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Fruit Salad… with an addictive dressing!

Hello Fruit Loops!

Or maybe I shouldn’t call you fruit loops. After all, you are all awesome, and fruit loops… well, they taste like cardboard. But here’s something that doesn’t taste like cardboard:


My breakfast this morning: Single-Serving Oatmeal Cake

Along with the oatmeal cake, I made a gorgeous fruit salad. Normally, I don’t like fruit salad. (It all melds together, meaning you can’t taste the distinct flavors of each fruit.) But every now and then, I crave something I don’t usually like. Is this weird?

fruit salad

This is actually my sister’s recipe, and it could not be easier. But she says whenever she makes it for a party or brunch, everyone asks for the recipe!

Addictive Fruit Salad

  • juice of one and 1/2 lemons
  • handful fresh mint leaves (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1 tbsp powdered sugar (I left this out, because I think fruit is sweet enough on its own. But my sister always uses it when she brings the salad to parties.)
  • fruit of choice (about 6-8 cups total)

Blend together the first three ingredients (I used a Magic Bullet) and pour over the fresh fruit. Stir to coat. Best if eaten at least one hour after making, so the flavors have a chance to marry.

Hello summer fruit season!


Above, with some of the best fruit, during my time in France.

I’m most excited for the raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and honeydew.


Questions of the Day:

Are you excited for fruit season?

Published on May 24, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. BroccoliHut says

    I can’t wait to go berry picking this year!! Berries make me so happy.
    My favorite cereals as a kid were Honey Nut Cheerios and Rice Krispies Treats cereal (anyone else remember that?) My uncle worked for Kellogg’s so we got a LOT of Frosted Flakes in our house.

  2. Misadventures of Fat-free Baking says

    Haha. It’s not exactly fruit season in singapore. We have different kinds of fruits all year round. The craze right now is guava, mangoes and lychees! love ’em all! 😀 I didn’t really eat cereals when I was younger but did LOVE frosties, cocoa crunch and cookie crisps but revulsed fruity loops (despite loving fruits) haha 😀

  3. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    I love fruit salad…..but I know what ya mean about all the flavors melding together. I keep all the fruits in separate bags and then when I want some I take a bit of each to put in a bowl to prevent that!

    My fave cereals growing up were kix, lucky charms, and cheerios! I was also really disappointed that the cookie crisp didnt taste like cookies….more like plastic 🙁

  4. Molly says

    Hey Katie!
    So i’ve been experimenting around with your genius blondie recipes because after you posted those pictures, I just HAD to try them. I was a bit skeptical because I’ve had chocolate and black bean brownies before and they tasted way too “beanie” for me. But these just looked so yummy I had to give them a batch. I made a batch with chickpeas last week and replaced some of the brown sugar with chopped up dates (I actually ran out of brown sugar and threw in the dates as a quick substitute). It turned out totally delish. Then today, I was craving those genius blondies again but decided to try it with white navy beans. And actually, I think like the white navy beans better than the chickpeas. That’s just my opinion, but I thought I’d share. Keep up with the awesome recipes!

  5. Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says

    I am SO excited for fruit season! I can’t wait for peaches!! My favorite cereals as a kid where Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch! It was always a treat when my mom bought them for me!

    I love your braids! Soooo cute!

  6. Mirza Ghalib says

    It is very fantastic news beacuse these fruits keeps our body very cool and our body water level become not descrese so these fruits very usefull in summer seasons .moatly we eat very quantity.

  7. Oc Ziegler says

    I just made this as desert for the Memorial Day cookout my family is having 🙂 its such a refreshing, healthy, desert that everyone (evern people like me with food alergies!) can enjoy! thanks Katie!

  8. Mia says

    I adored Cap’n Crunch with crunchberries 😉 I’m so with you on the cookie crisp thing! They tasted like little pieces of cardboard -_-

  9. Dost Prachi says

    Really nice addition to encourage anybody to eat some healthy diet, These fruits are very useful and having good vitamin for body…

  10. Clare says

    Omigoodness Katie this is FABULOUS
    I need something in the morning to keep me going for track, and this is absolute PERFECTION
    Thank you!

    PS. You are gorgeous! A total beaut!

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