I hate stereotypes…
But every now and then they ring true! Last night I went to watch the Rangers’ game at some friends’ apartment, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. When I looked for breakfast this morning, do you know what I found in the guys’ fridge?
A lot of beer.
And not much else! They also have a pinball machine in their living room. As Chandler Bing might say, “Could it be more of a bachelor pad?” (Although I must admit… I kinda want a pinball machine for my new place now.)
The moving process is going along well. I think we’re finally done with the boring part of unpacking boxes, which means we get to focus on more fun things, like decorating. It’s always difficult for me to imagine how “big” decorations—wallpaper, furniture, curtains, etc.—will look in a room, but I love adding little touches of flair.
For the kitchen, I’m bringing back all the red pepper stuff I bought the last time I lived on my own. My roommate says that as long as I continue to make desserts and give her samples, she couldn’t care less what I do to decorate the kitchen!
Foodie Decorating:
Later today, I get to put my decorating skills to another use. My friend is a kindergarten teacher, and she asked if I’d like to make a special treat for her kids’ Halloween party. She still raves about last year’s Funfetti Blondies. I’m not sure what I want to make. Cupcakes? Cookies? Definitely something with chocolate.
Maybe Chocolate-Chip Banana Bites.
But the banana part probably wouldn’t hold up very well, so I’m trying to brainstorm something else to put in the middle of the mini cookies. Ideally, I’d like to tie the dessert in to Halloween, too. Maybe spider cookies? With pretzel legs… Or maybe I should abandon the cookie idea and just go with cupcakes. Kids seem to love cupcakes above all else.
Do you think stereotypes are sometimes true?
I think that some are based on truth. Like Asians being smart? I’ve been blessed to know many amazing Asian friends, especially when I lived in China, and they are all very smart. My one friend—who ended up at MIT and now works for the government—actually fell asleep during the English AP test and still got a 5! (EDIT: Please read my responses to some of the comments below. Your comments made me realize that my words above–although meant as a compliment–were misguided.)
However, I don’t understand other stereotypes at all. I think the “Mexicans are lazy” stereotype is the most ridiculous and offensive one out there, because I have never met a more hard-working ethnic group. And I would like to go back in time and clock the person who first uttered the phrase, “You hit/throw/run like a girl.”
And now, since I know you’ve all been wondering only one thing throughout this entire post, I’ll answer the important question: No, I did not have beer for breakfast . I managed to find an apple hiding in my friends’ kitchen, to tide me over until I drove home.
Then I threw together my favorite Pumpkin Breakfast Cereal.
How lovely to see a well-stocked fridge!
k says
I cant believe I’m married to Chocolate Covered Katie!!!
*wakes* goddamn it! =(
Avra-Sha Faohla says
Did you know that female arms are indeed different from male arms? They’re sort of naturally bent at the elbow (stand up, let your arms hang by your sides, and twist your palms forward to see what I mean). Male arms are mostly straight. The angle is supposed to make it easier to bring a baby you’re nursing to your chest and cradle its head on the inside of your elbow.
Anyway, because of this girls throw differently. So the stereotype of “throwing like a girl” really is true! I don’t know if our throwing is just different or if it’s actually inferior like the boys say . . . but I’ll leave that discussion for another time. 😉
Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says
These ‘discussions’ are hilarious. I don’t know why people with ‘higher educational backgrounds’ get so bent out of shape with political correctness. My husband has an international degree in business and marketing, speaks three languages fluently, comes from Zimbabwe, has very dark skin, and thinks all of this stuff is so funny–everyone getting all bent out of shape. Seriously…he just read all of these comments and is shaking his head right now.
I came here to read about the house and see some recipes, and everyone is arguing over Mexicans and Asians and who knows what else that I didn’t bother reading. If people would relax and stop ALLOWING themselves to be offended, racial stereo-types would actually start to die as being a ‘mainstream’ thing. Things can ONLY be offensive if the other person allows them to be. It’s a co-created situation, my friends. I’m a white German, married to a black Zimbabwean, and we’ve BOTH heard everything from both sides of the spectrum. My family is filled with Moroccans, Germans, Zimbabweans, French, Americans, and even Chinese people. (I’m not kidding–our family is so racially mixed and diverse, it’s starting to become difficult to tell, based on physical appearance alone, who the heck is what anymore!) We always joke around and call ourselves mutts. There are racial stereotypes thrown around amongst my large, extended family…and not one single person gets offended. We all have a good laugh and choose to ENJOY LIFE rather than waste time trying to ‘politically correct’ other people (as if we are all perfect??). As my mother used to say…don’t go sweeping the neighbor’s front porch until you are sure that yours is spotless. All of this is akin to people being grammar nazis. Do something constructive with your time, like perhaps volunteering toward a POSITIVE venture. It’s like how it doesn’t make any sense for rabid animal rights activists to pour red paint on someone wearing fur. Waste of time, my dear friends. Instead, go and volunteer at those animals shelters where those furry friends really need our help. My husband has had his fair share of getting pulled over for DWB (driving while black), and it doesn’t even bother him. He says it’s such a waste of time and energy, and he even says that many stereotypes appear to be true because…well, they are to some degree. LIGHTEN UP, EVERYONE. Bake a chocolate-covered-Katie-single-lady-muffin and R.E.L.A.X.
Avra-Sha Faohla says
Amen to that, Trish! All this fretting over PC really gets out of hand. I’ve heard of cases where people mention that they don’t agree with a policy of President Obama’s and are accused of being racists. Like, really?! I think racism goes both ways. You shouldn’t be specifically sensitive about someone’s race or color because it shows that you can’t view them as equal to WASPs. A real non-racist doesn’t bring up someone’s race at all.
(A word in defense of grammar Nazis: Many grammar Nazis are just trying to teach people the proper grammar rules. They don’t mean to come across as snooty; if someone points out that you used a word incorrectly, he probably is just trying to help and be informative so that next time you can do it right.)
Sheri Dakan says
Hi Katie, I’m very new to cooking and I love your website! The homemade nutella was wonderful. However last night I tried out the Beer bread and it did not do well. The outside made a crust, golden brown, but the inside was all white and doughy. I don’t know what I did wrong. Thanks, SJ from Vegas
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Did you check through Katie’s Recipe FAQ page at the top of her blog? It has a troubleshooting section. Please report back!