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Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Dip

How to instantly become the most popular person at any party:

Addictive Pumpkin Dip

Bring this Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip.

It’s as easy as that.

Suddenly, people will perceive you to be ten twenty two hundred times more awesome than before. They will chant your name, ask for your phone number, propose marriage.

Suddenly, you will have more fans than George Clooney, Justin Bieber, and Robert Pattison combined. (Then again, maybe this wouldn’t be such a good thing…)

pumpkin dip

But be warned: Once the dip is gone (and it goes fast!), people can get grouchy. They may even throw things. At you.

Best to make a double batch.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip- this popular dip is always the first thing to go at parties.

Sometimes I think I have too much fun writing these posts Smile.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

(Can be sugar-free)

  • 1 can pumpkin (15oz)
  • 1 container cream cheese-style spread (I used Tofutti non-hydrogenated. For substitutions, see the nutrition info link below. Or for a soy-free alternative, try 1 cup of cashew cream: raw cashews that have been soaked, drained, then pureed into raw cashew butter.)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon (more if desired)
  • 3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • sweetener of choice to taste (Amount will depend on whether you’re making this as a dip or a spread. Use up to 1/3 cup for a dip, but you might not even need a tablespoon of sugar or a packet of stevia for a spread. Note that liquid sweeteners will yield a much thinner dip, so either powdered sugar or nunaturals stevia are recommended.)

Combine all ingredients and mix very well. (A food processor is best, but this can be done by hand with a lot of stirring). Serve as a dip, with graham crackers or gingersnaps or fresh fruit. Or use as a festive cream-cheese spread on bagels, toast or pancakes. This will keep in the refrigerator 4-5 days.

View Pumpkin Dip Nutrition Info

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

Link of the Day: How to Cook Kale – the EASY way!

Published on October 14, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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      • Angela says

        Katie and Tabitha,

        I made this using cashew cream cheese and butternut squash instead of pumpkin and it was a huge hit for a vegan Christmas party I went to! I also used organic maple syrup granules (Traders Joe’s) for the sweetener. I used three tablespoons but I could have used less, I think (I made it as a dip, not a spread). Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your recipes, Katie. Have tried several of them and love all of them. Thank you!!

  1. Tiffany says

    Yum looks delicious!! I love the new header 🙂

    Have you thought about maybe changing the dark purple background color? I think its a little strong and distracting…perhaps you can change it to a lilac color. (I think it will soften the page and compliment the new header 🙂 just a suggestion)

  2. Rachael says

    MUCH better header. Looks clean and professional but also cute! I agree that the bright purple on the sides should be softened so it isn’t as distracting. I think a soft brown, lavender, or sage green would be nice 🙂

  3. Erin says

    I like this new header much better. In my opinion it looks better without a picture of you – don’t get me wrong, you’re absolutely BEAUTIFUL, but your blog is a food blog, not a personal blog. And since there’s a picture of you on the side (“About me”) it’s not like people will wonder what you look like.

  4. Justin says

    Hey Katie I like this header better but it was cool with your photo up there also. What do you think? I see you’re branching out from chocolate? You’re not the healthy desert blog? I like the expansion!

  5. Sarah the official CCK drooler @RomneyRyan2012 says

    I love this one! Clean and pretty! nice job girl 🙂 with the header AND the dip- do I need to use a cream cheese style spread? Could I just use regular cream cheese (whipped)? Oh and what does this taste like without the pumpkin… cuz i’m out.
    And now the pumpkin crazed blogosphere will be out to get me.
    You bloggers just don’t like pumpkin, you like it on steroids 🙂

    • Rachel says

      I used fat-free regular cream cheese (not whipped). It was delicious! Just let it sit on the counter for about 10 or 15 minutes to make it easier to mix.

