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Cool Ranch Doritos Hummus

So crazy how much this hummus really does taste just like Cool Ranch Doritos! Recipe link:

It’s completely crazy how much this hummus tastes like Cool Ranch Doritos.

Every single time I eat it, I just can’t seem to stop thinking about Doritos! This is definitely one of those times you just have to try it to understand…

ranch hummus

Often during meals, my mind will go wild brainstorming different flavor combinations for whatever food happens to be on my plate. Last week, that food was hummus… and as soon as “ranch hummus” popped into my head, I fixated on the idea and wouldn’t let go.

One quick post-lunch trip to the grocery store later, I threw chickpeas into the blender with an assembly of ranch spices, then turned on the power, stopping every now and then to taste and add more seasonings until I was happy with the flavor.

So crazy how much this hummus really does taste just like Cool Ranch Doritos! Recipe link:

The result was this crazy dip that looks like hummus and tastes like ranch dressing.

P.S. Those are Earth Balance Sour Cream & Onion Kettle Chips in the photos. Dipping ranch-flavored potato chips into ranch-flavored dip is surprisingly delicious!

Homemade hummus recipe that tastes surprisingly like Cool Ranch Doritos! Recipe link:

Homemade hummus recipe that tastes surprisingly like Cool Ranch Doritos! Recipe link:

Cool Ranch Hummus

Adapted from Melty Pizza Hummus

  • 18 oz cooked chickpeas OR 2 cans unsalted and drained
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 1/2 tbsp oil OR more water
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp dried dill
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp salt, or more to taste (I like 1 1/4 tsp)
  • optional 1/4 cup nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor

Note: Including the oil will yield more depth of flavor; however the oil can easily be left out if a lower-fat version is desired. If you peel the chickpeas before blending, you’ll get a smoother result, but it is NOT required. Ranch Hummus Recipe: Combine all ingredients in a high-quality blender or food processor and process until completely smooth. You can also do a half portion of this recipe using a hand blender if desired. Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

View Ranch Hummus Nutrition Facts

Edit: There is now a Nacho Cheese Doritos version!

cheese hummus

Nacho Cheese Doritos Hummus


Published on May 28, 2015

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Alexa [] says

    HA! Talk about a flavor of childhood…Cool Ranch Doritos were my FAVORITE. Licking my fingers after demolishing a bag was my favorite part!

    This recipe sounds like a much smarter and delicious decision! Pinned!

  2. Tania says

    Kate, can I sub the onion and garlic powder for real onion and real garlic? I can’t find those powers in my country (third world south american country) and all I can’t get are the fresh things. If so, how much should I use?

    I can’t find canned chickpeas. Can I use real chickpeas?

  3. Amy says

    I am making this today! What a genius idea!
    Does the end result taste at all like apple cider vinegar? I really can’t handle the taste, thinking I might sub white vinegar.

  4. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says

    THIS SOUNDS AMAZING!!! I’ve been wanting to make homemade hummus and I can only imagine a ranch flavor would be delish! Thanks for the creative recipe!

  5. Jules @ WolfItDown says

    Mmm this sounds fantastic Katie! I use something similar when roasting my kale 😀 Hummous is my number one snack food – with crudites, crackers or pita to serve, of course, yum! 😀 x

  6. val says

    Any trick to peeling the chick peas? One-by-one, lol. Or is there a trick like the bowl trick for peeling garlic? I know this makes a big difference just wondering if there is any easy way to do it?

    • Britney Williams says

      You can put the cooked or canned chickpeas in a towel and fold the towel in half over the top of them. Then roll the chickpeas between your hand and the counter. When you open the towel there will be a whole bunch of skins you can just pick out. It’s a bit time consuming to get them all, though.

      • Juliet says

        Not seeing your tip earlier, this morning I put the chickpeas into a colander and sat the colander into a large bowl of water. I massaged the chickpeas with my hands and the skins floated to the top! …I will try the towel method next time!

