Spanish literature classes can be pretty hard-core at times (imagine reading and analyzing Shakespeare… not in your native tongue!). One day last week, to give us a break from all our work, my sweet teacher planned a Poetry Party. Along with turning in our essays that day, we also brought drinks, music, and food. I, of course, brought cupcakes. My essay pertained to flowers, hence the flower-cupcake theme. ¡Olé! 

Published on March 9, 2008

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
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Reader Interactions
Billy says
Holy crap, those look amazing! I want one. Mail one to Seattle. 🙂
Mel says
Those look fantastic!!! I love the colors and they look super yummy
Kumquat Peekapoo says
Look what you’ve done! Now I’m in a cupcake mood and there are no cupcakes to be found! Very pretty.
asmexyhousewife says
SWEET! The first one is the cutest. I wish we had spanish classes together.
Eep, sorry for messing up your comments. I posted under the wrong name. (I don’t really use blogger)
Melody Polakow says
They look amazing! I’ll bet your classmates were pleased.
Nick says
Delicious looking treats. They look as if they would make my teeth hurt, in a good way! Bueno!
– The Peanut Butter Boy
Liz² says
those are sooo pretty! you really have a talent for decorating. :O
Happy Herbivore! says
you always make the most amazing – and most BEAUTIFUL! cupcakes/cookies, etc. If you ever decide to dump spanish…you need to open a vegan cakery! amazing job as always (and jealous of your classmates!)
they’re almost to pretty to eat… almost! (I cant resist a vegan cupcake!)
Billy says
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your cupcakes still look amazing. I’m baking right now too (blog post to follow tomorrow or the next day).
Bonnie says
Those are Beautiful! The people in your class must’ve been very happy with those absolutely gorgeous little cakes.
And that literature class does sound quite challenging to say the least. Very cool, though, to learn to speak Spanish that well.
The little flowers on your cupcakes are so pretty… I agree with Liz², I think you have a decorating talent!
Billy says
You going to post the recipe? Did you use something from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World?
Romina says
Those are gorgeous! Great work! I can’t imagine reading Shakespeare in Spanish, but I read it in Italian to make it easier for me than olde english… gah!
VegMomma says
Oh! So pretty!!!
Ruby Red Vegan says
Your cupcake talents surprise me again and again! I’m more impressed every time. These pastel-y flower ones are so preeeeeeetty. I lub dem.
If you ever decided to sell stuff on etsy, I would so totally buy your cupcakes. And I can’t BELIEVE you have to analyze Shakespeare in Spanish! That’s some crazy stuff right there. Your Spanish co-students’ brains must hurt so bad from that, I’m sure some cupcakes are just what they needed.
Amy says
those are beautiful cupcakes! those little flowers are the perfect touch!
mustardseed says
Hi Katie! Thanks for the comment(:
Yesterday I made oreo cheesecake! I’m waiting fir my friend to come so we can have it together. Can’t wait!
I looked up your cheesecake recipe, I made something very similar! But have you tried making your own cream cheese? I’m looking for a good recipe that can be used for baking, just like Tofutti. Tofutti is VERY expensive here, going at about US$7 for 8oz.
Vaishali says
The cupcakes are so gorgeous. I really want one of those!
jenna says
WOW! Those look fantastic! I’m sure everyone in class loved them! You should be at Pastry & Baking school with me 🙂 Where did you get that recipe from?
Oh, and are you in a sorority? I know a couple girls at SMU but they are all in sororities…my ex boyfriend was a phi delta theta there! Small world! You are lucky-SMU has such a gorgeous campus!
Veggie says
Those are adorable! They bring to mind ‘hello kitty’ for some reason.
~randi~ says
CUTE cupcakes! They look delish too. Were they a hit? Did everyone like them? Thx for putting me on your blogroll! 😀
Cookiemouse says
Those look fun! Thanks for the link.
coulditbeseitan says
estar o no estar … este es el questione? haha umm not quite but those cupcakes are precious!!
amy says
Why can’t you be in my Spanish class :-P?
They’re gorgeous!
Jennifer says
Those cupcakes look amazing! Wow! What a lucky spanish class you have! Send some of thsoe my way.
DJ says
Wowza! Those cupcakes are absolutely adorable – too pretty too eat!
Veg*Triathlete says
Soooooo pretty!
Jess - The Domestic Vegan says
Those are absolutely, stunningly GORGEOUS! And so spring-like. How sweet of you the bring those to share!
Jenny says
Cute! It makes me wish I was in that class! Well, just for the cupcakes!
Alison Nicole says
Spring Awakening!! I love these. Adorable, just like you!
Whaling Station Believer says
Chocolate Covered Vegan,
I really like you blog and have been looking at it for a few months.. thought i’d tell you I am a fan! It is so nice to read and see you friendly posts.
Take Care!
ChocolateCoveredVegan says
Whaling Station Believer,
Thank you so much for your kind comments. See my next post– you are DEFINITELY one of the people I’m talking about in it!
regina says
Those are so cute! I love them!
Bianca says
Those are so damn cute?! Is that marzipan?
I think I would feel guilty eating them though…they’re like little works of art!
Vegan_Noodle says
SOOOOOO PRETTY!!! Lucky spanish class. Love the little flowers. 🙂
Sophie says
ahah reading and analyzing Shakespeare not in your native tongue, hey sounds like my degree!!!
This cake looks sooooo cute! I really need to start cooking more elaborate thing although you can’t beat a “Sophie’s quick and easy vegan couscous”! Damn I am hungry :s!!!
vko says
So pretty! lucky lucky Spanish class!
Garden Freak says
these are some of the best looking dang cupcakes i have seen in a while.. too bad i didn’t get to taste one… but i swear i can smell their yummy goodness all the way here in ct from tx…