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How To Roast Vegetables In The Slow Cooker

5 from 44 votes

How to roast vegetables in the slow cooker:

How to roast vegetables in the slow cooker - You can use any of the following vegetables: zucchini, red peppers, sweet potatoes... @choccoveredkt

Some things in life are too good to be true.

That daily email informing me I’ve won the $100 million Swiss lotto?

Too good to be true.

slow cooker vegetables recipe

Annoying Infomercial Guy who excitedly informs you there’s a way to make money while you sleep? And if you call in the next ten minutes, he’ll reveal the secret for just $19.99?

Too good to be true.

How to roast vegetables in the slow cooker. You can use any of the following vegetables: zucchini, red peppers, sweet potatoes... @choccoveredkt

And the idea that one can make flavorful roast vegetables without turning on the oven, heating up the entire house, and watching fastidiously to ensure the crock pot vegetables don’t burn?

Much too good to be true.

This one is true.

slow cooker vegetables

Say hello to roasted vegetables in the slow cooker!

“But wait! There’s more! Call right now and we’ll double your order!”  Winking smile

How to roast vegetables in a crock pot

Below: the slow cooker vegetables and seasonings I used. Feel free to change it up.

Use more sweet potato, exchange carrots for the zucchini, cherry tomatoes for the garlic, add parsnips, add different herbs or spices to the crock pot vegetables…

How To Roast Vegetables In The Slow Cooker
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How To Roast Vegetables In The Slow Cooker

How to make roasted vegetables the easy way in a slow cooker or crock pot.
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours
Yield 2 – 4 servings
5 from 44 votes


  • 2 bell peppers, cut in large slices (as shown in the photos)
  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into cubes
  • 3 small zucchini, cut in thick slices
  • 1/2 cup peeled garlic cloves
  • salt herbs of choice, and oil (I probably used about 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp Italian seasoning, and 2 tbsp olive oil. I guess you could use oil spray if you don’t mind the taste of roasted vegetables without oil. But I like the crock pot vegetables much better with the olive oil.)


  • How to cook crock pot vegetables in the slow cooker: Grease your crock pot, then add all the veggies. (I used a 4-quart slow cooker.) Season with the salt, herbs, and oil, then stir to evenly coat. Cook 3 hours on high (or longer on low), stirring just once every hour or so. At this point, you can open the lid and drain the liquid for another use. Don’t discard it; the liquid is seriously delicious! I just drank it like soup. The veggies will be a softer texture than oven-roasted veggies, but they are actually even more flavorful and sweet. Crockpots—thanks to their slow and steady heating—are known to heighten the flavor of whatever you’re cooking.
    View Crock Pot Vegetables Nutrition Facts

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Do you ever fall for those tv infomercials?

Against my better judgment, I fall for them all the time! Then I have to remind myself, “It’s too good to be true. There must be a catch.” A cream that claims you can use it once and never shave again? Too good to be true. A CD that teaches you a new language in under 10 days? Too good to be true. A robotic vacuum cleaner you don’t need to push? Much, much too good to be true. A few years ago, one of my friends bought that vacuum… all it did was constantly crash into the wall!

crock pot vegetables
How to roast vegetables in a slow cooker. You can use any of the following vegetables: zucchini, red peppers, sweet potatoes...

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Published on January 10, 2013

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Jordan @ Eat for Health, Eat for Fun says

    What a brilliant idea for low-maintenance roasted vegetables! Since I already have a love affair with my crockpot I will definitely have to try this method!

    As for the infomercials…several years ago before my wedding I made a poor 6am in the morning decision and spent nearly $100 on “the bean” – a piece of exercise equipment (if you could call it that!) promising to make all my woes disappear and sculpt me into a goddess. Moral of the story: beans are only for eating.

    • Gramma says

      We bought the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.. We loved it. It circled chair legs on bare floor, swept under the beds and couches. It wasn’t programmed to go back and forth like a lawn mower, but it covered one room if you gave it enough time. After eight or ten years the battery died and since our unit was so old and we lived in another we couldn’t replace it.

    • Donna Long says

      You only bought 1 Bean exerciser? I bought 2…for my daughter and myself. I think the Goodwill Store is more than likely still trying to resell them…I thought Somone surely might want them so I donated them. After reading the reviews and statements…I suppose not! LOL

  2. eating 4 balance says

    This will be so awesome! I’m sure you’ll get this question a lot, but what size crock pot did you use? We have a mini and a “normal” sized. Just don’t want to use the wrong size!

