Happy Saturday morning!

Blended Oatmeal Pudding

I used the famous “Blended Oatmeal” Trick on the oatmeal. Then I added banana and a healthy dose of peanut butter. Perhaps it was the addition of the pb that helped me to not miss my chocolate. Or maybe it was the oatmeal, itself. After all, I love oatmeal almost as much as I love chocolate. Wait, I said almost!
Published on October 30, 2010

Meet Katie
Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
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Reader Interactions
Steph - VegFortWorth says
I had blueberry oatmeal, but it wasn’t nearly as exciting as yours. I’ve never tried blending oats. Maybe I should sometime.
Albizia says
Happy Saturday morning to you, too! Your blended oatmeal looks like a great start to the day.
It’s almost dinner time here but the thought of my breakfast is still making me happy. I had some rye bread with cottage cheese and apricot jam. And a glass of boza (whatever this is 😀 ). Yum!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hey, you could always do breakfast for dinner! 😉
*Andrea* says
you know, i’ve never tried the blender method! my blender at home is awful and vita-mixes are soooo expensive but i’ve never really seen the hand blender! it looks much easier to clean and probably less expensive 😉
i do love your melted banana trick though! god bless the microwave hehe 🙂 and i honestly do not understand ppl who don’t like chocolate!! in my family i’m the only die-hard chocoholic. the rest of my fam loves lays potato chips, which is dumbfounding to me.
have a great weekend!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
hahaha well, more chocolate for you! 😉
And ick, why wold anyone choose greasy potato chips over dark, rich, luxurious chocolate? But my family is that way too! Silly families!
VEGirl says
I’ve done the blending thing– but I have an even cleaner way to do it! I just grind the oats in a little spice grinder prior to cooking them and it gives me silky oatmeal pudding. I hate having to shew my oats, and this method is so delish!
I actually got up 5 minutes ago– so I haven’t had breakfast yet. It is probably going to be something with oatmeal and Italian plums though. Mmmmm… Italian plums– I’m going to take them off the neighbors tree!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Plum stealer!
Ha, if my neighbors had fresh plums on their tree, I’d steal some too. Especially for oatmeal!
kate says
i love your blended grains trick! i’ve even gotten my roommate into it! lol our room is pretty noisy now in the mornings, between your blended oatmeal and our green monsters we make from angela’s blog. our blenders get a workout!
Valerie says
Funnily enough, we had a CCK recipe for breakfast today: Brownie Batter Pancakes :). Kids ate ’em up. Tomorrow might have to be blended oats. Or maybe even your blueberry blended bulgur (although daughter dearest doesn’t like blueberries, so we’ll sub strawberries for hers).
Becki @ Hike, Bike, Eat says
I had a cherry green monster and a handful of almonds after the gym. Time to go find something to put chocolate chips into!
kate says
cherry green monster???! oh wow i never tried that fruit combo! thanks for the idea.
*takes notes!*
Namaste Gurl says
Agreed, miss CCK. Love my oatmeal non- blended or blended, like a smoothie texture. Whatever form it’s in, I do love my oats.
P.S– you’re REALLY making me want oatmeal and I’m away from home currently not able to have any! Arg!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
*Sends oatmeal over the internet. Did you get it? ;)*
Stefanie says
Pumpkin oatmeal was my breakfast this morning. I always forget to blend them though.
kristisn says
I had apple bread with a mixed berry smoothie. It doesn’t sound as good as everyone else’s breakfast though!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I dunno… apple bread sounds pretty good to me!
Nicole (Picky Nicky) says
I love blended oatmeal 🙂 Indeed it does give it great texture!
This morning, for breakfast I had a big green monster <3 Yuuuuum
Di @ http://thetreadmilldiaries.com/ says
Looks yummy, Katie. I’m enjoying Banana Peanut Butter Pancakes on this end with a large cup of coffee. Love Saturday breakfasts.
couchpotatoathlete says
I had oatmeal w/banana and a hunk of choc chip cookie mixed in — so I definitely had my chocolate fix for the day 🙂
carolyn says
i made oatmeal with vanilla ricemilk, a little cinnamon spiced applesauce and White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. omg SO GOOD.
Molly says
Triple threat powerbar and toast = race food!
I gotta try blending my oats because it looks scrumptious!
Little Bookworm says
Happy Saturday Katie. 🙂 I had a lovely bowl of Banana Brulee Porridge for breakfast. 🙂 Your breakfast looks great too!
Cindy says
This might be the perfect morning for oatmeal…now I need to try your trick. They DO look so dreamy, I mean Creamy!
it’s raining here. ick.
Krystina (Organically Me) says
Steel cut oats with spirulina, cocoa powder, vanilla brown rice protein, cacao nibs and a big swirl of almond butter. 😀
Tricia says
I’ve blended oats before. It’s delish 😛 but unfortunately, that’s not what i had for breakfast. I had a bagel and a soy latte from starbucks lol.
thedelicateplace says
my breakfast just happened at 1245pm lol. i had eggs over mixed greens and some mashed cauliflower fauxtatoes
Laura says
Homemade white toast with black cherry jam. Yum. Although it’s the same thing I have almost every morning – I probably should get a little adventurous in the weekends!
