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Creamy Dreamy Frosting

Does this ever happen to you?

You fall in love with a certain food or recipe and want to eat it every single day. I experienced this a few months ago, going on a major carrot-cake kick. I ate everything from cupcakes to Carrot Cake in a Bowl. But the love fest left me feeling so burned out I didn’t even want to look at anything carrot-cake for months. Luckily, yesterday afternoon, the carrot-cake monster returned!

cashew butter

My frosting-topped Single Lady Cupcake.

Now let’s talk about that frosting. Normally, I pair coconut butter with all my carrot cake-themed recipes, but yesterday I decided to be different. So I made cashew-banana butter. It’s just my regular banana butter recipe (banana blended with peanut butter), except I subbed Artisana cashew butter for the peanut butter.

Since that recipe, with its two ingredients, is much to simple to warrant a post of its own, I’m offering you a different cashew butter frosting recipe today:

cashew butter

Creamy Dreamy Frosting

(Makes about 1 1/3 cup)

  • 2/3 cup silken-firm tofu (140 g) (Soy-Free Version Here)
  • 6 tbsp raw cashew butter (or peanut or sunbutter)
  • scant 1/8th tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • pinch uncut stevia, or powdered sugar to taste

Blend everything in a blender, food processor, or Magic Bullet cup. This frosting is thicker when cold, so it’s a good idea to make it up ahead of time.


Link Of The Day: Breakfast Carrot Cake Milkshake

Hmmm, maybe it’s time to experiment and make some carrot cake blondies

Published on June 12, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Qi Ting @ Misadventures of Fat free Baking says

    Sadly (or not), I’m not particularly fond of any nut butter. But I do love tahini and pumpkin butter! Really really good 😀
    I totally agree with you about falling in love with a certain food or recipe and wanting to eat it every single day! Been through that so so so many times! There was a peanut phase (no peanut butter though), sesame phase, pumpkin phase, chocolate phase, mocha phase, matcha phase, banana phase…and the carrot cake phase too! There’s more but I’ll stop before anybody thinks I’m weird! 😀 Currently on sort of a beany phase, totally triggered by you!!!! Haha 😀

  2. Carrie (Moves 'N Munchies) says

    OO!!!! can i eat this SOLO?
    u betcha I can! … i love cashew butter! but its better bought than homemade.. i made it weird last time!!… yes! i love almond butter, cashew butter but peanut butter i can NEVER get sick of~!

    • Emily says

      Oh I’ve definitely eaten the peanut butter version of this recipe solo! And you bet I’ve eaten the whole thing in a sitting!

  3. Maria @ runningcupcake says

    I love other nut butters, especially ones with brazil nuts in them (I had a tropical one with brazills and macadamias and it was so good)- hazelnut butter is lovely with sweet things, and I love almond butter too. Yum. But PB is still the king!
    And thanks for your comment too 🙂

  4. Stefanie says

    I like all types of nut and seeds butters. I alternate between cashew, sunflower seed, almond, and peanut butter. Some times I’ll throw in tahini to change it up a bit.

  5. Sarah says

    Carrot cake and pumpkin flavors are my absolute favorite!!! The two must be incorporated into one recipe, and YOU are the girl to create that recipe!

  6. Lisa says

    yes! I love pretty much all nut butters I have tried. Peanut, soynut, cashew, hazelnut (I prefer chocolate hazelnut) and almond! I like almond better when it’s sweetened, like honey almond butter. mmm!
    and i TOTALLY know what you mean about burning out after eating something too much. I do that ALL the time! I love something and then eat it every day and then I cant touch it for months because even the thought of eating it makes me feel sick. That happened to me with lots of snacks hahah until I realized, maybe every OTHER day would work better so I can still eat the yummy snacks without getting sick of them 🙂

  7. lindsay says

    i think I like any nut butter, dip, frosting, etc. Condiments are my thing. Excited for your nut butter page! My favorite would be sunflower seed butter

  8. Lot-O-Choc says

    Oooh this looks good! I get stuff like that all the time where I cant stop eating one thing!! I love roasted cauliflower at the moment..I cant get enough of it!

  9. Charissa says

    A healthy icing! That’s what I’ve been thinking of making for ages…I still keep mixing up a little almond milk with powdered sugar (bad me!)…so you’ve inspired me!

