Sinlessly smooth and indulgently rich chocolate greek yogurt pie…
This chocolate Greek yogurt pie is extra creamy, with a custard-like texture, and the yogurt makes it almost taste like you’re eating a chocolate cheesecake. But at the same time you are getting protein, calcium, vitamins, and a healthy dose of probiotics… It’s so healthy you could technically even eat it for breakfast!
Hey, chocolate for breakfast is healthy!
Dr. Oz says so.
And if Dr. Oz says it, it must be true!
Even better than the health benefits is how easy this chocolate pie is to make. You just throw all of the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
Then pour the batter into a baking pan and let the oven do all of the work for you as you sit back and dream about homemade chocolate pie.
This recipe was adapted from my Greek Yogurt Cheesecake.
Chocolate Greek Yogurt Pie
Chocolate Greek Yogurt Pie

- 1 1/2 cups Greek yogurt - I used dairy-free Homemade Greek Yogurt
- 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp firm MoriNu tofu (soy-free chocolate pie recipe is here)
- 1/4 t + scant 1/8 t salt
- 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1/16 tsp pure stevia, or 3 tbsp sugar of choice
- 2 tsp cornstarch or arrowroot
- 1/3 cup pure maple syrup, honey, or agave
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp cacao or cocoa powder
- 1/4 cup melted chocolate chips, optional for richness
Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender, and blend until completely smooth. Pour into a pan lined with either my Healthy Chocolate Pie Crust or any prepared pie crust. Bake 50 minutes, then remove from the oven. The pie will look very undercooked, but this is okay! Allow to cool for an hour; then transfer, uncovered, to the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. The pie will “set” during this time. (I’ve only tried the pie with MoriNu, so replace the Mori-Nu with another brand at your own risk.)
Link Of The Day:
Flourless Banana Blender Muffins
Lena says
Is this like the other chocolate pie recipe where you can use regular/firm tofu instead of mori-nu and it still turns out well? Because I really want to try this out but mori-nu tofu isn’t sold around here…
Lena says
Note – I did read that you said to try at my own risk, but I’m just looking for your input here before I go out and buy everything on the list… 🙂
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Texture-wise, it will be fine. Just some people say that regular tofu (as opposed to morinu) has more of an aftertaste. So if you don’t mind a little bit of an aftertaste (or don’t notice it as being a problem), that will be fine as well. I’d go with firm or extra-firm.
Nicole says
I was able to bulk order Mori-Nu through our local co-op store, but you may be able to through any grocery store. It was cheaper to do this, too!
Bbgg says
Probiotics will die in the oven
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Love the new photo and this pie!
Rowen says
My blog is about climbing!! I love your recipes. I love to eat treats but I need to eat healthy so I can compete. When I want something yummy, I always check on your blog first.
Suzanne @ hello, veggy says
I like the new picture; you look so seductive holding that bar of chocolate haha!
My blog’s theme is pretty broad; I call it ‘vegan lifestyle’. Truthfully, I’m still trying to figure out my ‘blog voice’ and hopefully producing some posts in the future also related to animal/human rights and environmental issues.
I love having a blog as a way to express and share what I love and feel passionate about; I guess that is my theme 🙂
Kelly says
I am a Registered Dietitian with a professional interest in food policy and a personal interest in design and lifestyle. So my blog is about food, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles:
Katie @ Produce On Parade says
As a vegan, my blog’s theme is all about produce! Hence…Produce On Parade 🙂 anything and everything fresh and plant-based! This pie looks absolutely scrumptious.
Jessica says
My theme is sourdough…I can only do so much sourdough as I find so many other recipes to play with! But that doesn’t bode well for a good layout…I do need to change it as people tell me the pink links are hard to read :-(.
I’ve heard that regular Greek yogurt can also be used as a binder instead of oil and/or eggs. I haven’t tried it with either regular or vegan yogurt, so I don’t know how well it works. Might be something to experiment with?
Samantha says
As soon has wholesoy is stocked again in my area I will try this one.
