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Dear Chocolate-Covered Diary…

Chocolate-Covered Everything!

Did you know today is National “Chocolate-Covered Everything” Day?

I’d planned on posting a spice cake recipe today… but who wants to see spice cake on a day meant for chocolate?

Saluting all things chocolate-covered…

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Homemade Luna Bars

The best part of these homemade Luna Bars is their crazy-delicious chocolate coating. Feel free to add mini chocolate chips to the bars if you wish. There’s no such thing as too much chocolate.  

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32C Chocolate Cups

Really, you can fill them with anything—peanut butter, almond butter, banana… The important part is that they’re covered in chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

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Brownie Batter Dip

This recipe, itself, isn’t covered in chocolate. But by dipping foods (or your fingers!) into the decadent chocolate dip, you can cover everything else in chocolate!

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Chocolate-Covered Cupcakes

They may look like those famous cupcakes sold at grocery stores. However, these are much healthier—with an incredible chocolate glaze. Emphasis on incredible.


Chocolate-Pumpkin Cookies

Sweet pumpkin filling, covered in chocolate. I think “covered in chocolate” might just be my favorite phrase in the whole-wide, chocolate-covered world.


Ice Cream Bon Bons

A healthy alternative to the ice cream bon bons sold in stores. That’s not really ice cream in the centers… but it is really chocolate on the outside. Accept no substitutions.

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Brownie Batter Pancakes

If there were such a thing as “chocolate overload” this photo might be it. Luckily, I don’t think chocolate overload exists. So no worries. 

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Chocolate-Covered Thanks:

Early today, my page hit 10,000 facebook fans!

Ironic it was on National Chocolate-Covered Day? I wonder if it happened at midnight…

How are you celebrating today??

Published on December 16, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Chocolate-Covered Katie says

    I think you must’ve accidentally mis-measured something, because if you follow the recipe exactly they won’t be difficult to assemble. I know the recipe isn’t faulty, because many others have made it with good results.

  2. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell says

    Wahhh, I hate missing these cool days. Even though I have a cookbook with like very day’s national food holiday. Maybe I should pay more attention! Your recipes look good even the second time around 😉

  3. Melissa says

    “I’d planned on posting a spice cake recipe today… but who wants to see spice cake on a day meant for chocolate?” Who wants a recipe??? are you kidding? Your recipes are the best!!!

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