  7. Brenda says

    This looks AMAZING!! I can’t wait to try this! Thank you so much. I just LOVE your blog. I very rarely go anywhere else when looking for snacks or deserts. I don’t think I’ve tried one thing yet that we didn’t like.

  8. Thea says

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could check out my new blog as I’m trying blogging out and would really like people’s opinions! Its very new but I am keen to make something of it and I would really appreciate if you could give it a read. Sorry to comment on your blog Katie.

    Btw this looks delicious will definitely be making this and maybe even sharing on my blog!

  9. Julia {Little Miss Haute Couture} says

    I just made this… it is so good! I didn’t have any chickpeas on hand, so I used white beans, and it was amazing. I made a single serving- using 1/4 cup beans and converting down the other ingredients from there. It made about 1/3 cup hummus for about 55 kcals. So healthy and delicious!!!

  10. meredith peirick says

    Flipping amazing!!! If you havent made these… it!! Served them with gluten free pretzels, peppers and carrots. Will make again!!!

  11. Lexy says

    This looks absolutely delicious. My regular supermarket does not carry the Earth Balance chips, but a local health food store does. I will have to purchase some when I make this dip. I am recently vegan, and vegetarian for 8 years. So finding quality vegan foods can be a little tricky. What’s up with the judgement being vegan? I know very, very few vegans. One being my cousin, that’s about it, other than me. Somehow, vegan-ism comes up a lot for me. Whether or not its if someone offers me a cough drop or what not. Why are people mad at me for being vegan? Or have to argue with me that bees are being well taken care of (by a bee farmer or friend/family) or cows are well taken care of (by a farmer). These are local institutions so uh, duh they’re better taken care of. Either way, not eating the animal product. Quite frankly, I would rather be friends with my fellow animals than eat them. Another great argument. The cows not your friend if you don’t milk it and just let it roam the pasture. (Farmer). Not unless I spend time with it. (Me)
    All I have to say is the hardest part of becoming vegan has been the negativity towards it.
    Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that out.
    I will be trying this recipe very soon. I’ll post back how it goes over.

  12. Hannah says

    I can’t get over how good this is! I want to eat it spread on everything! Thank you for such a wonderful recipes. Everything I’ve made from your site has gone over really well with my family. 🙂

  13. Tina says

    Katie, these were fantastic! My daughter has two friends visiting for a few weeks and they have been making things from your cookbook. Naturally, when you posted this recipe, we we’re excited to make it, and we all LOVED it! So naturally when I got your newsletter this morning with the Nacho Cheese version, I got really excited. I ran to tell my daughter that you had sent a Nacho Doritos Hummus recipe, and her eyes got huge and she said, “Wait! Chocolate Covered Katie sent YOU a recipe!?!?!??” Lol! Anyway, we loved them both! Thanks for sharing your creative genius!

  14. Taryn says

    This dip is ADDICTIVE! It is like a ranch dressing seasoning packet mixed into a container of Sabra, but even better because ranch seasoning packets probably have a lot of unhealthy added ingredients that you skip by making your own.

    Will definitely make this again!

  15. Meagan says

    I was so disappointed in this recipe, wondering why the flavor was so flat. I kept tweaking it and tweaking it with garlic, onion, salt, more dill, etc. Then I finally gave up and went about finishing the rest of the things I am making for the party we’re taking this hummus to. Suddenly, I realized that I had forgotten the ACV!!!! Now it’s absolutely perfect. Don’t forget the vinegar,people!!! 🙂

  16. Elizabeth says


    I am so excited to try yet another one of your amazing recipes!!! It blows my mind how you are able to create not only amazing desserts, but delicious savory recipes as well! If you don”t mind, how much does this yield overall? I am not the savviest in the kitchen yet, but if I wanted to make substitutions in the future or increase the batches, it would be super helpful to know! Thank you so much for yet another great recipe! 🙂

    – Elizabeth

  17. Max says

    Dayum! I liked the idea when I read the recipe, but I wouldn’t have expected it to be that great. Seriously, that was fricking delicious! I used one small clove of garlic and a shallot instead of the powders on half of the recipe, which I think enhanced the flavour even more. Downside: my breath 😀
    I ate it as a dip with carrots and zucchini stick and I will definitely make it again in the near future! Thank you for the recipe! 🙂

  18. Bridget says

    I already made this recipe twice! So, so good! I will definitely have to make the cheesy Doritos as soon as I can get some tomato paste.
    I never knew you could make hummus without tahini, it makes me want to experiment more without it. Thanks for another great recipe!