  10. Adam says

    almond butter is my absolute favorite, I make it myself in my vitamix with dry roasted almonds and that’s it, doesn’t need any extra oil.. I also make my own cashew butter, but it does seem to need a little oil

    my new favorite though is Marcona almond butter, amazing! I get at my Whole Foods, but it’s vey expensive for a very small amount.. but it’s *that* good 🙂

  11. Robin Patalon says

    I never met a nut butter I didn’t like. But I’m with Sam, Trader Joe’s Sunflower Seed butter is at the top of the list these days!

  12. Alexandra (Veggin' Out in the Kitchen) says

    Katie, Katie, Katie!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! School these last few weeks/months have been crazy!!! But I’m so glad to be back to read your incredible blog filled with your incredible sweetness! 😀
    Wow, this frosting looks beyond amazing!! I’ve been searching for a healthy frosting recipe and, as usual, you came to the rescue! 🙂
    And I was searching for a cookie recipe to take to a graduation party the other day, and I came across your deep-dish cookie pie! Omg, it was AMAZING!!! My friends at the grad party are vegan and they actually wouldn’t put the cookie out on the buffet because they loved it too much!! 🙂 And what I didn’t take to take the party didn’t last long 😉

    I hope you’re doing super well, Katie!!! 😀

    <3 <3 <3

  13. Lenna says

    Oh, that happens to me all the time – I always fell in love with some random ingredient I buy in the market and then i have to eat it all day all week until I am sick of it :))
    Variety is the key, so I like to use various nut butters:) Currently I am in love with chestnut butter, it is not so commin as the others and I really enjoy its taste.

  14. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says

    I constantly over do it when it comes to a certain flavor/recipe – I eat it until I can’t eat it anymore! 🙂

  15. Angel says

    Hopefully my answer won’t make me your enemy… (well, it can’t, really, b/c I do love chocolate!)… I do not like pb at all. I love cashew and almond and sunflower seed and coconut butters. I do use pb a lot, though… I put it in or on tons of things for my kids b/c they eat non-stop and although I love to eat, I do not need to eat or grow like a teenage boy. This way I don’t eat all the food I am preparing for them. : ) I do use the other nut butters as “icing” for my treats. Yum! Yum! Yum!

  16. Jen says

    I used to love other nut butters a lot more than I do now. My favorite used to be an organic raw almond butter that I would spend–or at the time, my lovely mommy would spend–about 18 dollars a jar for! It was my favorite nut butter, so she bought it for me because she was just happy that I was eating a lot of healthy fat. I also used to LOVE Artisana’s raw cashew butter. Strangely enough, roasted peanut butter (lightly salted) is the only nut butter I really eat anymore. Last time I had almond butter, it didn’t really do it for me!

  17. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    I will eat just about any nutbutter, but peanut butter is still my favorite! It is just SO goooood!

  18. O.C. says

    Just about any nut butter is great!
    My favorite PB is the White chocolate wonderful one from PB& co. I am in love with that stuff! It’s so so good with coconut butter, which is definetly my favorite nut butter!
    I also like cashew and almond and chestnut butter but the last time I had chestnut was when I was in France. I can’t find it in the states :p

  19. Cait @ Beyond Bananas says

    Besides peanut butter, i also LOVE almond butter and sunflower butter!

    I have been seeing so many of your recipes with tofu. I suppose Ishould try tofu first..before incorporating into these yummy desserts. I need to get on that. STAT

  20. Holly @ The Runny Egg says

    My favorite is peanut butter, but I do like almond butter and cashew butter — and the best is Justin’s choc hazelnut butter — it tastes just like frosting!

  21. Kiersten says

    I don’t think there are any nut butters I DON’T like. Cashew butter is a favorite of mine though, I could eat it straight out of the jab with a spoon.

    That sounds like some delicious frosting!

  22. Lauren says

    I am a bunny. I legit eat carrots everyday and carrot cake is likke the 2nd fav dessert for me (apple cake wins 1st place). BUT i will be trying these fo sure 🙂 they look amazing!! Hmm I love me some pb, but almond butter is pretta bomb as well. How about Hazelnut or Pumpkin Seed butter? ever tried those! quite different and delish!!

  23. Ragnhild says

    Looks delicious!
    I prefere almost any nut butter over peanut. Its not that I dont like PB, but we have some issues to solve out! But I LOVE almond, tahini, cashew, macadoamia (favorit) and coconut!

