Part One
So full of wonders is New York City that I’m already on my third post… and I only spent three days there! How many posts would I have to write if I’d spent a week?! Part One of the NYC Posts detailed my culinary adventures with my dad at Hangawi (as well as our cheesecake fest the next morning).
Part Two: I discovered a new favorite restaurant and ordered quite a lot of food!.
Moving on to Part Three: Pearl River Mart, a Dish-a-Holic’s dreamland!
If you thought Pier One was a fun place to shop for dishes, oh boy do you need a trip to Pearl River Mart. It boasts not one, but two floors filled with dishes of every size and shape imaginable, some of which are the most adorable things you’ll ever see! From owl teapots to piggy plates to flowery bowls, I wanted to buy out the store. Don’t even get m started on all the origami, trinkets, and other non-dishware I wanted to buy. Unfortunately (fortunately for my wallet, though!) I had to exercise self-control because whatever I bought had to be carried around the city all day.
As I mentioned in my Survey about Me, I harbor a huge obsession for all things panda-related. So, looking at the panda dishes below, can you now understand how hard it must’ve been for me? Poor CCK…
Along with the panda plates and dishes, they also had a panda pencil sharpener, paper shredder, balloon…
I did end up buying a few dishes. (And that pencil sharpener; I just couldn’t resist!)
Eileen says
I need a wall-mounted pot rack! So the CSN website would be perfect for me!
susitravl says
I would buy these skillets – somehow mine are missing (except for 1). Teenagers live in my house, can you tell?