Yes, chocolate chip quinoa cookies!
When I was 5 years old, I earned the nickname Cookie Monster from my grandfather, after he caught me repeatedly sneaking chocolate chip cookies from the dining room table.
I wasn’t tall enough to actually see the table…
But that doesn’t mean I didn’t know what was up there!
Fast forward 20+ years.
Although I am older (and taller!) now… I still have a certain turquoise-blue reputation to uphold. 😉
Bring on the quinoa chocolate chip cookies! These chocolate chip quinoa cookies are a fun and creative change of pace if you’re used to white-flour chocolate chip cookies. Try them if you feel adventurous – they are absolutely delicious!
Chocolate Chip Quinoa Cookies

- 1/2 cup minus 1 tbsp quinoa flour (52g)
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 2 packed tbsp brown sugar or coconut sugar (22g)
- 2 tbsp white sugar or xylitol (20g)
- 2-4 tbsp chocolate chips, optional
- up to 2 tbsp milk of choice, as needed
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp vegetable or coconut oil (15g)
Quinoa Cookies Recipe: (Makes 6-8 quinoa cookies, so feel free to double the recipe!) Preheat oven to 310 F, and lightly grease a cookie tray. In a mixing bowl, stir together all dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk together all liquid ingredients (starting with 1 tbsp milk of choice). Pour wet into dry to form a dough, then add the extra milk of choice if needed. If dough becomes a little too gooey, just freeze 20 minutes or until firm enough to shape into balls. Shape balls, then flatten if a flat cookie is desired. (I did not flatten the ones in the photos.) Bake 8-9 minutes in the middle rack. (As it states on my Recipe Troubleshooting page, you should always bake in the middle rack with my recipes, unless otherwise stated.) The cookies should look undercooked when you take them out, which is completely okay: they will continue cooking as they cool. Don’t try to remove them from the tray for another 15-20 minutes.
Questions of the Day:
Did you watch Sesame Street as a kid? And did you have a favorite character?
Given our shared love of chocolate-chip cookies and the color blue, it should come as no surprise that Cookie Monster was my favorite. (Still is!) I also secretly liked Oscar the Grouch because I believed him to be misunderstood. The poor guy probably just needed a cookie…
Erica { } says
Definitely watched Sesame Street and my favorite character was The Count! May explain the brief goth phase I had in my early 20’s …
EVA says
Is it weird how I get satisfaction betting against myself that you’re going to be the first commentor on each new recipe? Thank thee for giving me a game to play.
Erica { } says
Lol, I suddenly feel like I am an evil villain.
EVA says
Well, I’m forever and always a goth, so I guess I’M the villain?! Or I guess at least I’m supposed to be.
How villain-y of you to steal it from me.
Erin | The Law Student's Wife says
High five from a fellow cookie monster! I love how soft and chewy these little puffs of chocolate heaven look.
Jess @ The Baguette Diet says
Sesame Street was a big part of my pre-K years…Bert & Ernie were my favorites, I thought they were hilarious!
The cookies look delicious, time to start searching for quinoa flour…
becauseHeloves! says
Awesome! I love quinoa and chocolate, so combining them into a cookie would be so cool! I just got done making coconut chocolate chip cookies 🙂
Jules @ WolfItDown says
These look divine! Do they taste like most other baked goods where you use quinoa flour though?
Oscar the Grouch is my favourite Sesame Street character, he’s just so adorably grumpy! 😀 x
Jules @ WolfItDown says
Also, in Norway we had our own Norwegian verion of Sesame Street called “Sesam Stasjon” (Sesame Station :P), and it had two main human characters and three (later four) puppets 😀 Loved it! Oh, and they would also add the little sketches with the Cookie Monster and some other counting games as well 🙂 Good times!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I’ve never actually baked with quinoa flour before this, so I can’t really say.
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
I think I watched Sesame Street, but not at an age where I really remember too much about it. Nowadays Elmo is probably my favorite but I have no idea which I liked best as a kid!
