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Coconut Butter Melties

After last night, who’s candy-d out?

While out this a.m. I must’ve seen a million candy wrappers.

One of the many benefits of my Vegan Peanut Butter Cups: No wrappers!

Even if you are sick of candy, you might want to find room in your tummy to make the following coconut melties. I’m obsessed with these little gems. Obsessed, people. Obsessed! They’re like shortbread bites: so melty.


Yes, I’m aware that they look like soap. But they taste like little clouds of heaven. And they’re the simplest things ever, taking only about a minute to make!

coconut butter candy

Coconut Butter Melties 

  • Coconut butter or Hot Chocolate Butter
  • A refrigerator or (preferably) freezer
  • If you prefer sweeter melties, feel free to add agave or stevia drops
  • ice cube trays, candy molds, or soap molds (or spread onto wax paper)

Directions: Press the coconut butter or hot chocolate butter into the molds and fridge for at least twenty minutes OR freeze 10 minutes if you’re super-impatient like I am. Then savor these melt-in-your-mouth treats and marvel at how something so simple can taste so good!

flowers candy mold

Above is the unused mold. I found it at Hobby Lobby in the cake-decorating section. Look in Michaels, Jo-Ann, Wal-Mart, or another craft store. Or just use an ice-cube tray. (Sometimes you can find cute-shaped ice cube molds too.) Another alternative: just spread out onto wax paper and freeze like that.

Side note: You can also use Homemade Coconut Butter.

hearts candy mold 

I’m giving credit to my wonderful mom for the idea. Y’see, she bought chocolate molds to make homemade chocolates for Halloween. When I saw the molds on the counter, my little fingers gravitated right towards them! And when I looked for something to “shape,” guess what was conveniently sitting out on the counter… The good old Artisana coconut butter!

You can use Christmas molds, too!

Lately, I’ve been sprinkling cinnamon into my coconut butter, for Cinnabon Melties.

coconut candy

Above, melties from coconut and Hot Chocolate Butter.

Published on November 1, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Valerie says

    They’re gorgeous, Katie! I’m going to go make them ASAP (in other words, as soon as it’s nap time for dear daughter hehehe).
    Oh, and I think I’ll do swirls–chocolate and coconut ones together! 🙂

  2. Nicole (Picky Nicky) says

    Yesterday I made coconut butter for the first time, and my sister told me that we had to refrigerate the whole jar… So this morning when I went to take some, the entire thing was hard as a rock!
    If only I’d chilled them in bite size pieces 🙂
    (And don’t worry, the coconut butter was saved after sitting on the counter for a while!)
    The chocolate ones look like pure heaven, by the way!

    • Valerie says

      LOL oh I’m glad I’m not the only one who did this! I always fridge my pb jars, so when I first bought coconut butter, I fridged that too. Not so good!

  3. Leslie says

    I got the cutest ever ice cube trays (they’re stars and hearts) a few months ago, and now I know exactly how to christen it! So glad I read your blog!!! Honestly, your ideas are the best :).

  4. couchpotatoathlete says

    These are so cute! I’m not a huge fan of coconut, but I might have to try these anyway 🙂

    I don’t curse much — my dad was a lutheran minister when I was younger and 12 years of lutheran school drilled that into my head that you don’t curse!

  5. abby says

    these look sooooo good! and so easy! lol a lot of my comments are the same, because all your ideas are so easy and all the ones i’ve tried have been so good!
    i don’t have a chocolate mold, so i might just make balls. thanks katie! 🙂

  6. Jennifer - jcd says

    Just when I thought your recipes couldn’t get any cuter, you introduce these. Well done; they look stunning.

    As for expetives, you’ll never hear one from me. If you do, something really horribly terrible must have happened (and I cannot even think of an example). I just don’t see the need to use them. Perhaps they have a time and place, but not for me. I don’t even like hearing other people use them, especially around children!

  7. Kelsey @ Clean Teen Kelsey says

    I looove to bake, but I get tired of spending countless hours in the kitchen, too. It really just depends on how I’m feeling: sometimes I’m up for a long, exciting meal, and other times I want to be in and out.

    As for swearing, nope. I don’t swear at all.. in fact, I can’t recall a single time I’ve ever sworn. It’s a nasty habit in my opinion, and I think it shows a lack of dignified vocabulary. It makes me think “Really? Out of the trillions of words that exist, you can’t find any other one to express yourself?” But you know, I’m weird.

