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Healthy Chocolate Bars? (giveaway)

Mmmmmm chocolateโ€ฆ

Just before Halloween is a good time for a chocolate giveaway, right?

(Um, when is it ever not a good time for a chocolate giveaway?)

attune chocolate

Iโ€™m usually unimpressed by snack foods that claim to be healthy simply because theyโ€™re fortified with vitamins or extra fiber. Calcium-fortified potato chips? Coke Plus? Why not just drink regular Coke and take a vitamin pill?

But these Attune chocolate bars are so good, Iโ€™d still eat them even if they werenโ€™t fortified with calcium and probiotics. Each 68%-cacao dark chocolate bar has:

  • 80 calories
  • 30% calcium
  • 3g fiber
  • healthy probiotics

More importantly, though, the bars taste exactly like regular chocolate bars (i.e. no weird flavor or aftertaste), and theyโ€™re vegan, too!

attune box

Chocolate Giveaway!

One lucky reader will win a whole case of chocolate bars. (Disclaimer: The Attune Company is sponsoring this giveaway, but I never host a giveaway unless I personally love the product.)

EDIT: This giveaway is now closed.

Published on October 26, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Emily D says

    Hello Katie,

    I’d love to try these! By the way, I made your chocolate chip blondies this week, and I’m in love! I’m neither vegetarian nor vegan, but I love adding some good protein into sweets whenever I can!

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Katherine says

    Ooh, free chocolate! Just in time too, I finally ran out of my emergency stash. I’m always looking to try new brands as well.

    Oh, and I also follow you on facebook. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Jess says

    I haven’t had chocolate in so long (food allergies and health problems), I’m beginning to wonder if I’m a lady, or human, or even breathing…. I would feel so much more like myself with a piece of this chocolate in my mouth.

  4. Michele says

    I know exactly what you mean about the “weird aftertaste!” Ugh, that’s the worst- fake-healthy chocolate is probably my least favorite flavor. Especially since the real stuff is so amazing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Tiffany A. says

    I have seen these bars on blogs before but have never been able to find them in stores. I would love to win this!!!!

  6. H says

    If you want healthy bars that have taste/texture just like chocolate bars and are vegan, try Clif Builder Bars! I’ve only tried the choc-mint, chocolate, and peanut butter flavours but they’re all fantastic. Can’t wait to try cookies n cream and the vanilla-almond flavours ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Allie says

    A box of healthy chocolates….sounds like the perfect Halloween treat!! I think I am going to buy a box regardless of whether I win the giveaway, but it sure would be nice to be sent the box!

  8. Lotty Lynch says

    Hello, you desserty genius! I am UK based and am pretty sure that you, nor these lovely chocolate producers would ship to me ๐Ÿ™ But please pass on the message that the people of the UK would love it if these were stocked on this side of the pond. You Americans get all the goodies!! X

  9. Crystal says

    Oooh!! I would LOVE to win these! I have seen them soooo many times at the store, but always pass on them because I assume they taste awful! But if you, Katie, say they are good then they must be!!

  10. Brandi says

    I’ve been trying out many different types of snack bars, especially when they’re chocolate so this would be an amazing win in that department!

  11. Sarah says

    Ok… this does it. This is totally a sign. I dreamed about chocolate, woke up with a craving, and found out that i had none in the pantry. Then i saw the chocolate giveaway- definitely a sign. Excuse me for (almost) licking the screen. Totally not my fault. Now unless you want me to lick my screen you should send me these ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha, totally kidding. kinda.

    • Sarah says

      oh, and i have been wanting to follow you on facebook and twitter ever since i found this blog- but my mom won’t let me have a facebook or twitter account! Talk about frustrating. I can’t have it till i’m “mature” enough. Obviously i’m mature enough to stay at home myself and do the dishes while she’s gone, but not for a facebook account. Sheesh, parents these days ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. liz says

    i have been wanting to try these for a long time after reading about them on someone’s blog. i even looked at whole foods for them but sadly had to walk away when i saw the price. unfortunately, grad students are extremely poor.

  13. Necia says

    You know, since I’ve been reading more and more blogs, I’m turning into quite the chocolate fanatic. This has never been an issue before, and Im not sure if this is a good thing. However, if I were to win this giveaway, I would have no problem incorporating even more chocolate into my diet.