Jess @ Keeping It Real Food says
My mom wouldn’t let my sister and I watch Sesame Street when we were little—she later said it was “too manic.” Somehow Woody Allen and Mel Brooks movies were okay though.
Marci says
These cookies look delicious. Definitely trying them.
I bake often with gluten free flour and have learned to shake down the flour to the desired measure – I know this is the complete opposite of baking with regular flour. Do you shake down your gluten free flours or measure the usual way ie avoiding shaking down. Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I don’t really know what you mean by “shaking down” but I measure them as any other flour… Also I highly recommend a food scale for most accurate measuring of any flour in general. Takes the guesswork out!
Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says
Yay!!! A chocolate chip quinoa cookie! I’ve been on the search for one for so long !!! 😀 Can’t wait to try these 😀
Kristen says
Hi Katie! I love your recipes! I just want to confirm that this one bakes at 310, and not 350 (or 300). I bought a lot of quinoa flour recently and will make good use of it with these cookies. Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Belle says
Too funny!
I liked Grover but I think Snuffeluffagus was my absolute favorite! He never got enough screen time for my satisfaction.
I’m going to have to give these cookies a try- they look yummy and healthy!
Tonya says
What would happen if you use while quinoa?
Tonya says
*whole quinoa
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry I have not tried.
Ilana says
You can make quinoa flour out of whole quinoa…. Google can probably tell you how 🙂
Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan says
Ahh, Katie (or should I say Cookie Monster?!)! You have officially made me super excited to run out to the store (in this NYC snow) and buy some quinoa flour! These look too yummy. Now the real question is… can you do the cookie monster voice? 😉
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Haha I have never tried!
P.S. If you ever make a trip up to DC, definitely let me know!
Ashley @ Blissful Basil says
These look deliciously dense and amazing! I’ll definitely be making these this week. Yum!
Stephanie @ Whole Health Dork says
Thanks for sharing this recipe! I love dessert recipes that are small servings, so there are only a few leftovers in the house. And of course that it is already GF (and not something I need to sub in GF stuff for) is great!
Livi says
these look awesome! I can’t wait to try some!
EVA says
HOLY MOSES look at those chips! I’m totally making these but I have a question about the quinoa: do you think tri-color quinoa would work? Specifically Trader Joe’s brand, if you need further investigation. It has white and red quinoa, and I know red quinoa is nuttier and firmer in texture than white.
Also I LOVED Sesame Street. I was actually watching it every morning before school well into my freshman year of high school haha….one is never too old to learn. I always liked Telly, with his bi-gender hamster Chucky Sue. Just how sad and crazy he looked always made me want to take him home as a pet. And sadly I’m talking about Telly, but Chucky Sue would’ve gotten along great with my hamster.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I haven’t tried it and therefore can’t know
Abbie @ Needs Salt says
These cookies look so delicious! I love working with Quinoa flour – and these cookies look so fun and tasty.
Heidi Lynn says
Cookie monster all the way!
Does anyone make quinoa flour in a vita mix? Just thought of that, but unsure because of needing to rinse quinoa before cooking.
Michelle says
Hi! I’ve never made my own, but your question made me curious so I looked it up. Most homemade quinoa flour recipes recommend toasting the quinoa before grinding it into a flour. So, basically you can rinse it, pat it dry or let it air dry, then toast it in the oven for ten minutes (which would get rid of any excess moisture), and then grind it in a coffee grinder or food processor. It sounds like a Vitamix would work as well, although I couldn’t find a recipe that calls for one specifically. All of the recipes I did find for making quinoa flour were very similar, but here’s an example:
Hope that helps 🙂
Cait says
I tried this “homemade” quinoa flour as described above with a food processor. The consistency of the flour turned out fine, but still slightly gritty. The cookies turned out great!