Yes, my blog has a theme…which is not to say I stick to it. Have a good day, Sam
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I keep waiting for it to come back as well. It was hands-down my favorite yogurt brand out there. At least they ARE coming back… the company used to make frozen yogurt (vegan) that was incredible, but they discontinued that. When the yogurts first went missing, I was initially afraid the same thing was happening to them as the froyo years before.
Michelle C says
I don’t have a health food store anywhere close so no tofu at all. Would cottage cheese be a good substitute? I live in the sticks so one small little grocery store and a Super Walmart 🙂
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I really have no experience cooking with cottage cheese.
Dennis Tucker says
Check out Azurestandard.
It’s like a coop with great prices, a HUGE variety of healthy products including frozen and refrigerated foods.
You pre-order by a certain date each month then once a month they have trucks deliver to dropoff locations all over the country. I think shipping cost is only 8% of the total cost of what you buy. You may need to drive to a nearby larger city but is may be worth it.
Jennifer D. says
This looks yummy!! Will have to try it soon!
Kaycee @ Fitface says
I’m still working on the “look” of my blog, but what I WANT to achieve is a mix of girly/class/spunk. know what I mean? no… me neither, that’s why Im still working.
But the content is pretty all over the board to, it’s my creative escape from being the stay at home mommy with nothing to do but cook clean and baby talk. I talk about recipes, workouts, health issues and day to day ramblings, etc. etc. 🙂 and I love every minute of it! JUST like I love every bit of this pie. it’s being made. Right. Now.
Bianca- Vegan Crunk says
Cute new pic! Still adorable as ever, Katie! And that pie! Damn, I could go for a slice of that!
OilLadyLaura says
OMG, this looks wonderful! I am just starting my blog,, it is all all about making people feel better, physically and emotionally, through use of Essential Oils. Just getting started on it though, I hope to have it as big as yours one day!
Lisa says
I used to love greek yogurt, before I found out I was allergic. So I’m all over this pie.
It looks so awesome.
My blog doesn’t really have a theme. It’s sort of lifestyle I suppose: I guess because I talk about everything from recipes, nutrition, fitness, beauty products, and some random things thrown in for good measure.
Becky says
This pie looks delicious, like everything on your blog! The theme of my blog is music, particularly classical music, and especially (French) horns. Life in Flow: Flow in Life found at
Abbie @ Needs Salt says
This chocolate pie looks amazing!! And I love Greek yogurt, so yeah. This recipe kind of just made my day. 🙂
I’m a no-soy girl, though. I looked at your soy-free version of this pie and I was wondering if I could just sub the tofu for cashews?
The strawberry one looks amazing, but I just really love the idea of Greek yogurt.
And I love your new photo!
By the way, what is your favorite kind of chocolate to use in recipes?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I would think you could… but I’m not sure how it would bake. If you try it, definitely report back! Oh, and I’d soak the cashews first.
For chocolate, I guess it depends on the recipe and type of chocolate. My favorite mini chips are EnjoyLife. My favorite cacao powder is Navitas, and my favorite 100% baking bar is Dagoba. For non-100% bars, I have a few favorites and need to write a post about them :).
Trace says
My sister does paleo, and bakes cashew “bread” all the time with soaked, pureed cashews. It has taken her a bit of time figuring out the right water-to-cashew ratio, but it does work really well, and the consistency is nice! She finds that for a “bread” consistency, she has to bake it longer than you would a grain bread, but my guess is with this pie, you’d want to observe it until the consistency matches what Katie has described and you would be okay.
I would love to hear how it turns out too, if you try… 🙂
Susan says
This pie sounds wonderful & it looks lucious. And if you forget about the crust, you have a nice chocolate mousse… 🙂
My husband and I have a blog – totally non-food – and the theme is travel. We do a lot of traveling and enjoy doing a blog about it as a way to share our experience with others. I do the writing and choose the photos; he does the editing.
If I were to have a food blog, I think the theme would be healthy eating (omnivore), and it would probably include a lot of international flavors, because there are so many wonderful cuisines out there. Unfortunately I can count the recipes I’ve developed on my fingers (probably of one hand).