  8. Brandie says

    OMG! I want to make these… I was actually going to comment that ‘poor me’ I have no chocolate molds, but then I saw the comment above about someone’s skull’n’crossbones ice cube tray… I HAVE one of those! Oh coconut-y skullie goodness heehee! OH and for added cuteness.. my Beebits (he’s 2) now LOVES coc butter too! He came and asked me for come this morning 🙂 We’re hard core too – we eat it plain 😉

    And to answer the question … I USED to be a real sailor mouth – bad. But definitely since got back into my church and I’ve had a child it’s WAY calmed down, like almost nil. Yay! 😉 Like You CCV, it’s when I get REALLY mad. And since lil men (and girlies too I’m sure lol) copy everything we say? I say a lot of things like “Oh for Pete’s Sake”, “Oh Goodness” and stuff, which are pretty cute when he says them Haha!

  9. Namaste Gurl says

    Cool idea, gurly– I have definitely made coconut balls but not molded them into super cute shapes 🙂 My favorite are chocolate- coconut- almond balls!

    And no, I don’t curse too often, unless you call “crap” or “god” curse words 🙂

  10. VEGirl says

    Well, I love spending an hour or two in the kitchen! But that won’t stop me from making some of these! There are certainly sometimes when I want a desert NOW, and no thank you I would NOT like to wait. I think I’ll make some right now 🙂 I have cute molds too!

  11. sarah says

    Oh my gosh! I want them! Must make them right now! Seriously, I used to love those little seashell soaps as a kid. I would always put them in my mouth! 🙂 🙂

  12. Melissa says

    I swear a lot – in CERTAIN company. Not at work (unless I’m alone and my computer is just driving me mad!) and not in polite company with strangers. Adult friends and family, yeah. They are less apt to think I’m an idiot who has a weak mind and poor manners. 😉 They know I’m intelligent, generally well spoken and good natured. They also know that I’m passionate and some things *really* tick me off (normally bigotry, ridiculous politics that are affecting mine or others rights – including animals, and general stupidity and idiocy) and that I will rant, with expletives, about such people/things if given the chance.

    They are just words and meh. Sometimes the horribleness that is going down needs a good f-bomb (or two or three in rapid succession) to fully express how DISGUSTED I am. I mean, really – anything involving gay marriage being banned, animals begin injured or women’s rights being tossed under the bus really REALLY need some stronger words as the generally used English just doesn’t cut it to express the depth of my ire and rage.

    I don’t have kids and won’t ever have them. So no worries there.
    My friends all know me well enough to know that I swear when I’m off on one of my rants and they generally find it amusing. I’m also quite lewd and have no censor for a lot of things – If I’m on a roll and cracking the room up, I’ll just let it fly. Folks who hate it probably aren’t my friends. 😉

  13. kristisn says

    Another great recipe that I’m going to have to try! I love your blog and all the great ideas. I like simple recipes as well. If I look at one and they have a mile long list of ingredients I tend to pass them up.

    I have a pretty bad potty mouth, but usually it’s just at work. I have a 8 year old running around so I can’t being cussing like a sailor, and if I do let one slip she runs to the phone so she can call my mom and tattle on me!

  14. Sheila says

    I actually have two parrots with quite extensive vocabularies. So even more than with a young child, I have to be careful of what I say if I don’t want it repeated back to me at the most inopportune time!

  15. EmbraceYourSkin says

    Oh my gosh, why have I never thought to do this!? Brilliant!
    I don’t curse very often, only when I’m really upset. I’m just not a fan…

  16. Caitlin says

    Haha I didn’t swear AT ALL when I was little, and I always pointed my finger at those who did. But then for a while, it seemed cool to be able to swear… I felt naughty when I did it, like I was grown up. LOL now I guess I just swear a “normal” amount? If there’s such a thing.

    Holy Hell (speaking of swearing), those coconut gems look yummmmmmmy!

  17. Erika says

    Mmmm, I think I need to make the coconut butter – I hear about it everywhere!
    PS – Those do look like soap – but I’m sure they taste delicious. 🙂

  18. spoonfulofsugarfree says

    So Adorable!! Know what would be good? A plain coconut meltaway dipped in chocolate! Or Add a little mint extract to it–yumm!