  6. Alanna says

    This sounds yummy! And love the new header featuring some of your creations. I think it’s fine not having a picture in the header since you have one on the side (“about me”). It’s an adorable pic, but at some point you’ll probably want to update it since I’m guessing it’s a few years old. 😉 I don’t really notice the purple much since 1) I love purple, lol, and 2) I mostly browse via mobile and only see a thin purple stripe rather than the wider bars on the desktop version. But as many have already said: it’s your blog, so do what you like with it! 🙂

  7. Cindy says

    Only responding to comment on the header change……because obviously the new recipe will be just as delicious as all the rest!!!!
    I like the header but I really think you should consider keeping a picture of yourself in it. Maybe I’m just partial and used to the old header but so much of your personality makes this blog wonderful. Without a picture it’s hard to place your awesome personality in context.
    I also think that consistency is key. I read a lot of blogs and the purple color stands out and defines this blog as unique. Very unique, in my opinion. This is one reason why I’d like to see the purple background back but if that’s not gonna happen, then please (pretty please with CHOCOLATE on top!!!) put a picture of you up there. It will also go better since your name is in the blog name itself.

  8. Quin says

    LOVE THE NEW HEADER. One thing you could change is the font. I like the pink but the font is a little understated. Maybe use a sans-serra font? But I love the pictures of the food; it makes the blog very personal and recognizable.

  9. Jordan says

    The header is *much* better but the font is bugging me. It looks like it has been stretched from it’s original shape. Would redo it without stretching it or find a different font.

  10. Charlotte says

    how many servings does the recipe yield?? 🙂 I am always curious about how many servings are in you recipes so if you can easily provide that info in the future, it is greatly appreciated, Katie! You’re a genius.

    Thank you,

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I usually try to list them on the nutrition info page, if not in the recipe directions :).
      This one makes about 55 tbsp if I remember correctly (not that a tbsp is a serving; that’s just what I used to figure out the nutrition info).

  11. Claire says

    looks great!!! I’m bringing it to a party next week! can you maybe try and make a recipe bassed on IHOP’s carrot cake pancakes??

  12. Ali says

    I’m excited for the recipe, and I love the new header! It’s more indicative of what your website is all about. Are you going to keep the holiday themed recipes coming? I hope so, I’m loving every one of them.

  13. Sarah says

    I like this header more than your last one but also think you should keep a photo of yourself in it. Your posts are always so happy and so it’s lovely to see your smiling face at the very top of the blog.

    Can’t wait to try this recipe. My friends already love your chocolate chip cookie dough dip!

  14. Lena says

    The header looks much better, although I do agree with the other comments about the font – only thing that bugged me 😉 And while a photo of you isn’t necessary b/c of the other photo, you seemed so happy and glowing in the previous photo that it brightened up the whole page to me!

  15. Anonymous says

    I love all the recipe pics. I do agree about the font, and about there needing to be a picture of you. You are beautiful and glowing, proof of what taking good care of yourself and eating healthy (but not skipping chocolate!) can do.
    Keep the photo of you in, lose the font ;).

  16. Anna says

    I love you, Katie!! I want to try this with 15oz of no salt garbanzo beans rather than the Tofutti. Your new header is fantastic! Keep the recipes coming! 🙂

  17. Alex Coopey says

    I like this header very much. I don’t think you need a photo of yourself because of the ‘About Me’ photo on the side, but you’ll never please everyone so you need to go for a header that you feel is right. I think this one looks much more professional and makes me hungry to read how to make the recipes, and to gobble them all up! I can’t tell you how much I love this blog of yours.

  18. Kelly Nicole says

    I love the new header, I think it is very easy to read and aesthetically pleasing!
    Love, love, love this blog and all of the recipes (: So fun to try new things.

  19. lisa fine says

    I like this header better than the last one you showed us, but I wish this one also had at least one photo of you! Readers always like to know whose blog they’re visiting.

    And pumpkin dip sounds scrumptious. I made a ton of pumpkin butter last week, and it’s going very, very quickly.

  20. Andrea says

    Love the new header! I think the font is fine. I also don’t think you need a picture of yourself in the header. As others have mentioned, your beautiful face is on the side! I just think if you change the header to have pictures of your drool-worthy creations, then throwing a picture of yourself in there might seem a bit forced compared to the food pictures. As for the purple on the side, I think whatever color you pick is fine. I honestly don’t notice the color on the side that much (though I do love purple!).

