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Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins


Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins muffin for one! Yippee!


“One lil Pumpkin” Muffin

(covered in chocolate)

  • 1 tbsp canned pumpkin
  • handful chocolate chips
  • pinch pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • sweetener of choice
  • heaping 1/16th tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tbsp water, nondairy milk, or oil (such as coconut), or a combination

Procedure: Follow the directions for a Single Lady Cupcake, subbing pumpkin for the applesauce and adding the chips and spice. Also, sub the oil for water or nondairy milk if desired.



How do you like them apples pumpkins?


Published on October 28, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Jennifer - jcd says

    Pumpkin and chocolate! And 100% chocolate chips! They look amazing!! Perfect for Hallowe’en. And my tummy.

    This year I pulled out my old Scout uniform from when I was 17 and wore it to our Brownies Hallowe’en Party. I don’t think the girls really knew what I was, oh well. My most memorable costumes as a kid would be Rainbow Brite, a blue Crayola crayon (which I made myself and it won a prize), Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Jadzia Dax from Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

    I’m not really big into Hallowe’en. However, it’s my husband’s favourite holiday. One year he made a Ghostbusters costume that looked like he stepped off the silver screen. Another year he was som character from SAW movie with a bear trap on his head – super scary, i couldn’t even look at it! This year he is going as a plague doctor and I spnt 20+ hours sewing a proper late 19th century trench coat for him. He goes all out.

    This is what his Ghostbusters costume looks like: and

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      LOLOLOL Jennifer, when this came in my email inbox, all that showed up at first was the photo and a message from wordpress telling me I needed to moderate the comment. So imagine: I see a scary photo of a military-type guy. I think: Oh MY WORD. Some creepy blog stalker is coming to get me.
      Then the rest of the message shows up! Cannot stop laughing!

      • Jennifer - jcd says

        Yep, he’s a creepy blog stalker alright. That’s why I married him. 😉 That’s okay, he doesn’t know I’ve posted his picture here in the first place. Shhh… Hehe.

  2. dancinghopinglivingdreaming says

    i love how it’s
    “3T flour
    handful of chocolate chips”

    bahaha. of course. there’s practically more chocolate than flour in these babies. how delish!

    this year i’m being… Waldo :p Yep, Where’s Waldo, that’s me, never mind the fact that I’m a girl.
    I’ll try to post pics on my blog.
    ps Loved all your past costumes. You are so awesome 🙂

  3. Namaste Gurl says

    Oh my goodness, Luna’s making a chocolate- coconut version? Oh me- oh my! Although I don’t eat Luna bars very often, that’s definitely one I’ll try if I need a quick snack 🙂

  4. Jess from Midwest Vegan says

    I’m not gonna lie, I totally love dressing up for Halloween! I probably won’t this year, because I have to work until late, but I’m definitely one of those people who will keep dressing up until they’re an old lady.

    As a little kid I was usually a witch, lol, but I’ve gotten a little more creative over the years. Last year I was Smurfette and that was awesome, and the year before that I was Pippi Longstocking. I even used wire hangers to get my hair stick straight out like her! I always have a lot of fun going to thrift stores and creating a perfect costume.

    P.S. I’m loving the single cupcakes! What a great idea!

  5. Nichole says

    Very creative costume ideas! I think I am going as a “rabbit coming out of a top hat” hopefully it will be a fun time – dressing up always is for me! 🙂

  6. Lorin says

    I still have yet to find the new larabars…like peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough:/ Hopefully Luna will get it out to more people faster. Part of me is excited for this Halloween weekend, but I also can’t wait for it to be over. My roommate is leaving and i’m closest with her so I have a feeling it will be a little lonely, especially because I don’t party very much..unlike some people here or think the weekends start on a Wendesday night.

  7. Marina says

    Again pumpkins 🙁 I miss pumpkin so much! Specially with all those amazing recipes all the blogers are creating!
    I wish I would dress up with halloween, but this year, it’s not gonna happen 🙂
    But I did bought a cute head band with cat ears 🙂

  8. spoonfulofsugarfree says

    I’ve been looking for those 100% dark chocolate chips!!! Where did you find them?