Lauren Michelle says
Mmm, this looks absolutely scrumptious! I may have to make it this weekend… I’ve never done anything with tofu before, so this would be a first.
My blog is called How To: Make Home and it is about anything that has to do with home life. So a pretty broad topic. It is relatively new, I’ve only been working on it for about a month.
Justin says
This cake looks amazing! And I’ve already thought about this! If I had my own food blog it would be called the unpampered chef. It would follow my journey in cooking in a dorm on a college budget haha. Could be interesting but I don’t know if ill have enough time!
Amanda says
Hi – this looks great. Just one question – is the 1/16 teaspoon of Stevia really equal to 3 tablespoons of sugar for sweetness? That equivalent looks a little off. Thank you.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
It’s pure stevia extract, which is very concentrated. If you’re going by the packets (which have been cut with maltodextrin or another such ingredient), it’s around 3 packets or 1.5 tsp.
Ashley says
Wow, that looks to die for!
My blog is a lifestyle blog – I really like to feature real women’s stories and selfies and review products. Come follow along!
~ Ashley (A Cute Angle)
Sara says
Tasty looking! I have a few questions for you…1) what brand do you use of Stevia or recommend? I’ve tried a few and I really want to like Stevia. I was a gestational diabetic and I’m trying to change my approach to sweets. 2) Have you seen those dry homemade powder mixes for brownies or cakes where you just measure out the ingredients and add the wet stuff. Then you have a jump start on those kinds of things and when company comes over you just pull it out, add a little of this and that and bake! I love the idea of having those on hand but I don’t know if the sugar in those recipes could be substituted with healthier versions and still work. I hope this makes sense. Here’s an example of one I’ve come across:
Do you know if this is possible…I mean you of all people would know/could find a way! Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Sara,
Hands down, I recommend NuNaturals stevia. As for the baking mixes, I haven’t tried any in years, so I really don’t have experience with any of them.
Kayla says
I’ve had chocolate pies that use tofu, very yummy! Do you have to use MoriNu tofu; will regular block tofu work for this recipe? Love your blog, even though I’m not vegan (or vegetarian). My sister is vegetarian though (actually pescetarian-fish, no other meat) and lactose-intolerant so your recipes are AMAIZING for that! Keep up your fabulous work! Thanks Katie! <3
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Kayla,
See my answer to Lena (the third or fourth commenter on this post). Texture-wise it will be fine, but some people say morinu has less of an aftertaste. It is up to you!
Honey, What's Cooking says
this looks so good.. thanks for the recipe… will try it.
Kayla says
Oh yeah, if I had a blog it would be about fashion!
Steph says
Yum! Don’t throw away the whey! You can add cardamom, lemon juice and agave nectar or honey to make it a tasty treat!
Annie @ Natural Sweet Recipes says
Yum! I love all your chocolate pie recipes. They look delicious! Your new photo captures the essence of your blog perfectly! You look beautiful with chocolate! 🙂
Synthia says
so I dont know if you remember me, but I used to read your blog years ago (I was I’ve started a new one since I stopped blogging on that one a couple of years ago. Just wanted to let you know how awesome I think your site is. I’ve loved to watch it grow over the years!
xoxo syn
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Um yes ma’am of course I remember you! I wanted to buy tickets to see you last year, but by the time I saw the posters it was already too late. So then I just pointed you out to all my friends and felt cool because I knew a famous person ;).
Off to check out your new blog now.
Synthia says
hahahah you’re very sweet. You should check out the show this year! thanks for checking me out 🙂 hope all is well and again….the blog is AWESOME
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I would love to. Haha you might have to remind me around Christmastime!
Melanie says
Katie and all the other experimenters out there…I want a soy-free pie, but I want one that uses yogurt, not cashews. Any hope for me?
Rui says
Hi Katie, what type of MoriNu tofu did you use? soft or firm or extra firm? Since the textures of these three are very different I want to make sure I get the right one. Thanks a lot!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I would go with either firm or extra firm. The soft does work, but it’s a much creamier pie (creamier is good texture-wise, but it’s difficult to cut. So it’s your choice!).