    This dip looks amazing, by the way. I love that you share the same love of pumpkin I have. 🙂

  21. Michaela says

    Oh my, I want to eat some of this dip with an apple now!
    regarding the header, I know it is a LOT of work… however, I feel you have not find the right one yet- the current one just does not do your blog justice!! Your recipes blow us away and so should your header 🙂

  22. Karen says

    I prefer the header without your picture. I think it looks a little more professional without and you have a picture of you on the side that I think it super cute. 🙂 That was bold of you to ask for suggestions, but I think most people who care about you are ok with telling you the truth since you asked for help. 🙂 Love all your posts! Oh, one more thing. You can buy stevia in the bag, so I was just wondering if you could say how much in tsp-tbsp that is, for those who aren’t using a packet. Thanks Katie!

  23. Andie says

    Mmmmm pumpkin and cream cheese?? Delicious-sounding to the max!! 🙂 I will definitely have to try this!
    Also about the header…I like it better than the last one (the last one was a little plain) but this one I think needs to be spiced up a bit! I think it’s because the side part of your blog is white, so the mostly-white header looks a little lonely. Maybe you could add in some more color! Also a picture of you would be nice, because you have such a great personality that really shines through in many of your posts! Also, this is random but I’m a huge fan of your blog, Katie! I love all your recipes! (Or at least the ones I’ve tried so far!) You are such a good role-model, too!

  24. Cassandra Land says

    I love the new header! The pictures look scrumptious. I agree with a couple others that the font could use tweaking but this is MUCH better than the last header you had!

    I can’t wait to try this new recipe! Need to get that VitaMix ordered….

  25. sue dale says

    pumpkin pie spice ? cans of pumpkin. we dont have those over here in aus but why canned pumpkin ?. wouldnt fresh be much better ?. i’ve never seen a pumpkin pie before so we really do have different food . :))

  26. Allison says

    What an awesome recipe!
    And I prefer this header to the last one. It may be a little white for my taste, but I LOVE the pictures of your recipes right up there, where I can see them right away!

  27. Melissa says

    I have had a similar dip with the super slim gingersnap cookies from world market and the pumpkin/ginger combo is incredible! I seriously doubt those were vegan and lord knows they weren’t healthy, do you have a healthy gingersnap cookie? Also, love the new header, it gets right to the point: chocolate!

  28. Gabrielle says

    Looks fantabulistically delicioso!

    Just want to dip my hand in and go cray cray.

    Out of curiosity, how many ounces is the tub of Tofutti? I wanted to use a substitute, but am uncertain of how much of it to use.

    Also – I think you should update your header every month or so with a close up of that month’s top recipe. For example, a CU shot of the peanut butter eggs would be so alluring, and it would keep your blog relevant and up to date. Your photos are so amazing, why not feature them in all their glory??

    Love your blog!


  29. Lauren says

    I like this header better, but I think it’d look cool if the background were colored….not sure if a color different than the sidebars would look funny, but that might be an idea. Maybe a golden yellow? Not that you wanted that much of an opinion. 🙂

  30. Lacy says

    I sent you an email tonight about the header to the msn address in your faq – just want to make sure it’s not lost. I know you probably get TONS of mail, so no rush, but could you please let me know if you got it?

    Secondly, I’m going to make this dip right now! Dipping apples sounds so yummy too, can’t wait to try it. 🙂

    • Lacy says

      Better with graham crackers than apples, but either way, MMMMMmmmmmmm. 🙂

      Can’t wait to try it tomorrow after it’s been in the fridge overnight!

        • Lacy says

          Did you find them? There are attachments for you to look at. I’m a web designer and already did some samples up – more expanation in the email. I’ll work with you for free because you work for me for free and it’s something I like to do. 🙂

  31. Shadé @ oneveganfatty says

    First things first…I like this header much better! 🙂

    Now…on to the food!

