Spinach and Popeye
I was rejuvenated by the thick Coconut Chai Milkshake.
Ready to take on the world! Or our next destination, at least. I’d found this one the night before, while mapping out a rough itinerary. What did we do before google? Does anyone remember?
A new favorite store.
And it is called… Fishs Eddy???
Weird name, awesome place! Seriously, why did no one tell me such a store existed outside of my dreams? Imagine a room of wall-to-wall dishware in every shape, size, and color of the rainbow. What you’re imagining is called Fishs Eddy.
When I first got into photography, I thought one was supposed to use patterned dishware in flashy colors and shapes. But I’ve learned it’s actually better to work with plain dishes so that they don’t steal the thunder from your main subject—the food, itself.
However, plain need not equal boring.
I stuck to monochromatic dishes: a few baby bowls (shown in the above photo, under the sign that says “the little bowl that could”), a pink mug (top-right of the photo), and a little white plate. Oh, and I also found the cutest straws!
The best part about Fishs Eddy is that they will ship to your home. And because my home is in Texas, that meant no tax (which almost cancels out the shipping fee)! Plus it meant I didn’t have to carry the purchases through the city. On the other hand, this made it more difficult to restrain myself from buying out the store. But I’m proud of the job I did in treating myself—because, after all, I’m on vacation—yet not going overboard.
(By the way, my friend Jessica was not at all interested in Fishs Eddy. She did her own shopping at nearby stores, and we met up afterwards.)
Later in the evening, we got a quick bite to eat, courtesy of the Whole Foods hot bar.
The above picture is actually from last year, as I didn’t bother to take a photo this time. Yesterday’s dinner consisted of the following: okra gumbo, chana masala (I love their chana masala!), quinoa, and a raw kale salad with blueberries and strawberries.
Two favorite stores in one day!
Then we walked to the Harry Potter exhibit, which honestly was not worth the money. But I made up for it by coming back to the hotel and eating chocolate. Chocolate makes everything better ;).
What are your favorite types of shops?
When I was a kid, my favorite was obviously Toys R Us. As a teenager, I liked stores such as American Eagle and Gap. But after a while, there are only so many t-shirts, tanks, and jeans a girl can buy–especially when she’s not growing anymore. Now, my favorite stores are places like Barnes and Nobles, Crate and Barrel, and Whole Foods. Or even SuperTarget!
michelle says
I would have been in heaven in Fishs Eddy. I love me some boots but kitchen stuff is my obsession.
Beth Newby says
I stumbled across Fishs Eddy a few years ago when in NYC. OMG, I LOVE the place like you do. Unusual, funky items you don’t see just anywhere, actually just there! When I found it I fell in love but my husband walked thru with me, didn’t see the “thrill” in it, so I sent him out on the streets to people watch while I took my time. Another great place you’d probably love in NYC is called “Pearl River”. It’s a HUGE place with everything Asian and SUPER great prices. I still adore my cute little doggie themed rice bowls I picked up there for I think $2.79 each.
k says
Thats funny you said that (about the white plates) because I used to think that too until I came to your blog! A lot of your posts have the flashy colors and I thought it was weird because I wasnt used to seeing that on major food blogs, but thats what makes your photography unique and recognizable so I really like it now. You make food better than food. You make it fun girly happy food 🙂
Liz says
I love shopping at food shops, and my fave is Central Market in Texas. However, now that I live in Missouri, the closest thing to Central Market is Trader Joe’s, which is okay, but it doesn’t do it for me! I am on a continous search for something comparable to CM here in Missouri…. 🙁
Casey says
Oh my gosh- I can’t believe there’s someone else who loves dishes/glassware as much as I do, lol. I’ve recently become vegan, and was worried about giving up baking (my fears have abated). Thanks so much for your posts- I love reading your blog!
Beth says
I stumbled across Fish’s Eddy a few years ago while in NYC for a book event. The place is INCREDIBLE! It has the coolest, funky dishes. It’s one of those places I actually said “Whoa” out loud and was immediately comfortable in. I wish they’d franchise the place and have a store in Tucson! But, Katie, if you ever do come to Tucson, I can suggest several funky places you’d enjoy!
kelly says
how can a harry potter exhibit not be worth it??! sometimes i think youre from a different planet, but then i remember that you love chocolate just as much as me so it must be the same planet!!