I’ll get my New Year’s Eve recap post up tomorrow. Since it’s only 9AM, I haven’t had a chance to write the post yet. Hopefully y’all had an awesome night :).
Instead, today, I’ll gush about the surprise package I received in the mail on Thursday:
Blueberry Muffin Larabars?!
Didn’t even know they were making these! So opening the package was a complete shock. Right off the bat, I liked ‘em, because they’re blue. (Best color!)
I never did a blueberry version of the famous Homemade Larabars. but it could easily be done. Here’s a look at the ingredient list on the Larabar package:
Blueberry Muffin Larabar Ingredients: dates, cashews, blueberries, blueberry juice concentrate, lemon juice concentrate, vanilla extract
And Blueberry Muffin Larabar Nutrition Facts:
Sadly, they weren’t my favorite, taste-wise. But please don’t see this as a slight against the bar. I am biased against all of the Larabars that don’t contain chocolate. 😉
The chocolate Jocalat bars, using my Microwave Brownie Trick, are pretty much the only Larabars I like. (Well, I’ve been warming to the Cookie Dough bars lately, too.)
I’m also not fit to judge these bars because dried blueberries and I don’t get along. At all. But—if it helps—my little sister liked them. She said they tasted like a chewy blueberry cookie. And my mom thinks they’re delicious. Her words: “They really are like blueberry muffins. I want to slather butter on and toast them!” Silly Mommy.
Happy 2011… if you’re even awake to read this!
Mara says
I “liked” your FB page, too. =]
Heather says
Yay! Another Larabar that doesn’t contain almonds! I
am allergic to almonds and there are in sooo many Larabars! I hope they sell this flavour in Canada!
Sarah Courtney says
I am so obsessed with LARABARS! I day dream about getting them and eating them!
YUUM! And making them (well, really, making Babies, I mean your babies, I mean….)
I have not seen this new blueberry flavor! I’d love to test it out! 🙂 nomnom.
Hope I didn’t miss the blueberry boat.
Sarah Courtney
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Entered you!!
Jen P says
This flavor isn’t even listen on the website yet! I LOVE dried blueberries. Can’t wait until these are in the stores!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yeah, their website needs some updating. Makes me wonder if there are any OTHER flavors they’re hiding from us ;).
jen says
I know what you mean about larabars. you know how to make em your own way so buyin the bar seems superfluious. I’m still always down to try their new flavors though 😉
melissa lisik says
I want to try these so bad!
Arielle says
Just catching up on the posts I’ve missed lately, Katie – and man, I wish I had tried this when I was in North America for Christmas, I heart dried blueberries more than I can say!
Catherine says
Love your blog! Also love Larabars with a passion. 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aw thanks so much, Catherine :).
Bryce says
Hi Katie — doesn’t look like you get too many guys posting on your blog, but you sure look pretty hot so I don’t know why? Had somebody throw one of these Larabars at me right off the American Eagle chairlift at Copper Moutain this past weekend. Tried it yesterday and was pretty impressed.
I love blueberry anything, and I’m hiking the Peruvian Andes this Summer for a couple weeks. Looking for a fruit supplement in case the cook’s grub on the trail is only fit for his burros. You wanna throw me a Blueberry Larabar sample? If any good, I might bring a box with me.
You sure are pretty but you also look way to young. OK. Enjoy your chocolate! (if that what this site is supposed to be about.)
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hey Bryce,
Thanks for the sweet comments. You’re right; I don’t get very many male commenters, so it’s always nice to hear from you guys! 🙂
Ryan says
I love blueberries!
Kathy Anderson says
I have been looking for blueberry EVERYTHING because I am battling breast cancer and I know blueberries are a good antioxidant. I can’t wait to try this bar. Thanks so much for this wonderful website! I’m a new follower and so glad I did.
Parvaneh says
I`d like to make the Apple Larbar! I couldn`t find it in your Larbar recipes. 🙁