  14. Anonymous says

    I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I was really having a hard time finding yummy and healthy was to incorporate it into my diet……And then I found YOU!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would LOVE to try these bars!

  15. Cacy says

    I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I was really having a hard time finding yummy and healthy was to incorporate it into my diet……And then I found YOU!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would LOVE to try these bars!

  16. Sofia says

    Why do we never get the good stuff in sweden?
    Being a confessing chocoholic is never easy, but there seems to be a wider choice for those living across the atlantic ocean… >_<

  17. Cacy says

    I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I was really having a hard time finding yummy and healthy chocolate recipes to incorporate it into my diet……And then I found YOU!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would LOVE to try these bars!

  18. Rhiannon W. says

    Who could say no to delicious, healthy, FREE chocolate?!
    I’ve never heard of that brand before, but I’m excited to try it!

  19. Aja says

    Yummy, healthy, VEGAN chocolate bars?! Yum! Halloween is a great time to give away candy but there is never a bad time to give away chocolate! How have I never heard of this brand before! I bet they’re absolutely delicious.

  20. Jess says

    To be honest I’m a bit of a chocolate fanatic, and have never seen these in the area. Would love to give them a try though!

  21. Katie says

    Those look great… and mannnn have I been craving chocolate lately! (stress gets the best of me every time… don’t worry, I’ve been giving in!)

  22. Melanie says

    Ooh, I’ve been looking for these around town and haven’t been able to find them. Free chocolate would be awesome!

  23. Momo says

    Wow! A whole case of chocolate!!! I’m in heaven, they look amazing ๐Ÿ™‚ and they are good for you too. A pregnant ladies dream come true!!

  24. Mary Kate says

    I’m always sceptical about products that add things in order to seem “healthier” too. But if you like it then it must be good!

  25. Allison says

    These sound delicious! I have never tried vegan chocolate, but I find it hard to believe that I wouldn’t like any type of chocolate!

  26. Aly says

    Oh my gosh! I got a coupon for one of these once, and they’re fantastically awesome! I had the Chocolate Mint, and it was delicious! I usually don’t even like chocolate mint–that’s how good they are. Have a lovely afternoon!

  27. Jessie says

    Oh snap… these look AMAZING. I would probably freak out if I won them… I might even do a dance.

    (And I already follow you on Twitter and Facebook – best chocolatey blog ever!)

  28. Miranda says

    Love love LOVE your blog!!! Also love this chocolate! It’s delicious, probiotic AND low in sugar! Plus, what kind of girl turns down a chance at free chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ps- I tried a variation of your chocolate pancakes for breakfast this morning… YUM!

  29. Nikole says

    I’ve seen these before but was somewhat skeptical… Though I can’t help but trust something that is chocolate-covered-Katie-approved! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll have to go out and buy some for when I need a “fix”

  30. Veera says

    Oh these look so good! My dietitian told me today to increase the amount of healthy fats in my diet so these would be perfect for that I guess ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. Oscar says

    I hope this is open to Canadians too because if so I’m totally down with free, ethical chocolate! Thanks in advance. :3

  32. Lauren B. says

    I’ve heard about these, but never have tried them. Seems like a great way to get my chocolate fix without feeling so guilty! Please pick me!! :

  33. Breanne Flynn says

    Umm… This product sounds kind of like a dream come true.

    My roommates think I’m obsessed with you, Katie. You’re my go-to girl for those college dessert cravings!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Char @ says

    yummyy!! I’ve never seen those bars before, but they sound so good ๐Ÿ™‚

    also, I follow you on Facebook & Twitter anyway because this is one of my favourite blogs. And by favourite, I mean there are only two that I HAVE to read everyday ๐Ÿ˜‰

  35. Courtney says

    I’ve been wanting to try Attune bars for awhile! PS I liked your FB page! PPS I made your banana bread last week, it was gone by the end of the day! Yuuuummmm ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Erin says

    I’d love to be entered! Dark chocolate is my absolute favorite and this bar sounds awesome. And also I love your blog and recipes so I think I should get some chocolate for that. Hehe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Kelly says

    Yum! These look great & they’re healthy ao I could eat these & you no sugar cookie dough dip & not feel guilty at all – awesome!!!!

