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How to have a Chocolate St. Patrick’s Day!

This is going to be one green post.

I think green foods are my favorite: Kale, broccoli, zucchini…

And mint-chocolate chip!!


Healthy Shamrock Shakes

Have you ever tried a McDonalds’ shamrock shake? I actually haven’t, but I make this shake at least once a month. It is so incredibly delicious… and so vibrantly green!

st patricks cupcake

Mint-Chocolate Cupcakes

If Baskin & Robbins made their famous mint-chocolate-chip ice cream into a cupcake, I imagine it would taste something like this. Bonus points for adding chocolate chips to the batter.

st patricks day foos

Irish Soda Baked Oatmeal

This cookie-like oatmeal would make a perfect St. Patrick’s Day breakfast!

st pat

My Oatmeal Recipes

If you click on the above link, you’ll find a list of all my oatmeal recipes. Oatmeal is a staple in Ireland… you’ve gotta eat oatmeal on St. Patrick’s Day!

st patricks desserts

Spinach Ice Cream

Yes, spinach. Don’t be scared! Just like with green smoothies, you cannot taste the spinach in this. It’s a great way to get kids begging for vegetables!

st patricks

Peppermint Cream Parfait

Looks like Jello pudding, but it’s much healthier! And don’t forget the gooey chocolate frosting…


Mint-Chocolate-Chip Ice Cream

A healthy alternative to the stuff you’d find at a fancy-schmancy ice cream parlor.

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Key Lime Pie Mini Parfaits

Just in case you were wondering where Leprechauns go for the winter, here is your answer: They go to Florida! They sit on the beach and eat key lime pie.


Avocado-Free Guacamole

Try bringing this deliciously green dip to your St. Patrick’s Day party. I call it “Aspari-Dip” since I don’t think it tastes like avocado. But when I served it to a bunch of friends, they told me it was better than guacamole!

Question of the Day:

Are you going to eat anything green on St. Patrick’s Day?

Are you Irish? And do you make sure to wear green? I’m sure I’ll eat something green without even trying, since so many foods–especially veggies–are green. And I always wear green on St. Patrick’s Day… being pinched hurts! As for being Irish, my grandfather was a full-blooded Irishman, but I’ve never actually been to his homeland. I’d love to go someday.

Published on March 15, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. BroccoliHut says

    I usually try to drink a green smoothie in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, but maybe I’ll focus on dessert this year…

  2. Faith says

    I’m Irish AND Scotish, so every St. Patrick’s Day I make sure I wear green AND orange. It works out lucky for me that I went to the University of Miami for my bachelors-I have plenty of green and orange shirts!

  3. tara says

    HI, I need to gain weight but am not exercising. Struggling with binging at night and making myself sick. I’d love to chat to ask how the heck to gain healthfully when not exercising. I don’t have any appetite at all and I’m ruining my digestion by binging so much. I’m not vegan, but I don’t think it could hurt for me to explore simple ideas. I need to really make simple meals and snacks but I’m fixated on protein (since I’m not exercising but wanting to gain)…but is it so wrong to not do that? You can email me if you have any suggestions. I’m frustrated.

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