  24. Emilia says

    I’ve been on the carrot-kick before and in fact, still AM! Mmmm, i’m definitely bookmarking this creamy nut butter/ soy frosting for future baking adventures 🙂

  25. Cait's a Runnerchick says

    when there’s something i like i eat it until complete burn-out too. i go on kicks and i think i had a turkey sandwich for lunch every single day the last two years of high school. luckily though my burn-out doesn’t last too long and i’ll usually return right back to my little food ruts! lol. glad u hear u’ve rekindled your luv of carrot cakes! 😉 though i think i could eat that frosting straight all by itself too…haha.

  26. Teniesha @ Vegan on the Go-Go says

    Yesterday, I went to Bordeaux (I’m studying abroad in France, by the way, in case I didn’t mention it before), and thanks to a quick internet search beforehand, I was able to visit a little vegan cafe, where I sampled a piece of vegan carrot cake! It was quite tasty (not too sweet, just like my palate prefers), but I’ve a feeling some of your frosting would have made it even better. Today, I blogged about my foodie adventures in Bordeaux, in fact–yeah, it’s not always easy to be vegan in France, but it is possible! 🙂

  27. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    Cashews and bananas two of the most naturally creamy foods on the planet would make one killer frosting! Cannot wait to try this! It sounds absolutely divine!

  28. Little Bookworm says

    Love almond butter it’s my favourite. Not a fan of peanuts, so no peanut butter for me. That recipe sounds really interesting too! 🙂

  29. Ellie@fitforthesoul says

    they’re all making me want some! and here I thought I was not going to crave anything sweet today b/c last night I had blueberry cheesecake and the world’s best pumpkin pie! hehehe. I love cashew, almond, sunflower seed, and hazelnut butter! I guess all of them, plus Artisana’s coconut butter 😛 But I think SSB is my fave. Then pb and almond+hazel come in 2nd. call me double minded!

  30. Serena says

    Coconut butter is my all time fave. I also like almond butter (slightly salted and roasted) and raw cashew nut butter. Of course, I’m always open to trying new things (I even went on a raw hemp butter love fest).

    Looks like a delicious frosting. I’m glad the carrot cake is back 🙂

  31. emma says

    Katie….I had a look at some of your very first posts on your old blog and I’d just like to say that I feel like a proud mother right now! Your photography is so beautiful and your recipes are just wonderful! I’m very happy for you and the success you have as a blogger is truly deserved 🙂

  32. Sam says

    I never had tried anything besides peanut butter either, until reading healthy living/food blogs and realizing all my options! I love all types of nut butters (as I love all types of nuts!) but my current favorite is Trader Joe’s Sunflower Seed Butter. So good!

  33. Eleanor@eatinglikeahorse says

    Coconut butter is my all-time favourite, no competition!
    I love almond and pb too, and cashew, but there’s nothing to compare with warm, melty coconut… 🙂
    This looks like a great carrot-cake topping, thanks!

  34. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    I LOVE NUT BUTTERS!! I don’t think I’ve tried one that I HAVEN’T liked! I go through phases with everrrry food, especially nut butters!! My current fave is almond butter, but it was cashew last week! And I think I’ll make this tonight!! Fingers crossed I have silken tofu somewhere…! 😀

    <3 for Katie!!

  35. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Sunflower seed butter and Nutella! I just made something with Nutella + PB that’s pretty out of this world.

    I am not the biggest fan, at all, of AB. It’s just too plain for me if that makes sense? I like more amp’ed up flavor and I think PB and SFSB float my boat a little better. And of course Nutella…or choc PB….yes please!

  36. Nicole @sugarcoatedsisters says

    I LOVE CASHEWS! I’ve never had cashew butter, but I’m sure I would love it! Other than cashews and peanuts, I don’t like nuts eaten raw. Something about cashews is just magical, and I bet this frosting is too 😉

  37. Justine says

    Hi Katie, I have been reading your blog posts for the past two years but had never had the courage to comment. I baked you blondies last week and brought them to my office and every one LOVED them! It was only after that I told them they had chick-peas in them! I think I am going to make your brownies next week (and maybe try beans in them) and see how it goes. Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration!!!!!

  38. Rachel @ Eat, Learn, Discover! says

    Hazelnut butter is near addicting – not the good kind of addicting! Too good I try to stay away, but I have to say I’m partial to almond butter or mixed nut butters these days. Especially roasted nuts!