    Honestly, I never really curse (and if I do it is under my breathe!) My parents taught us to never say “bad words.” My little sister is a BIG advocate of “anti-cursing”SHe goes, “Ahhh!” whenever she hears someone curse, and then gives them a dirty look! ANd my little brother is 9, so I can’t curse around him!!! Too young 😉

  19. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin says

    I bought my very first candy mold at Michael’s this weekend, too! I made some “raw chocolate” using coconut oil, but my candy wouldn’t come out of the molds!! Bummer. 🙁 Of course, I still enjoyed scooping them out of the molds and eating them with a spoon. I’m not one to waste perfectly tasty coconut butter!

    Oh, and I don’t like swearing very often. I don’t think it sounds “right” coming from me!!

  20. jodye @ 'scend food says

    What a wonderful idea! I’ve used heart shaped ice cube trays to make valentine’s day almond butter cups, but something as simple as coconut butter melties I’ll be making every day! I try not to, but I do curse a fair amount when climbing, as both expressions of anger and joy!

  21. JoLynn-dreaminitvegan says

    How cute these are!

    I don’t curse much unless I hurt myself then…watch out. Actually have you seen the episode on myth busters. They proved that when you get hurt and curse you can take more pain. Works for me.

  22. Kate says

    I wish I had a chocolate mold so I could make these right now! Don’t think I’ve ever seen a chocolate mold though :(.

  23. Sarah A. says

    These look delicious! I’ll have to keep my eye out for a chocolate mold next time I’m at Michaels. It’s pretty much my favorite store, so I’m grateful for an excuse to go there. Thanks for providing me with one, Katie ;).

  24. emma says

    Sweetie! you totally inspired me to order some Artisana coconut butter on my online shopping trip 🙂 I’ve never had it before so feel pretty excited to try it! xoxo

  25. Lisa C. says

    Katie! These look so good! Well, really they DO look like soap. But they sound good, and I’ve been meaning to make your chocolate butter anyway. Might just have to break down and do it!

  26. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    these look great, great way to use up the tons of coconut oil I have. I have oil, not butter, though. But i use them pretty much interchangeable, oh I know, Im such a rebel 🙂

    I made raw vegan coconut oil chocolate and I have never pressed them into a mold other than a little dish or tiny little container. I really ought to try it and make things pretty!

    I do curse like a sailor. I always have. Always will, Im sure 🙂

    Pretty much every single recipe on my site, including my desserts high raw/no bake desserts are ALL less than 5 ingredients. I am a mom. I have no time to be messing around with 17 ingredients, shopping for them, making sure i have them on hand, no desire, time or $$ for all that monkey business 🙂

  27. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    Awwe chocolate molds take me way back 🙂 I’m actually not candied out because I was out of town for trick-or-treat I’m 200% up for making these anytime! 😀

    Your question made me laugh lmho! I date a sailor!! But fortunately he doesn’t curse around me out of politeness. The last sailor I dated did, though. Every other word was f***.

  28. melissa @ the delicate place says

    confession: sometimes i curse like a sailor and i feel bad about it and correct myself. my husband finds it hilarious when i swear

  29. astrorainfall says

    Those molds are too adorable! You’re very creative…. I usually just press my truffles into small balls or flatten them like cookies. Great idea…

  30. BroccoliHut says

    SUCH a cute idea!! This would make an adorable gift idea, no? Well, at least it would make a good gift for you and me:)
    I don’t swear either, and I don’t really like it when others do–I have established a swear jar for Seth…

  31. labelleshelbs says

    What a fabulous idea! I love the cute heart shape (:

    My older brother actually got his mouth washed out with soap when he was younger! He swore in front of my mom and she squirted some liquid soap in there. He nearly cried haha! I’m just glad I got to witness it.

    I actually have a really bad mouth but I’m able to clean it up when I need to. It’s mainly when I’m alone and talking to myself or with my friends and goofing around…or in traffic!