    YUM. YUM. YUM! I love this idea…can I spread it on that eggy bread from yesterday that also looked delectable? I’m thinking this would be a lovely frosting as well…I’m really curious about how it would be with the cashew cream…you’ve got my wheels spinning 😀

  32. Nicole says

    It’s a good idea as party fare… but it’d never make it to the actual event. There’d just be an empty container and I’d have an upset stomach (and my fiance might suspiciously also have an upset stomach)… I get really addicted to things I bake. And this looks SO good. (In addition to eating it out of the bowl, I would put it on bagels, frost it on cupcakes, sandwich it between whoopie pies…) Yeah… it might not be such a good idea for me to make this!! 😉 And, btw, I love your new header!

  33. Life's a Bowl says

    Anything pumpkin is a winner- but pumpkin dip, yum! I think your new header looks cute- love the addition of pictures but would suggest that they were a bit bigger?

  34. s says

    Dearest Katie, I have a request/question for you! My mom is a super unhealthy eater… I’ve been trying to make her eat healthier (it’s not like she doesn’t know better… she is a dietitian), but I can’t seem to find a good recipe that she is willing to replace her cookie-breakfast with. I’ve made a ton of your recipes, including your oatmeal breakfast cookies for her, and a variety of experiments with it and your boatmeal. The problem seems to be that she likes the crunch of unhealthier cookies, but I can’t seem to make a healthy version that has a crispy/crunchy texture. She doesn’t like soft cookies or even cookie dough (I know… I wonder if I was adopted). Any suggestions or recipes you could recommend? I’d be forever grateful! Thanks!

    Also, I like the writing of the header that’s in this post better than the one that’s currently up! Thanks for everything you do to make us all healthier and feel better! You’re a doll 🙂

    • Alanna says

      Not Katie, but have you tried the graham cracker recipe? When you make it with the oil and bake a little longer, they come out really nice and crispy (and delicious!). I know it’s not really a breakfast cookie, but maybe you could try those with one of the dips or yogurt? The peach breakfast bake is also super-yummy (and doesn’t taste healthy at all)… you might be able to find a cereal that retains more crunch in that recipe. Good luck, though! I have the same problem with my parents. :/

      • Liz says

        Try Katie’s flourless chocolate chip cookies! She says if you store cookies in a glass container, they will be crispier as well.

        • s says

          I have tried the graham crackers, and even without oil they turn out crispy and delicious! But I am not sure they taste enough like dessert to convince my mom… but maybe I will try some variations of that! Thanks for the idea. I’ve tried the flourless choc chip cookies too, but they don’t turn out crispy at all… even if stored in a glass container. Thanks for the idea though!

  35. Katy says

    Yum on the recipe! As far as the header, WAYYYY better the the last one. Way! I love the tiled pictures, I just don’t love the font. I think the font looks like the same one my kids use when they are writing a letter to santa on the computer. Perfect for santa letters but a bit wrong for this.

  36. Meagan says

    I made this dip yesterday and it was fantastic! I used half cream cheese and half plain greek yogurt (for the non vegans) and sweetened with about 2 Tbs maple syrup. delicious!

  37. Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says

    Love it, think that header looks great!
    And so does this pumpkin pie dip…oh my…yum! I think I’ll try the soy-free version (can’t have the soy as the thyroid will protest, and not a fan of cream cheese anything…), using raw cashews, which I LOVE. This would make such a wonderful healthier alternative to pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. Just get some gluten-free graham crackers or animal crackers for the kiddos, give ’em some dip, and let ’em go to town…maybe even with a few choco-chips on top! 🙂

  38. Landree says

    Hello! I definitely prefer this header and I think you’re going in an awesome direction, although the font specifically for “chocolate covered katie” is not my favorite, as it feels a little “young” to me, although please know I’m not trying to be offensive in any way. I think you’re fantastic and that’s totally personal preference. Also hey! We are young! Yeah 20s!