  39. Savannah says

    the frosting looks super yummy! i’m DEFINITELY making it with my homemade almond butter (just roasted almonds+ sea salt). yummmm! L)

  40. Jess from Midwest Vegan says

    I LOVE my nut butters. Macadamia and coconut especially. Of course, I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for good ol’ peanut butter. 🙂

    I also go on food kicks. I am recently recovering from a ginger one (much to my boyfriend’s relief, lol. It was in almost everything I made him!). I ate ginger chews, ginger ale, ginger kombucha, ginger stir-fries, ginger cookies, you name it! I’m not currently one one, though who knows how long that will last, lol.

    Also, I just wanted to say I made your Fudge Daddies today! I loved how quick and easy they were to made, and I love that all your recipes make small amounts (4 x 6 sized pan was perfect!). Even better, I LOVED how AWESOME they tasted! I threw a few dark chocolate chips in there for bursts of chocolately-ness and then I put a little coconut butter on top for the heck of it. Thank you so much, Katie! All your recipes are winners!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Coconut butter on top? Oh my word, I must try that! Like mounds bar brownies?!

      Your comment made my day! I’m so excited you liked the brownies, because I’m kinda obsessed with them, so I’m really happy to know others are trying them! 🙂

  41. Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says

    Oh my gosh, that happens to me all the time! Or if I’m creating a recipe (like my cake batter French toast), I’ll easily eat the same thing all week until the it’s perfect!

    Up until about 9 months ago, I had never tried any nut butter other than peanut butter and even that I only ate on the occasional PB&J sandwich…now I’m addicted! Coconut butter is my absolute fave followed closely by cashew butter! I can only imagine how wonderful they taste mixed together! Yum!!

  42. Tara says

    Oooh I’ve tried your frosting recipe with peanut butter, I bet it tastes fabulous with cashew butter! I love pretty much any nut in the form of butter. Macadamia, pistachio, mixed nut — seriously, anything is good to me!

  43. Gracie says

    You know, I’ve drooled over just about every vegan recipe-based blog out there. But yours is THEE only one that makes me think I could actually be a vegan and be perfectly content!!!

    (can’t say I’ll ever make “the switch,” but at least I can satisfy my never-ending sweet tooth with some healthy treats ;))

    Love you, girlie!! xoxoxo G

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh Gracie, your comment made me smile SO much! And lol I definitely don’t care if everyone is a vegan. I think like 90% of the people who read my blog aren’t! That’s fine by me… as long as y’all like chocolate! (Well, even if someone doesn’t, that’s ok. It just means more chocolate for me!)

      Also, I’ve been loving (loving!) your Christian-themed tweets lately :).

  44. Moni'sMeals says

    Do you like any other nut butters besides peanut butter?

    Another trick question right!?

    Love ALL nut butters. GOTTA have em. 🙂

    I like this creamy dreamy frosting you got going on too!

  45. Heather says

    Just stumbled upon your blog the other day! I love it! CCK is so packed with recipes and photos that make me drool, it’s overwhelming! hahaha. Cheers!

  46. BroccoliHut says

    I’ve been on a blueberry-coconut kick for a while now…and judging by this weekend’s eats, I don’t think my enthusiasm is waning.
    My nut butters of choice these days are almond, coconut, and sunflower.

  47. Desiree says

    So funny you posted this today, I too went on a carrot cake fest yesterday with your 24-carrot cakes and cream cheese frosting!! Yum, I will blog about it soon and share pictures! You have me truly addicted to your blog (and all the yumminess of course)!

  48. Meghan @ StruggleMuffins says

    Oh I can relate to food burnout. I’m still riding my chocolate yogurt and oatmeal concoction wave but I know I’ll crash and burn eventually. And then I’ll just find another choco-filled recipe to eat every day. Or maybe I’ll take a crack at those carrot cake cuppycakes of yours – they look so tasty! And since I unearthed my magic bullet I can easily whip up your yummy looking frosting recipes too 🙂

  49. Kristen @ The Red Velvet Life says

    Mmm this looks delicious! I have yet to try your single-lady carrot cake, but I know I’ll love it when I make it! And to answer your question, YES! I’ve fallen in love with your blueberry pancakes and I want them everyday! I made pancakes with cherries yesterday — mmmm! You have the best desserts and breakfasts. Period. 🙂

  50. Vivianne says

    Oh my goodness that sounds delicious!! I love carrot cake with all my heart. And with cream cheese frosting?! TO DIE FOR!

    I am going to have to try that carrot cake milkshake for sure!

    I am the same as you, I hadn’t tried anything but peanut until a few months ago! Now I am obsessed with chocolate almond butter and any other nut butter I can get my hands on!

