I had them all in a closet with shelves. And usually my friends take the photos, but now that I have an iphone I sometimes try and be coordinated enough to take my own. It doesn’t always work ;).

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