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The “Ex-Boyfriend” Cookies

Okay, I’m going to work on a single-lady cinnamon roll… and maybe a blondie or brownie too. But not today. I don’t want to look at another single-lady anything for at least the next few days! Cookie testing tired me out!

Yesterday, you saw the pretty Single-Lady Cookie.
But you didn’t see the half of it! 😕

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Before there was a good single-serving Chocolate-Chip Cookie, there were many ugly ones. Consider them the ex-boyfriends of the cookie world. 😉

My first tester cookie came out way too dry. The second puffed up so much it looked more like a muffin than a cookie. The third cookie was absolutely disgusting, thanks to too much baking soda. And the fourth… well, let’s just say I almost gave up completely after that one! By the time lunch rolled around, I was burned out (and I’m not just talking about “burned” in the sense of cookie tester #5)! So I quickly threw together a very non-cookie lunch. (I used the same ribbon from the Single-Lady Cookie photoshoot. Somehow, it just seems too weird to use fake flowers in December.)

candied veggies and bulgur pilaf

Bulgur pilaf, sautéed peppers and onions, and Coconut Candied Veggies with pecans.

After lunch, I caught my dad happily munching on the throw-away cookies. That man will eat anything. I swear, he has no tastebuds!

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One time, I gave him a Raw Macaroon, and he said, “Mmm, this is good. Is it lemon?” Um, not exactly, Dad! :-?) After that, he was banned from taste-testing. Often, I’ll bombard my mom and friends with samples, saying, “Here, try this and tell me what you think.” My dad will ask, “Do you want me to taste it?” Nope, not really LOL! It’s so weird, because my own tastebuds are soooo hyper-sensitive. If there’s even a hint of a certain spice in a recipe, I’ll pick up on it.

What about you?
Are your tastebuds super-sensitive? Or will you eat anything?

Don’t forget to enter to win some Fudge Babies… Although, judging by the number of comments on that post, I don’t know if there’s anyone left who hasn’t already entered! 🙂

Published on December 15, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. kathleen says

    My dad will eat anything at all! You say your dad has no tastebuds- my dad has been hospitalized 5 times from food poisoning, because he can`t tell if a food is plainly rotten, and he just decided that fuzzy stuffy really does equal bad. He seems to think of rotten food as misunderstood! But my sister can taste the tiniest bit of anything- we joke that she could be a superhero with her super powers of taste! I am firmly in the middle. I eat food, but it only tastes good if the food and atmosphere are good. I eat equally with eyes and taste.

  2. trajayjay says

    Ehhh, I’m not so picky as to what I eat. If it doesn’t taste absolutely dry and bitter, like kale, I’ll be fine with it.

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