  38. Megan says

    Healthy or not, chocolate is a requisite part of any balanced diet. Heck, forget balanced – let’s just tip the scales all the way towards dessert!

  39. Sharon M. says

    This chocoholic would love to try these healthy chocolate bars! Chocolate plus healthy is winning all the way around!!

  40. jen says

    who can resist anything free…let alone free chocolate? and i love your blog. thanks to pinterest, i just stumbled across it. what did anyone in the world do before there was pinning?

  41. Melody says

    I love these. I used to be able to buy them at my Costco but they stopped selling them and I’ve not found them since.

  42. Frances says

    I’d love some vegan chocolate but it’s really hard to get over here in the UK for a reasonable price.
    So getting some would be awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ I love dark chocolate.

  43. Lisa Brown says

    Wow, this seems too good to be true. Only 80 calories and delicious and chocolatey!

    Found your site about 2 weeks ago. I was led here by your Cookie Dough Dip. Haven’t tried any of your goodies yet, but am hoping to. It’s hard to believe some of the ingredients come off tasting sweet! But want to try.

  44. Natasha says

    These should be contributed to the “Feed a Grad Student” fund = me. These look delicious! I’m currently being distracted by your website during class. What a bad influence. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. Theresa says

    is this real life?!!!? chocolate that’s good for you right around halloweentime! katie, you’re a life and diet saver! ๐Ÿ™‚ haha

  46. Simone MdeSa says

    Awesome blog name… it’s my first time here and what do I found??? Free chocolate giveway? How much better can this blog get? Can’t wait to check out everything you have here! =) XX

  47. Heather says

    Sounds wonderful! I love finding new things with probiotics since I don’t eat yogurt anymore – found a probiotic hummus the other day that’s actually pretty good.

  48. Elyse says

    These sounds awesome! Where can we find these if we are not fortunate enough to win them/when the lucky winner inevitably eats their way through the case?

  49. Kit-Kat says

    I would so love to try this chocolate out! Yum! the darker the better. Chocolate is so dear to my heart, and is a love of mine…. I think it was my first love when I had my my very first birthday cake: a chocolate birthday cake!

  50. Molly Armstrong says

    Oh my goodness, I want!!! I am obsessed with Luna bars, its actually a problem haha. I really try not to eat too much processed food, but my will power is no match for the goodness that is a yummy convenient bar. I have never tried this kind but would sooooo love to!

  51. brandilyn says

    oh, man! i would be THRILLED to win this. my husband’s severely dairy-allergic and we go bananas over treats like this. i’m a new follower and have been exclaiming over your archives for a few days now! thanks for all the incredible recipes.

  52. Doreen Goodhue says


    These chocolate bars sound so delicious. I love the fact that they are healthy too. Thank you so much for all of your healthy and yummy recipes and for recommeding healthy, delicous products for us. Have a wonderful chocolate filled and blessed day.


  53. beccah says

    wow,those bars sound amazing.Heard of them from other healthy living blogs but never tried them b/c of money and not being able to find them :/ they’d be really good in CCK recipes,dont you think?

  54. Elisabetta says

    Wow! I haven’t heard of this kind of chocolate since today. Maybe it’s not sold in Italy. I’m curious…It would be nice to test and taste it! I don’t know if the giveaway is opened to anyone and anywhere. By the way I like posting your blog so… here I am! Bye!

  55. Rachel says

    I’ve been recommending your blog to lots of friends who are gluten-intolerant! I’d love a case of the chocolate bars ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks so much for everything you do, Katie!

  56. Caro says

    Oh i’d live to try these chocolate bars!
    they look so good!
    and you’re blog is absolutely inspiring!
    (and is it a problem that i’m from germany? hope not! but i’d better ask you!)

  57. Caro says

    I’d love to try these!
    chocolate is absolutely the best and your blog is so inspiring! ๐Ÿ™‚
    (and i better ask you if it is a problem that i’m from germany? hope not! but maybe with the shipping…)

  58. Aisatsana says

    Those look amazing. I super dark chocolate. ๐Ÿ™‚ I also love your blog! I’m so glad you decided to keep blogging and posting your beautiful pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. Cellabella says

    I agree about the whole fortification thing and am glad to hear these taste delicious regardless of their nutritional value ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to try them!

