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A book about Cupcakes

Currently… loving:


Chocolate Fudge Parfaits

Or really, just parfaits in general. I don’t know what’s more fun: eating them or preparing them. It’s like an art project in a glass! Currently reading:


Ooh look, it’s a magazine devoted entirely to cupcakes! My friend bought this for me… and then promptly told me I had to make some for her in return Winking smile.

Currently on my mind: All things carrot cake, such as…


Carrot Cake in a Bowl

Once again, my blog is not ready for the holiday arrive so soon. Here are the following posts I’d hoped to get up before Easter: carrot cake ice cream, milkshake, pancakes, fudge, dip…

I have carrot cake coming out of my ears, as I said on Twitter.

I’ll post one of the above recipes tomorrow, and will save the rest for after Easter. People still like carrot cake after Easter’s over, right? I know I certainly do!


Have you done anything fun today?

I have! I have! ! I ate a Cookie Dough Oatmeal Cake.

Published on April 19, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Michal says

    MMM I love parfaits! And today im finlly starting to feel a little better after ive had mono for 2 weeks, so im going to put that into the fun catagory! 🙂

  2. Veganhorsewoman says

    Carrot cake is always good, unless you’re my friend who doesn’t like carrots 😛 Today mostly studying, so not really fun. Although I do get to take a break to go see my pony, so I guess that’s something.

  3. Ashley says

    I’m sorry if this is kinda rude, but I can tell that your face is sorta photoshopped in the above pic, as well as your other pics too I’ve noticed… You look great though, I am not trying to attack you! 😀 I’m just saying it looks kinda obvious… Your skin’s waaay too unnaturally smooth. Tone it down a bit hon you’ll be perrrfect!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Ashley,
      Ye, I do use photoshop. But I don’t hide it. In fact, people who have been reading my blog for a while can tell you that I routinely talk about my love of photoshop and the fact that I photoshop my photos. As for this particular photo, though, I didn’t remove any blemishes or anything. I swear to you, my skin IS naturally clear. I haven’t had a pimple since… middle school? (Not trying to brag… I DO have other skin problems/issues, such as being super-pale!!!) I upped the saturation, changed the color tint a bit (it was quite red), brightened it, and removed shadows with the shadow/highlight tool. Maybe I overdid it on the saturation, and that’s the glow you’re seeing? It looks normal on my computer, but different computers obviously have different screen resolutions.
      I don’t try to hide my natural look… in fact, if you search my blog, I even have a few sweaty, no-makeup photos posted. Yikes!

      • Ashley says

        Aww you’re really sweet with your honesty. It’s great that you clarified this though because it looked kinda weird on my screen, but that explains it then! I’m pale too so I’d get the part about upping the color a little 😉 You do look fantastic though!

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Oh no! I’m already so super-self-conscious about posting photos of myself on the blog. Knowing I look weird on someone else’s screen when I look normal on my own… that just makes me feel even MORE awkward! Oh well, I guess it’s just another reminder to not take myself too seriously! 😕

          • Dalai Lina says

            Someone needs to teach me how to photoshop out my wrinkles 🙂 You are so young you wouldn’t understand…you darling girl!

  4. Lot-O-Choc says

    All looks so good and tasty yum, Im thinking of trying the baked oatmeal sometime this week. For me nothing fun really 🙁 had a dentist & a doctors appointment wah!

  5. Katharina says

    Got some business taken care of because I’m a big girl lol. Can’t wait to see what beautiful and yummy creations you come up with, girlie! Especially since carrot cake is one of my all time favorite desserts.


    p.s. thought of you when I went running the other day, and I thought of how you imagine different places when you’re running 🙂

  6. carrie says

    Sorry to be a little off-topic, but just wanted to thank you again for the vegan bake sale auction. I received all three batches of treats I won, and they were all so delicious and sent with sweet notes… and i feel so good about making the donation to Japan. You deserve a million thank yous, as do all the bakers too – amazingly generous and talented! To get back on blog-topic… the fun thing I’m doing right now… eating my auction treats!! xo

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh that just put a huge smile on my face. I’m so glad your baked goods got to you and that they came with sweet notes… although I’m not surprised, given how sweet all the bakers are! And thank YOU, a million times over, for your kindness in donating. I know we can’t sove all the world’s problems, and we won’t even make a dent in the Japan crisis. But together, if we all do something, it WILL make a difference. The power of numbers!

  7. Alexandra (Veggin' Out in the Kitchen) says

    Haha, when I first read the title I thought you were writing a cupcake book and immediately began justifying to myself that I definitely needed another cupcake cookbook 😉
    But your carrot cake in a bowl is just as good cupcakes (or ever better! 😀 ) And don’t worry that you haven’t gotten up all you carrot-goodness recipes yet… we understand you’re busy and it just spreads out the deliciousness!! 😀

    Have a fabulous rest of the week, darling!!


  8. Katie says

    My fun thing is listening to the Tangled sound track while I study. Finals week starts next week so I’m busy studying hard. I do plan on making some pumpkin pie baked oatmeal this weekend though, so that I can power through finals! Yay!!!

  9. Meghan @ StruggleMuffins says

    Mmm parfaits…I love anything that involves layering various types of consumables 🙂 Nothing’s better than a dish of something sweet that’s brimming with a variety of tastes and textures.
    My fun thing for the day so far has been teaching a yoga class 🙂

  10. Livvy says

    Your carrot cake oatmeal definitely looks great! I love foods super out of season too (helllllooo pumpkin pancakes in april!?) This weekend I’ve got Friday off school so we’re making a lil’ roadtrip to my cousins house; I basically can’t WAIT!

  11. Beth @ naturallyyoursbeth says

    I LOVE cupcakes!! They have a way of making you feel special and like you are having a real indulgence!! I can’t wait for all your carrot cake recipes…love me some carrot cake 🙂

  12. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    GOOD TO HEAR! I love anything carrot cake so all those recipes are gonna be wonderful! So excited!

  13. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    A cupcake MAGAZINE?! How cool!! I WANT ONE almost as much as I want Carrot Cake in a Bowl and fudge parfaits!! 😀

    And your comment made me laugh SO MUCH!! Doubly weird since I actually watched that Friends episode yesterday!! Brilliant 🙂

  14. Ashley says

    I am making cupcakes for Easter, gluten free. I am using no die just lemon peel, orange peel and lime peel and might make the orange one, orange chocolate! I love cupcakes!

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