  51. vivoir says

    can I just be greedy and say ‘any’? LOVE cashew but tend to stick with peanut for cost reasons 🙁 Oh to have an endless supply *sigh*

    oo I pointed Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) onto this, but have a look- I made peanut butter hummus! you know you love making diddy things into high volume things? this is one of those!! it’s, quite honestly, amazing!

  52. Hayley @ Hayley Daily says

    Oh yum! Cashew banana frosting sounds phenomenal…especially with the carrot combination. I’ll definitely have to give that a try sometime.

    As far as nut butters, I am a bit ashamed to admit that I’m partial to peanut butter. If it makes any difference, I truly do prefer the natural, crunchy, just peanuts and salt kind. I’m not a huge fan of almond butter. I mean, it’s fine but it just doesn’t do much for me. LOVE nutella, obviously. Cashew butter is pretty yummy too. 🙂

  53. Daniell says

    Thank you, THANK YOU for all you do on this wonderful blog. I eat a clean diet (think body-builder), but I can happily consume so many of your recipes! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of these. Do you happen to have an index of all of your goodies? I find myself stumbling on more all the time but would love to be able to find them all in one place.

    Thanks again!

  54. Amity says

    Oh wow! This looks great! I must try! Hey, here’s a fun fact about cashews! They are in the same plant family as poison ivy!

  55. Candace says

    My little guy is allergic to all nuts and sesame seeds. However, we can still eat coconut butter, soy butter, and sunflower seed butter – so allergic families don’t have to miss out! 🙂

  56. Zoe says

    Hey Katie,
    So I was thinking about using this recipe to frost an 8 inch cake- how many batches of this recipe do you think I would need to frost a traditional two-layer cake?

    And do you have any idea how much sweetener to use? I have a moderate sweet tooth, if that helps. Thanks!!

    I love your blog by the way. Your recipes are so delicious!

  57. DM says

    Maybe I am missing something… But how much sugar does the recipe call for? I tried to make this using raw almond butter (which made the frosting slightly brown in color) and I had to guess in the sugar quantities. I used regular organic sugar and put in a little bit at a time and kept tasting it, but I could feel the sugar crystals in the frosting so I switched to maple syrup. What did I do wrong! Haha

  58. Chelsea Blais says

    I absolutely love all your recipes! I have a major sweet tooth and I do not think I could live without your recipes (or I would at least be 20 pounds heavier). I just made the creamy dreamy frosting using confectioners sugar and added some whipped cream (coconut milk whipped cream)….WOW! It is amazing. I am using it to top off the skinny vanilla cupcakes that are in the oven right now 🙂 You are the best and I cannot wait until your cookbook comes out!

  59. Rebekah says

    Thank you! This just saved my three year old’s birthday cupcakes. It’s not for a big party of anything but I’ve been having a hard time getting a frosting to work and this one is the right consistency without swimming in oils. Thank you!

  60. JAM3124 says

    I saw someone else asked this question, but I did not see a response, so I’m sorry if I missed it! Can you substitute anything for the tofu? Thanks!

  61. Meow says

    This frosting is AMAZING. I didn’t know you could do it with tofu. I made this and topped my Blue Velvet cupcakes with it. Nom.. nom.. nom.. nom..

  62. Meenal Jethi says

    Hi Katie,
    Delicious recipes but unfortunately my daughter has a tree nut allergy so she can’t have an coconut cream/milk, peanut butter or any other nut butter 🙁 Wondering if I could use any other substitutes for them to make a cupcake frosting? I have to constantly bake cupcakes for birthday parties she’s invited to (as she can never have the birthday cake cos of the risk for her allergy) and I hate making her the usual high sugar icing!
    Thanks in advance!

  63. Charlotte says

    I just made this. I didn’t have any cashew butter on hand, so I used 4T coconut butter and 1TB peanut butter and sweetened it with powdered erythritol, and I would like to report that it ROCKED. MY. WORLD. Super thick and perfect right out of the blender. I literally had to force myself not to just take a spoon and eat it all immediately!

  64. Lacey says

    Hey! I want to make this recipe but I don’t have any tofu on hand 🙁 is there any common pantry item I can substitute it with? Thanks! (I’m putting it on top of the sugar cookie bars! :))

  65. LiZ says

    This receipe looks great! I want to try it on your sugar cookie bars, but was wondering does this have a strong peanut butter taste? Or does it get “neutralized” by the other ingredients? Thank you!

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