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Making Popeye Proud

Not to mention The Grinch, Kermit the Frog, and Gumby. Remember Gumby?

But this post is not about Gumby. Sorry, Gumby.

One of my favorite things about running is that it gives me a chance to organize my thoughts. Here’s a look at what floats through my head as I run. Sometimes I think about my future, sometimes about schoolwork (although I try not to!), sometimes I have boys on the brain… and sometimes I think about spinach.


Ok, well I’ve actually only thought about spinach once while running, but that “once” happened to be a few days ago. On this particular day, I chanced to pass by a house with a frog flag in the front. Seeing the flag reminded me of a post my friend Linds had written about something she called a “Kermit-Colored” smoothie. From that moment on, I couldn’t stop thinking about spinach!

Luckily, since it was a Saturday, I had extra time to make my second breakfast. So I pulled out the Vitamix, threw in some spinach, frozen peach slices, soymilk, and ice cubes, and took care of that spinach craving.

I ate my Kermit shake in a bowl, because as yummy as smoothies are, I love ice cream even more.

Toast, almonds, ice cream, and my favorite Tofu Scramble.  Breakfast fit for a… frog. 😉

Peachy-Green Ice Cream

  • frozen peaches
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 2 big handfuls spinach
  • 1/4 cup milk of choice

(You can also add some frozen banana, but I didn’t because I was all out.  Out of bananas?!  Oh the horror!) Blend it all up in the Vitamix, freeze for 10-30 minutes if you wish (I put it in the freezer while I ate the other components of my breakfast), and then savor every mouthful of green goodness! If you don’t have a Vitamix, you may need to add more milk in order for the ice cream to blend.

Published on October 22, 2008

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Joanna says

    i’m drinking a spinach smoothie right now. that’s so funny. it’s weird how any sweet fruit you put with it masks out the spinach flavor. i can’t taste it at all. what i can taste are these beets that didn’t blend all the way. haha

  2. Virginia says

    maybe this would be a good way to get spinach into my children, making their smoothies super thick like ice cream! sometimes they reject smoothies if they are too “green” but in ice cream form, it just might work….

  3. shellyfish says

    I love spinach. I mean like really, really love spinach. This little recipe makes me sad that I didn’t freeze me some peaches when they were in season, because i’d be all over the spineachy goodness right now!

  4. Andrea says

    your not a frog… you’re a frog Princess!!! popeye is proud for sure. Olive has some competition 😉

    i love smoothies in a bowl. so much more fun to eat!

  5. Roxana says

    For some reason, I didn’t see peach, only SPINACH in that recipe, and thought it must be really gross.
    but then I saw the peach! haha
    What a good idea!

  6. Vegetation says

    Hahaha, my kids are looking at green ice cream horrified. Me, I’m thinking YUM! I love spinach so much (I eat it almost every night and don’t worry, I think about it during the day too….except I think about it often). I wonder if I could make banana green ice cream because I can’t have peaches?

    Hi Gumby! I talk about you often too (thanks to the kids :P)

  7. Animal-Friendly says

    I love Gumby! And Pokey, too!

    I’m always amazed how awesome green smoothies are- so many people are afraid of them, but they’re some of the best smoothies ever!

  8. Kate says

    I think that sounds disgusting!! But I bet it is really tasty and I’m sure you can’t taste the spinach at all. I love that veggies can be hidden in so many thing and kids (and me) can’t tell.

  9. Ruby Red Vegan says

    I wanna try adding kale or spinach to my smoothies! Someone once told me he could fit 5 cups of spinach into his smoothie without tasting a difference…but then again, I have no idea what else he put in there.

    Were your teeth nice and froggy after you ate your green ice cream?

  10. linds says

    awwww thanks for the shout out CCV!!!! I’m so glad you stuck a lil spinach in your smoothie, I’m gonna have to make my next one super thick like yours so I can have green ice cream too 🙂 xox have a great day Katie!!!!

  11. Brooke says

    I love the opening of this post! You are too cute Katie 🙂

    I have actually never tried adding spinach in my smoothies before! But I’m sure its delicious (and healthy!) I love the color – it is so vibrant!

  12. jelymo says

    you truly are one-of-a kind. do you dream of these concoctions? what an interesting idea for a smoothie. i really love the smiley face you made in the bowl. that tofu scramble doesn’t look bad, either.

  13. Cakespy says

    I’m super excited about this too. I love spinach, you’d think that writing about cake all day that sounds funny, but I do!

  14. Cat says

    Oh my goodness that looks yum! It reminds me of an avocado custard my mom used to make when I was little… I think it was just avocado, honey, lemon and milk.

  15. ConsiderEatz! says

    Yummm! That looks so delish! Im cookin up some greens for dinner right now 🙂
    Looking forward to whipping that guy up soon though!

  16. HangryPants says

    This is a random question. What is behind your head in your little profile picture? It always looked to me like you were wearing a boxing rob and that was your raised boxing club hand. Now that we’re blog friends I feel like I can ask. 🙂

  17. eatingbender says

    Wow! I heard that spinach can be a great addition to smoothies because you get all the nutritional benefits and it doesn’t add any sort of “spinachy” taste – is that true?

    If so, I will be making this pronto!

  18. lighterportions says

    You met GUMBY?! I’m SO jealous.

    That smoothie/ice cream/whatever you want to call it is the prettiest I’ve ever seen! SO green!

  19. Bianca says

    That is SOOOO GREEN! It’s beautiful! I’m gonna have to try that next time I crave ice cream…and you’re such a hobbit with your second breakfasts…I mean, you’re much cuter than a hobbit…but you do have hobbit-like tendencies!

  20. Agnesss =) says



    And they’re SO VERSATILE..:D Now I’m hooked over a mix of BANANAS,ORANGES,KIWIS,vanilla and FRESH GREEN PARSLEY !!!!!!!! MMMMM!!!!! Just delicioso!!!! 😀
    Try it some day!! (for a Vitamin C bust!! :D)

    Well…hope to “see” youu on my blog ,Girl!! Really waiting for it!! :DD Really really hah =D

    Oh!! And HOPE for a meeting in POLAND soon =DDDDD !!! 😀

    Enjoy the day!!

  21. TavoLini says

    hahaha–I like running for the same reason, to think through everything. Of course, the other day I did startle some people at the park–I was talking out loud and didn’t realize it. “hmm, most people use mint in tabbouleh, but I think it’d be good with cilantro..(etc)”

    I think I mumbled an entire recipe before I realized what I was doing!

    Great green ice cream–did the peach flavor shine through?

  22. ChocolateCoveredVegan says

    I always loved Olive Oyl. Pluto (or whatever his name was), not so much!


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