Do you like your hair?
Even though I receive a lot of compliments, I still complain about mine!
My strands are stick-straight, don’t hold a curl, and are nowhere near as thick as my sister’s hair.
Then again, her hair takes 45 minutes to blow dry, while I can do mine in 3 minutes flat. And regardless of how straight my hair is, it does have one thing going for it: shine! It also grows super-fast:
I credit my healthy, shiny hair to three things: shampoo, babying, and diet.
How to get Shiny, Healthy Hair
1. Use a high-quality shampoo. I can’t say enough good things about Desert Essence coconut shampoo and conditioner.
Initially, I bought this because—well, hello! It’s coconut! But it truly is the best shampoo I’ve ever used. Prior to trying this, I would buy the cheapest shampoo (of the brands that don’t engage in animal testing). I have “normal” hair (not too dry, not too oily), so I wasn’t picky about brands.
This shampoo normally sells for about $8, but I buy in bulk at a grocery store called Sprouts, when they have a 20%-off-all-vitamins sale. That helps. Plus, sometimes quality products are well-worth the extra cost.
2. Don’t over-process your hair.
I only wash my hair on days I run (4-5 days a week), and my hair-care routine is pretty minimal (basically because I am lazy and don’t want to spend the time with a curling iron or round brush!) After washing, I spray in a detangler. (Long hair can get knotty!) Then I comb the knots out, blow dry it for three minutes (or less), and I’m done.
In the past, I’ve done highlights a few times, and I’ve had three perms (only one of which actually worked; the other two fell out!). But the last time I did anything chemical-y to my hair was in high school. I like my natural color, so why dry it out by adding highlights? (I’m not ruling out another perm, though. Being a curly-top is fun!)
3. Make sure you’re getting enough healthy fats in your diet. Low-fat diets might be good for calorie control, but they wreak havoc on hair and skin! I prescribe large doses of the following:
Ok, maybe not large doses… but seriously, if your hair and skin are super-dry, consider adding healthy vegetable-based fats (nuts, nut butters, olive oil, coconut, etc.) to your diet. Even in the dead of winter, my skin is still soft.
Step Four: Embrace your hair, whether curly or straight! (I need to remember to take my own advice on this one. Do as I say, not as I do!)
Do you like your hair?
And what’s your hair-care routine?
P.S. Click the link for a picture of me with permed hair.
Marina says
I know you love coconut everything– SO DO I. (This is putting it lightly.) So one day I decided, why not put it in my hair! Well it worked miracles. I loved the shine so I made a habit of it, and my ends are so much less dry! <– Do ittt everyone 🙂
Ala says
I’m (very) late on that one!
The beginning of your post made me laugh because it’s the exact same situation with my sister and I: she as the volume and curls, I got the straight, fine, flat yet super shiny hair. Except that I can’t seem to grow it … until recently. I started using Lush solid shampoo bars and it’s grown 2 inches per month, and wash it only once a week, despite working out every day.
Shanna says
Hey Katie,
Where do you archive your personal-ish blogs? I just came across this blog post Three Steps to Healthier Hair and I really like it cause I have heard really good things about Desert Essence. And then reading this basically convinced me to try it. But I only even saw this post when I scrolled to the bottom of your mini chocolate chip muffins post and it was next to the “you might also like:…” I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of your posts that wasn’t solely based around a recipe. Do you keep them somewhere secret on your blog? lol
Shanna says
You and your sister both have BEAUTIFUL hair!