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Ginger Kale

I always feel so strange on New Year’s Eve because I’m just getting ready to go out around the time I normally am ready for bed.

This year, before leaving for a party, I ate a healthy dinner, making sure to incorporate at least one “lucky” food:

grilled vegetables vegan

The “lucky” food was my Ginger-Cashew Kale.

And yes, I did also make the gumbo I wrote about a few days ago, but that was part of my New-Year’s-Day lucky dinner. One can never have too much luck.

grilled veggie salad vegan

Also eaten: grilled veggies, cherry tomatoes, and my favorite Home Alone Pilaf.

At around 9PM, I set off to start the night, which included lots of noise and dancing. I was super-tired by the time I climbed into bed around 2:30AM, but it was so worth it. And I was the designated driver, which meant no hangover!

grilled veggies vegan


Ginger Cashew Kale

(serves 1)

  • 1 and 1/2 cups cooked or frozen kale (120g)
  • 1-2 tbsp sesame ginger salad dressing (such as Newman’s Own)
  • Raw or roasted cashews, sliced
  • grated fresh ginger, optional

If the kale is frozen, microwave the kale for 2 minutes, then add the salad dressing and stir. Throw in some cashews and the ginger, if using. I usually like this cold, but it’s good hot, too.


How did you spend your New Year’s Eve?

Did you eat anything off the List of Lucky New Year Foods?

Published on January 2, 2011

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Jennifer says

    Happy New Year, Katie!

    Very much like you, it is always strange for me to be going out at 9pm when I am ready to go to bed, though there is a level at which it feels like an adventure. Anyway, just went to my grandparents’ house. They throw a New Years’ Eve party every year and I would be disowned if I went anywhere else for New Years’.

    Best wishes for the new year!

  2. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    Sounds like you had an amazing night! 🙂
    And I had grapes! Don’t think I had exactly twelve(?) though…

  3. Embodying Freedom says

    I ate white chocolate macadamia cookies, frozen pizzas, and drank margaritas with my friends until 5am. Might not be the luckiest health-wise, but I’d say it was a winning combination. Thumbs up.

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    I love your lucky foods 🙂 I did happen to have some kale the other day, so I guess I am green and lucky too…haha!

    I worked NYE so that was my big excitement. Not. I love that you went out. And started much later than usual. All you early 20something girls who are usually in bed by like 10pm crack me up…you need to come to San Diego and I’ll keep you up past your bedtime!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Wait, an offer to come to San Diego? I’m already there! Haha my friend’s motto is “I’ll sleep when I die.” She’s silly, but I sometimes have to remind myself not to get too obsessive about my health that it starts to interfere with having fun. ‘Cause who’s healthy if they’re not happy too, right? 😉

  5. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    I spent my new year’s eve at a friends house dancing right up until the ball dropped. 😛 And I’m the same way, going out at bed time’s a weird feeling!

  6. Namaste Gurl says

    I spent my New Years eve working– sadly– then falling asleep to The Notebook while drinking sugar cookie tea 🙂 Quiet New Years Eve, just the way me likes.

  7. Ashley C says

    Im from the south so our lucky dinners include collard greens (for lots of money in the new year) and black eyed peas (for lots of coins) I really dont like either but i had a spoonful of each in hopes of good fortune this year. I cooked up some yummy butternut squash just becuase its lucky to me in the fact that its SOOO good!! haha

  8. Fi says

    happppy new year!!!!! i didnt eat any “lucky” foods persay, but i did come 3rd in a big poker game on NYE so i must have done something right!! xxx

  9. Jess@atasteofconfidence says

    I went to a party on new years eve night, and we went to our traditional movie and dinner on new years day!

  10. Claire says

    Haha I’m like you in ragards to the early bed time, before I got out I usually have to have a nap because it’s so late. For New Years Eve i went to a party at a friends house, we watched the fireworks in the city from a park near his place then went back and talked until 2:00 by the pool. Bed (also at 2:30) was most welcome!

  11. Mike says

    This looks really good. I’ll stick with a fork though so as to be able to get the food in my mouth without having to lift the plate to my mouth.

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