The first time I ever heard that using a microwave was “bad for you” was a few years ago, in a little health food shop.
I was explaining to the store clerk how I make a certain recipe, and when I got to the part about using the microwave, she turned white as a ghost and literally screamed: “DO NOT use the microwave! It is the devil! It can kill you!”
While this didn’t cause me to stop using a microwave, it did open my eyes to the possibility that microwaves might not be as safe as I’d thought.
So are microwaves harmful?
Some studies say they are. However, some studies say coffee is bad, some studies say soy is bad, some studies say using cell phones causes cancer. Then there are other “some studies” that say all of this isn’t true.
People use microwaves every day—people like my great grandmother who lived to be over 100. (Then again, my grandma only used microwaves for a very short period of her life, as they obviously hadn’t yet been invented when she was a young girl.)
What to believe?
One could drive oneself crazy trying to figure it all out! And that’s not healthy either.
So until there is conclusive evidence that microwaves are dangerous, I’m going to look out for my mental health/sanity first and keep using mine.
What are your thoughts on the safety of microwaves?
Debate me, debate each other, debate yourself if you wish… just keep it respectful.
Maddy says
That’s a really great question of the day! I’ve heard so many different things about this question!
Personally, I don’t use the microwave very often because my dad is a major health-nut and has always believed the microwave cooks the nutrition out of foods. Does the microwave cook the healthy parts of the food out of it? I have no idea! I just don’t use it because I’m “assuming” it does & because I don’t want to hear him go on and on about how bad the microwave is every time I use it 😀 PLUS a lot of the foods I have microwaved make the food kinda “mushy”, and I like most foods “crunchy”! lol :))))