Nikki Englerth says
Yes , I make quinoa flour all of the time in my Vita Mix and it turns out perfect.
Madison @ Eating For Balance says
We didn’t really watch Sesame Street growing up. The first time I ever saw it was while I was sitting with my dad in the waiting room of an auto repair shop. Haha. I was much more interested in Barney or Dragon Tales 🙂 I’m not sure I could pick my favorite Sesame Street character if I tried! Cookie Monster is pretty awesome (have you seen the adorable Pinterest cookie monster cupcakes? Oh my goodness those things are cute!). Well, we did have a Tickle Me Elmo when I was younger… So I’ll go with Elmo! 🙂 Now that I say that though… Why did we have an Elmo if we never watched the show? 😆 Haha.
Sahar Massoudian says
Hi Katie! Do you think I could substitute dates or stevia for the sugar? I figure stevia would be easier in terms of compensating for texture. Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I can’t say, as I have not tried it
Amy says
Just made these! Add a little sea salt on top and you are really in business!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for baking them! I think you were the first :).
Erin says
Would spelt flour work the same? I don’t have quinoa flour.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Maybe try these instead?
Anya says
Katie, do you think millet flour would work here as well? Do you have any cookies recipe using millet? Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I have never actually baked with millet flour
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
I just bought a huge bag of quinoa flakes and was thinking to whip up a recipe with them…I’m assuming if I add them to a cookie recipe I can just blend them until fine and substitute for regular quinoa flour, right?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
According to what it says from a google search, the consensus seems to be YES.
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
Good to know!
Lisa @ Simple Pairings says
From a fellow Cookie Monster, these look incredible! I’ve thought about experimenting with quinoa in cookies, and yours look awesome! Love the big chocolate chips, too. Your photographs are beautiful, by the way! 🙂
The Zen Kat says
Yum! I’ve never baked with quinoa flour- time to start though!
Lia @ Luscious Living says
Never used quinoa in a sweet item successfully before. I’m curious for sure, but also trepidatious. They look good. I just might have to try these out I’m so curious.
Steph says
Loved sesame street- my fav was always big bird- he was just so big and fluffy and I liked his striped legs 🙂 Cookie monster was awesome too! Didn’t they try and make him veggie monster once? Worst. Idea. Ever.
The cookies look awesome, I love that you included quinoa- delish!
Lauren says
Quinoa in cookies..I’m intrigued. 🙂
Sounds like a fun weekend dessert to try!
Out Of The Hat says
I never really liked Sesame Street, I always felt that the learning stuff was too slow and repetitive. Apparently I was the kid that shocked all the teachers by actually answering questions at all, let alone correctly, in the two year old class at my morning preschool! I always liked Winnie the Pooh though, and Eeyore was surprisingly cheerful considering how often his tail came off and his house fell down, so I liked him a lot.
And I like these cookies, they look like cookie dough balls, so I can feel sneaky while eating them! 😉
Susie says
My 3 boys devoured them. Awesome recipe!
Kira - HealthAble Old Soul says
Quinoa is an ancient grain that can almost fit any type of meal!
Kira - HealthAble Old Soul says
And yes, I am calling a whole batch of cookies a meal!
Maria says
I just made these last night. I can’t do white/refined sugar, so I only used coconut sugar and Xylitol. I added unsweetened “cocoa” powder to make them more chocolatey. They came out great! Although the quinoa flavor was a bit on the strong side. You think it would be possible to make these with almond/coconut flour?
Jeannie says
Realized that I don’t believe I’ve ever really commenting, despite frequenting your blog for the past couple years…wanted to let you know that I made these as well, and they turned out delicious! Very strange yellow color, but I believe that was the fault of my quinoa of choice – going to go for a chocolate&chocolate version next, like some of your other readers have already done! Thank you for always coming up with such creative recipes.
Charu says
I just made these and they turned out so well!! Love this recipe..I have been thinking of ways to make quinoa taste good. This is the healthiest cookie ever! One question.. can i replace white sugar with anything else for sweetness? How about dates/ fat free maple syrup?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Date sugar would work!
