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The Grapefruit Diet

It seemed like a good idea at the time…

I got suckered into buying an 18-lb bag of grapefruit from Whole Foods for $4. Luckily grapefruit is part of my favorite pre-run breakfast… although it might not be anymore, by the time I get finished with this bag!

Grapefruit is good post-run fuel as well, as I discovered this morning:

zucchini oats

I sliced up some ruby red to go with my Zucchini Bread Oatmeal.
Half a grapefruit down, twenty (?) to go!

zucchini oatmeal

Feeling super-creative, I threw in a blob of Raw Cheesecake.

Best decision ever? Yes. Yes it was. When the raw cheesecake filling melted in to the cinnamon-y oats, it tasted like a gooey cinnamon roll.

Wait, but there was zucchini in there. A zucchini cinnamon roll? Hmm, so maybe it doesn’t sound all that great. But it was delicious, I swear! The filling acted like icing. And what’s a cinnamon roll without icing, right?

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Question of the Day:
Do you ever buy food or household products in bulk?

I often bulk-buy Jocalat bars and almond milk so I can get a case discount. In terms of household products, I’ll purchase things like toothbrushes and toilet paper in bulk– things I know I’ll use! But now that I think of it, I guess the real question of the day ought to be: got any good grapefruit recipes for me? 😉

Published on January 7, 2011

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    I remember trying to get into grapefruits when first starting to eat healthy because I had always heard they were a health food..but then I’d have to load it with sugar to make it taste good! haha I like them now..but it took a while to get used to them.

  2. Katie says


    I just did this same thing 2 weeks ago. I love them for breakfasts, snacks, and for my favorite “cocktail”–freshly squeezed grapefruit juice & sparkling water. This drink comes in especially handy when you get toward the end of the bag when you are fighting the freshness clock!

    Happy eating!


  3. Kat says

    I love grapefruit, and what an awesome deal for Whole Foods. I like to add grapefruit to my spinach salads. After reading the comment about grapefruit cheesecake … well lets just say I wouldn’t say no to that!

  4. BroccoliHut says

    Ever since Seth and I went in on a Costco membership together last fall, I’ve been all about buying things in bulk. I buy bell peppers, almond butter, and pasta sauce.

  5. Claire says

    That’s a lot of grapefruit! You could make grapefruit marmalade if you still have people you want to give gifts to. Have a look at this too, some may take your interest: and if none do sounds like they’re for you I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with some variations, we’ve all seen how creative you are when it comes to recipes. 😀

  6. Ann Claire says

    Wow that’s a lot of grapefruit! I love grapefruit. I really don’t know of any recipes with grapefruit because I love them so much plain! You could always just send some my way 😉

  7. lorne says

    Toilet paper………..if it is on special, we buy it. In almost every cupboard in my house you’ll find toilet paper ;0) ( I also keep it in the car and most of my friends have a roll in their car just for me, I am known to take my own roll into a public loo)We also bulk buy toothbrushes when we are in Korea and bring them back to New Zealand as they are sooooooooooo cheap in Korea.

  8. Kristi says

    I buy a lot of things in bulk, since it is a little cheaper sometimes.
    I’m not really a grapefruit fan, but it’s been a long time since I’ve tried it. I might need to give it another chance.

  9. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    CD and I love buying in bulk, and we save so much money doing so at Costco. We buy rolled oats, spinach, mustard, Brussels, mushrooms, and almond butter from there as well as most of our toiletries and paper goods. Love that place, and I love the thought of the raw cheesecake blog melting in a bowl of oatmeal. Mmm, bet that tasted good.

    Dying to try these Blueberry Larabars, but until then, I have carob fudge babies to keep me happy. 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh darn it, I really wish I’d sent you some! I ended up giving all of the samples away; they just weren’t my favorite… I missed the chocolate ;).
      P.S. my favorite thing from Costco is the heat dish. I know you love yours too :).

  10. beccah says

    i buy peanut butter,some nuts,rice/grains andbeans/legumes in bulk.oh ya and costco has an awesome vanilla soy milk 🙂

  11. Mary Beth Myers says

    Hahaha I came HERE looking for grapefruit recipes! You’re my go-to. It doesn’t look like you found any. LOL!

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