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10 Healthy Summer Recipes

It’s not jacket weather anymore.

Quick! Can anyone name that movie quote??

No, it’s definitely not jacket weather anymore; at least not here in Texas. I brought out the popsicle maker last week and we’ve been having lots of fun creating different flavors, such as mint-chocolate-chip and blueberries-n-cream popsicles. So if you happen to see an overwhelming number of popsicle recipes on my blog this summer, please accept my apologies in advance.

In the meantime, here are 10 healthy recipes perfect for “non-jacket” weather. (By the way, the quote is from The Wedding Singer. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies!)

nutella popsicles

Nutella Fudge Pops

dessert pancake

Ice Cream Sandwich Pancakes

raw peanut noodles

Peanut Butter “Noodles”

mint chocolate chip ice cream vita mix

Vita-Mix Ice Cream Recipes

vita mix ice cream

PB Frozen Hot Chocolate

pineapple drinks

Pineapple Floats


Chocolate UFOs

vegan chocolate ice cream

Creamy Chocolate Ice Milk

cookie dough milkshake

Cookie Dough Milkshakes

healthy shamrock shake

Healthy Shamrock Shakes

Question of the Day:

Does it feel like summer yet where you are?

I know summer doesn’t technically start until June 20th. But when the temperatures are already in the 90s, and kids are getting out of school, it’s pretty easy to say summer has arrived. I hung my jacket up long ago.

Published on June 1, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says

    Wow…yum. haha! Those all look amazing and will have to make an appearance at some point this summer. If I do say so myself. 😉

    And summer is definitely peaking it’s way in SoCal. Some days are still gloomy and chilly at times, but the 80 degree days are definitely showing their faces.

  2. JEnny says

    No, in Denmark we had summer until monday, then it started feel like autum. I just got soaked on my way home. 🙁

  3. Samantha says

    Sigh. I wish. Apparently we are on Denmark’s seasonal plan. It is dark, rainy, and cold.

    I recently made the mint chocolate chip ice cream…LOVE. (I pretty much just eat ice cream and popsicles regardless…I could be waiting forever for actual summer weather to enjoy them).

    How did I miss the raw peanut noodle one? That looks amazing!

  4. Amy J says

    I can’t wait to try out all these recipes with my kids this summer!

    It felt like summer here last weekend, and now this week has been upper 50’s, low 60’s. I’m sure warm weather will return…off and on…at some point 🙂 I’m in MN.

  5. Abigail Hutch says

    Yum! Thanks for the awesome recipes! Can’t wait to try them all! As a fellow Texan, yes its hot out already! Right now, at 10:30am my phone says 83 feels like 91 outside! ugh! good thing I live at the beach! hheehehe!

  6. HollieisFueledByLOLZ says

    It feels like 1000 degrees where I am but thus that is the humidity for you. That frozen hot chocolate would really hit the spot, I actually have hot chocolate in upstate NY everyday until I move back down south for the summer. It could be 70 degrees, hot chocolate is a must a night.

  7. Alex says

    hahaha I saw that quote and all I could think of was my favourite all-time movie, Miss Congeniality.
    “What is your perfect date?”
    “I’d have to say…April 25th. It’s not too hot or too cold; all you need is a light jacket!”

    • Samantha says

      Have you tried the freezing the mix and then processing option? I have had some great success with it. I usually microwave or thaw the block a tiny bit before processing.

      I did have an unfortunate explosion with a frozen banana in the food processor however and I now know to give it a small amount of thaw time or it will knock the processor off its base and send all the contents of the concoction into the air only to land in the open peanut butter. This disaster contaminated a huge tub of Adams (which is fine for me, but not for all my public baking projects).


  8. jo @ including cake says

    Yum….i’m definitely going to be trying out some ice pop type things this summer. It has felt like summer here in England recently…but not so much this weekend as it’s forecast to rain for the Queens jubilee…rubbish!!

  9. Breenah says

    It felt like summer for a week then we got a storm with golf ball size hail and wind gusts up to 70 mpg. Now it’s in the low 50’s and feels like fall! I just wanna use my new swimsuit and take my baby to the pool for the first time, dang it!

  10. Anna@ActiveFingers says

    It felt like summer last weekend in Northern Illinois but now it is in the 60s and my heater has kicked on. Thank you for the summer treat ideas!

  11. Melissa (Better Fit) says

    I just returned to the UK from a trip to Canada where it was DEFINITELY summer weather. Unfortunately here- not as much. But it is Jubilee craziness this weekend, so the summer spirit will definitely be in the air!

    Those Nutella Fudge Pops look fudgy and delicious!!

  12. Moni Meals says

    Yum, all look great!