    BUT! 1) I’m not a graphic designer or a blogger so I clearly have no authority hahaha but more importantly 2) WHATEVER you choose to do, I love your blog, love your recipes, and support you wholeheartedly! keep kicking butt! 🙂

  39. Kelly says

    I’m not sure what it is, but I feel like between the typeface (and the weird grainy color I can see behind it) and the color scheme, it makes your blog look a little dated. Your recipes are always right on trend (and sometimes ahead!) and I think your blog should look like it too!

  40. Allison F. says

    Mmm, the spread looks delicious! Also just have to weigh in here and say that this header is LIGHTYEARS better than the other one. The font could stand to be crisper (it looks a little low-res), but it’s definitely a huge improvement 🙂

  41. Eribis says

    I like this one better then the other…. but still not in love with it. I come for the recipes though but in saying that I think, and know you could come up with a header/background that is just as good.

  42. Rebecca Wright says

    THANK YOU! This is one of the first pumpkin dip’s I’ve found that are dairy-free! You’re awesome (& a mind reader since last night I was just trying to figure out how to make some healthier & without milk lol) what would I do without you? (^-^) Ive been following you for awhile & now I recently found out I’m allergic to milk so you’ve helped immensely! Also, I agree that while its a bette then the last it still leaves much to be desired

  43. Jacque Foster says

    I love the photos of the desserts you chose! It’s a good representation of your recipes. I still highly recommend a photo of you (far right?), and I also wonder if a different color behind the photos wouldn’t make them pop that much more. You may have tried all that before though. I like the style of the photos you chose, with their little white borders as though they’re actual print photos–that, too, would show more against a color backdrop. Finally, from one writer to another, THANK YOU for your correct punctuation with the hyphen between “chocolate” and “covered” because it would drive me nuts (no pun intended) if it weren’t there! ha ha

  44. Rachel says

    I love the new header! I think the background would be nice if it was a different color other than white. But the rest is great!
    ps this dip looks absolutely amazing!

  45. mamashortcake says

    The new header is great! I love the pics of your creations, and personally I like the older picture of you better than the new one that was up a few days ago. I also like the current location of the picture better. Of course a web designer can do amazing things too! I really like it now though!

  46. Lisa says

    Katie, could you make a dip with pumpkin like the cookie dough dip? With chickpeas instead of a cheese substitute. Could that work? Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies dough dip sounds good to me. Would the pumpkin add too much moisture?

  47. Ed says

    I just threw something (okay a squshy little toy) at my computer monitor because the dip was on my computer and not in my belly! Looks sooo good…

  48. Angela says

    Really, really love the header! Keep it that way. For those who said to put a picture of yourself on the header I think as long as you have a picture of yourself on the “About” section that’s good. Keep up the great posts and the recipes! 🙂

  49. Peanut Butter Bunny says

    I need some tofutti, stat. T_T Been trying to get it for so long… It’s high time it happened.
    Aw!! The header is definitely better. It has a bit more color. 😀 It might be cool to like, put some wavy colors behind the pictures and through the white. It’d look pretty cute, I think, and break up the bit of whiteness left behind! X]

  50. Am says

    I think the new header is great!! Like it a lot!
    These are just reeeally minor thoughts: A couple days ago I saw it and was just going to suggest a photo of you in it :D. However, now it seems to me that the font seems more playful, and it works, because you scroll down and see “Katie” of “Chocolate-Covered Katie”. So, playful font – no picture cool, more “professional font” – picture would be good to put it all together (my opinion). Other thing is that the photos don’t seem as clear/sharp as they were the first time I saw it. . . Anyhow, I like it a lot!

  51. Nancy says

    I am wondering how this can be 0 weight watcher’s points. Wouldn’t the cream cheese product have points, even if you use no sweetener at all or Truvia or Splenda, that would give it some points in a 1 tablespoon serving, right?

  52. Vyvacious says

    I agree with some people regarding the font. It’s a little off, seems squished. For some reason your dessert pictures aren’t prominent enough for me. I like how in your original one the chocolate was a strong part of your header so that people knew at first glance what they were getting themselves into.

