I think last night was the worst night of sleep I’ve ever gotten in my life. Even though I climbed into bed at 10ish, I didn’t fall asleep until midnight… and I woke up at 1:45, wide awake! At around 3, I gave up and grabbed a book to read, hoping it would make me sleepy.
Didn’t work.
Finally, I got out of bed and went for an early-morning run in the dark. The weird thing is that I didn’t feel lethargic or sluggish AT ALL. I kept waiting to crash and burn, but my run was energy-filled, and the adrenaline kept me going for the rest of the day as well. Plus, I got to hang with my Saved by the Bell friends while I made my second breakfast! (I’d turned on the tv to see if there was a World Cup game.)
Above, a Manila mango, a glass of almondmilk, and Chocolate Cream Pie Bulgur Pudding
I have an overwhelming fear of flying. It’s ridiculous, especially considering the number of airplanes I’ve been on in my life (starting at 6 weeks old). The reason for my sleepless night, last night, was that I was wide-awake thinking about tonight’s flight to New York. Normally, I’m wary of taking any sort of medicine (I very rarely even take Tylenol), but before I fly, if I don’t take 1/2 an Ativan, I’ll have what I can only imagine is a panic attack (heart racing, nausea, light-headedness, etc.).
Ah, but the ends justify the means… I’m going to New York!
sarahnotsoplainandtall says
Hi Katie!!
Just wanted to say Hi!!
I have been following your blog for some time now…and just recently decided to start onw of my own!! Your an inspiration 😉
I would love for you to check it out at some point (although Im still learning all the “technical stuff”)
Have an amazing time in New York!! I LOVE that city…lived there for about a year and a half and travel back for work on occasion.
Safe travels
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
I used to get sick EVERY time I flew. And that’s at least 6 times a year. It wasn’t until a few flights ago I had to go without my usual pepto-bismal overload but ever since then I’ve been fine. You’re ganna have so much fun in NYC! Just think about that during the flight! 😀
Jess says
You are one committed runner 🙂 Before 6? DANNGGG!
<3 jess
Danielle says
Aw, I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well! I’m not a huge fan of flying either but I’ve been on so many airplanes that I’m sort of immune to it now. But you’re going to NYC!! Sounds like fun 😀
Oh, and the vegan cinnamon rolls came from Veganomicon (except they’re called the maple brown sugar pinwheels). I glossed over that recipe many times because it was called a “pinwheel” and not a “cinnamon roll!”
Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
I haven’t been on a plane since I was little, so I’m sure the next time I’ll have overwhelming anxiety, too!! Good luck, I’m sure it will be fine. 🙂
Shannon @ Before Sunrise says
Try not to stress and enjoy the flight! 🙂
And welcome to my territory 😉 NYC is the best in the summer!
Have a blast!
Emily says
Hi katie!!
I have a HUGE fear of flying! I have nightmares for weeks before I fly…ugh! I try not to let it take over though, or I’ll get to miss out on so much in life! One thing that has helped me ( a bit) is reading and learning as much as I can about how planes fly, why they fly, the training the pilots take, what’s going on in the cockpit etc…I feel the more I know about all the operations of the plane and the feelings of flying and what to expect makes me a little more at ease because I can rationalize with myself…there’s tons of information online. It’s worth a shot!
Have a fun trip!!!
Naomi(onefitfoodie) says
have fun on your trip!!! just brniog some good magazines, some music and zone out! it will FLY by!
Lorin says
I just came back from there last night after visiting it for the first time. You HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO go to Max Brenner’s in East Village by Greenwich (It’s on the bottom edge of Union Square) . I had the chocolate pizza there (it was featured on Best Thing I Ever Ate on Food Network) and it was amazing. Even my dad, who doesn’t like sweets very much, said it was really good! Plus, there’s a Whole Foods around the corner.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Chocolate pizza?! Ok, you definitely have my attention! I’ll have to check it out and see if it’s vegan! If not, no worries: I know I can find a ton of amazing food in NYC! 🙂
chocolate-covered katie says
Your name is just too cute!! I loved that book, growing up (I even read the sequel… and another book by the author, called “Baby” or something like that hehe).
Marianne says
Oooh, New York! Fun! I’m officially jealous. I must get there some day soon. I can only imagine all the shopping and food fun awaiting me there.