Claire Elizabeth says
I like the new picture! What brand of chocolate bar is it? Also, I don’t want you to miss the Whole Foods ice cream social. They will be giving out So Delicious ice cream samples. And when you buy a So Delicious ice cream, you get one for free! They also donate to non-GMO! I hope you can go! God bless you, Katie! 😀
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I don’t think I’ve heard about this ice cream social; I’ll have to google it. The chocolate is one of my new favorites: Deepest Dark Fearless Chocolate.
Claire Elizabeth says
Ooh! Deepest Dark! It sounds great! Super dark chocolate is the best! The darkest chocolate I’ve found and tried is Endangered Species 88%. I really liked it. Anyway, have an awesome day! 🙂
B says
You cheeks look so much fuller. You look a lot healthier.
Carley @ Optimistic Health says
Game on with the chocolate pie! My blog’s theme is Optimism and Happiness- it’s orange!
Meagan says
I live in Denmark,where we only have one kind of non-dairy yogurt and it isn’t a particularly thick one, and I don’t know the fat content as they don’t put the best breakdown of the fat/calorie,etc content. I still haven’t learned how to read it. I don’t know if you would be able to tell me,but would that work at all?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, there’d really be no way for me to tell since I don’t know anything about the specific yogurt :-?.
Bianca says
This looks gorgeous. I can’t wait until I get back home from vacation and try this! I was considering making this in my new glass ramekins for mini cheesecakes; sooo cute!
Ry says
Sounds delicious,but I was wondering if there is any substitute to Tofu that doesn’t include nuts (Nuts here are pretty expensive,well all of them other than peanuts) .And I also wanted to ask you if you have any special breakfast recipe ,with oatmeal or cereal (or any thing delicious) , because my 16th birthday is in two days and I have tried almost all your breakfast recipes (All great by the way) as I would love a special something.Thanks for all the tasty recipes
If I were to have a blog it’d be about desserts too ,I mean I ate breakfast for dinner just to have a sweet something.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Ry,
Happy early birthday! I don’t have a tofu-free or nut-free pie, but I think there’s one on Post Punk Kitchen… google post pumk kitchen chocolate cream pie and see if it comes up. As for breakfast, I have a LOT of breakfast recipes, so I guess you’ll just have to look through the “breakfast” category on the recipe page to find one that works best for you.
Marion Fawcett says
Looks great! One question, and maybe I am reading something wrong….it says 1/4 cup plus scant 1/8 tsp salt. What is the 1/4 cup of? Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
tsp lol.
1/4 tsp salt.
Hope Henchey says
Hi Katie! I am a huuuuuuuge fan of your recipes, and oh my goodness my love for your blog might have doubled after this super healthy super yummy cheesecake! I’m pregnant so I always need more protein and less sugar, and this sure did the trick. The worst part about it is waiting the 8 dreadful hours 😉
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for trying it… I think you were the first person to actually make it :).
Robyn says
This looks so delicious, and the buy crust recipe is divine! And it has my favourite ingredient! Greek Yoghurt!!!!
Helena says
Cooking nutritious food on a student budget 🙂
Amy Putnam says
YOU have GOT to make a cookbook PLEASE.. I will be first in line to buy one so put me on the list 🙂 I love your recipes and I share them with my sister who is a diabetic..
Thank you sooooo much !!
Vienna says
Tasha says
Pie is in the oven. I could not get my chocolate crust to look as dark and chocolatey as yours. I used your recipe too. My crust seemed dry. Maybe I should have used more dates?
I used the Mori-Nu and I bought the silken version. The store had firm or semi-firm. Had no idea what to get, so I hope what I have works.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Tasha,
Do you mean it doesn’t look as dark as the pictures on this post or as the pictures in the actual crust recipe post?
Tasha says
The crust looks just like the picture for the crust recipe.
But, it does not look like you used the same crust recipe for the photo of the pie. Is it different?
