I’m honored to have my friend Robert Cheeke as a guest today.
He’s written an informative post on vegan bodybuilding and has even sent a list of High Protein Vegan Foods.
Robert Cheeke is pretty much the antithesis of what one thinks of when one hears the word “vegan.” He definitely helps squash the stereotype that vegans are scrawny and sickly and protein-deficient. Let me introduce you to Robert:
Don’t mess with vegans!
And now I’m going to give the blog over to Robert Cheeke, the world’s most-recognized vegan bodybuilder and author of Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness – The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet. Below, Robert’s guest post:
Building Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet for Any Sports Interest
It might not be common knowledge. But many vegan and vegetarian athletes consume adequate, quality protein on a plant-based diet and thrive with high levels of health and fitness.
Building muscle on a vegan diet should not be considered a challenge, an oxymoron or an improbable task deemed for failure. Like anything else in nutrition, getting enough protein in your diet comes down to the basics, and common sense.
- Eat frequently
- eat quality whole foods
- consume an adequate quantity to elicit the kind of muscle gains you’re looking to experience
If your goal is to build muscle, it must be understood how muscle grows in the first place. You can’t expect to pack on muscle without understanding how the process works: For starters, you have a basic minimum caloric need just to maintain your weight, muscle and health. This is determined based on your age, size, weight and gender, and primarily based around how many calories you’re expending (burning) each day.
You burn calories in everything you do — from sleeping to walking to exercising. And the more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. Due to the nature of physical activity, athletes burn far more calories than non-athletes. So they require more calories through the consumption of food than their non-athlete counterparts. We know we need to eat well and eat often. But what we eat — and what we choose not to eat — are also important factors. It’s pretty common for an athlete to require 0.8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to maintain muscle.
Building muscle
To build muscle often requires the consumption of 1.2 – 2.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. It may seem like a lot. But thousands of bodybuilders and athletes — who dedicate their personal or professional lives to building muscle — have found that this system is effective. It’s just the way the body works. It is a system which supports any sports interest from tennis to running to lifting weights. We break the body down through exercise and need to build it back up through sound and adequate nutrition.
You’re probably not used to consuming this volume of food. But it’s also one of the main reasons why “vegetarians” as a group get the reputation for being underweight. It’s not a baseless stereotype and it’s something that I work hard to eradicate through my Vegan Bodybuilding lifestyle.
Of course, it’s not just consuming a lot of food that is important. It’s also an exercise program that supports the food intake. Muscle grows as a result of the micro-tears that happen within a muscle following resistance training, usually weight training. Lifting weights or putting your body under physical stress in other ways (such as manual labor or bodyweight exercises) causes the muscle fibers to tear.
The food you eat, supplements you take, and ensuing rest you get all help in the recovery process that builds you back up bigger and stronger. Without exercise, you’re likely to gain fat eating a higher than usual calorie diet. That’s because the caloric consumption will greatly outweigh the caloric expenditure. When put together appropriately, they work harmoniously and create outstanding results of proper nourishment, fat-burning and muscle building. You can “have your cake” and burn it off too.
Consuming a gram to two grams of protein per pound of bodyweight isn’t an easy task. If it were, we’d all be walking around as muscle-bound citizens mimicking cartoon super heroes. Of course that image isn’t the goal of many, but recovering properly from any type of exercise is our primary goal.
It usually requires the consumption of six to eight meals a day with the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats throughout the day. Regardless of your sports interest, consuming smaller meals throughout the day keeps you constantly nourished and fueled for a run, a tennis match, cycling, swimming or anything else, providing important nutrition to start the day, throughout the day and pre and post-exercise.
The percentage breakdown for an active person may look like this:
- 50% of calories from carbohydrates
- 30% coming from protein
- 20% coming from fats.
The exact percentages may change daily based on diet. They also vary per individual based on factors such as your food preference, your rate of metabolism (your body’s ability to burn fat) and your specific athletic goals.
Though it’s not an easy task to consume enough food, it’s also not extremely challenging either, it just takes some dedication, focus, planning and preparation. I personally enjoy eating frequently throughout the day. My meals tend to be a bit smaller and I get to incorporate a lot of variety, flavors, themes, etc. because I am eating more frequently than just three or four meals a day.
In general fruits are the easiest to digest and are often best eaten alone rather than combined with other foods such as proteins. Consumed at the same kind could slow down digestion in many people so some people choose to eat fruit by itself and consume other carbohydrates with proteins in other meals throughout the day.
Sample Muscle Building Nutrition Programs from my Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness Book:
Active Women Sample Muscle-Building Nutrition Programs
Click for: Sample Meal Plans (for women)
These programs have been created for women and the quantities of food are based on approximately 125-150- pound active women. They are just samples and exact foods and quantities can be altered based on interest, size, age, and activity level. Keep in mind these are designed for active women who are burning more calories throughout the day due to exercise/sports than a sedentary person, and require extra nutrition (calories) to recover from exercise.
