Yay, y’all share my sweet potato love!
And my excitement about the Coconut Banana Butter.
Yesterday, I ate another sweet p with the luscious spread. But this time, upon my discovery that you can melt the banana a bit (pre-blending) things skyrocketed to a whole new level of deliciousness!
You know how much I *heart* the Melted Banana Trick.
(For the record, the “melted banana” in the photo went into oatmeal. I didn’t melt the banana quite so much for yesterday’s coconut spread; just enough to bring out the caramelized taste.)
In other coconut news: I snagged a Chocolate-dipped-Coconut Luna Bar to try out. Normally, Luna Bars aren’t my favorite, but I was curious. How can you go wrong with chocolate and coconut?
As it turns out, you can’t. I think this is one of Luna’s best flavors to-date (their only other flavor on which I’m keen is the Nutz-over-Chocolate).
Not as good as my homemade Coconut Bars.
But pretty darn good for a packaged product. I’ll probably buy another one, just to throw into my purse for an emergency snack. Once every few months, I’ll get an unexpected Luna-Bar craving out of nowhere. Weird.
I’ll leave you with something that has nothing to do with either chocolate or coconut: Henry, a.k.a. the laziest doggie in the world. He must get like 23 hours of sleep every day! (And in that other hour, he’s either mooching for food or rolled over on his belly, hoping someone will pet him.).
Do you like Naps?
And how much sleep do you normally get?
Am I the only one who hates naps?? I’ve hated naptime since preschool. (Wait, does anyone like naptime in preschool?) Even power naps just make me more tired upon waking up.
As for sleep, I usually get 7-ish hours. But every now and then, I wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep. It’s so frustrating to just lay there, staring at the wall! But sometimes, I get the most-creative ideas during those times. For example, the other night I came up with a recipe for fudge.
Here’s a sneak peak: Healthy Vegan Fudge.
BroccoliHut says
I’ve been keeping my eye out for those LUNAs, considering chocolate-coconut is one of my all time fave combos. No luck yet though…
Henry reminds me of my Fred–all he does is sleep, eat, and pee. Sigh. What a life.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
You should email the company. I got the free one because I was somehow on their mailing list from a long time ago, and they sent a free offer out of the blue :).
Camille says
Oh my gosh, I hate naps too! They seem like such a waste of my waking hours!
I feel best after 8 hours of sleep, but I always try to get at least 7!
ChrisB says
Hi Katie! I love your blog.. I have a suggestion: could you write a post on Salt? Do you use it? a lot? a little? do you not use it at all? and why… There’s a lot of controversy on this subject some say it’s bad some say it’s essential… You look very healthy and I’d love to hear your view on salt. Thank you!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Wow, Chris, it’s SO funny you would write this today, because I *just* thought about the very same topic last night, while writing a post on Chinese food! So yes, I would love to do a post about salt! Hopefully in the next month or so. (I have a ton of other things on my blogging “to post” list, but now “salt” is on there too!)
ChrisB says
:))) Wow! Synchrony!! So cool the few times I comment here you seem to have the same thoughts. 🙂 Looking forward! I’m going to read the chinese food post now. have a lovely day! 😉 CB
Cynthia K says
Naps. I love them. I’m terrible at them, though. I only do it once in a very great while and I SWEAR to myself that I’ll be up in an hour, but when I wake up I think “Lord, it’s comfortable snuggled up under the covers…and I hear a lot of action going on out there with the child…if I just take this other pillow and place it over my ear, like this…oh, I can’t hear anything anymore. This is nice…” then I’m out again for another hour and THAT’S when I wake up and turn into a prime *****!
And you’ve really got to take it easy on poor Henry. He’s so misunderstood. My dog has the same job Henry does and it’s hard. They’re holding the floor/couch/rug down, and it’s a neverending task! He’s taking a great risk by stopping for a few to eat and give you some love. You never know when your floor/couch/rug might just rise up and fly away without Dog on it so give him a little hug and say “Thanks Henry!”
Have a good day, miss Katie!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh you’re right. I misjudged the poor guy, huh? It must be hard, all those dog cookies to eat and all those cats to bark at! Hehe your comment made me laugh :). Happy Thursday, Cynthia!
Jasmin says
Yumm, that banana coconut butter thing looks sooo good!
I love taking naps. But if they’re too long I’m more tired afterwards than before and it can be disruptive to my sleep patterns. I rather enjoy a good NIGHT’s sleep. About 7-9 hours. Although, last night, I couldn’t sleep either. 🙂
And BTW. I’m new to the whole new blogworld. 🙂 Well, kind of. New blog anyway.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Welcome!!!! Hehe :). I hope you love it bunches (of coconuts).
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly's says
I need to win this 🙂 just sayin.
Danielle says
I have a question about bananas. I know it’s a little unrelated to this post (sorry!), but I am allergic to bananas. I love to eat smoothies and milkshakes, but a lot of them seem to have bananas in them. What exactly does bananas do for smoothies and milkshakes? And is there a substitution, like can I use another different fruit to replace the banana. OK, that’s 2 questions haha!