  60. courtney says

    I have had Attune bars before, but never this flavor! Based on my experience with the other bars, these will be FANTASTIC (that, and the CCK stamp of approval)!!! Thanks for the opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚

  61. Lisa says

    yummm. I’d love to try these! Maybe they would save me from eating pounds and pounds of halloween candy, just because it’s around.

  62. Kirsten says

    I’ll take chocolate with added benefits any day!

    P.S. Last week I made your Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie and my office loved it! They were shocked when I said it was made with tofu. I might have to make it again… right now…

  63. Tammy says

    ooooooo, chocolate bars and healthy too? I will have to see if they are on Amazon. In the small, rural town I live in, I have no health foods stores for over 2 hours away. ๐Ÿ™ I loooovvveeee chocolate so have to find these somewhere. THANKS!

  64. Ida says

    I could never turn down healthy chocolate! Love that it is probiotic. I follow you on both twitter and facebook as far as I can remember (I keep clicking the animal shelter link, what a great incentive from whoever started it!).

  65. Colleen W says

    Would LOVE to try these!
    I absolutely love your blog, it’s been such a blessing for me to find so many delicious & healthy treats I can make for my kids. My 6 year old has SEVERE food allergies, to milk, egg & peanuts & I have been able to make so many of your recipes. And the best part we ALL love them! Anything you make with peanut butter, I happily sub sunflower seed butter or almond butter. Yum!

  66. Laura says

    LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I found some dark chocolate that has quinoa in it – so protein ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t remember the brand though. I just found it at Sunflower Market.

  67. natasha says

    Yum! I’d love to won.

    BTW I made your fudge pie and nobody believed me that the main ingerdient was tofu. It’s my new fave!

  68. Ellen says

    Yum! NEVER a bad time for free chocolate!
    Btw, I think you are the one feeling bad for me now, your team has thoroughly been putting the smackdown on mine:)

  69. Jennifer says

    i’ve seen these before, but have always been a little wary, healthy chocolate that tastes good? I mean you do it everyday, but I haven’t been sure about a candy bar. I would love to try them!

  70. Jen says

    Mmmm, love me some dark chocolate. Better start thinking about where to hide these so my husband doesn’t devour them before I get a bite…

  71. Becky says

    Yay for free chocolate! And a good excuse to de-lurk. I discovered your site a few weeks ago and have loved everything I’ve tried. My 2 year old is partial to the fudge babies though. Keep it up.

  72. Mary says

    Love to try them! My friends and I live in a little college town with not much to offer groceries wise so we’re always looking for little treasures like these to try! We love your blog and love that you have healthier versions of all our favorite foods!

  73. Emily Thompson says

    I am allergic to all dairy, even the dairy in milk chocolate. I would love to try this chocolate! Oh, how I miss certain sweet treats!

    P.S. I love your recipes!

  74. Talitha says

    Who doesn’t LOVE delicious dark chocolate?! Especially when it’s free! lol
    Love the blog, have yet to try anything (except for chocolate oatmeal, which was AWESOME) but I have it in my mind to try the healthy cookie dough next!

  75. Kate says

    These look great! Especially since it is a way to get probiotics without eating yogurt! And they are dark chocolate too!

  76. Marsha says

    What an awesome giveaway! Although, I think I’d have to share with all my friends so I don’t eat them all myself. ๐Ÿ™‚

  77. extreme banana bread says

    Probiotic vegan chocolate?! I’ve never heard of such a thing. I’d love to give these a try..especially since you said they taste like regular chocolate ๐Ÿ™‚

  78. Hannah says

    Yay for a chocolate bar giveaway! Just in time for the second round of midterms for this poor hungry college student!

  79. Terri says

    My sister sent me your blog and I am so excited to read more of the recipes! The cookie dough dip is on my to-do list now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. Jenna says

    Never tried these, but they look amazing! I’d love to win, and I’ll be looking for them on my next shopping trip too.

  81. Janice says

    Never knew there was something such as “healthy” chocolate but That looks good! I already liked you in facebook long ago and followed you in twitter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. Hawaiโ€˜i Leah says

    Holy Crap! You were able to find a healthy(ier) chocolate! You truly are my chocolate inspiration! Regardless, I will definitely try it!

