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Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies

You made me do it.

vegan no bake cookies

Yes, you.

You’re like the naughty child in the back of the classroom; the one who always eggs the other children on… and then watches, laughing, as they get in trouble.

Do it, Katie.

Make a chocolate version of your Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cookies.

You know you want to.

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Yes, yes I wanted to.

And now that I made them and discovered how good they are? Oh boy, am I ever in trouble.

(Are you laughing yet?)

vegan no bake cookies

No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

  • 1/4 cup peanut butter, or nut butter of choice
  • 1/4 cup + 3 tablespoons raisins
  • salt to taste (I used a little over 1/4 tsp, but I like salty pb cookies!)
  • 2 tablespoons roasted, unsalted peanuts (Walnuts or cashews can be subbed. Also, if you can only find salted peanuts, reduce or omit added salt)
  • 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • optional: chocolate chips, either before or after blending (or both!)

Throw everything into a small food processor (double the recipe for a larger food processor) and combine until very smooth. Roll into balls, cookies, bars, or simply eat shovel the dough into your mouth, straight from the machine. (I’m not the only one who does this, right? Right?) The dough can be stored on the counter, in the fridge, or in the freezer. Or in your belly. Or in my belly. On second thought, the dough can only be stored in my belly. So hand it over.

These are 100% flourless, just like my Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies.


Also, I wanted to update you on the moat I mentioned in an earlier post that I was making to protect my cookies.

Meet Earl:

If anyone tries to steal my cookies, he’s got me covered. I initially had my heart set on a dragon… but all the good dragons were taken.

Growing up, did you ever want an exotic pet?

At one point in my life, I thought it’d be the coolest thing to have a monkey. And then I went through a “Mom, I need a panda bear” stage. Through the years, I also wanted a frog, a mouse, and a horse. Apparently my childhood pets (which included rabbits, hermit crabs, hamsters, and a parrot) just weren’t exotic enough.

Also: If you haven’t tried the original version of these cookies, I highly recommend checking that post out. It’s one of my favorite recipes on the blog!

Published on October 2, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Q says

    For peanut butter, do you have to use the commercial type or would it be possible to use the all natural, organic, hippy dippy stuff?

  2. tea-bagginit says

    i didn’t want an exotic pet but i wanted to live in exotic places! i’ve always been super active and curious so i wanted to travel the world & be an explorer!
    these cookies look great! i want to try them with some protein powder mixed in!

  3. Megan says

    Chocolate and peanut butter… 🙂 What a wonderful start to the day! I always wanted a horse growing up (what little girl doesn’t?) and my best friend had a newt that I thought was pretty cool. I loved animals so I think I probably wanted everything! My brother’s friends dad had a kangaroo for a while- I think that would be fun!

  4. Nikita says

    Nothing beats peanut butter and chocolate… two of the best flavors paired together= amazingness! I had lots of random pets (bunnies, hermit crabs, guinea pigs, rats, mice, fish, ferrets, etc.) growing up because my sisters and I were all pet obsessed. I really did want a tiger though… like Jasmine from Aladdin! Lol.

  5. Amelia says

    Mm, yum I think I also might just skip the “originals” and go straight for the chocolate 😉
    I really wanted a dolphin (or a killer whale) when I was little. I several times begged my mother for one. In my mind I even contemplated buying a huge patting pool (isn’t that what it’s called??) and have the dolphin swim around in that in my backyard. I always loved the sea and dolphins so to me that was just the ultimate pet. Haha thinking back on this makes me smile 🙂 Thanks for reminding me of my silly childhood dreams!

  6. Robin says

    all i can say is yes please. i really regret having just finished my last peanuts, now i need to wait for tomorrow at least, before i can make these.i don’t think i’ll make it.

  7. Jenny says

    Haha yes the beginning of this post did make me smile and chuckle. 🙂 Great intro and eventual segue into the recipe!

    Chocolate and PB, as we all know, has always been a winning combo, so of course these have got to be awesome… just like the original version. Only, you know, ten times as awesome because they’re chocolatey.

