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Howdy, Neighbors!

Yesterday and today boasted idyllic weather. Out for my morning run, I witnessed nature’s finest on display– chirping cardinals, scampering squirrels, flowers in full-bloom… someday I’m really going to have to drag my camera along when I run!

All too soon, the temperatures’ll rise to the stifling 100+ category. But I’m not going to dwell on this gloomy prospect; instead, I’m taking full advantage of the gorgeous weather while it lasts. Spring is truly here, and it’s brought with it new life. For the past few weeks, we’ve watched a mamma duck sit dilligently on her nest, waiting for her eggs to hatch. Well, they’ve finally hatched!

So here they are– our new neighbors!

Hopefully the resident ducks gave them a warm welcome.

The resident ducks are five ducks that have lived in our neighborhood pond for the past few years. We’ve dubbed their leader as “Moe”. Look at his picture (below) and see if you can guess why!

Published on May 21, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. healthyceliac says

    Thank you so much for posting those pictures. On a gloomy morning (here in VA, at least) this made me smile 🙂

  2. Alice (in Veganland) says

    Oh! how sweet! they’re so cute running after the mamma-duck! And Moe is really funny!

  3. Lizzy says

    Ha ha, I totally cracked up when I saw Moe! He’s got a rockin’ hairdo for a duck =p

    The baby ducks are so adorable!

  4. Rural Vegan says

    You made my day with this duck post! Years ago I raised 5 baby ducklings whose mama had been hit by a car. They were on the street refusing to leave her side, so small they could not get up onto the curb. After a wildlife rehab facility said they’d euthanize them for not being mallards, we took them home and raised them in a spare bathroom. We’d fill the bathtub for them nightly and watch them race around under water, when you’d open the bathroom door their little heads would peak up from inside the bathtub and they’d ‘CHEEP CHEEP’ at us, you should have seen the excitement when they got meal worms! When they grew a little they graduated to the back yard, and finally they flew away on their own when they were old enough. They were so amazing and fun, thanks so much for reminding me of them!

  5. Traci Anne says

    Awww, I miss all the ducks and bunnies! We always had wild bunnies in Richardson, but my friend who lives right on Canyon Creek always has ducks 🙂

    Could you pass some Texas summer over here? Because it’s in the 50s here. And apparently supposed to rain more today. UGH.

  6. vegan addict says

    !!!!!Yay!!!!! Too cute! I especially enjoy the wee ones when they try to hop over curbs! You really captured some incredible photos Katie! This made my morning, thank you! And Moe, you are right, he looks an awful lot like Afro Duck who lives in a pond near my apartment!

  7. ChickPea says

    I loved your duck pictures! I had a minor obsession with ducks in grade school (I have an IM screen name and duck-decorated bathroom to show for it!). Clever name for Moe:)

  8. linds says

    chocolate cake sounds like the *perfect* spy mission fuel.. I’ll bring my grill along so we can have some fresh, hot sandwiches along the way, and of course I’ll pack us some pancakes too. But, umm, at this rate we may not fit through the UPS office door after consuming all of our spy fuel… Better ask Momma Duck there if we can borrow her kids to fit into the tight little places on our mission 🙂 I’m sure they’d help out if you offer them cake!!!

  9. magpie says

    How cute! I do morning walks (about an hour) and I always forget to bring my camera for things like this.

  10. Erin says

    Oh. My. Gosh. There’s nothing much cuter than a family of ducks, especially when the babies are trying to hop over something! If I saw them I’d follow them around with my camera too.

  11. fruity says

    Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a awhile(got the url from a post you made on Global Vegan Network on Facebook) and I finally got around to getting a blog! I just wanted to leave a comment to introduce myself and say “Hi!” The baby ducks are adorable, they remind me of pictures I took today of the baby geese on my campus!

  12. herbstsonne says

    OMG that is too too cute! I love baby duckies! We have some in a waterway about halfway between my apartment and campus, and I like to stop and watch them if they’re in there when I walk home. The babies have two speeds: “Help, Ma! The current is too strong” and “VROOOOOM!”

  13. Vegan On Stage says

    I have a bunch of little ducks that live around the corner at a dock. They just had babies.. there are i think 3 families, and they all have like 5 babies!!! the cause lots of traffic but its ok because theyre soooo cute!!!


  14. Sam says

    Aw! How cute are they?! We have a small pond in our apartment complex, and also have a family of little duckies that hang around. It’s a good thing I leash the dogs when we go for walks, I’m not sure how long the little ducks would last around my terrier!

  15. Jenny says

    OMG! Your ducky neighbors are so cute!

    Wow 100 degrees already? Usually it waits until July for your Texas temperatures to get there!

  16. jd says

    Awww… those ducks are sooo cute!

    Thanks for bringing a smile to my face with your adorable pics 🙂

    PS Moe sure knows how to rock that “hawk!” Hahaha…

  17. trustmyintuition says

    Lucky you! I want neighbor duckies! They’re so cute, and so are your parents. You’re gorgeous btw!
    I’ll see what I can do about those Hot Wings. I’m sooo nervous!!!

  18. Ricki says

    Beautiful, beautiful! And wishing we could split the difference with your 100+ temps–that would give us both about 70-80, just fine w/ me!

  19. Ruby Red Vegan says

    Moe! Hehehe. Those duckies are so cute, I want to take them home with me so I could let them hop around my room and cuddle with me in bed and I’ll feed them trail mix or whatever it is that duckies eat.

    Your new neighbors are so lucky to have you as their neighbor!

  20. shellyfish says

    We need to design a runner-friendly camera pack that doesn’t bang on your thigh or back when you run! I sometimes bring my camera on my long Sunday runs, but it’s a pain!

    I love the ducks! Especially Punk Rock Moe, he rules!

  21. ChocolateCoveredVegan says


    Woah, that’s a ton of money… but how does one make the money that it says one’s blog is worth? Haha I haven’t ever made a cent from my blog ;o).

  22. Anonymous says

    I know, CCV. 😉 I think it’s just so one can say, wow! my blog is worth x amount. Thought it was cute.

  23. jill says

    awwwww, they’re adorable!!!

    by the way, sorry about the Stars, I was rooting for them because I hate Detroit, but they did have an awesome run this year!

  24. Cody says

    Ducks are one of my favorite animals… next to cats.

    There are few things cuter than a baby duck.

    My parents have a small flock of those white ducks on their pond. I kind of miss them.

  25. ChocolateCoveredVegan says

    I thought it was cute too. I’m glad to know my blog is “worth” so much. Hopefully that means a lot of people enjoy reading it :o).

    I have a friend who IS older than her mom! (Her mom was born on February 29th.)

  26. Bonnie says

    Adorable pictures!
    There are always lots of ducks walking around near my school, so I often see baby ducklings there as well 🙂 It’s too bad I don’t always have my camera with me!

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