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What I did for Halloween

I sometimes forget I’m no longer in college.

Gone are the days my body will happily accept 2 hours of sleep.

But you can always tell how good (or bad) a party is by how late everyone stays. I’ve been at parties that start at 7, where nobody is left by 10 PM. However, last night was definitely not one of those parties. When I left  at 3:30, there were still a lot of zombies and goblins dancing around. Not to mention trashy cheerleaders, cops, and nurses… 

Has anyone else noticed Halloween costumes seem to get smaller each year?


Although it wasn’t the kind of party where you’re supposed to bring food, I brought food anyway, never passing up the opportunity to try out a recipe on unsuspecting taste-testers.

I made my Halloween specialty: Thin Mint Cupcakes.

The zombies and goblins and trashy cheerleaders ate them all up.

The experimental part of the recipe was actually the mint-chocolate frosting I used this time, which I added after arriving, so the cupcakes would be easier to transport. (Frosting recipe coming soon.)

apple crumble bars

I also made a new version of this recipe: Apple Crumble Bars.

My initial costume idea was really awesome; however, some of my friends got stuck and needed another person to complete their Gossip Girl ensemble, so I switched at the last minute. We ended up with more girls than guys—understandably, most of the guys didn’t want to dress up as a Gossip Girl character—which meant one of the girls went as Chuck Bass. It was pretty much the most hilarious costume of the night ever.

Now, please excuse me, as I’m off in search of a strong cup of coffee… My eyelids feel like anvils. I will leave you with a photo of my candy-corn fingernails:

candy corn nails

I guess I’ll have to repaint them now that Halloween’s over!

Published on November 1, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Life's a Bowl says

    Haha, my husband said the same thing that the costumes are getting smaller and smaller 😛 Thankfully, he does not approve and thinks it’s nahhht attractive 😛

    P.S. Cute nails!

  2. Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says

    KEEP those fingernails- I think it would be acceptable to have them right through Thanksgiving!!
    I want to eat through both dessert photos- they look so good!!
    I never dress up for Halloween. My husband refuses to dress up, and that takes the fun out of it. One of these years, I’ll make him change his mind!

  3. Tiffany says

    Oh man, those desserts look GOOD! The apple crumble bar is making my mouth water. And yes – definitely yes – costumes are getting smaller every year. As a mom of two, I’ve gotta keep things modest, so no skanky french maid’s outfit for me 🙂

  4. Bek @ Crave says

    I love your finger nails! What a neat idea 😉 Haha, depends who’s wearing the costumes…for teens, yes they do get smaller every year! What Gossip girl did you go as? I hope you’ve caught up on your sleep 😉

  5. Jilly says

    I’d love to see women going as brilliant women history, or women who fought for women’s rights.

    Ahhh… but no one would know who they were – and they wouldnt get any attention 😉

    To each their own. We WILL evolve one day.

  6. Jilly says

    PS. My friend (male) calls the new young girls’ look (not only in Halloween costumes, but in usual-wear) “Prosti-Tots.” Sad!!

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