    Growing up, I wanted exotic pets… and I got them! We did have a family dog, and I had typical pets once like two budgies and four turtles. Then my family went on to get more diverse pets… An iguana for my mom, a monitor lizard that we let wander around our enclosed property in Singapore, then I had a chameleon when we moved to the US, and my brother had a bearded dragon. (<– Hah! If you needed a dragon, I wish I had known back then. ;P Of course, bearded dragons are usually way smaller than monitor lizards… which are obviously smaller than Donkey's wifey dragon…)

  8. Katherine says

    Mmm, these sure look delicious! I’m lucky enough to live about 10 minutes away from a wholesale nut company, so I could make these with any kind of nut if I wanted to! We all know peanut butter is the best, though. 😉 Do you think these would work with golden raisins? I much prefer the taste of those.

    I don’t remember wanting any exotic pets, but I did want a kitten for the longest time. Now I’m lucky enough to date someone whose family fosters cats, so I’ve had a lot of chances to play with kittens. I have gotten ringworm though…yuck! At least it’s nothing serious.

  9. Amber K says

    Uh-oh I should have seen this coming! I know how delicious the original version is, and now a chocolate version? Oh I know what I’m eating today!

  10. Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says

    I have a very vivid memory of sobbing to my dad because my mother refused to let me get a lizard. I wanted it for months and gave several presentations as to why I should get one. A week before Christmas she sat me down and told me it wasn’t going to happen so I wouldn’t be disappointed…

  11. Lilly says

    love this! I am going to make them for my madre. Either the original ones with carob chips or these with carob powder…. or both versions 🙂 My mom doesn’t like chocolate, I know right… crazy, but she loves pb cookies so I’ll still keep her 😉

  12. Jenn says

    Yummo they look great! Your peanut butter version are similar to something I do with protein powder and peanut butter 🙂 I am going to try these this week!
    Growing up I didn’t want an exotic pet. Just a puppy! We lived on a busy road back home in Sydney, so puppy’s were out of the question 🙁 One day I will have a puppy – and it will be amazing!

  13. Ashley says

    For some reason as i child I always wanted a horse, not really exotic, but not very realistic since i live in the city. I love that these are no bake, those are my two favorite words!!!

  14. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says

    Ahmazing! I am soo happy you made these! Can’t wait to try! I actually always wanted a flamingo 🙂

  15. Katie @Nutrition In A Peanut Shell says

    Ugh Katie you always post these fantastic recipes right when I run out of the stuff I need to make them! (Stupid unsalted peanuts)

    I can’t believe you didn’t chocolatize these sooner!

  16. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    I MADE YOUR ORIGINAL ONES YESTERDAY and it was totally one of my fave CCK recipes!! I can’t WAIT to make your choc ones too! 😀

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh no! 🙁
      Can you tell me more about what you did? (i.e. what type of “egg” and what flour and any other specifics)? The egg shouldn’t have made much of a difference in the success of the recipe, because I think it’d even be fine to leave it out completely.

  17. Ragnhild says

    Chocolate makes everything better! These looks great!

    And guess who (finally) made your coconut melties today?? They are in my fridge now, and I cant wait to try them 😀

  18. A Tablespoon of Liz says

    You amaze me every time you post a new recipe. I’m always like, what could she possibly do next? and It’s always amazing. When I was younger (Ok, when I was a sophomore in college) I wanted a hedgehog, one of my friends had one and he was adorable.

  19. Melanie Rice says

    I was just searching for a Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake cookie recipe on your blog two days ago! This makes me so happy….But I’m in trouble now too. Haha.

  20. Jillian says

    Yes! I wanted a monkey too! After I saw the movie Monkey Trouble I begged my parents to buy me one. I put it on my Christmas list, asked for one for my birthday, to no avail!! They kept telling me that monkeys are too dirty to keep as pets. I vowed that as an adult I would buy myself one, haha. Maybe they were right….. 🙂 But those cookies look amazing! I love the originals, but I think these might be even more addicting!

  21. Lauren @ Chocolate, Cheese and Wine says

    I love the chocolate-peanut butter combination! I have always wanted a Dolphin – Flipper.

  22. Sarah says

    I saw these and just made them 10 minutes ago! Yummy! Thanks for the recipe – so easy and healthy! I love your blog; Thanks! 🙂

  23. VanessaG says

    I never comment, but I had to on this one. I think this recipe is going to be my favorite one you have made!!! 🙂 You are amazing!!

  24. Ally's Oma says

    Katie, I LOVE YOU!! You’ve made my allergy laden, adrenal failing life so much more bearable! Keep up the good work, you just can’t know how much I’m “egging you on!!!”

