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Cookie Dough Mini Muffins

Graduation Time!  

I’ve been invited to a plethora of graduation parties these past few weeks. And yesterday’s was really fun: it was a brunch party. I decided to make mini muffins, because muffins are quintessential brunch fare, and because mini muffins are so dang cute!

cookie muffins2 

cookie muffins3

I also brought a date to the party.


His name is Muttsee, and I’ve had him my entire life. (It was a pajama-themed brunch, and I love getting into the spirit of theme parties. You can bet I wore my pajamas!)

Question of the Day:

Growing up, did you have a favorite stuffed animal or baby blanket?

Coming soon: ice cream, pancakes, and a Funfetti version of this.

Published on June 13, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Heather says

    I am a huge fan of black bean brownies. They are gooey and fudge-y and wonderful. So why not chickpea blondies?

  2. Veronica says

    I say don’t knock something until you try it! I would never say that beans in desserts is dumb. It’s just the crazy type of thing I would love! I have saved several of your bean dessert recipes but haven’t tried them yet. I think I will try this one first b/c it will be less tempting to eat an entire pan of cookie dough pie than all the mini muffins. As a child, I was never into stuffed animals or blankets, but I did have a favorite doll. I even remember the day my Mom bought her for me. She told me I could have one toy and I picked a doll with a soft body that looked like she was wearing pajamas, and a plastic head. She wanted me to pick a game or something that would challenge me, even if it was a potato head. Nope. I had to have her. I had her for years until she finally just disappeared. 🙁

  3. whitney says

    Yummy, I have a recipe for chocolate chip muffins but they always turn out gooey and cookie dough-like so at the market I label them, “chocolate chip cookie dough muffins”. I’m glad I’m not the only one!


  4. EmilyK says

    I still sleep with my baby blanket (I’m 25). I’m not shy about it… it’s who I am : ) I usually don’t bring it places anymore (mostly out of fear I’ll loose it) but it’s always in my bed at home!

  5. Dalai Lina says

    It has been SOOOO long, too long, since I have been on my Bloglovin account, keeping track of my favorite bloggers. Who knows how well I’ll do with 4 kids at home needing my every second, but I wanted to say how refreshing it was to read your posts! Missed your creative baking 🙂

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