    Also, this pumpkin pie cheesecake dip sounds great. I like a pinner’s idea to serve it in a hollowed out pumpkin – super cute.

  53. Lexie says

    Hi Katie!
    I was just wondering if you could try doing a healthy home made version of Max Brenners tutti frutti waffles! ( Australian menu styled)

  54. Tania says

    This header is better! I agree that it needs something more. I am stoked about the pumpkin dip! thank you for adding a soy free option 😀

  55. Jeana says

    What would it look like if you put a brown back ground behind the pictures and the pink…make it match the brown of your drop down header. Something to make the pictures stand out from the white of the background behind them. Then you would have a chocolatey background at the top with the pictures shadowed and your name in hot pink…eye-popping!

  56. Jules says

    I like the new header! OMG KATIE! You can do what this other person (i dont know if you’ve seen her youtube videos-Cassey Ho from Blogilates) she’s having a contest for someone to design her DVD cover and you can do the same thing for your header! And, as always, this looks incredible and my mouth is watering and I need to try this ASAP! 😀

  57. saida says

    I think the header is much better! Although, I think I liked the font you used for the header title better in your last change-up (the one with you and blonder hair). Just my 2 cents. I just started my own blog last week and I’m still fiddling around with the design. I have to watch myself so that I don’t spend all my time playing around with the design aspect of it, and actually come up with new content!
    I’ve been following your blog for awhile now. Love your recipes!

  58. Maise says

    AHH! =D Katie, you have been seriously making my day! This pumpkin cheesecake dip is just.. going to be PERFECT!!!!Okay, listen to this… This saturday I am going to a baby shower.. we are going to be doing the baby food challenge & I am going to be bringing the baby food (in little jars), spoon etc. I also wanted to bring something ACTUALLY yummy to the party but didn’t know what yet..but now I do.. I HAVE to make this..and serve it in a giant jar..alongside the nasty mini baby food jars(like a giant babyfood jar!!) lol.. do you get it?If it doesn’t sound as cute as I”m acting It is b/c my poor explaining skills! LOL 🙂

  59. David says

    Firstly i would like to say a yummy dish… i always use to search for the dishes related to pumpkins and the pumpkin cake i just say wow.. love to try at home.. for me its a unique dish.. really thankful to you for posting this dish..

  60. meganleiann says

    I just made this and it was really good. Unfortunately the cinnamon was really overpowering. It tasted more like cinnamon cheesecake dip. I don’t know if it was because I used real cream cheese, but I think next time I’ll leave out the cinnamon and add it to taste. Thanks for the recipe!

  61. jil says

    Hi Katie. My family loves your recipes! Have you ever considered creating a recipe for pumpkin pancakes? My 6 year old daughter and I have started a new family tradition recently of making pancakes on Saturday mornings for the family. We use your recipes! The blueberry pie pancakes are her favorite. Now that it’s fall, she asked me to look for a pumpkin pancake recipe. Of course, we looked through your collection of recipes first, but since you don’t have one, we searched the internet. We found one that was healthy and vegan, but none of us like it- nothing like your pancake recipes. We’d love to see a pumpkin pancake recipe by you someday!

  62. Rachel says

    This dip was delicious! I made it using fat-free cream cheese and 2 tbsp white sugar. Yummmm. Going to use it as a spread on English muffins for breakfast this week.

  63. Tiffany Lundin says

    So I’m wondering if I could make this into frosting for the cake batter donuts?!?! I’m going to try it out with maple syrup as the sweetener cuz that sounds awesome. 😉 ill let you know!