Tzevai says
These look great.! I’m rubbish at making normal cookies but I think even I might be able to get these to turn out ok. Hah! I’m trying to cut my wheat intake down too so these are perfect!
Jan Hub says
These cookies look amazing and I am sure cookie monster would love to eat them as well! I was wondering though if I could make them with this health bar I recently discovered,this gluten-free energy bar is made by Nouri, a company which implements social entrepreneurship and gives one meal for one child for every product they sell. I really want to support their cause and I was wondering if I would be able to use them to make guilt-free and gluten-free cookies.
Nazarati says
I’m that odd one who decided to make them with actual COOKED quinoa – we had some leftover, and my husband was requesting a hearty cookie for the morning (he’s a Baha’i and currently in his month of fasting) but without nuts, which he’s slightly allergic to. They actually turned out great and oddly enough have a peanut taste to them, which with the chocolate chips makes them even yummier! I used 3/4 cup of cooked quinoa instead of 1/2 cup quinoa flour, and because the dough was way too runny to make them into cookies, I added chick pea flour until it thickened enough to roll into balls. The cooked quinoa gives is a slight mini-crunch which is quite delicious.
Benjamin Hargrave says
Duh, Elmo.. Hehe.
Rach says
I love this recipe! I think this might be one of my favourites. I was just wondering though whether I could use erythritol instead of xylitol? Do you think xylitol is a better alternative to sugar? Is it healthier than erythritol?
Rob says
I just made these and they are delicious! I made my own quinoa flour. (Toast quinoa on a skillet for a few minutes then put in a food processor until powdered.) The flour was a little grainy thus the cookies were crunchy (AWESOME!) I let them cool for a few minutes but couldn’t resist and ate them while they were still gooey.
Melody says
Thanks for the awesome recipe, I just made these..
However, I doubled the recipe and used a mix of quinoa flour, coconut flour and corn flour, used coconut sugar, panela sugar and raw sugar, used butter instead of coconut oil (roughly same about… A little bit extra!) and pure vanilla powder rather than extract… Also used coconut chocolate and almond milk, and they came out beautifully!
They’re very very soft and chewy, so thanks again for the recipe!
P.s… I hate Sesame Street 🙁
Jessica says
I used Bob’s Red Mill organic quinoa flour and can tast the bitterness of the quinoa. It’s not bad but I’m wondering if I’ve used the wrong flour or if I can do something to mask the bitterness of the quinoa flour.
Lauren says
Use lots of chocolate chips and sprinkle with sea salt!
Lauren says
These cookies are delicious! Thank you for the recipe. I sprinkled the tops with sea salt, which was a really nice touch. I was pleasantly surprised at how little you can taste the quinoa.
jacklyn says
hi Katie, first off, LOVE your recipes, I think I post one everyday to fb!
Second, for this recipe, do you use cooked quinoa and then a bit of quinoa flour? Or is it all quinoa flour? If I don’t have quinoa flour what can I use instead? cooked quinoa?
Aparna B. says
Loooove the sound of this recipe. Stumbled upon your blog from another blogger I follow who had nothing but incredibly nice things to say about your blog. Now I can see why!
I do have one question regarding this recipe: Is the quinoa measurement cooked quinoa or dry?
Thank you!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Dry quinoa flakes.
Gina says
Just made these and they are great! I added 1 Tbsp Chia seeds too, and use only Coconut sugar (for the 2 sugars).
Lily says
Thank you for this recipe!
I actually lowered the amount of sugar in the recipe and it still came out really wonderfully sweet. I kept the amount of coconut sugar the same, and then halved the amount of white sugar, and nobody complained or even noticed the difference!
I love that they are gluten free as well.
Thank you!
Julia says
Do you roast the quinoa flour for this recipe?
Julie Dove says