  3. Dana says

    This post couldn’t have been timed better! I got a slow cooker for Christmas but have no idea how to do basic things (like veggies) in it. Thanks, I’m so excited to try this!

    • marilyn says

      I want to use my slow cooker to cook my carrots (2 lbs) instead of on top of stove boiled.. I know putting any brown sugar, which I would love to include to carmalize themwould be so good but my son may not be able to enjoy them. The potatoes are enough heat coming from the top of the stove and the ham inside. My cabbage salad , apple sauce, and my apple pie will top it off. So this 90 yr. old mom will appreciate any advice concerning how to cook the carrots in my cooker as far as low or high and and how long I should cook them. I appreciate your help. Never did vegtables in my slow cooker except butternut squash and that was delish. Thank you so much Katie for your help and Merry Christmas.

    • sissy says

      Go to google and type in crock pot cooking. Also ask for recipes. Besides that there should have been a manual in the box along with some recipes too. There should be millions of recipes on the internet. Pinterest has tons of stuff of everything.
      I use my crockpot’s to make a rice hot dish, to keep mashed potatoes and stuffing warm. I am currently making a pot roast
      with vegies.

  4. Jenny says

    Katie – I have a 6 qt. slow cooker, so for the most even heating should I time-and-a-half the recipe or do you think your amounts will work? Also, what is the bowl of golden goodness underneath the veg? Please link to the recipe for that if you have one. It looks like polenta.

  5. Steph says

    I have a vacuum cleaner like that! It’s called a Rumba I think. It’s supposed to be for pet hair but it picks up crumbs/other small things pretty well. It rarely malfunctions and is surprising good at navigating the whole floor! You do have to empty it often and sometimes long hair gets tangled so you have to clean that out – yuck.

  6. Maurice Ciao says

    Wow, a recipe that’s over 100 calories….. I don’t think I’m ready for such a dramatic change, Katie. 🙁

  7. Ragnhild says

    Roasted veggies are my favorit thing! As I type, I actually eat the best snacky dinner ever; pieces of nice sourdough bread spead with avocado and topped with cold left over roasted veggies (zucchini, red onion, bell pepper and cherry tomatos). Amazing!

  8. Anna @ The Guiltless Life says

    I love this idea! And I have to say, I love that you’re incorporating more savoury recipes into your repertoire! We do, after all, have to eat things other than treats, and your recipes have always worked, so I don’t see why that would change for savoury ones!

  9. Lisa says

    Ohhh, I absolutely love this idea! Trying it out tonight. Why have I never thought to roast my veggies in a slow cooker. I guess that makes things a lot easier when I’m gone the whole day.

  10. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur says

    I don’t own a slow cooker because I never thought I’d have a use for it, but this method of roasting veggies is reason enough for me. This is such a great time and energy saver! Thanks for the great idea. Your pictures are beautiful, as well!

  11. Ali @ WHOLEistically Fit says

    Great idea roasting the veggies in the crock pot! 😀 Haha, every time my husband and I see an infomercial on tv we always think of this Friends episode where Joey does an infomercial for this spout thing for milk cartons. We love to quote the line, “Now you can have milk everyday!”. Lol. It helps us to never take infomercials seriously. 😉

  12. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake says

    I’ve never thought about “roasting” veg in the slow cooker. What a great idea. I don’t use my slow cooker nearly as much as I should do.

  13. Sunnie says

    YES!!! I JUST bought a mini (2-cup capacity – so cute!) slow cooker so that I can “cook” while I’m working the night shift. What a brilliant idea! 😀

    P.S. Katie, Katie, Katie, you take the peel off of your sweet potatoes?? That’s the best part! LOL Kidding. 😉 (No, seriously, I actually ask for my dad’s sweet potato peels because he won’t eat them. I know I’m weird…)

    • Sunnie says

      P.S. I just took a second look at your post (the first one was a semi-quick skim) and noticed the delicious whole cloves of garlic! If only I could roast JUST garlic and put JUST garlic over my rice or quinoa, or just on my plate. However, my family disowns me when I eat garlic…

  14. Stephanie says

    I just got a slow cooker for christmas! This will be the first thing I make! I wish you had a croc pot category of recipes.