  83. katie dent says

    These look great! I am trying your recipes one by one and they are so great! I just love the fudge pie and the cc blondies are wonderful! Love your blog.

  84. Elisha says

    I really want to try these :O
    I only discovered your blog around… a week ago?
    It’s the best thing I’ve ever found on the internet.
    I like that your recipes have LOTS of variations such as low fat (oil free), low-sugar… and NO tofu (soy!). Because everyone relies on soy when they turn vegan, but I’ve heard it’s bad :S.
    Although there’s around five hundred posts, I hope I am the lucky one to get them~
    Thanks for the awesome recipes Katie ^.^

  85. Hannah Grandell says

    I’d love to try these! I read your blog multiple times a day! I’m OBSESSED! Love you! <3

    Twitter: bananahannahg

  86. Hannah Grandell says

    Oh wow these look absolutley amazing! I read your blog a zillion times a day, and im obsessed! Love you and your fantastic blog! <3

    Love, Hannah

  87. Devon B says

    Katie, I made your chocolate chip blondies for a chapter meeting the other day (a new member is vegan) and they were a huge hit! Thanks so much for the recipe, and the healthy desserts that have my kitchen working overtime! Would love to try some tasty chocolate bars! Thanks!

  88. Rachel says

    Wow, these sound too good to be true!
    Though I’d sure love to be proven wrong . . . gotta taste it to believe it, ya see. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  89. megan says

    Yum that chocolate looks really good and i bet it would be really delicious to make dark chocolate smores for the campfires at my camp i am going to this weekend.

  90. 91% Chocolate Lover says

    Just because I like 91% Chocolate doesn’t mean 68% won’t work…I admit to being a fan of vitamuffins, even though they’re pretty much just multivitamins added to muffin tops. They’re delicious and healthier anyway. If I can have fortified muffins, why not chocolate? Heh heh…

  91. Londa says

    Love your blog! I stumbled upon it on accident and spent a good 30min looking at recipes! Have to go cook dinner but keep up the healthy desserts. My nonvegan family will love you for it because I am going to start baking again! These look great.

  92. megan says

    What a wonderful alternative to the bags and bags of “fun size” (for whom?!) Snickers/Butterfinger/Crispy Crunch/Caramilk/etc. that I may, or may not, be consuming.

  93. Hannah (Running In Freedom) says

    I had no idea attune bars were vegan! Or such dark chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‰ Might have to snag one next time I’m at the store ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. Alisha says

    A whole CASE of chocolate! It may not last very long around me. Oh well, at least they have vitamins, right ๐Ÿ˜‰
    and i follow you on twiiter and facebook ๐Ÿ™‚

  95. Nathalie says

    How can I not put my two cents in for free chocolate?! With the weather getting cooler, now’s a much more ideal time for shipping the stuff, too. You won’t receive a chocolate-soaked cardboard sponge instead of candy bars, haha.

    Love your recipes, as always! I’ve become addicted to the peach bake (and I add an oatmeal layer!) and tofu mousse “icing” together as a parfait. Sooooo good.

  96. Sara says

    Your food is all wonderful — I’ve told many people to check out your blog! And I feel the same about fortified foods, but these do look and sound like a delicious exception. Maybe because their chocolate!

  97. Sara says

    Your food is all wonderful — I’ve told many people to check out your blog! And I feel the same about fortified foods, but these do look and sound like a delicious exception. Maybe because they are chocolate!

  98. Anna-Maria @ pinkbarbells says

    oh god!! probiotics are everywhere!! they are ruining my life!!! lol Ive got this huge debate on probiotics tomorrow for the past 2 weeks probiotics is all I can think about.
    It didnt know they added them to chocolates! they look delicious x x x

  99. Karine says

    Waow! These chocolate bars look amazing! But they will probably never appear in Switzerland… Thank you for hosting the giveaway! ๐Ÿ˜€

  100. julie says

    Wow that is really cool. I am always looking for low calorie chocolate! I have never seen this before i would love to try it. Is it available in regular stores?