    When I was littl-er I was ALWAYS dressing up as a princess! I had the tiara and the Belle Dress from Beauty and the Beast. I dressed like an M&M one year (ironic!), and as little red riding hood…I loved my Little Red Riding Hood Costume! My wicker basket was a trick-or-treating bucket!

  9. A Sparkle A Day says

    I am LOVING that you are posting how to make a single cupcake. Sometimes that’s all you need or want.

    boy, I’ve been everything as a kid. Little Orphan Annie, zombies, gosh I can’t even remember.

    I love Halloweeen but live with bah humbuggers. so glad my son is that age now and we can have more fun with it!

    my two year old is going to be a Pollen Jock (from the bee movie) I need to be a side kick some how!

  10. Gloria says

    I’m dressing up at Winnie the Pooh! The whole honey thing doesn’t go with my veganism, so I’ll just carry around a jug of maple syrup. Mmm 🙂

    My WF does NOT have those 100% choc chips! Grrr, I must do some begging to customer service. Thanks for sharing the Luna bar. Love me some coconut and chocolate!

  11. Quix says

    Love your costumes! I’m never one to shy away from dressing up either – I love to find excuses to dress up or dress silly and go out. This year I’m going as Cleopatra. 🙂 Just a simple store costume which I NEVER do, but I’m so low on time this year, it works. Zliten is going as a pharoah. The muffin for one is awesome! I never like baking because I hate having lots of stuff around the house forever, but that works to fulfill a craving!

  12. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    I love anything pumpkin, can’t get enough of the stuff!! This muffin looks great! 🙂

    I don’t think I’ll be able to dress up this year as I’ll be traveling. Airport security might not find it funny..

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Ah airport security… yeah, they don’t seem to have a sense of humor (rightly so, to a degree). But you might be able to get away with something. After all, have you seen what Lady Gaga wears to travel?! (If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky!)

  13. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    This is so great – thanks so much for this recipe! I’ve been craving ice-cream like crazy, and I always want to crumble a little something on top, but I never want to make a whole batch of muffins or cookies. This is perfect! 🙂

  14. Kiersten says

    You can never have too many pumpkin posts! I looove pumpkin muffins but haven’t made any yet this year. I’m definitely going to get on that ASAP. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything fun to do for Halloween this year so I’m not dressing up. Can’t wait to see your costume creativity this year. You’re way more creative than I ever was.

  15. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Okay, just made it. Brilliant. I love you. 🙂 Nuked in the micro for 90 seconds in a coffee mug greased with coconut oil. Too eager to wait 15 minutes for the oven-baked version. Served atop vanilla ice-cream. Perfect. 🙂

  16. *Andrea* says

    these look so incredibly delicious! i actually have all the ingredients too! definitely making some muffins soon 🙂 i love that it’s a 1-serving portion too b/c when i bake a dozen cookies/muffins/anything chocolate i can never stick to one portion 😉

    the coolest new product i saw the other day at Whole Foods was Justin’s peanut butter cups! from justin’s nut butter. looked good!

  17. Liz @ Blog is the New Black says

    Your muffs look good! I can’t think of a fav costume from childhood but I was an indian a few years ago and I’m dying to wear the costume again!! Annnnd that new Luna flavah looks awesome!

  18. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    I love Holly…she is a GREAT girl and friend! love her and love that you made these delish looking muffins!

    I dressed up for a work party. And I am fully excited that my lil princess is going to be a…princess. her choice! For the 3rd year in a row 🙂

  19. juliakatz1996 says

    THESE LOOK DELISH! I’m in love with pumpkin but also a big sucker for sweet potato anything. And on the subject of sweet potatoes (btw i dont think this has anything to do with sweet potatos), I was wondering, how did you kick start your blog when you started it?

      • juliakatz1996 says

        Sorry about that, I meant, did you ever advertise to people you know or did you simply wait for your readers to come?

