For two years of my life, I lived amidst palm trees, waterfalls, swimming pools, and sand, in a two-story apartment, painted pink. This wasn’t Hawaii, nor was it Florida. No, this was in Shanghai, China. I basically lived in a resort when I lived in China (for two years in high school).
In addition to the above features, this resort boasted two excellent dining places– a café and an upscale restaurant– both with delicious vegan options.One of the most popular menu items at the café was the club’s signature fruit margaritas, which could be ordered with or without alcohol (as a high school student, mine were always virgin, of course). Depending on what was in season, the margarita flavors included strawberry, mango, kiwi, lime, raspberry, and banana (my favorite).
Imagine lounging under a palm tree, a cool breeze brushing your cheek, as you sip a sweet, refreshing margarita… now you don’t have to imagine it– I’m bringing the recipe to you!

Banana Margarita
1 can (12 oz) of frozen limeade concentrate
1 1/2 cups cold water
1/4 cup sugar
1 package (16 oz) frozen strawberries (or use raspberries, bananas, or any other fruit you wish!)
1 cup ice cubes
1 can (12 oz) of frozen limeade concentrate
1 1/2 cups cold water
1/4 cup sugar
1 package (16 oz) frozen strawberries (or use raspberries, bananas, or any other fruit you wish!)
1 cup ice cubes
Place all the ingredients in bleneder and blend until well-mixed and thick.
Place all the ingredients in bleneder and blend until well-mixed and thick.
Cookiemouse says
Ah, that’s the life! Just the thing to see in the year of the mouse.
Bonnie says
It’s very interesting to read about where you used to live. The place sounds amazing – like your margarita recipe! I’d love to try that, I’ve actually never had a margarita and it seems like such a nice summery drink. The weather right now is far from pleasant though, so I’m afraid I’d still have to imagine that palm tree and ‘cool breeze’ with the drink – but thanks for that recipe! 🙂
Bonnie says
Ugh, I’m sorry for the double comment! my internet connection isn’t very good at the moment and I messed up.
Leigh says
How cool that you had the opportunity to live in Shanghai for two years! Do you speak Chinese?
Vegan_Noodle says
Wow, looks like a nice place to live for two years! Was this some kind of exchange program? Can’t believe that margaritas are even popular in China (was it an American/international school?)! Sounds like a refreshing treat 🙂
Traci Anne says
YUM!!! This will be fabulous on gross NYC winter days!
russ says
Mangos are awesome! It was a shame to mince that one up into a marinade for my tofu – it wasn’t as delicious as I had imagined.
You actually lived in what looks like some sort of tropical paradise! Sure doesn’t look like china!
the vegan blog tracker says
Dang, that sounds incredible.
selina says
wow! 2 years in China. That’s awesome!
I don’t think I could EVER pass up a banana margarita!
Paulina says
I envy you now! It sounds like you were living in paradise for two years. Did you go as an exchange student?
Theresa says
What a life! How did you come about living in a chinese resort?
Jenny says
Wow! You were there for two years? That must have been so cool. Thanks for the recipe! I love anything fruity!
Missy the Garden Freak says
i will be using that recipe sooner rather then later.. sounds scrumptious! i bet you had a great 2 years living in china… far from home but a whole new world.. how exciting… i have up and left and moved away for a while before too… it was a blast.. and i am glad i went… now, back to that yummy margarita… i think i’m gonna one with bananas or peaches.. i’ll be sure to post pics on my blog for you to see!
VegMomma says
Okay, I used to walk to high school in 2 feet of snow, to be greeted with soggy french fries and pop tarts. Jealous? Uh huh!!!!
THe margarita sounds lovely though, and I may have to try it when it warms up a bit.
(Oh look at me perpetuating stereotypes about cold canada…I promise that we don’t live in igloos. :))
Liz² says
mmm, lime and banana, that sounds like heaven in a fancy glass. lucky living in china for two years, too! did you pick up any other culinary secrets? 😉
Lizzy says
Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for bringing a light breeze of summer to our houses =)
Johanna3 says
very interesting!
regina says
The margaritas sound so good, I’ll have to try them. How awesome that you got to live in Shanghai, I’ve never left the states.
Ashasarala says
I never knew you lived in China! That must’ve been something else!
I’ve only had one margarita in my life and it was of the alcoholic variety. I really liked it but I don’t like to stretch my imagination much, it seems, because I never thought to make one sans alcohol and just enjoy the sweet flavour. haha
Thank you for sharing!
Rural Vegan says
This is the perfect post for today when 6 more inches of snow is coming. I needed a tropical photo like that a margarita might just help me forget about the weather tonight!
Leng says
ohhhh I would like to go to banana margaritaville. it looks so nice and sounds so yummy!
the pleasantly plump vegan says
so fun!
Ruby Red Vegan says
I cannot get over the fact that you spent part of high school living in China! That is just too cool. From the photo, I can imagine it seemed like a permanent, relaxing vacation. And I’ve never had a margarita – so now I have something new to try once it warms up around here (I’ll be having mine virgin, of course)!
And thanks for being such a good friend. You’re amazing!
Amy says
Ah, thanks for bringing back memories of the tropics on this midwinter day! I wish I was in a hammock right now!
Jess - The Domestic Vegan says
Yum! That recipe makes me wish it were summer RIGHT NOW!
Also, to echo everyone else, that is awesome about you living in China! How did you like it?
Bonnie says
That sounds perfect, it’s pretty cold and very windy here right now. Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts then! 🙂
Happy Herbivore says
I have a lime juice quota I must meet monthly…
Veg-a-Nut says
Boy that sounds yummy!
Jackie says
Love the recipe.
Must have been wonderful living there for a couple of years. I always wanted to get to the East but never made it and spent my time traveling Africa and Europe.
Kathleen says
I just discovered this page as I was kindly clicking through your blog. Wow!! Your life is so fascinating. I also lived in a hotel for a small part of my life. Mine was a small family bed and breakfast in Ireland. When my parents first bought it, my siblings each got to choose a bedroom to live in for the summer while my parents made plans to fix the place up. We loved it, but the pub food we lived off in Ireland wasn’t quite as exotic as Shanghai, I’m sure.