    Yes, is is for sure summer here in LA. (I mean it always is perfect weather,) 😉 but what is now available at the Farmers Market is what is sayin summer to me. 🙂

  13. Erin says

    I live in Seattle and our jackets are still on our backs! I’m from Boise, Idaho which gets really hot so I’m missing the sun and heat. And my college is on the trimester system so I’m still in school. Let’s just say I’m a little jealous of you right now, Katie. 🙂

  14. K says

    over here in Australia its the second day of winter… 🙁
    as nice as all these summery foods of yours look I will baking some of your cookies today instead!

  15. Julia says

    Hi Katie!
    I just wanted to thank you for all your awesome recipes. I’m a new Mama and just stopped eating dairy because my baby boy has a milk protein allergy. Your recipes have saved me!

  16. Juliana says

    This is why I love the round-ups – I thought I had read every inch of your sight, but I’m glad to see that I was wrong! 🙂

    It’s sweatshirt and blanket weather here today. Tea, anyone?

  17. kaity says

    yayy, getin my popsicle maker this wknd cant wait! btww i just bought a waffle iron, do u no if any of your pancake recipes would be good in the iron bc i loveee them all already as pancakes figured id ask

    • Alanna says

      I’ve only tried the Strawberry Shortcake pancakes, but they definitely worked as waffles! You might need to leave them in just a little bit longer than a standard pancake/waffle recipe, but they were delicious!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      In my post, I had said I was cutting back to holidays and every few weeks. I cut back from doing one every week, but a lot of the commenters in that post said they like the round ups and would be sad to see them less frequently.

  18. Anna @ The Guiltless Life says

    I loveeee iced recipes! I have been big into my smoothies because it is May (and now June!) but no the weather isn’t that great here, unfortunately (I’m in Vancouver, BC). We keep hearing about how Toronto has a heatwave, but it is still rainy and chilly here. Soon some sun will come, I hope!

  19. Lia says

    SO many options! I’m new to your blog, and oh so excited to start exploring your recipes! IT is not feeling like summer here anymore. IT was in the high 90’s a few days ago here in Chicago, but now it’s been in the 50s! Yay! One last sweater stylin’ week hopefully.

  20. Amber with Slim Pickin's Kitchen says

    I’m in Charleston, SC so yes it is *sweltering* her already…but I LOVE it! I hate the cold! Also, how on earth am I just now seeing these pineapple floats?!? Insanity.

    • Juliana says

      Can I come be your personal chef? Charleston and Isle of Palms are my FAVORITE vacation places!!! 😉

      • Amber with Slim Pickin's Kitchen says

        You can be my personal chef, but only if it’s my personal PASTRY chef. I’m not the best at making desserts…which I must have at.all.times! Lived here all my life, and I love to hear how much others love my hometown! <3

  21. Holly - InspirationBeauty says

    These recipes look delicious!

    I didn’t know summer started on June 20th, I thought the season of summer starts on May 1st!

    I’m kind of glad you mentioned that though, here in Ireland when you’re 18 you go through really important exams which determine what course and what college you’ll go to. I’m going through that right now, it starts on the sixth and my last day is Chemistry on the 19th! So I won’t miss summer, yay! Thank you!

  22. moepurple says

    My comment isn’t really related to this post, but I need some advice 🙁
    My sister does NOT believe me that I’m a vegetarian, but I haven’t eaten meat in months (and before that, I only ate it when my parents FORCED me to). She gets mad about it when I say that I am one. I’d eventually like to go vegan, but I’m scared she will flip out on me. Is your sister supportive of you? How did you “come out” when you first started vegetarianism and veganism?

    • Samantha says

      Good morning! I know you were looking for Katie and I am sure will have some great advice from her but I had to comment on a couple of things.

      First off…forgive me on this one: but for your own safety please consider taking your last name off your blog – at least for now? The online world is just too big of a place.

      I think when your blog reaches a more “professional stage” I can understand having the last name on there (and I do see it) but I hope you will consider for right now not using yours? And feel free to ignore me and this is in no way intended to be bossy, but I have been around enough young people to want a little extra protection around them.

      My family wasn’t overly surprised when I put my foot down on meat. I think they thought the vegan might be a passing stage, but they are used to it now (over 15 years). Since I am the older sister I could care less about my younger sister support so I didn’t have that same issue you might be experiencing. It took some of them awhile to understand exactly what that meant to my diet and what I would or would not eat but I took pretty strong charge of educating myself on how to eat healthy.

      It was actually more the extended family that had a problem with it and I just learned to bring my own food to not go out to eat with them if it was really going to be a problem. My father still finds it a nuisance.

      From my perspective, figuring out what is important to you and honoring that is all part of growing up. You will get there.

      Are your parents supportive? Is your sister worried about the health aspect? Is there a cultural element?

      Best of luck and have a great weekend.

      • moepurple says

        OH! Thank you for telling me, I didn’t realize my last name was on there! I’m usually good about that stuff.

