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Comments from the (chocolate-covered) Peanut Gallery

I love eating delicious food. And I love creating new recipes. But I don’t think I would consider myself a foodie: what I like about blogging and about making up recipes is the creativity involved.  I don’t watch cooking shows, don’t read cookbooks in my spare time, don’t spend hours upon hours thinking about food, and…

I feel so mean for what I am about to admit, but I don’t enjoy spending the day feeling like I have to read every single food blog out there. I really don’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt, and I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m ignoring him or her, so I feel compelled to try and visit as many blogs of people who leave comments on mine as I can.  Lately, I’ve felt overwhelmed at the sheer number of blogs I feel the need to visit and comment on each day.  I try to be fair;

I’m definitely not one of those people who only leaves comments on the popular blogs. I hate to open up this can of worms, but it makes me sad to see the little blogs ignored. Just because a certain blogger doesn’t get 50 comments per day does NOT mean her blog isn’t good and she doesn’t deserve comments. In fact, I try to comment more on these blogs than the popular blogs because each comment means more to the bloggers.  I remember when I was first starting out and got only 5 comments per day. Those 5 comments might as well have been 500 for how happy they made me. Not that I don’t still get excited when someone leaves a comment on my blog: I really do!

Even the comments that just say simple things like “yum” or “cool idea” mean a lot to me. So I feel like a hypocrite if I don’t try my hardest to visit your blogs and try and repay that happiness.  You all do such a good job of keeping up with my posts that it’s only fair I should do the same. And everyone has such interesting, well-thought-out posts that I really wish there were time to thoroughly read them all. I love you all, and your blogs are amazing: creative, funny, delightful… Each of you offers something special and unique to the blogging world. But feeling like I have to visit so many blogs as quickly as possible (so I can fit all the other things I want to do into my life), I find myself skimming over your cute stories, creative ideas, and other ways that your personalities shine.

Yes, I know I’m over-estimating my importance in peoples’ lives. Logically, I can see you all probably don’t spend even a minute feeling slighted over such dumb things as whether or not CCK commented more on your blog than someone else’s. But not-so-logically, I have a fault of being way too sensitive and worrying about hurting others. I will still try to comment every now and then.  I am going to have to step back even further in the amount I comment, though.  It does not mean that I love you guys any less!

Blogging should be fun.  Lately, to me, parts of it have become a chore.  I want to bring the fun back… And I promise not to abandon you.  I’m still reading blogs, even if I don’t always comment!

Question of the Day:

Do any of you feel like this; like parts of blogging—be it trying to comment on tons of others’ sites or the pressures to blog about certain things or to not offend anyone—can sometimes get you down?  I’m sure many of you do!  Please know that I will NEVER hold it against you if you don’t have time to comment on my site.  Yes, I’ll miss hearing your thoughts, your cute stories, and your kind words.  But it won’t make me stop loving you.

Published on January 24, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Jenny says

    Hi! I just stumbled upon your website…OMGoodness!! YUM!!! I’m curious…do you develop every single recipe?:) I love baking and am Just curious! This looks fabulous! Thanks for such a great blog!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Yes, Katie is the creator of all of the yummy recipes on here, aside from the few that say they are guest posts. My favorite is the Fudge Babies 🙂

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