Once upon a time, I decorated cupcakes.

Such as the above vegan, personalized, 100%-edible Shopaholic Cupcake.
But sadly, life was just so busy this past year that my cupcake-decorating hobby fell by the wayside. Time for a resurrection! I was invited to a Halloween party, and I will not miss this opportunity to make more Halloweenie cakes.
Published on October 16, 2010

Meet Katie
Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
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Reader Interactions
VeggieGirl says
I’m definitely a planner, but am working on being a LITTLE bit more spontaneous 🙂
Stefanie says
Those cupcakes are cute. I can’t wait to see what you do this year. Schedules are great for somethings. I like to be able to change things spur of the moment and not be tied down to a list. Have a great weekend! 🙂
abby says
now i’m excited for the peanut butter recipe too! the excitement’s contagious 🙂 :). hurry up and share. i have three jars of different peanut butters waiting to be used up!
Valerie says
With kids, you have to be a planner. You don’t have the luxury of being as spontaneous anymore. I wish I could go back and tell my college self that!
Bring on the peanut butter recipe :).
Kelly says
Both! I like having general plans, but I can (usually) be flexible with the details. I’m actually becoming more of a planner as life gets busier… who woulda thunk it!
Yay cupcakes!
KellyJ says
Ok, yes, I’m a planner, but a flexible one. I don’t like not knowing what’s going to happen. For instance whether or not my kids are going to come home for thanksgiving. I need to know the intention, yes or no, but, if at the last minute they can’t, I’m not opposed to jumping in the car and having Thanksgiving at their place (it’s 700 miles away).
On another note, I’m a newbie remember, this morning for breakfast I had oatmeal topped with coconut butter, cocoa powder, turbinado sugar and coconut milk. OMG! I seriously could consider eating oatmeal for every meal of the day!
Have a great Saturday! I’m doing year end taxes 🙁
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
While the taxes don’t sound fun, I bet your breakfast made up for it!! Can I come over tomorrow morning? Sounds like a PERFECT breakfast to me! 🙂
littleacceb says
How on earth do you get those crazy colours, Katie? They look delish!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Wilton food coloring. I stock up on Michaels coupons and buy a lot of colors :).
lian says
ahh lovely 🙂
what do you use to decorate with ? *possible post ideaaa ?* 😀
because sometimes i wish i could just take a crayon and draw on paper and just slap that onto my cupcakes. or even somehow just…draw directly onto my frosting, with markers. but YOURS, are so lovely 🙂 [not to mention edible]
do share your secrets with us ! <3
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww you’re so sweet :). I’ve talked about my cupcake-decorating in the past, but it’s been a while… I don’t think I’ve made any in like a year! Usually, I use fondant (it’s like edible clay). But every so often, I do exactly what you said: I draw on paper and cut it out! Obviously I tell people not to eat that, though ;).
Lauren says
Those cupcakes are amazing! I want to make ones just like that. I agree with the comment about this being a possible post idea…I’m not sure if you got it out of a recipe book or not, but please do let me know how you did this/where you found the directions. I would love to try it out, but wouldn’t know where to start. The shopaholic cupcake is also too adorable!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thanks so much, Lauren!
Do you have a Michaels or JoAnn… or even WalMart near you? If so, look in the cake-decorating aisle (near the wedding aisle) for fondant. It’s like edible clay.
(If you do find it and have questions about how to use it, definitely feel free to leave more comments/questions. You know where to find me! :))
EmbraceYourSkin says
I am a major planner!
Also, can it please be Wednesday so I can win some coconut butter!? My stash is dangerously low!
dmcgirl37 says
I love being spontaneous but I have this ‘need’ to have LONG TERM plans!
Dana xo
PS love the jcrew cupcake!
Krystina (Organically Me) says
Those are totally adorable!
Di @ http://thetreadmilldiaries.com/ says
Love the Halloween pumpkins, Katie. They look like tons of fun -and I’m sure they’re delicious too. To answer your question, I’m definitely part of the planning club. I like my lists, calendars and to do’s. But just like you – I sometimes throw caution to the wind…and say what the heck.
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
Ahh I love your cuppycakes! 🙂
I live by a schedule..but I’m not a planner. When it comes to going out with friends or whatever, it’s totally spur of the moment 🙂
BroccoliHut says
Definite planner here–I choose several recipes to try each week to prevent blog-readers from getting bored. Otherwise, I would just eat hummus scrambled tofu every day.
spoonfulofsugarfree says
Those cupcakes are adorable, Katie! Whoever gets to eat them will be extremely happy 🙂
I am definitely an organized person, but I love spur of the moments, too. How ’bout an even balance?
Fi says
Oh I am an annoyingly meticulous planner!! those cupcakes lookk awesome! great idea for halloween, looking forward to the ob recipe, f xx
Aria says
Those cupcakes are adorable. How in the world did you make the decorations? Is it fondant? I would love to make something like those to bring to a Halloween party I’m going to and show everyone that vegan cupcakes can be yummy too lol
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yup, it’s fondant :). I love working with that stuff!
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
Planner for some things, i.e. 401k plan, how I plan to pay the mortgage this month, what I plan to do in terms of educating my child, where I plan to travel the next year, what I plan to eat later this week so i can shop accordingly, what my next huge tattoo will be, etc
Spur of the moment on other things, i.e. Im going to Food Buzz!, going out w/ friends, blog content is largely unplanned other than maybe knowing 48 hrs ahead what i plan to post…
Im a mixture 🙂
Moni'sMeals says
“sweet” cupcakes! I am a bit of both-planning and spur of the moment for others. I think balance is the best and to me being only one or the other can back fire on you. 🙂
Liz @ Blog is the New Black says
I am OBSESSED with cute cupcakes, too! I am making some tomorrow, stay tuned. 😉 That shopaholic one is adorbs!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Ooh I’m excited to see!
Rachel says
Ohh your cupcakes look so DELISH, Katie 😀
I plan all the time… and then the plan goes out the window… so I’m gonna say I’m a planner but also a free spirit 😉
I’m excited for your coconut butter giveaway and peanut butter recipe!!
Shelby says
I’m a planner! I write down a to-do list everyday. It’s not just things I have to do, but their in order too! I feel weird if I go out of order, but I’m working on letting go a little (:
Caitlin says
Haha I love that J. Crew shopping girl. Reminds me of so many of my friends!
I like to plan, but did recently get a tattoo spur-of-the-moment and move to Manhattan on a whim. Must be a quarter life crisis!
squigglefloey says
Hi girlie 🙂 Love the blog you are ADORABLE (as are ur cuppy cakes). I am a total planner. But I’m trying to keep it down to a minimum because sometimes I think I plan too much and try to retain so much structure that I start becoming too much of a square. =/ I need to be more spontaneous!
But, generally, I LOVE planning ahead haha.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww thank you for your sweet words! 🙂