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Girls Gone Wild

What is something you have done that is really daring or crazy?

In my wild high school years, I did all sorts of crazy things. One fun-but-crazy night in particular: I went to a dance club with my friends, and no one was really dancing because it was only 9PM. So she dared me to go out on the pretty-empty floor and dance. If you regularly read my blog, you know that I sometimes worry too much about what people think.

I kinda had the reputation, though, that I wouldn’t turn down a dare. So I went out there. Then my friend dared me to jump up on this little platform thing and dance. And when I did that, they put me up on the jumbotron screen at the front of the club for everyone to see! But what I found out was that it wasn’t so scary; when it got more crowded, I went up again! And after a few more trips, I convinced my friends that it wasn’t scary, and they joined me up there!! 🙂

Sometimes, it also pays to take a risk with your food. Now what could this be???


Let’s do the math. Don’t worry; this is fun math: Spaghetti squash + Coconut butter = love! See?  Fun math! It does exist.

Question of the Day:

What is something you have done that is really daring or crazy?

Published on March 16, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Jessica (PB & Jess) says

    Hmmm…spaghetti squash and Artisana? I wouldn’t have put that combo together on my own, but I like both so I’ll give it a try! 🙂

    Something daring or crazy? It might be sad, but I can’t think of anything in recent memory – I live a pretty tame life!!

  2. Amy @ Everything is Homemade says

    In college I ran on the cross country team. It was sort of a right of passage to run a “naked mile” on the track in the stadium on campus. So one night some of my teammates and I quietly went down to the track at midnight, stripped naked except for our shoes and ran an entire FOUR laps around the track. Needless to say we ran FAST.

  3. Jenny says

    I went to Mexico for two days… Without anyone (except a friend for safetys sake!) knowing to meet up with my boyfriend before he went to work at sea! Sometimes I still can’t believe I had the guts to do that!

  4. theprocessofhealing says

    Oh wow…. that is crazy what you did! Me..not such a good dancer so I think i’d pass on that one 😉
    Craziest thing i’ve ever done..hmm… I haven’t done too many crazy things, I need to fix that. The only thing that comes to mind is when I took a trip to Ireland in 11th grade (was that really like 5 years ago?!). We were out in the middle of nowhere staying in this hotel and we decided to walk to the nearest town to go to a pub. Well, we got kicked out of the pub and then we started our way back to the hotel…only for it to start pouring. And I mean POURING. It was like a free shower 🙂 And I guess it was the adrenaline and being in Ireland… well some crazy things happened that night. Including, but not limited to, my friend running around the hotel with a fruit bowl on her head. Don’t judge.

  5. McKella says

    I just bought some coconut butter, and I really like it straight-up, but I”ll have to try it on some squash.
    I’m not the daring type, but on a study abroad trip to China last summer, we were in the Temple of Heaven park on a sunday and people were dancing all over the place and playing music and having a blast, so I got out and danced with them! In front of my group, my professor and everybody. I probably looked like a retarded gibbon, but now I can say I danced in China. So much fun!

  6. todayslady says

    Oooh that’s some fun math!! Something kind of crazy me and my friends used to do was dress up really silly to school. I think that’s pretty crazy, we weren’t afraid to be different 🙂

  7. jcd says

    Oh, Katie – that is the prettiest dress ever! You look gorgeous!

    As for me, I wasn’t much of a wild child. Unless you call rock climbing (outdoors, on actual rocks) and hanging upside down 10 metres (30 feet) off the ground wild. All safely with harness and such, of course. Or backpacking in the woods with my dad and watching a moose walk across a lake – that’s wild(erness). Haha. Nothing quite like your story though.

  8. ilanalala says

    MMmmmmmmhmmmmm… I put some coconut oil up on my spaghetti squash the other day, and damn that was good.