Cori says
Made this today and it’s awesome! I used 0% fat greek yogurt, the mori-nu tofu (light, firm) and powdered stevia (about a TBS). I made it with the crust recipe Katie gave which I used pecans and low fat shredded coconut and pecan in. I cooked it in a springform pan (9 inches) for about 35 minutes and it was perfect! Only sat in the fridge for about 4 hours and it’s sliceable and awesome. Yum.
Iris Lin says
Looks divine!
My blog doesn’t have a theme, but I like to keep it simple!
Iris Lin says
This looks divine!
My blog doesn’t have a theme, but I like to keep it simple!
Iris Lin says
This looks divine!
My blog doesn’t have a theme, but I like to keep it simple!
Candice says
This is exactly what I want to eat when I come home from a night out. I wonder if you could freeze it and take out a slice every time you come home from dancing.
Kathy Bushong says
My website has nothing to do with food. I’m a piano technician, music teacher, and mom. My daughter linked me to this website. Wow! How can you not be huge?! I could live on this website. I will be busy for quite some time just trying this new stuff. I can hardly wait!
Laura says
This sounds incredible! I broke my arm biking to work but once it heals I can’t wait to start baking again, a little too difficult right now with only one hand. I only ever buy the liberte organic 0% yogurt, I hope its creamy enough to work in this recipe
my blog is about overall healthy living and simple tips to make the most of your life, there is a bit of a emphasis on natural and alternative therapies, since I am studying to become a naturopathic doctor
check it out!
Brittany says
This looks delicious Katie!
Katie @ 24 Carrot Life says
I love how this chocolate pie mixes silken tofu and greek yogurt. I’m definitely going to give it a try! My blog’s theme is that you can eat healthy (and mostly vegan/gluten free) and still have decadent and delicious meals. The name of my blog is a play on words for 24 karat gold.
Julia says
Katie that photo looks AMAZING!
My blog theme is soup – which is quite difficult to photograph well!
Aqua says
This is the first time I try one of your recipes, and this is delicious, thank you! I used home made plain yogurt (boyfriend makes yogurt:) which is pretty tart, so the end result still tastes very yogurty, we love it. I didn’t find MoriNu so I used whatever tofu the grocery store had and didn’t have a problem with it. Also, your crust recipe is lovely. I’m not a huge date or raisin lover, so I used dried figs and they work great as well.
Arctic Kate says
I made this yesterday and I am very sad to say that it is all gone. We ate it in one go….between my husband and I. It was absolutely heavenly. I fear I might be making this often. Thank you Katie!!! Also, I used silken mori-nu tofu, and my own homemade Greek yogurt!!
Avra-Sha Faohla says
While I like reading themed blogs (yours, for instance!), I find that I have a fondness for blogs of randomness, if they’re well-written and the posts are on interesting topics. There’s a blog I follow that has a theme now, but when I originally followed it it didn’t–and I actually liked it better before! With random blogs, there’s something for everyone. Of course, I can’t imagine a random blog getting super-popular and making money off of ads (what kind of ads could it even attract?), but that’s not the point.
So, yeah, that’s why I have no interest in developing any theme for my blog. 😉 I have a very small number of lovely followers, and I’m content. I have lots of fun with my blog.
carol says
With all the information on alzheimer’s and aluminum I hate to see you using aluminum pans. The recipe on the other hand sounds wonderful & I plan on making that today!
Tabi says
I just made this for my 17th birthday tomorrow! (Yes I made my own birthday cake/pie…what can I say, I’m a control freak!) I’m going to top it with your healthy peanut butter frosting and chopped peanuts once it cools. Also, I used your chocolate pie crust as recommended but I just realized that that crust is supposed to be no bake…but I baked it with the pie… Does it still work this way? I guess I’ll find out tomorrow if it turned out!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Definitely let me know the results… and happy birthday! 🙂
Tabi says
Baking the crust worked perfectly! I think it was my favourite part of the pie!
Olivia says
It’s in the oven now!!!! This is my first time making one of your recipes so my fingers are crossed that I did everything right!
Courtney says
Do you use silken tofu or firm?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Silken-firm. Sorry, edited now 🙂
Olivia says
The pie was perfect! I just had some for breakfast! Thank you so much!