  101. Chelsea Immel says

    Katie, I just stumbled on your website via FoodGawker and last night I made the cookie dough dip. I had to put it away before I ate it all!!! I took it to work today and made some converts to healthy eating! Sent them all to your website for the recipe! I’ve got an ever growing list of things to try from your recipe list, can’t wait!

  102. Chelsea Immel says

    Katie, I love your website. I made my first thing last night: the ever popular cookie dough dip. It was so good, I had to stop myself from just eating right from the blender with my finger! I took it to work and they all loved it. Sent them to your website for the recipe. Thanks!

  103. Maureen says

    I have not seen anything like this before. What a great way to get the probiotics. Who doesn’t love some chocolate.

  104. ~Jessica~ says

    I already follow you on Twitter and FB, but if it was possible to re-follow I would just to get a chance to try those bars!


  105. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    Katie, I’m so with you on fortified foods. It bothers me because I feel like it’s industry tricking unsuspecting consumers into thinking they’re making healthy choices while they’re actually muddling evidence that whole, plant-based foods are the key to health and only looking out for their own profits.

    But I love the idea of a chocolate giveaway!

  106. Mindy Lord says

    I couldn’t find my comment! I absolutely love dark chocolate! And of course, I already follow you on Twitter and like you on Facebook!

  107. Jackie says

    Would love to try these and see how they compare to my current favorite chocolate — Endangered Species!

    PS – I love your blog! Yours was one of the first I stumbled upon while searching for recipes after becoming vegan about 8 months ago, and all of your recipes I’ve tried so far have been fantastic. Your deep dish chocolate chip cookie pie has become a regular feature at our house!

  108. betty hatfield says

    I’m getting ready to make the 3 ingredient peanut butter balls. The Attune chocolates would taste so good melted and drizzled over the peanut butter balls.

  109. VegAlexandra says

    Wow, do those look GOOD!
    Ahh, chocolate : )

    OO! I know! If I get my hands on these, I can FINALLY make some of your chocolate chip cookie recipes (the vegan chocolate chips I buy aren’t so great and thus ruin the recipe) and bring them to my AP Art Party! ! !

    Loved yesterday’s post by the way– I’m making those cupcakes tomorrow; but in mini form! (:

  110. Albizia says

    These look quite good. Unfortunately, my only chance to ever try anything like this is to enter giveaways. Why don’t they make healthy chocolate here? I’d eat it all the time without feeling guilty ๐Ÿ™‚ .

  111. L. says

    These look delicious and I vote that someone really really nice who donates to charities wins it!!!! Not me since I already won one ๐Ÿ˜›

  112. Kathy says

    Healthy chocolate? Yes. We live in Heaven :]
    but since I’m a Buddhist…Yes. I have stopped being reborn (since you want to live a good life to escape reincarnation and live in eternal happiness with the Gods ๐Ÿ™‚

  113. Elaine says

    Wow! These look good! I’ve seen them other places on the internet, but never actually tried one before. By the way, i like the way you cook. it is really healthy and clean! ๐Ÿ™‚

  114. abeer eltemtamy says

    although i have a super slim chance of winning this, i think this is the coolest thing ever and hope that these are in stores!!! thanks for the giveaway!!!

  115. Denise Christian says

    I love your blog. My mouth just waters looking at the pictures. I have tried a lot of your recipes and just love about everything. Is it ok to have dessert for every meal? Can’t wait to try these dark chocolate bars,

  116. Allison says

    Awesome! Would love to try those. Made your pumpkin pizookie the other day and it was a huge hit. My boyfriend was floored when I told him there were BEANS inside!

  117. Kara says

    I absolutely love your blog! I check it everyday to see new posts. ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to try this chocolate bar. I tried one with probiotics the other day for the first time, but it definitely had a werid aftertaste… curious to try these!

  118. logan osterhout says

    I made your blue velvet cupcakes and loved them! I used to eat these chocolate bars when I lived in my hometown, but they don’t sell them where I currently go to college. I miss them!

  119. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    Yum! I’ve been on a big chocolate kick since making some ultra chocolaty cookies yesterday…but those aren’t necessarily on the healthy side. So it’d be great to have something I could enjoy and feel good about!

  120. Jenn says

    You had me at chocolate…. and then again at free… and then again at fortified…

    Count me in! Love your blog, love chocolate, love HEALTHY recipe ideas!