And I love chocolate, but it hates me. I’m really allergic, unfortunately, so I’ll have to live vicariously through your chocolate creations!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh boo! Meanie chocolate :(. Well, I will eat extra for you!! And perhaps you can hug a barnyard animal for me? I am annoyingly allergic to hay, which conflicts with my love for animals!
EmbraceYourSkin says
What a great idea! Did you still eat them hot?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL I actually never eat my oatmeal hot. I am really strange and like it cold! But I’ve made blended cookie dough oatmeal for my sister, and she looooved it piping hot. 🙂
Fi says
Hey! i love chocolate tooo 🙂 i just had me some choccy booja booja icecream! its agave, cashew nuts, cocoa and water-sooo yum! but for brekkie i had spelt flakes and toasted oat flakes with rice milk, honey, runny almond butter and a whole loada chopped soaked dates 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Um wow, if that wouldn’t melt, I’d BEG you to send me some!!
abby says
happy halloween, pretty katie! i love your blended grain idea. i use it like once a week ever since you posted it :). my oats don’t always look as pretty as yours though!
abby says
oh, and i had oatmeal today, too. it was just plain jane though. i shoulda blended it! 😉
Inspired says
Can I have a breakfast re-do?
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
Happy HWeen!
I think as a mom (did the baby food stage and the blended toddler food stage), Ive blended just about everything. And as a food blogger, we just blend stuff. And as a Vita owner, yeah, i’ve blended everything under the sun. Including oatmeal…so creamy that way!
Leslie says
When I first saw the blended oatmeal idea on your blog, I admit I thought it was a bit weird. But after a while (when you did the chocolate chip cookie dough one, I think?), I had to give in and try it. And now I am so glad I did! 🙂
Happy Saturday, Katie!
A Teenage Gourmet says
I had pumpkin oatmeal . . . and then a dorset cereal (vegan, from England, see Whole Foods 😉 ) with Keifer.
Shelby says
I haven’t had blended oats in months! I’d better get on that, what is wrong with me?!
Welllll, today I woke up at 10am so I wasn’t really hungry for breakfast. I made a green smoothie but didn’t drink it really. But I just had some yummy stir-fried veggies for lunch!
alex (spoonfulofsugarfree) says
Num NUM! I had fresh mango and grainless pumpkin spice bread 🙂
Jos says
Happy saturday to u too. I had pumpkin oats w/ almond milk for bfast today 🙂 never tried blended oats b4. Part of it coz I don’t wanna wash extra dish 😛
Moni'sMeals says
Happy Sat. to you too and Halloween!
I love chocolate so much and pb- it is in every meal I make I feel like-this is a good thing!
I had for breakfast- pancakes out at this great cafe. It was perfect.
I just love your oatmeal meals. 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Ooo Monica, one of my dreams is to live in NYC someday simply so I can go to a cafe and get vegan pancakes for breakfast lol!
Jessica (PB & Jess) says
Your brekkie looks pretty tasty to me! I <3 peanut butter almost as much as chocolate.
I had cheezy-broccoli oat bran for breakfast because I'm suddenly into savory oats! Don't worry, I had two different kinds of dark chocolate later in the day! 🙂
Claire says
Happy Halloween (well it’s Halloween here in Aus), I think I might make the oatmeal tomorrow morning to give me some energy for my first exam this semester (yuck!) Today I had some granola that I made yesterday, I’ll never tired of granola … EVER!
Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear says
After years of ” not liking oatmeal” I’ve been eating it like a maniac for the past few days 😀
kelsey@snackingsquirrel.com says
just wanted to quickly wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN KATIE!!!
Mara says
I had steel-cut oatmeal with chocolate almond silk (OMG!!), with 2 bananas and also a healthy dollop of TJ’s crunchy peanut butter — YUMM!!!!!! =P Pretty similar to yours except for the blending. I’ll consider that for next time.
kathleen says
so hot oatmeal doesn’t explode in the blender? i’m afraid of putting hot liquidy things in my blender and having to clean my ceiling.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL I actually like eating my oatmeal cold, like pudding. But when I’ve made this for people who like hot oats, I blend first, then put the oatmeal pudding in a bowl, and microwave as a final step.
Nikki says
Do you cook your oats using the voluminous oats trick when you blend them, or do you just cook them normally?
Nikki says
I made myself some oatmeal the other day, and for some reason it really didn’t turn out nice. It tasted watery and the texture was all wrong (mind you, it might just have been me that was all wrong as I was feeling pretty irritable that day!) I kind of stormed out of the kitchen refusing to eat anythig for lunch, till my hunger brought me back to the kitchen to find something else to eat. BING! Then a light goes on, and I remember your blended grains trick – I threw the goopy let-down into my mini blender and showed it who was boss. The result…. The day was saved and now I look forward to messing up my oatmeal! The flavour and texture are totally transformed in the best of ways!!
Aparna says
Just did this because I got my wisdom teeth out- it is surprisingly delicious!