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Raw Coconut Kale Enchiladas

I finally did it! Finally got to try these:


Coconut Kale Enchiladas from Bliss Raw Cafe.


Menu description:

Marinated kale with nacho cheeze, pico de gallo, salsa verde,
and cashew sour creme wrapped in coconut tortillas

It’s the coconut tortillas that really got me. Somehow, they were soft and crispy at the same time. And their sweetness made a perfect foil for the acerbic kale.

This was actually my first time ever trying enchiladas– raw or cooked, vegan or non. Somehow, even though I’ve lived in Texas for years, I’d never had them before. If other enchiladas are as good as these, I’ve been missing out! But then again, other enchiladas don’t have coconut and kale… so they couldn’t possibly be as good as these!

Other things I’ve ordered at Bliss:

raw lasagna

Raw Lasagna

Loved loved loved this! The basil pesto was especially yumlicious.


Primavera Noodle Bowl

Not so big on this one. But really, you can’t expect to love every item on a restaurant’s menu.

On this trip, I brought along the Bamboo Utensil Set I received as a Christmas present. My friend asked, “Aren’t you ever worried people will think you’re weird for bringing your own utensils to a restaurant?”

bamboo chopsticks

Well, first of all: No, I don’t care. If people want to think I’m weird, that’s their loss. My grandma always said, “If they’re laughing at me, at least they’re laughing!”

Second of all: It was a raw restaurant, for goodness sake! The guy serving us had about ten tattoos on his arms, and a lady across from me had hot-pink hair. Not exactly the kinds of people who judge you for going against mainstream society.

Published on January 17, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Lindsay says

    @Rachael & CCKatie,

    I would love this recipe, if you can share!!! Many thanks! 🙂 I really enjoy reading all these wonderful recipes and trying them out!

  2. Courtney says

    I would definitely try these! They look and sound great, and btw – I love making vegan enchiladas with cashew cream on top! The only thing is, I really like them to be hot! You can’t really have hot raw food, can you?

  3. Caroline says

    You live in Dallas!? So do I, I contribute to the site yourzenlife and we all love your blog and that’s crazy you live here haha! I live like a minute away from Be Raw but have yet to try it because all my friends run screaming from ‘healthy’ food. I’ll have to go soon though cause those look amaazing xx

  4. Jeanne says

    Ha! I have been to Bliss! Everything I had was fabulous…except the meatballs (walnut).
    I was told that it was an acquired taste…The enchiladas were my fav!!
    You may not remember me…I told you about the chocolate store on Oak Lawn. Can’t remember the name now…did you ever try it?

  5. Kayleigh says

    Hi Katie! We really don’t have many raw restaurants in the UK at ALL! How do you think they made the coconut tortillas as I’d really like to try replicating this! Love the recipes btw! Kayleigh x

  6. barbara jo shirley says

    Hi Katy,

    Just wanted you to know that I love your website, not only for your great recipes, but also for your quirky sense of humor. I have told my family and friends to check it out and they also enjoy it. Keep on keeping on!!!

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