Did anyone else read the book How to be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days in elementary school? The gist: a young boy reads a self-help book on “how to be perfect” and comes to realize, by the end, that perfect people are boring because all they do is sit around and drink weak tea.
According to the book, they also have to wear broccoli necklaces. I’m not sure how that goes along with being perfect, but Broccoli Girl approves of the idea 🙂
In any case, it’s a cute book for kids.
I get stressed just like anyone else. And I feel pressured for time just like anyone else. Just because I’m not writing about my flaws doesn’t mean I have none. Maybe the fact that I don’t like to share them is a flaw in itself?
I’m going to have to cut back on my own posts, too. I just can’t continue to blog every single day and still have the amount of time I want to spend with my real-life friends. (I love you guys in the blogworld… but I want to spend more time in the real world too, ya know?)
Adam says
No one is perfect, what is funny is that i almost bought a veggie charm for my sisters charm bracelet when i was younger but thought she would be upset lol… Do you remember the Fudge books? Those were awesome too…
adrienmelaine says
Do you ever want your blog to be a business? Or are you just enjoying doing it for fun and want to keep it that way..
The Brunette says
Great post. And, as much as I (and you) love broccoli, a necklace of it probably wouldn’t be the best idea. The stuff sort of stinks, you know?
BroccoliHut says
I whole heartedly approve of the broccoli necklace:)
Pure2raw-twins says
You are right on girl about being perfect. I think we all have flaws, etc but you do a great job with your posts with keeping things real and fun. 🙂 That’s what we love most is that you are so happy on your blog which is great! I understand your frustration with keeping up with commenting, blogging and real life. It is hard! Good luck with everything but I know whatever you do – will be great 🙂
ecogrrl says
hmm. can i wear a necklace made of sweet potatoes instead? dude, anyone with a blog called chocolate covered katie has got to be cool. keep on keepin’ on, sista!
theprocessofhealing says
Great post!! Blogging is a part of life.. not our entire lives haha
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
Hi Katie
Perfection is what the world sees when they look at blogs; most successful bloggers post a tiny snapshot of their life; one which is happy and “perfect” looking. Even if 95% of the rest of the time we do things like diaper changes, oil changes, and lines at the grocery store and bad hair days. LOL
Coconut butter looks great!
I have a coconut PB give away going on right now. i know you’re a coconut girl 🙂
And less commenting/less posting…REAL LIFE, go live it!!! yes!!!!
Michal says
Love ya girl! 🙂
Imperfections are part of who we are, we all have them. I know I dont blog about my imperfections thats for sure. And I feel pressure too! About finding that balence between work, school, friends and online friends it can be stressful thats for sure!
Jess says
Looking forward to tomorrow’s post 😀
Perfection is SO overrated. Life shouldn’t be the pursuit of perfection!
<3 jess
Kate says
i love quirks and imperfections! they make us who we are. do not worry about not blogging every day. you gotta do what ever keeps YOU happy and healthy!
Cara says
Don’t feel bad cutting back on your blogging! For a while I was getting frustrated at myself for not blogging yummy new stuff all the time, but truthfully I’d go through phases where some weeks I’d blog four new recipes and then go weeks or even a month without anything. So earlier this year I made a goal for myself of posting two new recipes per week, and focusing on quality instead of quantity. So far, it’s worked for me! I feel just enough challenge in the kitchen, and it gives me more time to think about how I want to prepare and present the food. GL with whatever you decide to do!
quix says
You seem pretty awesome to me, and I agree that perfection is totally overrated, I am totally a recovering perfectionist. Now I just try to be happy. 🙂 I started this year doing 5 posts a week and I’m thinking I have to cut back to 4. RL always comes first!
bitt says
you don’t sound holier than thou at all! people only get a certain side of you through blogging and by all means you are right we’d never admit our faults!
Bekah says
You know Katie, I admire you for this post. Because I’m always afraid of people commenting my blog asking if I have real issues, and problems and whatnot.. because I DON’T post about it either. Like you, I like to focus on the exciting, new, and good things on the blog! Plus all my friends and family back home read it, I don’t want them knowing the ugly details!
Avra-Sha Faohla says
I did read that book! And I got reminded of it when I saw the title of this post, but I didn’t think you’d actually be talking about that obscure little book I read years ago!
Don’t remember the broccoli necklaces part, but I do remember the sitting around doing nothing but drinking tea. 😉
Krystofer says
Omg I have been trying to find the name.of this book since 6th grade (I’m 38 now)
Thank you!
And I much prefer my tea strongly over steeped. Proof I can’t be perfect lol