  15. Melissa George says

    You have no idea how excited I am about this!!! I love roasted veggies. But I don’t like heating up the house while I’m roasting them. This is perfect! I’ll be trying it this weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Colleen ( says

    Katie! I just fell in love with your site EVEN more! You have such amazingly creative, simply, delicious, nutritious and beautiful ideas and creations (can creations be creative? Yours are!!)! Thank you! I am certain your cookbook (first of many!!) is going to be an actual best seller!! You totally deserve it! Have a good night! Colleen 🙂

  17. Christi says

    those veggies look sooo good! i love roasted veggies! i can’t wait til your cookbook comes out, i’m sure its going to be wonderful. will it just be a book of dessert/sweet recipes or will it includes savory dishes like these? i was also thinking, maybe you can make a vegan cannoli recipe… 🙂

  18. Andrea says

    Just discovered your website and amazing recipes! I am a sugar addict and cutting it out completely for a while before reintroducing in small amounts so as not to go crazy binging again. This is the perfect place for me 🙂 Tried the cookie dough dip and think that I can be a convert…tasted the chickpeas a little more than I would prefer, so I’ll buy some dry and cook myself, but I think I’ll need to upgrade on some of my kitchen equipment (i.e. food processor, and after seeing the above recipe, getting a slow cooker) in order to get a smoother texture. So thankful to have found you, though and can’t to start baking healthy 🙂


  19. Alanna says

    Love this idea! I really need to eat more veggies, but I get tired of the same frozen green beans and carrots all the time (and my tummy is much happier with cooked veggies than raw). Definitely going to try this one after I restock the vegetable drawer!

  20. Tory says

    Yum!! I just saw this on pinterest…I had some veggies on hand and decided to give it a try! They came out fantastic! I used butternut squash, half a green pepper, a red pepper and a zucchini with some oil, lots of garlic and italian seasoning, pink salt and a touch of fresh cracked black pepper…enjoying it over rosemary quinoa!
    I love my crockpot, who knew this was possible! Thanks!!

  21. Angela says

    I have two words for your infomercial question: magic bullet. I used to watch this infomercial EVERY time it was on. I even watched it a few times on YouTube. It worked so well on me I bought the Bullet TWICE! This infomercial has ruined me for all other infomercials, there’s only room for one in this girl’s heart.

  22. Bek @ Crave says

    I’ve never really fallen for them, except for that vacuum one! Damn- it’d be helpful haha. Ps. Yummy veges!

    • Anonymous says

      Nah steaming requires water..roasting is dry heat like the crockpot. Unless you dump water in there..but then they would be boiled! Lol

      • Laura says

        Right. But if you were to pile a bunch of veggies in the oven, not laying them in a single layer, they would be mored steamed (they would get the moisture from themselves) than they would be roasted. Roasted veggies have water evaporated from them and also have browing involved. So I stand by what I said: cooking veggies in a crock pot =/= roasted; it’s more steamed than anything because the moisture is not allowed to escape as much as traditional roasting.

  23. Fdlafon says

    Heading to the grocery for the week and we are trying this recipe tonight for dinner! I can’t wait!!! Stay tuned, I’ll let you know how they turn out.

  24. sam says

    DROOLING! yum! now i need a slow cooker asap! do you mind me asking what your eating your veggies over?! it looks delicious! is it quinoa?

  25. Eva says

    This is so yummy! I put yellow and zucchini squash, red peppers, garlic, onions and sweet potatoes in my mix. I then seasoned it with a bit of garlic powder and curry powder. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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  27. Kaitlyn says

    made this recipe last night! added in carrots and used 1 tbsp oil + 1 tbsp chicken broth. so good! i will be making my veggies in the crock pot forever now! thanks so much 🙂

  28. Jaime says

    I used different vegetables, but this is SPECTACULAR. It’s such a filling meal and so easy! My husband doesn’t like vegetables and even he thought it looked good.

    Thank you!

  29. Laurie C says

    I wasn’t sure about this, but gave it a try for dinner tonight and put a slightly smaller amount of different vegetables in the CrockPot and it worked great! The vegetables I used didn’t generate much in the way of juice at all, so there was nothing to drain off and the bottom layer even developed a bit of browning from the slight coating of oil!

  30. LisaD says

    Made this for my family’s Christmas potluck dinner and it was a HUGE hit! I increased the amount of ingredients and had more than enough for the 15 of us. Great for leftovers and everyone loved it! Thanks for sharing such a great recipe!

  31. Marty Walden says

    Going to try this today. Have you thought of having a recipe plugin for you blog? It makes it much easier for the reader and also gives your blog credit when printed. Just a thought!

  32. Suzanne says

    Thanks so much! I was searching for days for a simple veggie side dish in the crock pot and most recipes out there had cheese, potatoes, or other things i didn’t want. I just wanted straight up veggies! Thanks!!