Men’s Sample Muscle-Building Nutrition Programs
These nutrition programs are for an average 170-pound male looking to maintain and build muscle, but the themes throughout are consistent for any gender, any size; just tailor your own programs to your individual caloric needs. These are simply examples and have not been approved by the FDA or other governing body. They are purely based on my experiences and observations as a competitive and champion vegan athlete over the past 15 years. Listed after these meal programs from my book are custom made meal programs for women based on general fitness, not bodybuilding per se.
Click for Sample Meal Plans (for men)
I’ve found that the more enthusiastic you are about supporting your active lifestyle with a sound nutritional program, and the more meaningful your reasons for doing so, the greater your success will be. That’s just the nature of enthusiasm. In general, the more you care about something, the harder you’ll work to achieve it. Exercising and eating well is a lifestyle decision that allows me to live, work and play as a vegan bodybuilder.
My career opportunities, interests, and long-term goals are all dependent on my ability to stay motivated. The harder I work, the more success I experience, and the more personal fulfillment I achieve.
What are YOUR unique reasons for wanting to build or maintain muscle? Why do you care about it, and what does it mean to you?
Click for Robert Cheeke’s tips: List of High-Protein Vegan Foods
Enjoy the Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness lifestyle and get the most out of it. All the best in your own journey to outstanding fulfillment and amazing results!
Robert Cheeke
Author, Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness – The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet
Thank you so so much, Robert, for taking the time to write such an incredible guest post! 🙂
Silvina says
And how long has your muscle friend been a vegan? One day? That piece of info is crucial. Because many of these bodybuilder have eaten animal protein food for years and then they turn vegans :/
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I can tell you for a FACT that Robert has been a vegan for years. He even has his own website, veganbodybuilding.com, and a terrific book.
Tricia says
What sort of foods have really high protein content in them? I know that beans and lentils and nuts do but do you know of any more? Just sort of trying to get enough protein in my diet 😛
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I think this post was meant for you! 🙂
jenn says
GREAT post! Thank you for sharing this! I love it. Do you mind if I share it on my blog? I won’t do so without your permission of course and will refer to your blog. I am a physician who advocates a plant-based diet. A friend and I recently started a blog on plant-based diets as a resource for those who are interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet. We have lots of other plans too, but one step at a time. lmk and thanks again for the great post. Glad I found your blog…subscribing now! Jenn (www.theplantrx.com)
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Jenn!
Thanks for the sweet comment :).
This was actually a guest post, written for me by my friend Robert Cheeke. So I don’t have the right to say you can re-post it on your blog. However, please feel free to link to it :). Happy holidays!
jenn says
Totally Understand! Merry Christmas! Jenn (www.theplantrx.com)
Katie @wishandwhimsy says
This is such a wonderful article. It has answered several questions I’ve had regarding the breakdown of nutrients I need to be consuming while I’m strength training. Thanks to you and the guest poster for this one. I’ve bookmarked this page for quick referencing.
Olivia says
Been vegan for a few years now. You will never hear me complain about being able to eat all day long 😉 😛 Cant complain! Love the female meal plan for working out, gonna be another ripped vegan on the planet by summertime!
Maya says
I’m not sure if anyone pointed out his above mistake in protein needs, but his statement of an athlete requiring “0.8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to maintain muscle.” is incorrect. What I think he meant to say is that amount is a guideline for 0.8 – 1.2 of grams per kilogram of body weight which is (0.5 – 0.8 grams per pound).
Same thing on the “building muscle” statement. The proposed requirements would be 1.2-2.0 would be for 1.2-2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight and not pounds which is a huge difference. Example: if I weigh 125 lbs. and am building muscle the calculations would follow as:
1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg
2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.
56.82*1.5=85 grams of protein needed
Cora says
Thank you, thank you for this post! I know full well it is absolutely possible to be strong and active and gain muscle on a vegan or vegetarian diet. That said, I have been struggling with this very goal of mine. Great information and a great source of encouragement!
Shannon says
Wow!! This is kind of awesome, I been wanting to lose fat and build muscle for ever, but i have thyroid issues and the 7th will be my first 2 year anniversary of a partial brain tumor removal, and my 2nd 2 yr anniversary of full brain tumor removal will be Oct. 18 of this year. I weigh 230 lbs and have found it really hard to lose weight. And despite my efforts still weigh to much about 80lbs to much, I know it will come off, but I may need to try a high protein diet to combat my sluggish thyroid and to lose lbs so this is great I just stumbled on this article thank Miss Katie. I will have to look hit get this book and decent blender my is about to go to blender heaven.
Toria says
Thank you for posting this! I’m trying to gain muscle mass but everything I read tells me to eat something like 15 egg whites a day…. barf!
I love the sample meal plan for women but where can I get more like this? Does Cheeke (or anyone else, for that matter) have a book or site dedicated to vegan bodybuilding for women?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Yes, check out his book called “Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness.”
Summer says
Being vegetarian I am always told that I can never gain muscle with my plant-based diet. I always get discouraged hearing that. But not anymore. thanks for sharing this post.