  25. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    Wow. I never had that many pets ever. I had fish who died after couple years (without my knowledge), and then a dog. That’s it, though! I always wanted a little mini puppy, but instead we got a 100 lb golden retriever? oh well, love him to death! He’s my best pal 😀

  26. Jennifer says

    What the last fifteen minutes of my life looked like: read this post, got out of chair as if inspired, put ingredients in blender, blended, ate. Happy 🙂 Don’t need a moat here–there’s no cookies to share!

  27. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    These look so moist, gooey, rich, and perfect. The original ones look great but anything that dark and chocolatey is just calling out for me…even more 🙂

  28. Wendy says

    Holy moly, these cookies look delicious! This recipe is so easy too! I’m glad I don’t have to go out to buy any ingredients haha.

    I don’t have a food processor though – will a blender be enough?

  29. Nathalie says

    Lol, long time no comment! I’ve been keeping up with your posts though. These look divine, and perfect considering I have no real oven.

    By the bye, I made a post about desserty stuff I’ve been making recently. There’s a lot of your influence in there!

    Mindi (my sister) loves the vegan stuff, even though she’s not at all vegan! She’s been really enjoying my tofu/coconut butter/nut butter creations! Your inspiration makes it happen =D

  30. Jessica @ Jess Go Bananas says

    If you consider it exotic I wanted a hamster/guniea pig…LOL 😀 I wanted a monkey at one point too!!

  31. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    Ha ha! First of all- these cookies look amazing. I can’t wait to try them. Your recipes NEVER disappoint!!! I always wanted a hairless cat. And guess what- I got one about 7 years go. Pretty funny. Even funnier that my husband hates him. 🙂 When I was really young I wanted a skunk. I always thought it would be cool to walk around with a skunk on a leash. ha ha!

  32. Melissa says

    I am DROOLING! Literally. There is a watering in my mouth! Damn, girl! And I thought you did it with the first round of this recipe! Pretty sure this will be happening in my kitchen later today!

  33. Sandra says

    I did the original recipe splitt it in half and added cocoa in one half! so now i have both flavours and let me tell you I LIKE IT! they are both yummie so yummie that when i do this next time (yes there will be a next time, many next times) I make both flavours because they are to good to just make one! 😉

  34. Katie C says

    These look amazing! From one Katie to another, I have to say I have been thoroughly enjoying your blog and look forward to making some of these delicious treats.

  35. Aurelia says

    I tried this recipe last night and was a bit freaked out at first, because the dough came out super oily… I had to literally squeeze oil out of it as I shaped it into cookies! Weird.

    Nothing a little stay on paper towels couldn’t fix, though. And of course… the cookies tasted GREAT. <3

  36. Kat says

    these look delish!
    I wanted a river otter when I was little – so random! They always looked so cute and cuddly floating on their backs at the zoo 🙂

  37. Marianne says

    I’ve always thought it would be awesome to have a seahorse as a pet. Random, no? But they are so awesome! You can actually get them for salt water aquariums, but they are uber expensive, and hard to keep alive. Perhaps when I’m rich and famous one day I can have one. Or I’ll just stick to cats.

  38. HealthFoodJunky says

    Oh my gosh! These look amazing! I made the original ones for my totally non-Vegan Dad (who is obsessed with peanut butter cookies) and he LOVED them! I know he will want to try these as well!!

  39. Shelli says

    Wow! These were soo good, and I didn’t feel guilty about giving my daughter chocolate!! I love looking at your blog. I strive to be healthy but I have such a sweet tooth. It’s nice to have some decent recipes to try. In my younger days, I would experiment with different ways to make desserts healthier. Please never try to make Skittle cookies unless you want to break your teeth!!! Besides, who wants a cookie with out chocolate in it!

  40. Jen says

    These look incredible…can’t wait to make them. BTW when i was dating my husband he owned a 4 ft savannah monitor. That thing was SCARY! Thankfully he got rid of it before we got married. It was a little too exotic for me.

  41. Lindsay says

    I need to make around 6 dozen of these, how many servings do you think your original recipe will give
    (i I do them in small balls)?? These look delicious!