Anonymous says
Hi katie: I’m just wondering why you are posing so awkwardly in that photo? It looks like you are squishing your boob which makes it look like you only have one. It looks really funny. I’m not trying to be mean, you are really gorgeous but its a very awkward photo and there are much better photos of you that you could use!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
You’re actually the second person to tell me this :-?. To be honest, I didn’t notice the awkward pose (and the result) until someone else pointed it out… then I felt extremely self-conscious/embarrassed because it’s true! It does look funny. I don’t know that there was a reason I posed awkwardly other than the fact that I felt extremely silly doing the photoshoot in the first place. Anyway I just went ahead and took it down completely. (I think the smaller version doesn’t look as awkward, but I might decide to change that one as well.) Thanks for your honesty; I really do appreciate it.
Michele says
Oh, my! What a yummy treat! Definately satisfied my chocolate crave! I subbed in a different tofu and it worked just fine.
Bianca says
*Stares* Holy snickers bar, I’m drooling already! I haven’t had cheesecake for years… I adored cheesecake since I was a kid; definitiely need to try this ASAP! I was just wondering: would fat-free yogurt work for the faux Greek yogurt? What would be the difference from full fat yogurt? You used itlalics, so I assume it must be important. It’s the only kind I have in the house right now, and I really want to make this! Thanks for reading this 🙂
rakhi with chocolates says
Amazing it is. I hope it is as yummy as it is looking. This will be a great gift for my brother on Rakhi as he likes such delicious things very much. He will be very happy. Can I order it here only? Please let me know asap. Thank you..!! 🙂
Jaime says
This was delicious! Amazing that it is healthy for you too! You have my vote for the veggie awards!
Jaime says
Btw- I ran out of coconut and used your homemade graham crackers instead (along with the cashew and cocoa and etc).
Emily says
Im making this with your suggested crust. Its in the oven now!! The batter tastes like greek yoghurt though
Emily says
Its been 8 hours in the fridge and I tried a slice. I used 1 cup tofu instead of 1/2c (300g) because i read the recipe wrong. The cake came out with perfect moussey texture. The crust was the best part! I added honey and I hated the honey taste. Next time, I’ll make the same with a little more cocoa powder, and no honey!
Karen says
Made this today with lite, firm tofu–store didn’t have the one you recommended. Haven’t eaten the cooked and chilled version yet, but the mixture that didn’t make it into the pie shell was DELISH! Could just eat it like that 😀
Jennifer D. says
I was wondering what you use to compute the calories on your recipes. I put this one into My Fitness Pal’s calculator and removing the calories from the pie crust I used it puts a slice (1/8 of pie) of this at 135 calories. That is a pretty big difference from the 64 you listed so I am trying to figure out which is more accurate, your method or My Fitness Pal:)
Kelley says
A lot of the difference could have something to do with the specific brand of yogurt. Unless you calculate exactly what you use is can be hard to know exactly.
Jennifer says
Do you think you could make these in ramekins, instead of a pie shell?
tee says
So excited to try this! I love your fudge pie using tofu! Unfortunately, soy messes with my cycles, so I’ve started avoiding it. I have missed the pie!
Angie says
Do you use full fat greek yogurt or have you tried it with the non fat or 2%?
Megan says
I think I know the answer to this, but just to be sure before I try this recipe…I need FIRM tofu, not silken, right? I can’t get Mori-Nu…only Nasoya. I bought silken, but I see in the comments I maybe should have bought firm. The recipe says silken-firm, but I don’t know what that is. Sorry, I’m not well versed in tofu lingo. So, do I need firm or silken? Nasoya has Firm, Extra Firm, Soft and Silken. I don’t know the difference. Help!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
You need silken-firm. By MoriNu.
Swiftie22 says
This looks amazing! I’m planning to make it for Christmas dinner! 🙂 But, does anyone know if there’s anything I can sub for the cornstarch/arrowroot? I never have it on hand, and I don’t know where to buy it…
By the way, I’m not vegan, so, any suggestions I can try.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Any regular grocery store should have cornstarch… just ask an employee 🙂
Swiftie22 says
Cassandra says
I made this pie earlier this week when a meat eating friend came over for dinner. He LOVED it and went home with two additional slices. Thank you!!
