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Throw an Oscars Theme Party!

(Note: If you only read my site for new recipes, rest assured there’ll be a new recipe posted both tomorrow and Tuesday!)

I had fun with this post.

Theme parties are always fun to plan, and virtual theme parties are even better. (No mess!) But I did run into a little trouble, having only seen one of the movies up for Best Picture. Thankfully, an incredible creation exists; it is called Google. Have you heard of it? Earth-shattering news, I know.

More trouble: three of the movies take place in France, yet when I scoured my dessert recipes, I found not one single French recipe! Not an éclair, nor a petit four. Not even a crème brulee. (That really does need to change. Soon.) Still in all, I had fun planning my virtual Oscars party. Shall we start with dessert? Dessert is always the best. Well, maybe we should start with drinks and hors d’oeuvres … and save the best for last.

oscars food

Coconut Floats

This tropical twist on a root beer float pays homage to the Hawaiian setting of The Descendants. All you need is a paper umbrella. And a really thick straw.

granola bars 4

Nature Valley Granola

Crumble these bars and serve the granola as pre-dinner munchies, and you’ve got a snack of which Joey the horse, in War Horse, would approve.


Little Vegan Ratatouille

I published this recipe a long time ago, but it’s still one of my favorite dinner recipes. I bet it’d even work in a crockpot! Three of the movies up for Best Picture take place in France, and this just so happens to be the only French recipe on my entire blog. Sad sad sad. I need to work on some crepes. And that crème brulee!

oscars ice cream

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

For Brad Pitt’s Moneyball, because this ice cream is minty green… like money. And no one is poor who has mint-chocolate chip ice cream. Also for Moneyball:


Cookie Ball Pops

It’s a chocolate-chip cookie on a stick! With this recipe, you’ve got the balls (the cookies) and the bats (the sticks). And cookie ball pops are way more fun than cake pops.


Four-Minute Macaroons

Going with the black-and-white theme for The Artist. My coconut cookie dough oatmeal is also black and white. But um… do you really want to serve oatmeal at a dinner party? People would think you were nuts!

 oscars apple

Buttery Apple Crumble Bars

Representing the Big Apple, setting of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. These bars are always a hit at parties, even with people who don’t like healthy desserts.


Ultimate Chocolate-Fudge Pie

I’m sorry; it had to be done. I couldn’t resist. Obviously this “show stopper” healthy dessert is minus the secret ingredient in the pie from The Help!

Question of the Day:

Will you watch the Oscars tonight?

If I weren’t going to an Oscars party tonight, I probably would’ve skipped it and just looked at the dresses in People. (That’s my favorite part!)

I’m bringing two dishes tonight. One is the Pizza Hummus.

The other is a surprise… If everyone likes it, I’ll post the recipe on Tuesday!!

Published on February 26, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Not going to watch and almost forgot they are on…just because I have so much work to do at my computer, no time for TV tonite. Fun post 🙂

  2. Amber K says

    I probably won’t watch it, but then I tend not to watch any of the awards shows. Except the ones on MTV because they are usually way more fun. I’d rather just read about who won and who wore something crazy later on. But good food is to be had every time!

  3. Katharina says

    My roommate said we should watch the Oscar’s so we started watching.. kinda late though. I missed all the fashion, but I saw what Gwenyth was wearing.. STUNNING!

    That pizza hummus sounds yuuuummmy 😉


    p.s. I may have to make that coconut float this week since I’m flying down to sunny South Florida!

  4. Alexia @ NamasteYoga says

    I didnt watch the oscars but it would have ment staying up all night. my favourite cinema had a life viewing starting at 1 am though- i would have gone if i didnt have to work AND teach yoga today! your french style desserts and food looks so darn delicious. wanna swim in pool of chocolate right now!

  5. Amanda says

    We had an Oscar party last night. Didn’t do so well with the theme but we did have one thing – your chocolate pie for “The Help!” OMG, loved it!!! Everyone loved it! I like all your other recipes, too. I was fresh out of ideas. It didn’t help that I hadn’t seen most of the movies this year… 🙁

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