  42. Stephanie says

    OMG. These were great. We are high-raw, and so the no-bake, no refined sugar aspect of these is perfect for us. And nevermind all that! They were REALLY GOOD. We had 7 decently sized (maybe 2 inch) cookies from the recipe. They were gone in mere minutes. Going to double it for Christmas tomorrow. THANK YOU!!

  43. Lori C. says

    Just made this recipe – yummy! The peanut butter flavor is wonderful. I used a round tablespoon for a scoop, which resulted in 9 little balls. Only 6 are left…

  44. Becca says

    Just made these up. Very yummy, had to add a few more raisins as mix was a little claggy (probably to do with my pb). Nice and easy to make, especially good for those of us with little energy.

  45. Sheleen says

    Yum! What a perfect little treat that is so easy to whip up (and not have any lying around). Thank you Katie, you have done it again!

  46. peanutbutterprincess says

    So yummy. Like trail mix in soft cookie form! I made a batch and the dough came out a little crumbly, im guessing because I used the Smuckers natural pb (the kind you have to stir) so they didn’t hold the form of a cookie. I made them into little balls and put them in mini cupcake Linnets and will see if they firm up in the fridge.

  47. Ann-Marie says

    So I’m sitting on the couch craving chocolate & PB & I knew I needed to search your site for the perfect recipe to hit the spot. So now I’m sitting here eating this with a spoon 😉

  48. Alyson Happymeal says

    So I am new to your blog and have already bought groceries for like half of your recipes 🙂 I just recently lost a lot of weight and have been trying to figure out how to curb my sweet tooth without sacrificing the work I have done…Amen to your blog LOL! I feel like this was exactly what I needed, thank you!

    On another note though – I have an Oster blender (I am assuming this is the same thing, as I am knew to this) – How do you blend so many dry ingredients and not hurt the motor in it? I just made these and had to add a little bit of Almond Milk bc I thought my blender was going to blow up….I am just curious since I will be using these recipes now and I notice a lot of them are kinda the same with dry ingredients (or super thick ingredients for that matter)…This first trial was a definitely eat with a spoon kinda cookie 🙂 still amazing though! I added a dropper of liquid flavored chocolate stevia and it’s like angels were singing 🙂

  49. Kirsty says

    Finally tried these, and they are delish! Used sultanas instead of raisins, and had to sub almonds for peanuts, since there were only 6 peanuts left in my bag! Probably would add only 1/8tsp salt next time, but thanks for sharing the recipe!

  50. Hayley says

    Yum! I made 1/4th the recipe just to see and yum! Def. make these again! I’m gonna try the original ones and dip them in chocolate next time! I love your recipes!

  51. Julie Roberts says

    Girl, I gotta tell you you rock. Your Frappuccino recipe is right on the money. Today I used half milk half soy and it’s still quite good. I think I’d be better with only 1/2 or 3/4 c milk though. I also found another recipe for a Chai mix and added a few pinches of that, so now I have my very favorite … a Chai Frappuccino! You’re the best! On this recipe, do you have the nutrition info somewhere (so I know if I can indulge)?

  52. Charlotte says

    These are like my “hobo” cookies: I make them when I want something delicious but don’t have that many ingredients on hand ;P quick, easy, beautiful, and DELICIOUS. Thank you for sharing your genius with us!!

  53. Sue N. says

    I would just like to tell you again that you’re an absolute lifesaving genius. These bars are AMAZING and I eat them at least 2-3x a week now. I even got my mom hooked on them! I like to use 1 T shredded almonds and 1-2 T coconut with these instead of the peanuts (because we never have them in our house). So unbelievably good. I’m actually eating one right now. Though I usually just use my short cup and eat it straight out of there (no time for bar making! there is deliciousness afoot!) I love that they’re so portable and quick to make; perfect when I have to run out the door for class. You’re amazing, Katie. Just thought I’d let you know that, again. =)

  54. Tiffany says

    Just made these literally minutes ago, and i have to say, i am not vegan, not even close, but these cookies are AWESOME! I don’t miss the flour or anything else regular cookies would have. Even my 3 year old, super picky son is gobbling them up! YUMM!