    I love this story of you! There’s honestly no better feeling than feeling great about yourself while dancing, whether or not a whole crowd of people are watching!
    As far as something daring I’ve done?? I’ve never been really shy or inhibited, I’m loud, outgoing, and good at being in the center of attention, so that’s not where my fears lie. My one BIG fear is HEIGHTS! I’m short, and I’m used to being close to the ground. My other one is my physical limitations – particularly when it comes to strength and outdoor activity (hiking? sports?). I’ve read through some of the other comments on this post and I notice a lot of people commenting about something they did on vacation, which is interesting, I guess being out of your comfort zone frees you up to try new things! In Thailand, I faced down and beat up both of those fears of mine. When we were in the north, we decided to do a 9km hike ending in an overnight stay in the mountains and then river rafting and white water rafting back to civilization. I’d only been on one other hike before in my LIFE, and this was crazy to me – venturing out into the Thai jungle with a group of other 2o-somethings who I just met? I was one of the last to finish the hike (my friend was the actual last – oh we’re such girls), but I was SO proud of myself for doing it and I felt amazing and strong! Later on during our trip, when we were in the south, we were on this really large boat on a snorkeling trip around the island where Leonardo DiCaprio filmed “The Beach”. Essentially, you just hopped off the back of the boat into the water and you would be surrounded by fish. We met these two British guys who were talking about all the cool bungee experiences they’d had while in Thailand, and they suggested we jump off the TOP of the boat into the water – a good 40 foot drop! I was freaking out about it but it’s totally something I’ve always wanted to do, so I took the plunge! When I came up for air and looked up, I saw that I was actually the first person off the boat, so EVERYBODY was watching me! And then I heard like five more splashes as a bunch of people jumped off the side as well, and for the rest of the afternoon, people were doing it, and I tried it a bunch more times. It was kind of crazy (and if you hit the water wrong, damn it hurts) but it was an amazing day and an insane and unforgettable experience.

  9. Lauren says

    You should change the title of this post to be “things that are gorgeous”

    1. YOU
    2. the coconut buttered squash
    3. the banana bowl!

  10. Mary says

    Hahaha I love that story. I’ve never done anything daring that I can think of 🙁
    Maybe I need to get my butt over to my local bungee jumping place.

  11. Valerie says

    You look so beautiful, Katie!
    Something daring I’ve done? I know I must have done SOMEthing daring in my life, but I just can’t think of anything on the spot. But I love tat you’re going to answer formspring qs on the blog now, because I don’t “get” formspring, so this way people like me won’t be left out.

  12. Bianca- Vegan Crunk says

    I really have to order some coconut butter soon. You make it sound sooooo good! That’s a cute story about the dance club! I only dance crazy in public when I’m wasted…which happens more often than it probably should. 🙂

    As for crazy things I’ve done … hmmm, I’ve done a lot of stupid things. But crazy? Well, one night, I went with a group of friends out on the Mississippi River bridge (an interstate bridge connecting Memphis to Arkansas across the Mississippi). We walked along the pedestrian path next to the busy interstate, and then we climbed down a man-hole (intended for highway workers) in the center of the bridge. The man-hole took us down to this beautiful ledge under the bridge and we could see all the Mississippi from there….with big rigs rumbling over our heads. It wasn’t safe or legal, but it was worth every second.

  13. vegangal says

    that’s a wonderful story, katie. and your so beautiful that no wonder they put you up on the big screen!

  14. Aimee says

    You sound like you really lived your high school years to the fullest!
    I’m not usually a daring person, but whenever I’m away from home, like on vacation or once when I went on an exchange program to England, I feel brave. The year I spent in England, I felt like a completely different person! And my parents thought so too when I told them the things I was experiencing!

  15. Kiersten says

    Getting my tattoo was really daring for me. I’ve always been a big wuss (and afraid of needles to boot), so the fact that I gathered up enough courage to get a tattoo was a big deal.

  16. Emmy says

    Inspired you can buy coconut milk(the full fat one) and put it in the mixer. It comes out like butter or a very thick cream. And it’s delicious.

  17. Katie says

    I travelled solo in Ecuador. I was scared before I went, but I met so many great people while I was there that I probably wouldn’t ahve had I been with someone.

  18. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    I knew that was spaghetti squash with coconut butter before I scrolled down, and I bet it was delicious.

    Daring or crazy? I packed up after college and moved to Europe. I worked in London and bummed around for a few months. One of the best experiences of my life. Oh, and then there was the time I up and quit my stable job to attend massage therapy school. That worked out too. 🙂

  19. Susan says

    It’s not necessarily daring (I was pretty desperate) but I recently broke into my house with an old health care card after locking myself out! I felt pretty bad ass afterwards.

  20. Michal says

    If only all math could be fun like coconut math 🙂 Hmm something crazy I have done? Well honestly i havent done anything really crazy which kind of bums me out! But im only seventeen so i still have tons of time!

  21. Anonymous says

    OH girl I have a lot of stories, but I remember I was out to eat with my older sis and her friends. And we were celebrating me passing my real estate exam (which another story) but anyways so I have had one too many glasses of wine. And then a band comes and ask for volunteers to help, so I jumped up and played the “cow” bell. I felt like Will Ferrel in the SNL Cow Bell skit. hahaha It was so funny!!!

