No. Instead, I had pie.
And, shock of all shocks, it wasn’t chocolate. I wanted to change it up a bit from last year’s chocolate mousse pie.
So, this year I chose velvety, homemade Raw Key Lime Pie. (For the recipe, click on the link and read the optional ingredients).
Yeah, it was as good as it looks. If not better. I didn’t even miss the chocolate. No, seriously! I’ve always had a thing for cheesecake; as far as cake is concerned, my hierarchy is: chocolate mousse pie, then cheesecake. Then maybe coconut cream pie. After that, who cares?!
A few posts ago, I mentioned that I attended a Labor Day Barbecue on my birthday, and I brought a raw key lime pie.
The barbecue started around lunchtime, and while I obviously didn’t partake in any of the barbecued-meat-eating, I did help myself to copious amounts of the grilled veggies on offer (the sweet griller—a.k.a. my neighbor—made sure the vegetables were grilled in a separate section from the meat). Then, at around 3PM, after we all started feeling hungry again, thanks to some strenuous badminton, swimming, and debating (Uh-oh, political debates!), it was time for dessert. Bring on the raw Key Lime Pie! (Just don’t tell anyone it’s raw. They think vegan is weird enough.)
Tentatively, I pulled the pie outta the freezer (where I’d been letting it set) and served it to the guests—myself included. Then they all sang “Happy Birthday” to me before digging in. Luckily, it was a big hit. Those of you who have tried raw desserts probably aren’t surprised by this.
To compliment the key lime variation, I opted for a raw gingerbread crust.
It was good. The crust almost stole the show from the cake, itself! And that’s coming from a girl who normally loathes crust. (P.S. to the extremely perceptive readers out there: Yes, the photo above is actually from the “cashew cookie” page, not gingerbread. I forgot to take a photo of the crust while making it. But it didn’t look much different from the above.)
Question of the Day:
What was your birthday dessert this year?
Or what will it be?
~Jessica Zara~ says
Err, I ate a Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar! November last year, I finally located one and just didn’t want anything else. But I was rather disappointed by it…Coconut Cream Pie is a far superior flavour.
I’d much rather have your raw key lime pie though! And it’s fantastic that you’re educating so many meat-eaters about the wonders of vegan desserts 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I wasn’t big on the pb-cookie one either. Oh well, I guess different flavors exist because peoples’ tastes are different!
Amber Shea @Almost Vegan says
For my b-day this year, a good friend of mine made cupcakes out of my best-ever chocolate cake recipe and topped them with swirled chocolate-coconut-cashew butter frosting!
Your raw key lime pie looks awesome. I’m not the least bit surprised everybody loved it. :]
EmbraceYourSkin says
My birthday dessert is always banana creme pie. I am also a brat about it and it must be from Marie Callenders 🙂
Laura says
I’ve never been keen on birthday cake..espescially not chocolate cake! Give me a plain bit of vanilla sponge (without icing!) anyday! xx
Stefanie says
That looks good. I’m on a chocolate kick now. My birthday dessert is going to be either peanut butter cookies or a chocolate cake/brownies. Maybe I will have it all. 🙂
Bianca- Vegan Crunk says
Oh my! That raw pie looks amazing! Raw desserts are so tasty and healthy at the same time! I’ve requested a vegan ice cream cake from my mom for my 30th birthday next month, and I believe Ms. Poopie Bitch is going to surprise me with a cake too…so I may have two cakes, which I’m pretty sure I deserve seeing as how I made it to 30!
Kiki says
Oh my gosh, I love key lime pie! And I also love getting people to eat healthy things without them noticing, muhaha.
When it comes birthday desserts, I am a traditional cake + ice cream kind of girl! When my mom asks what kind I want I just say, “Pretty!” And then she always decorates it beautifully 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awwww… I can totally see you with a princess cake. A princess cake for a princess :).
*Andrea* says
looks amazing!!!! so my bday dessert this year was absolutely HORRIBLE! my sister knows i love vegan foods (though i am not vegan) and went out of her way to order a vegan chocolate cake from whole foods. her boyfriend came over and 2 of my friends after we went out to dinner and everyone tried the cake with me and then once i said i didn’t like it (i rarely admit this when ppl give me gifts) everyone looked relieved. it just was so dry and had a weird apricot gel in the middle that did not go with the chocolate. should have made my own key lime pie or chocolate fudge babies 😉
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh Andrea, I am so sorry! I have had that chocolate cake (“Joy’s chocolate cake”) and it is VILE! You’re right, it’s so extremely dry. It gives vegan desserts a very bad name :(.