  55. Autumn says

    Do you think you could use sunmaid pitted dates in place of raisins?? That’s all I have and I really hate raisins although I’m sure you don’t taste them anyways in this recipe..haha

  56. Laura says

    I’ve been pinning your yummy looking recipes on pinterest for awhile, and today I finally took the plunge and made these cookies. They were so good! I loved that there were no dangerous to eat raw ingredients, so I could let my kids help, and didn’t have to get worry when they wanted to eat cookie dough raw! My skeptical husband thought they were great, too! I will definitely be trying more recipes soon. 🙂

  57. Melissa says

    These are soooooo yummy! I only have almond butter so I used that, raisins, cocoa, and whole almonds. I sprinkled some mini semi-sweet chips in at the end, too. I didn’t put any salt because I’m very sensitive to salty things. I used unsalted almond butter and plain almonds. These are so incredible. I can’t believe there’s no sugar, oil, milk, or flour! They taste so rich!

  58. Mary says

    Yay! I just made this recipe, but with prunes (hope nobody gets grossed out), and they were great! My 9 year old daughter gave her stamp of approval as well. Thanks for all your recipe tinkering Katie – Yum!

  59. Breezy says

    Hey Katie, I’m not a big fan of rasisins so I was wondering what else, and how much, I might use to sweeten these. By the way, I love everything I have tried from your site so far. I am so excited that I was told about it. 🙂

  60. Gena Hondrogiannis says

    Hi Katie!
    I’m sorry if I missed this but do you have the nutritional info? Love your blog, on it all the time!!
    You Rock Girl!! 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Sorry, not for this one. However if you look on my “Fudge Baby Mania” page the nutritional info is listed for some of the other flavors, so I think they should all be pretty similar since they have similar ingredients. Hope that’s somewhat helpful!

  61. Terese says

    Just made them & they are amazing! My husband rarely eats sweets and my 3 year old & I are chocoholics so your portions are always just enough for the 2 of us! Thank you for another perfect recipe!!!

  62. Casey says

    These look absolutely delicious! However, is it possible to leave out the rasins or substitute them with something else?

    • kristle says

      yummy! these are the first thing from your website i’ve tried. i used my crappy mini food processor so not everything got chopped up, but i kinda like it all chunky 🙂 casey, i think you could probably easily use dried cherries or currants in place of raisins?

    • Melissa says

      If it’s just the flavor of raisins you’re not a huge fan of, I’d suggest trying them anyway – and use 2 full tablespoons of cocoa – you won’t notice the taste of the raisin. I actually have some dried cherries on hand – when I make my next batch, I may leave the dried cherries whole but work them into the dough before I form balls – chocolate covered cherry cookies sounds good to me! Oh – sorry, I digressed – I was going to say, I bet you could use dried cherries as the sweetner/binder instead of raisins.

  63. Catherine says

    Yum…I just make a combo of this and your Oatmeal raisin larabars, and it’s fantastic. Crunchy pb makes a great substitute for peanut butter and peanuts!

  64. Sally says

    just checking out your page for the first time and made your chocolate pb no bakes. I have a well stocked vegan kitchen so I had everything on hand. OMG! Just delicious! Has to be one of the best cookie receipes I have ever made…and so easy! Will make again and again! Thanks!

  65. kanani says

    I just finished making these and they are awesome but mine came out super sticky I could hardly roll them; any suggustions? I omitted the raisen since they aren’t my favorite.

  66. Tinemarie says

    OMG – my head just blew up! I threw these together – it only took about 5 minutes. Of course I HAD to taste test. WOW! Intense flavor, amazing taste! And so, so easy. This is rich enough to satisfy a very strong sweet tooth! I rolled my dough into little balls and added to choc chips each, like eyes!!!!
    Thanks for another amazing recipe, CCK!

  67. Melissa says


    RE: Crumbly Cookies – I couldn’t get my dough to come together either – THE FIRST TIME I MADE THEM – the second try (on the next night, which happens to be tonite) I did two things, I added a teaspoon of ice water while the processor was spinning and I let it spin a lot longer on a higher spin level. Was able to form nice, round cohesive cookies easily. Wanted to see how they taste chilled, but well…. between my 16yo daughter and myself, there aren’t any to chill!

  68. Anna Banana says

    Or these can double as a breakfast snack when you wake up craving chocolate. Solid way to fortify one’s self for the day: peanut butter, raisins, and chocolate. 🙂

  69. Rachel says

    I have no words for these…..cannot believe they are sugar free and delicious!!!
    my 2 yr old wouldn’t stop eating them so that’s a good sign 🙂

  70. Elissa says

    Just tried these with Better Than Peanut Butter – equally as good as the original recipe! And fewer calories! Life is good.