  19. Jennifer C says

    This was absolutely delicious!!! I can’t believe it, it tastes exactly like cool ranch!! Thank you for sharing this recipe Katie!!

  20. Elizabeth Greco says

    OMG this was amazing!! I couldnt stop eating it! I didn’t add the nutritional yeast because I ran out of mine but I will add it next time to see the difference! Such a good idea and I can’t wait to look at more of your recipes. I found your page through a friend on pinterest <33

  21. Amy says

    You are truly my hero. I love that your recipes are often plant based and taste every bit as good as animal products. If more chefs thought like this we’d have TONS of healthy and amazing tasting alternatives. Your work is groundbreaking. Thank you. I use your recipes for potlucks and family dinners and always get compliments and “This is vegan?!” comments.

  22. Josée says

    Thank you so very much…this is the first hummusrecipe I made that doesn’t “taste” wet and cold. It’s delicious, will work great as an after training/competition snack.

  23. Sarah says

    No joke, this even fooled my niece (14 yrs old). Completely satisfied my craving, and I was growing tired of the usual hummus flavors. THANK YOU!

  24. Leah says

    Can anyone help? The recipe says 18 oz OR 2 cans. A typical can of beans is 15oz. So are we supposed to use 2 cans (28-30 oz) or a mere 18oz (which is a typical batch of hummus size)?

  25. Meagan says

    Last year, I made your cool ranch Doritos hummus for a party at my son’s school. This year, I’ll be bringing the pizza hummus. Next year, maybe I’ll try out the nacho cheese one. The Cool Ranch Dorito Hummus was a HUUUUGE hit, and these people are Danish (I live in Denmark), and 100% non-vegan. Yet it was devoured before the end of the party. Thank you for such wonderful recipes!

  26. Hannah says

    Hey, Katie! Thanks for the recipe! I loved it so much, I decided to derive it into a salad dressing (weird, I know, but addicting all the same)! I’ve just started a blog of my own, and was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions for me: When you first started your blog, what did you use as your platform and host? Did you start with a free blog, or with one that costed money? If you have time to answer this, that would be great! Thanks again!!

  27. Connor Mangus says

    I made this and the nacho cheese one and i can confidently verify for any skeptics that they do indeed taste like doritos and are delicious (;

  28. Danielle says

    Very easily one of the very best hummus recipes, and believe me, I have tried a TON! Thanks so much for this amazing recipe! I have been making it since you posted it in 2015 but am just commenting now!

    Love your recipes!!

  29. CookieMonster says

    Delicious! Tastes just like Salt & Vinegar / Cool Ranch chips. I omitted the garlic altogether because I took this to a meeting. Garnished with olive oil and dried dill on top. Yum!

  30. Margie says

    This was delicious! I’m in the slow process of becoming dairy free without processed dairy substitutions and I was craving ranch and carrots. This is perfect.

  31. Deborah Tyree says

    First homemade hummus I ever made, OMGOSH yum! I need to cook my chickpeas a little longer as it was a little grainy but I love the flavor. Nacho Cheese Doritos next!

  32. CS says

    I’m not a hummus lover but this is really good even my grandchildren loved this. It’s so easy to make and alot cheaper than the grocery store.

  33. Sway Yates says

    This is soooo so good. mine wasn’t creamy so i added some extra water and i wish i didn’t add nutritional yeast because it overtook the flavor a bit but still so so good. yummmmmmmm

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