Sarah says
Oh my goodness Katie you are a genius! This pie was soo good I fed it to my family and they had no idea there was tofu in it, which is great since even the idea of tofu makes my mom want to throw up. This recipe completely transforms the ingredients. It is so chocolately and rich! Thank you so much! Can’t wait to make this again 🙂
Alison says
Loved this pie – I made it for pi day, but only had a 9″ pie pan. I didn’t change the cooking time even though it was spread thinner (and I probably should have) but it came out as really rich dense chocolate tart that was a huge hit with the family! Now I feel like I have two recipes in one! And my non crust loving family loved your crust, I used a mix of raisins and craisins – the craisins were a great tangy accent to the chocolate!
Julie W. says
Hi Katie,
I have a question, in the ingredients you call for 1/4 plus scant 1/8 tsp salt. Can you please explain this to me, In my years of baking I haven’t come across this type of direction before. I feel foolish! I would like to make this pie but I need the clarification on that ingredient. Thanks a bunch!
Tasha says
My understanding is that it means 1/4 tsp salt + another 1/8 tsp salt! There was a similar question further up the page and this was the answer Katie gave. I find the best way to measure is to get a set of baking spoons that actually come in 1/4 and 1/8 tsp sizes. Hope that helps!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Yes, add 1/4 tsp salt, and then add another 1/8 tsp salt.
bernice says
can you use regular, plain yogurt instead of greek yogurt?
Inga says
Hi, Katie!
I follow your blog for a while now, but the first time i tried one of your recipies was just last week and it was “The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge pie”. I fell in love immediately. Thank you! 🙂
Today it was time for “Chocolate Greek Yogurt Pie”. I just took it out of the owen (i may have overbaked it a little bit, but that happens often ;)), it smells heavenly though and now I have no idea on how to spend 8 hours NOT eating it ;D (I took a picture of it:
Anyways – your blog is awsome! Take care!
Melissa says
Hi, can you please post the recipe for the Coconut Double Layer Cake. It looks so good and my family would love it! I love seeing all the recipes. Also, is there a way to search recipes on the website?
Joy says
Does the Nutritional Information apply to using stevia or using the 1/16th teaspoon stevia? And does it include the optional 1/4 melted chocolate chips? Just wondering? Thank you.
Donna Hardin says
Thanks for all your wonderful recipes!
You are just so cute…wish you were the girl next door, I’d have to fix you up with my handsome 21 year old son, Chase! (Smiles)
Gee says
Hi, just dropping a note to tell you that the link to the soy-free recipe (in the recipe section of the post) doesn’t work! (:
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for catching that! Fixing now 🙂
Nina R says
Can I use homemade cream cheese instead of the tofu? I can’t use soy but I want the Greek yogurt.
Matea says
:0 This looks amazing! Look at that chocolatey goodness!
Savannah says
This recipe is the bomb. I might have to make this again in the summer.
Slight differences from the recipe- I added a bit extra cocoa powder for the pie filling. Tapioca starch subbed for corn or arrowroot worked well for me.
Store-brand refrigerated silken tofu worked as a sub for Mori-nu shelf-stable tofu.
My homemade yogurt was lighter than the recipe called for after I made it into greek yogurt, so I went by volume. The yogurt was also a bit old and extra-fermented, so the pie tasted a lot like chocolate cheesecake! Bonus!
Made this in a high altitude setting (5,370 ft elevation), and it was fine.
Topped with whipped coconut cream with some peanut butter mixed in. It was a huge hit at my celebration of the extra-special pi day yesterday (3.1415).
Thanks for this wonderful recipe, Katie! Every recipe I’ve tried from your blog has been delicious!
Susan says
I made this and really enjoyed the flavor of the pie, but it had a gritty texture. Any ideas as to why this would be and how to fix it?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Just sounds like you didn’t process long enough, so simply process longer 🙂
Pascal says
Hi! Is there a suggestion for dairy free with this? Looks AMAZING!!!