  71. Amanda says

    I wanted a quick no cook goo ball that tasted like chocolate chip cookies. I did the dates, vanilla and nuts. Then added 1/8 tsp baking soda and 1/8 tsp salt and blended together. It tastes like chocolate chip cookie dough! It was a bit runny because I put in too much vanilla though…

    But yummy!

  72. Lisa says

    I just found your website and tried these out immediately. Oh. My. Word. My 4 year old son and I can’t stop eating them!! As I read the other comments, I just want to say even if you don’t like raisins, go ahead and use them. You really can’t distinguish that’s what they are in the cookie. They’re just a binder really. Great recipe Katie. Yum!

  73. Katie Jacobson says

    Great recipe! I love your website, because I am always guaranteed recipes without eggs, and my middle child has a ton of food allergies. When I made this, I used sunbutter, but I would advise against it, because the finished product was super oily. Delicious, but oily! Just to let anyone else out there thinking of using sunbutter 🙂 Keep up the fantastic work, Katie!

  74. Ms. Chanandler Bong :) says

    I made these with dried cranberries because I had a chocolate pb craving and I didn’t have any raisins, but I wanted them right then. Such is my life. 🙂 Anyway, they turned out great! I have a few in my freezer because it made them like frozen bonbons of velvety goodness!

  75. mel says

    Yum 🙂 just made these along with the coconut bars…and ate them together…ever tried that? 😉 I used honey for the coconut bars b/c we’re out of maple syrup, but they came out too sweet for my liking. Not sure if it was b/c of the honey or b/c they’re just too sweet (I’m not vegan, but I like doing healthier versions of things!) – I’ve been trying hard to cut down on sugary things (including naturally sugary things) and noticed I’m actually starting to like some things I never thought I liked before. Definitely will make these again – my children will greatly enjoy. I’ve been reading your blog a lot last night and today – so many recipes I want to try, and it’s neat you’ve been able to make a career out of food blogging! And I love chocolate and coconut, too! 😉 I also enjoy experimenting with food. Oh…in answer to your question on this post, I don’t remember ever wanting an exotic pet, but I do remember my dad coming home and asking if I wanted a “guinea pig”. I didn’t know what a guinea pig was, so I thought he meant pig. I LOVED animals so of course I said “Yes!” lol. So I was probably pretty surprised when I saw they weren’t actual pigs, but they were still pretty cute!

  76. Heather says

    Oh. My. Goodness. These are AWESOME!!! I used almond instead of vanillla as I was out of it. And my rasins were kind of hard, so they didn’t completely break down. It was awesome!!!!! My kids CANNOT stop eating them… which I am okay with 😉 I did make them a little naughty and rolled them in a snip of powdered sugar, and I also tried it in cocoa powder… it made them like truffles!

  77. Emily says

    I really dislike raisins (it’s a texture thing), but I will eat them ANY day in this recipe. I doubled the batch and then proceeded to consume the entire thing…in one sitting. So awesome. Will definitely be making these again.

  78. Jeannine says

    Katie, I just stumbled upon your blog and am loving it. Can’t wait to try, um, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of your recipes. Tomorrow. But until tomorrow comes, I just wanted to say I am loving your comments, notes, and your questions at the end of your posts. It’s a fun ride. Thanks for doing all this work for the rest of us to enjoy. Got any recommendation for a good food processor that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg? Looks like I’ll need to reinvest in one since ours likes to share what is being blended, during the blending process. Best, Jeannine

  79. Hannah says

    Those cookies look delicious! I’ll have to try them someday!

    I can say I’ve gone through an exotic animal stage. I’ve had times where I’ve wanted a monkey, a tiger, a parrot, a tadpole, an opossum, a lizard, and a ferret. I’ve even gone as far as to have a pet cockroach (Harry the Cockroach) when I was little.

  80. Faith says

    Love these … easy, quick, satisfying, and I can make them fit my diet! Thank you!! … these are also really good with just a sprinkling of instant espresso powder – a pinch or two. Mmmm.