  121. Dawn @ Blonde on a Mission says

    If they sold these as halloween candy, I would turn my lights off and pretend I’m not home and just sit with my bowl of these chocolate bars ๐Ÿ˜€

  122. robyn jones clark says

    you are doing something right… 740 comments & 7002 fans on facebook. every one realize how sweet and wonderful you are. i’ve been reading for a long time and came across your blog through heab. so proud of all that you are doing! keep it up!

  123. robyn jones clark says

    you are doing something right… 740 comments & 7002 fans on facebook. every one realize how sweet and wonderful you are. i’ve been reading for a long time and came across your blog through heab. so proud of all that you are doing! keep it up! everytime i stop by ( you and heab are my two favorites) just about everyday, your facebook fans jump like 200 people!!

  124. Sarah says

    I need these to tame my sweet tooth!!!!! Right now all these almond joy bars are not causing my energy levels or healthy eating plan much “joy”


  125. Connie says

    trick or treat, isn’t that what you say when someone is giving away candy? I have had so much fun with your recipes, everything I’ve tried has been a big hit.

  126. Smylee says

    Wow…vegan chocolate? Sweet. ๐Ÿ˜‰ That little list has some awesome bonuses!
    Where can you get Attune chocolate, besides hoping to win this giveaway? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  127. Smylee says

    I don’t think my comment posted. ๐Ÿ™ So again…
    Vegan chocolate sounds awesome, with some great bonuses! ๐Ÿ˜€ Can you buy it anywhere besides online?

  128. Smylee says

    Ugh, its not working, as far as I can tell! Sorry if I’m spamming! ๐Ÿ™
    Where besides online (and this fabulous blog) can you get these bars?

  129. Molly says

    I could really use some good dark chocolate right now. Nothing better! Plus I bet it’d be great for making some chocolate chip babies.

  130. Molly says

    Dark Chocolate sounds soo good right now. Nothing better after a long day. well except maybe a cocktail. Katie, maybe you could work on combining those two ๐Ÿ™‚

  131. TsukiLife says

    My goodness. For the past several days, I’ve been looking for something like this. Even if I don’t win, I think I’ll order some! Cheers, and thanks!

  132. Colleen Grossner says

    These look like a cool way to get your probiotics! Some day that will be exciting!, but still I am sorry if I offended you with my previous comment…saying you were so young. Great job, as always, Katie! You’re brilliant ๐Ÿ™‚

  133. Ash says

    Awesome! I love how the pack says “one bar a day”, I could deal with that. Another perfect reason to eat chocolate!

  134. Jennifer says

    Chocolate ๐Ÿ™‚ And I just fed my mother your chocolate fudge pie and she does not believe that it is vegan. Healthy pies taking over the world slowly but surely….

  135. Andrea says

    Mmmmm, chocolate ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I have heard of Attune before, but I have never tried their products. Would love to win some! Thanks for the giveaway! (btw, I already like you on FB and follow you on Twitter ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  136. Dani says

    With school, work, and life piled on top of each other, I’ve had 12 hours of sleep in the past 4 days..
    The sight of chocolate just made me say, “I WANT!!”

    They look healthier than ordinary chocolate, too ๐Ÿ™‚

  137. Deb says

    Mmmm . . . . chocolate. And saying things are healthy is the only way I can get my kids NOT to steal all of my goodies!

  138. Malia says

    8 weeks at home with sick children all staggering getting sick & dragging on I deserve free chocolate!! Pretty please.

  139. alejandra says

    I would love to win this yummy giveaway! I don’t have a twitter or facebook, but if I had I would follow you ๐Ÿ™‚

  140. Katie says

    I usually don’t like products (packaged, refined, products with additives) either, but these look good! Also, this is my first comment, but I have been reading your blog for a reallllyyyy long time…..back when it was still your “normal everyday” blog, I love it!! You have the BEST recipes :]

  141. Jessica says

    Katie, I realllllllllly hope your Rangers win tonight! I’m watching the game and thought of you – only one inning to go ๐Ÿ˜€

    PS. I love Attune bars (but no need to enter me in the giveaway – thanks!!)

  142. Jeanna says