  64. jacky says

    Thanks Katie! This was a great idea! Just made the recipe this morning for my hubby to take to a potluck at his office today. What I like about recipes like this is you can just add things to taste until you’re happy with it. Which I had to do since I didn’t have everything on hand.
    Substitutions I made: I didn’t have cream cheese on hand so I used 1 cup of dry raw cashews and soaked them overnight. I put it in the Vita-Mix with the pumpkin and used the tamper til it was smooth. It needed sea salt in my opinion, so I added some to taste. Then transferred to a bowl to whisk in sweetener to taste (powdered sugar and maple syrup) and also used Trader Joe’s vanilla soy yogurt (which is also sweetened) to give a little tang since I had no lemon on hand and didn’t want to use vinegar. Also it was the first time I purchased the said yogurt and I didn’t like it so I needed to use it up some how and the pumpkin and spice really helped masked its weird flavor. I was also out of vanilla extract so I think this added vanilla flavor along with a few drops of vanilla stevia. I think everyone should give this recipe a spin!!

  65. Stacey says

    I just made this with my 5-year old and it’s GREAT! I used 2 packets of stevia and it was perfect.
    Everyone will love this for after dinner munchies tonight. Thanks for another outstanding recipe!

  66. Karissa says

    You’re right, this is the best pumpkin dip ever! I love it! I took it to a Halloween party tonight and served with with honey wheat pretzels. I think I’ll make it was a Thanksgiving appetizer too!

  67. Chocoholic says

    OMG I normally bookmark EVERY recipe I want to try but I want to try all of the ones on YOUR website so what’s the point!???! I would have hundreds of bookmarks.. 🙂

  68. Anonymous says

    I have made with sugar free-fat free cool whip that comes in that big container in the frozen section. Just stir and put in the fridge. Ammazzing!

  69. Stephanie Leming says

    I just made this dip a few minutes ago… It literally took under 10 minutes. I used “Follow Your Heart” brand vegan cream cheese, increased the powdered sugar a bit (1/2 c, so my son would eat it, lol), and added a bit extra cinnamon. Yum! Thank you for sharing!!

  70. Andrea says

    This was AMAZING!!! I mixed it all together in my vitamix and plated it with granny smith apple slices and cinnamon-sugar pita chips. It was a hit! Luckily, I saved some for myself to put on my french toast this morning. Delicious!!!

  71. stephanie says

    Hi Katie,

    This pumpkin cheesecake dip looks delish! I’m planning on making it for my Halloween party this weekend. It will be about 20 people. Should I double the recipe?



  72. Alyssa says

    Brought this to a work potluck with no other vegans present and everyone LOVED it, asking for the recipe. People were grabbing anything they could find and dipping it into this dip, though they enjoyed what I brought too – apples, graham crackers, animal crackers and strawberries. Total hit – thanks!

  73. erin says

    hi katie, i am throwing a dessert baby shower for my sister for 15 ppl. I am making your dip and 2 or 3 other cream cheese dips and I am trying to find out how many serving I could get out of a batch. do you think i should make a double batch of each or just one batch of each since there are gonna be more than 1 option. Any suggestions?

  74. erin says

    hi katie, i am throwing a dessert baby shower for my sister for 15 ppl. I am making your dip and 2 or 3 othercheesecake dips and I am trying to find out how many serving I could get out of a batch. do you think i should make a double batch of each or just one batch of each since there are gonna be more than 1 option. Any suggestions?

  75. Victor says

    Woah! I made this and… This was mind-blowing. I’m going to try this on your amazing pumpkin pie pancakes at some point. But I’m definitely making this at Halloween + spooky peanut butter ghosts.

  76. Angela says

    i just made this and mine is much more runny than in the picture it still taste delicious but i dont know what went wrong i can only think of maybe my container of cream cheese is smaller than what was used, mine was 200g, would you happen to recall yours?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      One container should be around 240g or 8oz. Just add more cream cheese or less pumpkin next time and you should be fine.

  77. Sara says

    Is this supposed to be sort of a whipped consistency when it’s done? I used my kitchenaid mixer, and it’s very light and airy. I ended up using 12oz of cream cheese, to try and weigh it down a bit, but it’s still the same. I popped it in the fridge, hoping that’ll make a difference. I’m not a huge fan of whipped things, but the flavor is great. 🙂

    • Jason Sanford says

      It’s a dip, so yeah. I’m not sure what other kind of consistency a dip would have? Maybe I’m not understanding the question though?

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