  33. d.vallee says

    please allow us to print the recipe without having to print all other peoples comments I cannot afford to waste all the paper and ink. The cost is to high. Thank you for understanding . Astruggling old women

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      To print, highlight just the recipe itself and right-click “Copy.” Then open a new Word document and right-click “Paste.” You can give this file a name and print it easily. You can also save it in a CCK Recipe folder for later reference or re-printing.

  34. Rowena says

    Thanks – I have a heap of veg and herbs in the slow cooker – on their way to being pumpkin soup… Already smells great c:

  35. A-Bomb says

    This is going to be my first time getting to host a family holiday since I began dating my husband 8 years ago! This will seriously save time and energy for the pile of root veggies I need for 11 people. Thank goodness I have a big 6 quart crock! Thank goodness for this recipe!

  36. Annie says

    Definitely going to be trying this with broccoli, onions, carrots, and maybe beets… I’m going to have to start working out later, so I want to cut my dinner prep time down to like 5 minutes in the evening. Great recipe!

  37. Katy Musolino says

    I found this recipe several months ago, and it has become a staple recipe for me. Always so good. I use whatever vegetables I have in the crockpot and there’s so much flavor. I found that cooking it for two hours is enough–not quite as soft and mushy. So easy, and so delicious over rice or whatever your favorite grain is. I’ve even rolled them up in whole grain tortillas, and eaten them over a bed of salad greens. Delicious!

  38. karen cadle says

    I’m going to make this for a dinner party soon and I was wondering how long you would time this for and on low or high would you set the heat? thanks so very much!!!

  39. clint says

    Hi Katie, the recipe looks delicious. I have two questions though:

    1. In the picture of the cooked vegetables in the bowl, what are they served on (is that couscous or some sort of rice)?
    2. What herbs/spices would you recommend for this dish?


  40. Judith says

    I chunked up onion, red bell pepper, carrot, turnip, garlic then tossed with S & P, thyme, red pepper flakes, EVOO then started in the crockpot on high. After an hour, I realized it was cooking too fast and I turned it to low. Halfway through I stirred in zucchini then added two ears of corn (halved) for the last hour. It turned out just perfect after three hours and we loved it. I am so happy for this idea and will be cooking many vegies in this manner.

  41. Janice Mchone says

    Thank you for the help on raw veggies in the crockpot. I am starting on a diet for high blood pressure and sometimes I steam them but wondered of I would get a different flavor if I used the crockpot. I also need to know how to fix salmon fillets.

  42. Sue says

    I used sliced sweet potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and chunks of eggplant and green pepper. They were done in about four hours on low. I mixed them with quinoa cooked in vegetable broth. I usually roast the vegetables in the oven, but this works better. More juice and you don’t make the kitchen unbearably hot!

  43. Nigel Hutchinson says

    I have a large new Hamilton Beach crock pot, followed the recipe and ended up pulling them out 45 minutes early and they were overdone (yet still delicious!). Next time going to double the amount, and cook on high for 1:30hr… Be mindful of the unit your using, cooking time will vary!

  44. Linda Adsit says

    Thank you for this super simple recipe. I can do this. I will do this. Today.

    Re the infomercials, have you ever heard the song Vegematic by Steve Goodman. It’s about some guy who orders stuff from TV ads. If you can find it, I promise you will LYAO.

  45. angelina morris says

    Hi there, thank you so very much for sharing all of the healthy recipes you are sending to us…. would very much to ha a cook book for this all yummly stuff you sending….. please and have a great day….

  46. Kelly B says

    This worked marvelously. I usually steam my veggies in the morning to pack in a thermos for lunch, so tried this crock pot method. I turned them on low overnight (good 7 hours) and they were great. Will do this method more often!

  47. Joni Pinkney says

    Thanks — been looking for a recipe like this. I love roasted veggies, but don’t like to use the oven because it heats up the kitchen and runs up the electric bill. Think I”ll use some veggies from the farmer’s market, that would be awesome!

  48. Cheryl P. says

    Just put this in the crock pit. I added a yellow bell pepper, yellow squash, red,potatoes instead of sweet, and eggplant.

  49. Pongodhall says

    Lovely Katie, dry or with the liquid, I know some think calories counting but wonderful with brown rice?

  50. Jane Ambrose says

    Fabulous recipe Thankyou. I’m a busy working Mum, so to come home to a crock pot full of healthy yummy vegetables was great. Everyone cleaned their plates..

  51. Mike says

    I like this vegetable roast.Thanks for sharing another healthy recipe. It is so easy to have a try at home.

  52. Nobody says

    Though I am not a cook but enjoyed reading it. Keep sharing wonderful informative posts..
    Ummm… One more thing.. I am thinking to add recipe section in my blog .. What do you suggest?

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