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Gluten Free Chocolate Lace Cookies

These deliciously delicate chocolate lace cookies will be the hit of your next party – and they just so happen to be accidentally gluten-free! 

gluten free chocolate cookies

Have you ever thought about trying a gluten-free diet?

Like Atkins in the 90s, the idea of “going gluten-free” has swept America (and beyond). If you haven’t tried a gluten-free diet, chances are you know at least one person who has.

There are people who adopt this diet out of necessity (Celiacs). And then there are those who try it simply because they’re curious. I have a friend who falls into the latter group: She’s been avoiding gluten for the past two months, and she swears it’s made her feel better.

I don’t know if my friend is really gluten-intolerant, or if it’s the placebo effect working the magic on her. But my job isn’t to judge; my job is just to be a supportive friend. And so I support her the best way I know: with lots of love… and food! (My Italian grandmother would be so proud.)

For more recipes: Over 100 Healthy Gluten Free Recipes

gluten free cookies

The following recipe is the definition of “experiment.”

I had absolutely no idea, when I threw a bunch of random ingredients together, what would come out of my oven!

flourless chocolate cookies

Luckily, these gluten free cookies were a huge hit when I shared them this past Saturday night, and my gluten-free friend was so appreciative she wasn’t left out of dessert for once.

To be honest, the cookies aren’t my personal favorites. They turned out too crispy/chewy for my liking, and I much prefer softer cookies like my Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cookies.

But some of my friends loved the flourless chocolate cookies so much that I’m posting the recipe anyway. If you like your cookies to be chewy (as opposed to soft), this is a recipe for you!

chocolate lace cookies

flourless cookies

healthy cookies

Chocolate Lace Cookies

Very loosely based on my Fudge Babies Recipe.

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • scant 1/4 tsp salt
  • level 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • packed 1/4 cup pitted dates (45g)
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (170g)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp unrefined coconut oil

Blend first five ingredients until almonds and dates are finely pulverized. In a separate bowl, combine vanilla, oil, and 3/4 c of the chocolate chips. Melt (I microwaved 1 minute, then stirred). Pour the dry ingredients, as well as the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips, into the wet. Stir until evenly mixed, making sure to break up any big clumps. It’ll seem dry at first, but keep stirring until it all looks dark and shiny.

Bake at 355 F for 7-8 minutes. (Take out when still a bit undercooked, as these continue to cook as they cool.)


Link Of The Day:

flourless chocolate chip cookies

Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

What do you think of the gluten-free trend?

I know this is a polarizing subject: some people believe everyone can benefit from adopting a gluten-free diet, while others think the idea of eating gluten-free by choice is ridiculous.

Personally, I don’t think I’m qualified to judge. I don’t have Celiac Disease and I’ve never tried a gluten-free diet (nor will I, unless it becomes medically necessary to do so). But I do think that if someone wants to give up gluten and thinks it helps him/her feel better, all the more power to that person. It’s really not my place—or anyone else’s—to tell others what diet works best for their bodies.

Published on October 17, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Tami says

    I tried to make these without chocolate chips. I make my own chocolate, with cacao, coconut oil and honey. Well, they didn’t bake up well, but they did taste yummy. I put them in a rectangular dish – thought maybe they would be like brownies. I ended up eating them with a spoon but boy did they taste good. 🙂 So, I tweeked the recipe. I left out the baking soda and added 1 cup of cacao powder, about 1/2 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of coconut oil then put them in molds in the frig. They are sooooo good this way. I actually crave them … haha I do want to try to make the actual recipe, but i didn’t have chocolate chips at the time.
    Thanks Katie !

  2. ashley says

    Hey! I just wanted to let you know, that my friend made these for me and hers weren’t crispy or chewy. They were nice and soft and delicious. She made hers a bit thicker than yours in the picture, so that might have been the secret to getting them more like you like them. These are one of the best cookies I have had in a LONG time! Thank you SOOO much!!!

  3. Barbara says

    We went gluten free when my husband developed Crohn’s disease. We found that gluten put him into a flare. For the sake of convenience I just got rid of all gluten in the house. I had been suffering from severe heartburn/GERD and been on Rx meds for several years and would still have breakthrough heartburn. It totally went away when I went GF. I’m now off the meds and only have issues when I “cheat” and eat gluten containing foods.

  4. Mariana says

    I tried gluten-free eating a couple of years ago because my throat had been chronically swollen and someone suggested the diet change might help. It did. After three weeks, I ate flour again just once. Oh my! Two days later my brain was so foggy you would think I had swallowed a full bottle of Benadryl… and my nightly abdominal cramps were back.

    Ever the skeptic, I continued gluten free for a few more weeks, then tried wheat again. Suffice it to say I have been gluten-free ever since! My throat is fine, the chronic abdominal cramps and headaches gone.

    So, thanks for the great gluten-free recipes!


  5. Kathy says

    Does anyone know what the equivalent of 1 cup of whole almonds are after pulverization? I have almond flour on hand and would like to use it. Thanks!

  6. Gina says

    My mom went gluten free about a year ago, just because of the fact that wheat that we have now isn’t the same wheat in history. It’s a GMO version. Since coming off of it her arthritis has disappeared. She’s 70 and has more energy than people half her age.

  7. Lara says

    Hi Katie! These look so amazing but I’m allergic to almonds >.> Could I use spelt flour instead or do you have an Cookie recipe that doesn’t includes almonds? 🙂

  8. Wiscogal says

    Katie, I see the picture of chocolate crinkle cookies, but no recipe. Am I missing it. And Thankssss! I recently went gluten free (gluten causes my eczema symptoms – itchy!!) These are on my list to try.

  9. Barb says

    Katie, it would be helpful if you included instructions for what to do with the dough in the chocolate lace cookies. Roll into balls and flatten? How big – how many does the recipe make? I’d rather get complete instructions and nutrition info than have to scroll through numerous almost identical cookie pictures featuring bits of ribbon. I used a food processor for the dates, and almond flower. It made a nice sticky dough.

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