Donna says
Love your recipes! What is a substitute for tofu (soy products) in your chocolate Greek yogurt pie? Thank you for what you do!
A H says
Try it, and let us know how it works.
Jennifer says
Unfortunately this wasn’t one of my favorites from you 🙁 I used an 8 inch springform with your healthy chocolate pie crust recipe. My chocolate pie filling only filled the pan about an inch and a half on top of the crust. In your picture it looks like it was about 4-5 inches thick! I followed the recipe to a T… not sure what happened there?? I thought maybe something magical would happen in the oven where it would rise but it still came out only 1 1/2 inches thick and way overcooked since I used the normal bake time of 50 mins at 350 degrees. I used Chobani Whole Milk Greek Yogurt & extra firm tofu. Oh well… you don’t know until you try! I adore your other recipes though – I’ve made the black bean brownies, blackberry muffins, buckeye brownies… YUM! I am looking forward to trying more!
Vickie says
Katie! I made this on a whim yesterday and substituted the tofu (allergy) equally for white beans, and it was to die for! I added about a half-teaspoon more cornstarch, but I don’t think it was necessary. Just another viable soy-free option. 🙂 Thanks for this!
Vickie says
Katie! I made this the other night on a whim and substituted the tofu (allergy) equally for great northern beans, and it was to die for! I added about half a teaspoon more corn starch, but I don’t think it was necessary. Another good soy substitute (at least in this case). Thanks for this! =)
Jessica says
I made this pie last night, and it was delicious! I wasn’t sure what the conversion was for pure Stevia to my packets of Stevia in the Raw, so I used only 1 packet, and now I see the conversion is closer to 3 packets. I used extra firm silken tofu (I don’t remember the brand, whatever Walmart carries!), and this pie turned out delicious! I did not notice a funny aftertaste from the tofu, and the pie set up wonderfully and held its shape! The chocolate flavor is very intense and very rich–overall this pie was delicious and I would make it again!
mary says
Is it possible to have a similar recipe that doest contain Tofu? Sorry but soy /tofu is very bad for me. Would love to see alternatives that work to the tofu that are also ww friendly and economic.
Sandy says
I would love to make this Chocolate Greek Yogurt pie but I don’t eat soy. I clicked on the link to go to no soy recipe but it took me to brownies instead of no soy version of chocolate greek yogurt pie. Can you help me?
Jason Sanford says
The link goes to chocolate brownie pie, not brownies 😉
Jane Coogan says
Katie, what pie crust did you use – was it your Healthy Chocolate Pie Crust? Does it stick up the side of the dish ok before being filled? Thanks Jane
Leann says
I just made this pie and I really love it. Instead of using the chocolate chips as I had none at the time, I increased the cocoa powder by quite a bit. I also used a regular lowfat yogurt, because, again, that’s what I had. I was surprised that it was baked as you had said you would get a good dose of pro-biotics out of it. However, when you bake pro-biotic rich foods the pr-obiotics are killed by the heat. I’m wondering if you’ve tried to set it in the refrigerator without baking it. The chocolate chips could be melted first then put in or simply left to float in the batter until set. They may all end up at the bottom, but then it would be a layered delight. Because the cocoa powder was very strong, I drizzled honey on the top to serve. It’s going fast at this time. Thanks for the recipe!
Catherine says
The first time I made this pie, I finished the whole thing off by myself within three days (maybe two…) I just made it again last night but absent-mindedly mixed it up with a different no-bake recipe, and it turns out quite tasty even without the baking! It is much softer, like a thick mousse rather than cheesecake, but I think I will end up finishing this one within a few days too. I’ve also had good results with 50/50 tofu/yogurt. I use whole milk Chobani Greek. One note, my pies turned out about 1/3 or 1/2 of the height in the photos above.
Kathleen says
Thanks, Katie. Great recipe. I used part nonfat Greek yogurt and part firm Nori tofu. I doubted whether it would set up, the batter was so runny, but it was pretty much set right out of the oven. Delicious with a little whipped cream.