        Also, thanks for the input. If they don’t like my lifestyle, they don’t have to live it, so it doesn’t really matter I guess. 🙂
        The weird thing is, my sister is going vegetarian for a week to help with weight loss. I think she doesn’t like the fact that I’m a vegetarian because I am already on the skinnier side, and she thinks I’m going to lose a bunch of weight. I’ve been vegetarian for awhile though, so I’m not sure what she’s getting at.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          My sister’s the exact opposite of me. She works at a burger joint! But pretty much, we just live and let live. I don’t give her grief about her diet (usually), and she respects my beliefs even though they’re different from her own.

        • Samantha says

          OK, that is great on the last name and glad to hear you are good about it. 🙂

          Ah…sisterly competition and maybe some body insecurities on her side. Which I am sorry to hear about. Sometimes that is the rough part with sisters…women can be so hard on the body image stuff and rarely are sisters identical in build, metabolism, etc.

          Take good care of your body and your health. I think some of the judgement will matter less and less to you as time goes on.

  23. Samantha says

    You rock!! Seriously, you keep me inspired to eat healthy (on a GF almost vegan diet, I really struggle), and to keep running too! I absolutely LOVE your recipes, and I try at least one a day. Thanks for being so inspirational!! (PS – did someone win the VitaMix?) 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Not yet.
      I’m kinda afraid to announce the winner, because I’m worried everyone will click on it at the same time and cause the server to crash again. Still trying to figure out the best way to go about it. 😕

      But it will be mentioned in a future post, so you don’t need to remember to check back on the vita-mix post.

  24. Alanna says

    I love The Wedding Singer! I hadn’t remembered that line, though. It’s gorgeous here today, but last weekend was in the upper 80s and low 90s with crazy humidity and thunderstorms, so it definitely felt like summer! I really love the round-ups… Those peanut noodles look/sound amazing! I still need to try the fro-co, too. So many recipes, so little time… 🙂

  25. Sonja says

    These are great recipes (as always) but I am a lil sick of the round-ups :/ for regular readers it feels like a repeat performance every time you do one.

    • L. says

      Sonja, it’s been at least two weeks since Katie’s last round up, and many of us readers appreciate them. So if you don’t like it, just skip reading that day. Simple as that :).

      From the comments of her last round up post:

      . Annonymous May 10, 2012 at 4:07 pm

      While everyone’s opinion are always appreciated, perhaps you do not have to read the round-ups when they are posted?? Round-ups are invaluable to new readers. When you get to a blog like this one, it can be overwhelming for a newbie to try and go through everything. Round-ups can easily navigate new readers to awesome recipes that are similar to the ones they are looking at and looking for. And we also have to keep in mind this is a FREE blog? We must be so appreciative of the invaluable information people like Katie provide us at no cost out of our own pockets. Just my humble two cents.

      . Sarah the official CCK drooler May 10, 2012 at 4:43 pm

      I, too am not a HUGE fan of roundups either. But i don’t hate them either. I do appreciate you cutting them down due to reader feedback. But holiday ones like this are super helpful. I guess for newbies it is helpful and for oldies like me (that doesn’t sound quite right) to refresh our memory

      . L. May 10, 2012 at 4:52 pm

      VERY well-said, anonymous!

      I find it disheartening that people think they have the right to critique what Katie wants to put up. They should be grateful for the hard work she puts into her blog, as they’re not paying a single cent to get access to any of her recipes! She could easily take all the recipes down and put up e-books, or save them all for a cookbook. People need to remember that the sun does not rise and set with them and that Katie should do what makes HER happy.

      It just sounds greedy to say one is not a fan of something on a blog where they’re not a paying customer. If you don’t like a certain post, come back another day. It’s not like you can be angry that you’re wasting your money, because no one is charging you.

      . Sarahishealthy May 10, 2012 at 5:00 pm

      Yes! This! As someone (not me) wrote on CCK’s facebook page: “It’s hard to fathom that anyone would write you and criticize you for something you do for them for *free*~~the world has gotten so full of itself~~”

  26. Julia says

    Hey Katie! I know you’ve talked about this problem before, but I’m a vegan who’s underweight and I’m having a rough time gaining! Any tips? I absolutely LOVE vegetables, but hate oil and try to eat as natural as possible.

  27. MissionAbspossible says

    Starting to feel like summer in Milwaukee! These summer treats all look amazing; can’t wait to try them. School is out next Friday the 8th and this teacher is ready to celebrate with some healthy desserts! 🙂

    Looking forward to giving these a try!

  28. Sarah L says

    Oh you lucky people. It’s freezing over here, definitely jacket weather. 🙁 But I’ll be checking back at this post when it gets warmer.

  29. Claire says

    Brisbane, Australia, so it’s pretty cold down here, and getting colder every day. Jacket weather for sure.

  30. Bangor says

    While these recipes do look delicious, I’m curious to know how these are considered healthy. o.0 I hate to be “that guy” but it’s confusing the brains out of me.

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