  32. theflourishingfoodie says

    I decided to make your coconut butter melties today. I had a carton of strawberries in my fridge which I thought might be interesting combined with the coconut. I had a heart shaped ice cube tray which I put a thin layer of coconut butter into (which I had softened in the microwave for 25 seconds). I thin added a layer of really thin and small strawberries chunks and then added another layer of coconut butter and refridgerated. It was so good! The flavors of strawberries and coconut were great together and the textures were really good too. Just something I thought you might want to try. ~Ann Claire

  33. Christina says


    I hate coconut. But I’m super jealous of all the coconut butter recipes you have (especially these melties!) and I was wondering if you’ve ever made coconut butter with coconut oil (like how you made chocolate butter, which I really really like). I’ll use refined coconut oil in recipes calling for any kind of coconut oil because it doesn’t have a coconutty taste. Even if I could find Artisana I wouldn’t want to spend $11 on a jar of something I’m pretty sure I’ll never use past a taste, ’cause from what people say it tastes coconutty…blech.

    So I guess I’m interested in what the texture and flavor are like (other than “coconutty”…like, is it sweet? creamy? spreadable, etc?) and if there’s a way to replicate something *like* it with refined coconut oil. I’m just sad I’m missing out on all your great coconut butter recipes because I don’t like the taste of coconut 🙁

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmmm… I don’t know. LOL I am so opposite from you: I accidentally bought refined coconut oil this summer, and I was so disappointed that it didn’t taste like coconut!
      For what it’s worth, I don’t think my pms chocolate tastes like coconut, and you CAN make that with refined oil (’cause I did, this summer. Couldn’t let that oil go to waste!) I’ve never made coconut butter with the oil, though, so I can’t answer that one.

  34. Kathryn says

    I love this idea!!! Do they have to remain frozen to keep their shape?! They would adorable gifts! But I wouldn’t want to give a cute bag of melted melties!!! What do you think?!

  35. Lyza says

    I have heart-shaped ice trays so this would work out perfectly…my only issue is that where I live, these babies of coconut butter are ten whole dollars for a little half pint jar :-/ I’d rather go to the organic restaurant and get two desserts than have to make my own one for that price! Hopefully one day they’ll cheapen it here!

  36. Jen says

    Just made these–so delicious and so simple! I also made some with added Ginger People ginger syrup, and they’re amazing as well. Thanks so much for the idea!

  37. Cheryl says

    Hey, Katie… try this! It’s a recipe that I adapted from one I found on Tropical Traditions’ website:

    Fill each section of an ice cube tray with a dark chocolate covered almond (I’m sure you know where to find the vegan kind! 🙂 you could probably use chocolate covered raisins too.) Then put in a pinch or two of dessicated coconut (sweetened or unsweetened, your choice), then add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil (just enoug h to cover everything) and refigerate or freeze, and Viola! chocolate. coconut. heaven! 🙂

  38. Amy says

    Been looking for a substitute for chocolate or white chocolate easter bunnies for my daughter because of a severe allergy to dairy, but it’s not easy to find on short notice. She loves coconut, definitely have to try these!! 🙂

  39. Olivia says

    Theese were delicious with peppermint extract! I love, loved, loved them! My genius mother thought it would be a great idea to put almond extract and dried bing cherries in them, too. Those are seriously little clouds of heaven. The cherries add a bit of sweetness and the almond compliments the coconut wonderfully. You have to try them! 🙂

  40. christine olson says

    do you have any recipes for: milky way, snickers bars ( non – ice cream), lindor truffles, zero bars? if you do, could you put them on your website. I would love to have them.
    thanks for creating your blog. I love it.


  41. Amanda AuntieSarcasEm says

    I made something quite similar last night while messing around with my first jar of coconut butter. I mixed coconut butter, light agave syrup, and a dash of vanilla flavoring. Then, I mixed well and used coconut oil to grease plastic wrap and put it in a super small and shallow saucer. I put it into the freezer. It was weird ( I’m not a coconut lover, except in particular dishes) but good, but then I mixed Tofutti “cream cheese”, the light agave, and strawberry gel together and spooned it on top of another batch of the coconut candy ( after the coconut candy had time to set in the freezer) and froze it again so the strawberry cream cheese could harden on top of the coconut candy. SO good, even though I made the strawberry cream cheese mixture a bit too soft, so as it sits out the strawberry part melts. So, I just eat what I want and pop the rest back into the freezer. Thanks for inspiring me to play around in the kitchen again 🙂 I used to be quite the curser, but for the past month or two I’ve been trying hard to speak more indicative of my intelligence level, and have done quite well most days. Just as long as we don’t count today….. 🙂

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