    • Andrea says

      Christina, you could enter the recipe into a website such as MyPlate on to find the nutrition facts 🙂

  81. Andrea says

    I just made these tonight so I could have a treat to take to my Grandpa tomorrow and I think he’s going to love them! And of course I had to taste test far too much of the “dough” 🙂

  82. Courtney says

    On a weekly basis, I make something of yours. We love all your goodies so far even though we are not vegan. Just lovers of “healthy” junk food. 🙂 I made these today and had to sub cashews since I had no peanuts. Pretty darn good still!

  83. Erin says

    Oh, yum. My kids and I LOVE your peanut butter and oatmeal larabars, so these are a must make! And you are too funny btw. 🙂

  84. Emma says

    I devotedly wanted a unicorn for 15 years. Does that count?

    Also, I have decided that I shall charm Earl into an enchanted sleep. And cross your moat on the backs of turtles. And then I shall kidnap all of your cookies. And hide. And eat all of them. Be afraid.

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      If Earl falls asleep, I shall have to fire him and banish him to a land far far away. Then I will replace him with TWO alligators, so that one is always on the lookout. There is no such thing as being too cautious when it comes to protecting the innocent peanut butter cookies :).

  85. Sarah says

    So this recipe (like all of yours) is fantastic. I wanted to buy a coconut larabar today at the grocery store but a voice in my head stopped myself. It said “I can make these at home using one of Katie’s recipes!” And I hate to buy something I can make. So I made these but replaced the butter with coconut butter along with 1 Tbsp each of walnuts and almonds for the peanuts (plus 2Tbsp cocoa powder). AMAZING!

  86. Katie says

    These are AMAZING. I love this blog- I`m not vegan, not trying to watch my weight, none of that. I just LOVE dessert and this blog is my go-to for a rainy day baking extravaganza. Everything is awesome and Katie is so creative and innovative. Simply the best!

  87. emily says

    These absolutely rocked my world. I never imagined I would be buying raisins in bulk size containers, but after this recipe… it just might happen. It was so rich that my son tasted it, and said, “Mmmm, these are the kind of cookie that I am only allowed to have one of, isn’t it?”


  88. Kim says

    I thought this recipe was awesome. I made some changes based on what I I had on hand, and it turned out fabulously. I used coconut butter instead of peanut butter, almonds instead of peanuts, and dates instead of raisins. They were delicious. My mom was here shortly after I made them and ate one without knowing they were healthy. I asked her if she knew what was in it. She gave me this look like “Duh” and said “it’s chocolate!” I said, “There’s no sugar. It’s sweetened with dates. The only sugar is in those 3 chocolate chips on top of each one.” She looked completely shocked and said “Well, I guess I’ll have another one then!” I thought it was pretty funny. Thanks for the great recipe. I may have to try the peanut/raisin version next time!

  89. Mint says

    Delicious recipe as usual, Katie :)! I replaced the raisins with dates, and since my peanut butter was crunchy anyway, I omitted the extra nuts. I think the recipe could do with a little less of the peanut butter, but it was delicious and decadent nonetheless!

    • Stephanie says

      I just made these and……oh my yum! I didn’t have peanuts so I skipped it. I added chia seeds for a little crunch. I just read someone said they make 10 balls. Oh dear. I think I just ate half. I am forcing myself to stick them in the fridge for later. I also am not a fan of raisins. But I am a follower of directions so I put them in and sooooo good. lol Thanks for all you do.

  90. Earthmamaj says

    Wasn’t impressed by the first bite, but by the second I was hooked! I am amazed by the ability of these to satisfy my chocolate cravings, and all without any processed sugar. Yahoo raisins!

  91. Angie D says

    I LOVE alligators! And these look delicious, can’t wait to make them!

    I have an obnoxious alligator cookie jar. When you open it – he shouts “Yummm, Yuummm, those sure are some TASTY cookies (in an aussie accent!)” I can hear it from every corner of the house – it’s my cookie security system!

  92. keeley says

    Ok these are completely and utterly amazing !!!! Would it be so awful if I ate the whole tray without sharing ? I did make these into a bar and yes I can eat the whole tray ! Also I never even thought to use raising instead of dates . What a great idea .=)

  93. Kelly says

    can you freeze your larabars/fudge baby varieties once they are made? I couldn’t decide which type to make so i just made three batches!!! they are amazing but now I am wondering if I can freeze them so they last longer?

