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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Babies

She who has cookie dough is never alone.

There are two explanations for this. One: if you have cookie dough, your friends will all want some too, and thus they will gravitate towards you. And two: even if your friends do not come running (which, by the way, means you have super-odd friends), you’ve still got cookie dough to keep you company!

raw cookie dough balls

Above, a delicious batch of Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough Babies.

My friends were all busy yesterday, so I made new friends. Chocolate friends. Healthy and sugar-free cookie dough balls that taste exactly like way better than cookie dough Larabars.

If you have not tried this recipe yet, I highly recommend it!!

cookie dough balls

I devoured my new friends. 

Without remorse.

Yeah, maybe you don’t really wanna be friends with me.

cookie dough babies

And soon…


The babies need siblings: Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

Published on July 31, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Albizia says

    I am kind of an introvert and I usually enjoy my time alone but after a few months being alone 99% of my spare time I can say that no sight is beautiful enough and no baked good is delicious enough to erase the taste of disappointment. So recently in my “alone” time I’ve simply been feeling lonely.

  2. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    The new header is CUTE! I love it! My alone time is watching the Bachelorette. Ha ha ha! It’s my one night I sit down and just veg out (and eat yummy food) while the husband and my twins boys are asleep. 🙂

  3. Musugonekuku says

    Oh yes, sometimes I need my alone time. And as my parents and sister are on vacation, I have the house all by myself the whole week. Lots of alone time!
    I am planning to try at least one new recipe every day and the most will be from your blog 😉
    Yesterday I made the brownie batter dip and I’ve just finished my breakfast with the blueberry pancakes. Nomnomnom
    Other things I love to do in my alone time (besides cooking) is working out, yoga and playing on The Sims :p Oh, and my music will always be on pretty loud, so a lot of dancing and singing will be happening too.

    I like the new header too 🙂

  4. Marianne says

    I do all sorts of stuff during “alone time” – read, go for walks, go shopping, hit up downtown, watch tv, listen to music, and pretty much anything else I feel like. Perhaps it’s because I spend alot of time alone, but meh, whatever.

  5. Lyza says

    Katie I love the new header. Gorgeous.

    I have one question about cookie dough balls and babies in general…do you have a suggestion for what people like me can use with nut intolerances? I was thinking maybe sunflower seeds, but I’m not sure it would be as yummy. Sunflower and sesame seeds? LOL I have no idea…

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hey girl!

      One thing first: are you allowed coconut products? (If so, I have a few recommendations.) Otherwise, maybe you could try a sunbutter base for the pb babies or 3-ingredient pb balls? I’ve also always wondered if you could sub protein powder, but I’ve never tried it. If you try it, let me know how it works!

      • Lyza says

        Oh yes, coconut’s fine! 🙂 These are great ideas!! I’ll have to give that one a try. 🙂 Thankyou so much for taking your time to reply!! 🙂

  6. Stephanie @ StephSnacks says

    I like the header! Very cute—I like seeing the blogger right away, it helps make an easier connection. As for me, alone time is essential. I generally like to go for a walk, get coffee, or have a mani/pedi!

  7. Anita says

    Just wanted to say I absolutely love your recipes, I’m a total CCK convert! The new header looks awesome, very cute! Alone time is always nice to have and key to keeping yourself sane!!

  8. Rachael says

    I just made the fudge babies. Please tell me the nutrition info that says 175 calories is for the whole batch! I ate it all! Is the idea to form the whole batch into a rectangle log and call it a Larabar? I hope so because I made a bunch of little balls (too late to count how many) and rolled them in mini chips and ate them all!
    Thanks for the awesome recipes. I just found this site this week and LOVE IT! I have a sweet tooth, but am really trying to eat healthy! I love the healthy alternatives.

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