  22. Lauren says

    Crazy thing I’ve tried…making tempeh sausage. I’m only have kidding. It actually turned out delicious!!!

  23. Sarah A says

    My goodness, after reading the varied stories in the comments it seems that trips are the way to go for memorable experiences AND slightly ususual (yet still awesp,e) behavior . I need to sign up for one as a graduation gift next year – hopefully I’ll be able to afford it by then!

    I wonder if acorn squash would work for the Artisan. Tonight my fam will find out : )

  24. Kristie says

    I WISH I did crazier things, I need more (safe) risk and thrill in my life! I’m much too chicken a lot of the time. No fun! I’ve done the up and dancing on platforms/stages in clubs before though and that’s always a nice little thrill 😉 Never alone though, crazy girl! I really want to sing karaoke one day though… the idea of it scares the heck out of me just a little!

    PS I finally bought some coconut butter! First couple tries I wasn’t THAT thrilled by it but it’s definitely growing on me quickly. I like it more with each taste! Keep up that coconut butter math so I can get more ideas of how to use it 🙂

  25. Kristie says

    Well, some would say I was crazy to get married so young (fresh out of college), but I don’t think it was so I guess that doesn’t count 😉

    The most daring thing I can think of is going cliff diving in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I was so incredibly scared but so happy I did it!

  26. Quix says

    What an interesting combo, but I bet it was delish!

    Crazy and wild…hmmm… does trying crazy gymnastics moves in my backyard count? Even though its been a decade and a half since I had formal training? hehe

  27. River - The Crafty Kook says

    Haha! You wild child! 😀

    Me? Crazy? I washed my blacks with my whites and other colors today. Does that count? The blacks DID look a little off when I took them out of the dryer. Can I join the wild club? 😛

  28. Jean @ BelezaJean says

    Such a great post Katie!

    One of my “wild and crazy” moments to date was learning how to ride a motorcycle. My first attempt(s) I couldn’t even hold the bike up – it fell over on me three times, breaking off pieces of the handlebars (these bikes are not exactly lightweight). BUT, I stuck with it, and by the end of the weekend course, I was roaring down the trail and racing around pylongs at high speeds!

  29. nutmeg86 says

    banana bread yay! thanks for the shoutout Katie! I love the story, sometimes I am the crazy person who dances alone too!

    The spaghetti squash with coconut butter looks so yummy…I’ll definitely be trying that soon!

  30. biteaday says

    Haha! Katie, you always make me crack up. You’re too clever! Lol. I just started my own blog, and would love it if you checked it out! You’re one of my favorite bloggers, I’ll have ya know! Thanks (:

  31. Trail (Oven Aversion) says

    Hmmm, I did the same thing in college. We went to a nightclub with suspended dance cages. I got in one, and my college roomie got in the other. Pretty soon, other random girls asked if they could join us because we were the brave ones to try it and were having so much fun! Oh, and we also might have been wearing pants with flames on them.

    Hmm, I also asked my college boyfriend if he’d marry me at a big V-day tradition where hundreds of couples all get married in a big free public ceremony. It was a huge tradition in that city and I thought it would be fun. We didn’t do it, and I gotta admit that not having any income to support ourselves would have made it reallllllly tough!

  32. Tyler says

    aww, i love your dancing story! you should share more of your formspring answers with everybody!

    crazy things i have done?
    I got my nose pierced once…then got tired of it and took it out a couple months later
    I jumped off of a 180 foot cliff in Switzerland (attached to a rope and harness)
    I got lost on a “self guided hike” (aka wandering around the jungle) with my best friend while backpacking through Costa Rica
    And lots of other things ridiculous things in college!

  33. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    really daring or crazy? allowed scott to move in after our first date. which involved an airplane ride to a city 2000 miles away. i boarded an aircraft with a stranger, went to a new city with him, fell in love, and he moved in 3 days later. and here we are, nearly 12 yrs later. they said it wouldnt last 🙂

  34. Molly @fuelherup says

    Confession: I love taking pole dancing classes.
    I swear, it’s an amazing upper body workout. And also a ton of fun.

    I’ve also gone skinny dipping, but now I kind of want to go naked running!

  35. CaSaundra says

    OO love that you took on the dare and “danced like nobody’s watchin”..that’s how life should always be, not caring what others think even when your in the spotlight. Hope all is well on your end 🙂

  36. ashley C says

    So i had a question for you…Are you still in college? If not what did you graduate in and whats your job besides blogging….if you have time for one haha

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