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Pizzert Ice Cream Sundae

It never got above 40 degrees yesterday, yet my mind kept telling me:

“Katie, you want ice cream.”
I do? But it’s cold and gray and I’m wearing fleece. Are you sure?

“You want ice cream.” Well, okay. If you say so.

mango ice cream

Y’know what goes well with ice cream? Breakfast Pizzerts!

So, at the urging of my insistent mind, I made one. And while the pizzert did its thing in the oven, Monsieur Vita-Mix ventured out from his hibernation slumber for some rigorous exercise: making ice cream! Or rather, mango faux-yo. Here’s how it played out:

Mucho Mango Faux-Yo
(makes 2 huge portions)

  • 2 yellow mangos (240g)
  • ice (I use 7 1/2-moon cubes)
  • scant 1/16th tsp salt
  • a little over 2 tbsp milk of choice

Blend all ingredients in the Vita-Mix. Remember to utilize the useful Vita-Mix Ice Cream Trick.

mango 2

I think the mango is my newest-favorite of the many “Faux-Yo” Flavors.

Although chocolate-strawberry will always have a place in my heart. Oh, and chocolate-cherry too. And blueberry. Indecisive? Me?

vegan mango ice cream

vegan birthday cake ice cream

Going back to September…

Although my birthday dessert-of-choice was Raw Key Lime Pie, there weren’t candles at the party. Therefore we sang later that night, at home, when I ate my nighttime snack of mango faux-yo.

Just imagine me yelling to my family, “Hurry up and sing before my ice cream melts!!” Luckily, it didn’t melt, and it tasted delicious. It’s still difficult for me to believe that I hated mangoes until I moved to The Philippines for a year in high school. Thank goodness that tropical country shook me out of my crazy ways.

Published on January 16, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Kathleen says

    I totally eat ice cream in the winter (an then snuggle up in front of my heater 😉 ) and hot oatmeal in the summer. 🙂 My favorite toppings for a breakfast pizzert is chocolate and peanut butter! 🙂

  2. ruth says

    oh, don’t cut them mangoes! they’re too precious to be subjected to them blades! haha! i absolutely love mangoes. i gobble them up everyday during summer which is when they’re sweetest. but green mango (shake!) is also good. and so are watermelons, melons, pineapples, coconut with the water. okay, back to mangoes. what i do is simple pinch the skin off the pointed end, then peel it round and round. then i bite it and the golden juice just ooze out. making slurping noises while eating mangoes is completely expected. by me. and don’t do it outside your home. =D

  3. Sarah says

    Hey, Katie – the Philippeans, China …. you sound almost like your parents were in the military or else missionaries…. how’d you get so blessed to live in so many places? Do tell…

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