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Hot Fudge Oatmeal

Hi Chocolate Fudgekins!

I don’t really know what a fudgekin is. But it sounds yummy.

Breakfast today was incredible. The fudge in the oats created a delicious, gooey mess. If you think “chocolate peanut butter fudge oatmeal” sounds good, I can assure you it tastes even better!


Hot Fudge Oatmeal

  • Sliced berries
  • Fudge, such as Chocolate PB Fudge.
  • Sprinkle of raw cacao nibs
  • 1 serving cooked oats (made with 1/4 tsp salt and 1.5c liquid)

I added the fudge to the cooked oatmeal (that I’d cooked the day before) and microwaved until it melted a little. Then I added the sliced berries and cacao nibs. (You could sub chocolate chip.s) I didn’t bother to measure any of the toppings, or the fudge. Just add as much of everything as you want; it’s pretty hard to go wrong with this oatmeal. 


Usually I like to eat cold oatmeal, especially in the summer. But sometimes you have to make an exception. Melted-chocolate-covered strawberries are definitely worthy of an exception.

Chocolate Melty Goodness

Now that I think of it, why have I never put hot fudge sauce on my oatmeal before??? In the next few weeks (and months? And years?) I will have to make up for lost time and eat hot-fudge oatmeal with a vengeance. I’m thinking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Word.


Question of the Day:

What are your favorite things to put into oatmeal?
Nut butters? Berries? Sliced bananas?

One of my favorite recipes: Magic Breakfast Pudding.

See? I don’t always eat fancy oats!

Published on June 29, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Moni'sMeals says

    SUPER YUMMY RECIPE Katie! I can make this tommorow, I will check it out. All these ingredients are staples at my house. 🙂

  2. Tara says

    A fudgekin sounds like a little fudge bite! You should coin that using your pb fudge! Maybe they could be rolled into little balls like munchkins!

    I usually don’t eat oats, but one time I had chocolate peppermint oats and I crumbled a candy cane in it! It was AWESOME! Otherwise, I’m really boring and I like pumpkin or banana, raisins, and ALWAYS cinnamon. Unless you’re making chocolate peppermint oats, in which I would not recommend cinnamon!

  3. Amanda says

    I have a general chocolate question for ya! I haven’t had any caffeine (chocolate included) in quite a while just because I was trying to cut back on my caffeine addiction (which I did! yay!) and tonight I added raw cacao to my smoothie. I literally felt like I was high (I mean…or like I’d drank a few cups or coffee or something). As someone who eats chocolate every day, do you get an emotional high or energy burst from chocolate? I totally feel weird and buzzed right now! I’d like to experiment with healthy, sugar-free chocolate stuff but I don’t know if I can handle feeling this funky!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmmm… I have a lot of energy in general, but I don’t think I get a caffeine buzz from chocolate. Either that, or I’ve gotten used to it because I’ve never had a day without chocolate (I don’t think), and so I wouldn’t have anything to compare it to!
      But I AM affected by caffeine in coffee. My first year of college, I lived within walking distance from a Starbucks and my friends and I would go all the time. I started out ordering iced coffees… but then I couldn’t sleep, even if I’d had one as early as noon!

  4. Serena (Green Beans & Jam) says

    I like overnight oats cold (and muesli) but otherwise, it’s hot oats all the way (probably why I tend to not eatoats during the summer/ when I’m in the Philippines). to me, oats = winter/ fall/ early spring. But sometimes I make an exception. for this i just might make an exception 😉

  5. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    The minute I read the recipe for the fudge I thought “This would be fantastic in oatmeal.” You beat me to the punch, but I’ll still be trying it!!

    Lately my favorite thing on oats has been coconut butter, but nut butters and raisins are close behind!

  6. Kathy says

    For me, I like to add in jam, mashed bananas, & LOTS of peanut butter. I’ve never thought of adding chocolate to it before~! I haven’t really been eating oatmeal nowadays, I’ve been craving pancakes for breakfast instead 😉

  7. Green Groats says

    Blueberries and cottage cheese are def my fav things to add to oatmeal. I usually eat my oats cold too! It’s just super easy to make a large batch at the start of the week and easily be able to pull it out of the fridge in the AM.

  8. BroccoliHut says

    I think the simpler question for me would be what don’t I like in my oatmeal 🙂
    Today I topped my oat bran with strawberries with sunflower butter.

  9. Noya - gluttonandstudent says

    mmmm haven’t had oatmeal in a while! I love adding a tbsp of peanut butter and cocoa to oatmeal, and I enjoy a slightly different version of raspberry chocolate truffle oats.

  10. Meghan @ StruggleMuffins says

    Ahhhhmazing! Looks so yummy. My fave things to put on oatmeal are (currently): carob chips, crushed up Puffins cereal (usually the chocolate and PB variety) and always, melted peanut butter.

  11. beta says

    hi CCK , i’m from Malaysia .absolutely been falling in love with your blog.can i ask you something,instead of using steel cut or old fashion oatmeal, can i use instant oatmeal ? are they going to come out like yours if i use the instant one. i hope you or anyone will answer me .thank you very much !

  12. Lily says

    you probably have so much to do that a comment with so little content distracts you from more important things, but while i was reading this post i just realized how incredibly funny you seem to be! 🙂

  13. Lexi says

    Can you use chocolate instead of fudge? It looks SO yummy! Some of my family doesn’t like PB so do you have a recipe for fudge that does not have PB? Maybe you can omit the PB? Looks SOO good!!! Thank you!

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