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
My mom’s all time favorite dessert is key lime pie. The first time I had some was in the Florida Keys..soo yeah, it was pretty dang delicious. 🙂 Glad yours was a big hit! Not surprisingly since you’re practically a master chef. 😉
My birthday treat last year was homemade hostess cupcakes! They were a whole lotta fun. 🙂
Caitlin says
“my hierarchy is: chocolate mousse pie, then cheesecake. Then maybe coconut cream pie. After that, who cares?!”
I do not remember my 22nd birthday dessert, but I’m guessing it was a variety of mini-bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes…because that’s what is always is. I don’t even like cake that much, but I LOVE FROSTING!
Marianne says
I made myself two different birthday desserts. For my birthday day, we had a chocolate quinoa cake with chocolate drizzle and fresh raspberries, and it was amazing. Then on the weekend I made a raw chocolate hazelnut pie, which I served to my friends who all eat meat, and I told them it was vegan and raw, and it doesn’t matter to them. I think it’s a west coast thing – as long as it tastes good, who cares?
Quix says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! My desert this year: key lime pie. Sadly, it was disappointing. Next year… CHOCOLATE! 🙂
spoonfulofsugarfree says
Katie!! Shame on you! You broke your chocolate vow! Just kidding, Happy BDay again, girl!! The key lime pie looks delectable 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh don’t think I neglected chocolate all day. That would never happen! 😉
(Well, I did give up chocolate for Lent a few years in a row. It’s HARD!!)
BroccoliHut says
Last year I had a really awesome cake decorated with the Grinch’s face (since my day is 12/24). I LOVED it.
Sagojyou says
Aww…that looks really good…!! *drooling* (the title post scared me a little bit!) Does it have a strong lime-taste to it? Because if it does, I’d be too scared to try…
I gave you an award, so please come pick it up! Thank you!!! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
It doesn’t really have too strong a lime flavor. In fact, I dunno if it’ really be reminiscent of real key lime pie. But I don’t care, ’cause it tastes good. Now, if you added lime AND the lemon juice, it’s prolly be too much.
And I’ll be heading over to your bloggie as soon as I get a chance! (Expect a comment sometime today!!)
Erika says
That pie looks good! I hate telling people at parties that whatever I made/brought was healthy because it always seems like then they will find something they don’t like about it. Does that happen to you with your (also healthy) raw and vegan desserts? Just curious…
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yes, always :(.
I’m a bit sneaky though. I’ve learned (the hard way) not to tell them something’s vegan/healthy until AFTER they eat it and say they like it. That’s when I drop the “oh btw, it’s good for you” bombshell on them. Then they can’t retract their words. Nowadays, my friends actually WANT to eat my desserts even though they know they’re vegan/healthy, because they know by now that vegan food can taste good. They’ll even eat things with tofu! 🙂
(At first, they wouldn’t. But that’s why I wouldn’t tell them until after they’d eaten it. By now, I can say right up front: “That dish is a tofu cheesecake” and they’ll happily dig in!)
coffeeandthepaper says
This is belated, but Happy Birthday Katie!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww thank you so so much!! 🙂
40apples says
Yummmm!! Looks and sounds AMAZING.
I love making my own bday cake – that way I KNOW I’ll love it! 🙂
I made a lemon-olive oil cake this year. It was out of this world!!
Kelsey says
i had raw cake on my birthday! it was my first blog post too 🙂 mmm mind was raw cacao raspberry cheezcake MmmMM <3
ive had raw keylime cake/pie from a raw cafe here and it was SO YUMMY! i can taste it right now just thinking of it- definitely a fantastic birthday choice <3
Stef says
My b-day dessert was actually non-existent this year, just like the b-day dinner. I didn’t even get any presents at the day because my dad was in charge and I wanted a laptop computer so he decided to take me to the store to pick one out the weekend after my birthday and since he’s a guy he didn’t manage to get me a little something as a surprise like my mom told him to (she told him to at least get flowers which he did a day later apologizing that the day of my birthday the ones in the store didn’t look good).
But I don’t mind..I actually don’t think Birthdays are that improtant. For example I’ve worked the last three years on my birthday even though as a nurse I could have gotten the day off.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I’ve been sick on my birthday twice! So my body doesn’t think much of birthdays either, apparently!