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Oh lol I thought it was some kinda technology term hahaha! No, I didn’t tell ANY of my friends/family for a long time. But the #1 thing I did that I recommend to anyone who asks: comment comment comment on other sites! If you don’t comment on others’ sites, no one in the blogworld will know your site exists. true, I don’t really comment much on other sites anymore, but that’s because: 1. I don’t want to be unfair, and with so many people commenting on my site, I could never comment equally on all of theirs. And 2, I just don’t have time. But in the beginning, I commented a lot.

          Oh, and it takes time to build a following. My first post got like 4 comments :). But I think all 4 of those ladies are still my friends to this day!

          • juliakatz1996 says

            Thank you so much! I’ve just started a new blog and so far it’s been a fail. I will take your advice!

  20. BroccoliHut says

    I plan on dressing up this year–Seth and I are running in a Halloween 5K:) Just haven’t figured out the costume yet…
    Some of my favorites from the past include: Lady Bug and Gentleman Bug (my friend and I dressed up together), Alvin (the chipmunk), and Super Woman.

  21. Brandie says

    I love the “Single Lady Cupcakes” Lol! I am a single lady – actually, a single Mommy! – so it’s definitely useful to have smaller portion recipes available! I find that I have a tendency to avoind cooking ‘real’ meals and recipes simply becuse I end p with tooo much food! My son is only 2, lol, he can’t help me eat a meal that cooks for, say, 4, right?? I am so going to try these, thank you!!

  22. seemichellecook says

    I’m a witch one year, devil the next, then a witch, then a devil……every year I say I’ll change it up but then I just can’t. Kind of like changing my breakfast. Sadly they don’t really celebrate Halloween in Australia 🙁

  23. laurak says

    Hi Katie! I have been following your blog for a little while and just wanted to say thanks for all the delicious creations you share!
    I live in Australia, and unfortunately can’t seem to find canned pumpkin (or any sort of pumpkin puree) anywhere… I found chestnut puree, but it’s not exactly the same thing!
    Anyway, just wanted to say hello!
    🙂 Laura
    PS I’ve been told my the suppliers (I work part time in a health food shop), that Larabars are being discontinued in Australia!! This was quite a blow to me, so am very thankful for your and Angela’s recipes!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hey Laura!
      Ugh about the Larabars :(. I used to live in China, so I remember how frustrating it always was to see such yummy things in the US I couldn’t have! But Australia… wow! I’ve always always wanted to go there. It just always looks so beautiful!

  24. Jessica (Fit and Clean) says

    CHOCOLATE dipped COCONUT? OHHHHHHH! 😀 The last few years I’ve been dressing up with my kids, because they love when I do it! I was Daphne from scooby-doo one year (complete with orange wig), last year I was Little Red Riding Hood, and this year I am a psychedelic 60’s girl! Can’t WAIT! Halloween is my favorite holiday!!

  25. Sagojyou says

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!? Luna bars in chocolate dipped coconut flavor?!?!? That’s nuts!!!! I’m really really excited to see it and try it!!!! I hope you do a review post on it!!!!!!! 😀 😀

  26. Shruti says

    I tried this with banana instead of pumpkin, and added cocoa powder with some extra liquid (almond milk), along with some chopped walnuts. Turned out amazingly and now I can have cupcakes/muffins any time I want 🙂

  27. Meagan says

    That’s my favorite unsweetened chocolate right there. It’s super hard to find though, so this summer my mom and I ordered like 15 bags from one website. It will last us a few years (hopefully) but by that time I fear they will have NONE left to order.

  28. Sarah says

    This is my new favorite dessert! I made it today with dark chocolate chips and a bit of coconut sugar and it was wonderful.

    I wanted to specifically thank you for all the single-serving recipes you post. It’s been too hot to use the oven all summer, so it was amazing to be able to microwave a muffin or a cookie, if only because I missed the texture. (I’m in Austin, by the way! We’re both victims of the Texas heat.)

  29. Beth says

    I just made your chocolate chip pumpkin muffin. Wow! Amazing better than you could buy in any bakery. I made it low carb with carbquik flour. Thanks for your recipes and sharing them on Pinterest. Will be making more of your goodies!

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