  94. SV says

    OMG these are crazy. I’ve made them with almond butter or peanut butter depending on what I have on hand and they are ah-mazing each time and disappear way too fast. You rock.

  95. Taka says

    Hi Katie! I am trying to find a low sugar alternative to dayes and other dried fruits that I see in recipes like this. I know the dates are for binding and sweetness. I don’t mind not having much sweetness as I am used to low sugar eating but what can I sub for the binding factor? Or maybe use dates and something else half & half?

  96. Amanda says

    Adore this recipe! Have made it a few times and yesterday added some ground ginger and a bit of mashed banana to the mix. Result needed to set in the fridge but was a delicious twist. Tried and mostly failed to not consume the whole lot in one day! Thanks Katie 🙂

  97. nuts4knits says

    I sub 2 T peanut butter (210 calories) plus 2 T PB2 powder (just 45 calories) for the original 1/4 C peanut butter to lower the count just a bit. I roll these into 1/2 Tbsp balls and add 3 chocolate chips per (makes 13 that way). They are SO good! Not sweet enough for my teens, but I think that’s great! More for me (;

    Thanks from D in Tennessee

  98. Alyson says

    Mmmm, just made these! I used the Dark Chocolate Wonderful pb by PB & Company…lol. Made them even chocolatey-er! I probably should’ve left out some cocoa powder but oh well!

    I also didn’t have peanuts handy so I subbed 2 tbsp of raw pumpkin seeds instead. Also used my own raisins I’d made out of dehydrating grapes in the dehydrator.

    Turned out great! It’s almost gone!

  99. JA McD says

    I will def try these this holiday season! Thanks for the switch-up of cocoa! My family really digs most things chocolate, so these will be a hit (and so easy!).
    And I had an exotic pet – well, actually, my sister got a hedgehog and her circumstances changed, so I had a hedgehog. She was hand-raised and super adorable, even when she was super cranky. They don’t live very long, so that can be hard, and I haven’t gotten another one – maybe when we have more room and Baby Girl is a bit older!

    • JA McD says

      I forgot – my husband had a pet spider. Or he adopted the one that set up camp in the ceiling corner of our living room. One day he nabbed a ladybug that had snuck in and tossed it into the web – I told him that since he fed it, it is now our pet. Spidey disappeared about a week later, but by then he’d stopped feeding her anyway – probably ran away due to neglect LOL.

  100. Lucy says

    Oh yum
    Oh yum yum yum yum yum yum yum
    Next time: triple the recipe
    So moist! (sorry if you hate that word)
    These taste a lot like cocoa delight nakd bars (uk Larabar equivalent) but somehow even better. Oh yum yum yum yum YUM.

  101. Leah rosen says

    Hi Katie! Would you ever consider making a section for easy lunchbox treats? Nut-free because many schools don’t allow nuts due to allergies. Thanks so much!

  102. Cindy says

    Hi – when I click on a Lara Bar recipe, it takes me into the cookies – am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

  103. Betsy says

    I love this recipe so much. I am going to make this for my sister a I. we are on the GAPS diet and we can only have a few desserts.
    o answer your question I have always wanted a Chinchilla.

  104. Jessica says

    Love your recipes. I had a pet deer mouse, his name was Binky. When I was seven I also went and asked the manager of our rented town house to ask if we could please flood the basement for a crocodile. I think most kids go through those phases. lol

  105. V says

    These cookies have single-handedly brought joy back into my sweet-tooth diabetic dad’s life!

    You should DEFINITELY start by saying they are sugar-free! That’s way more impressive than gluten-free! The fact they have no flour makes them perfect for diabetics!

    I converted in grams and do 95g peanut butter, 90g raisins, 15g cocoa blend until smooth then fold in very rougly ground roasted peanuts for cunchiness. I roll them into balls that weigh about 20g each then squash them flat with the palm of my hand. I freeze the cookies because that’s how dad likes them and they keep a couple of weeks!

    Thank you for a life-changing recipe, really. It has made my dad’s life better. He looks forward to them every day.

  106. Donnamarie says

    Just learned
    I’m borderline diabetic and peanuts and peanut butter is good for my diet keeping my blood sugar low. Soooo this is a great recipe for me. Also, just watched the garbanzo bean cookie dough dip recipe. Oh yeah guess I’ll be extra busy in my happy place (the kitchen) this week. Take care and thanks for the healthy tips too!

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