These are my new favorite homemade Larabars:
Only, they’re not really Larabars at all.
I stumbled upon the recipe while making Hot Fudge Brownie Larabars.
The hot-fudge Larabars used to be my favorite. But their place has now been usurped… by a non-chocolate bar?! Yes, these oatmeal cookie bars are so good I like them better than the chocolate flavors! I’m a disgrace to my chocolate-covered blog.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Larabars
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Larabars

- 1/2 cup raisins (80g)
- 6 tbsp quick oats (30g)
- 1/2 cup raw walnuts (40g)
- 1/8 tsp plus 1/16 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pulverize the oats in a food processor, then add all other ingredients and blend very well. Form into balls or bars. (If you want, you can portion the dough into plastic bags before smushing the bars, so your hands don’t get sticky.) This recipe makes a little over three Larabar-sized (45g) bars. I like to double the recipe—the bars last at least two weeks in the fridge. They can also be frozen. **My recipe always turns out sticky, but a few commenters said theirs turned out dry, which makes me suspect they probably just need to process longer. (If for some reason they are still too dry, add just a tiny bit of water and process again.)
Do you have any favorite “non-chocolate” snacks?
If a certain favorite snack of mine doesn’t have chocolate, it’ll probably either have peanut butter or coconut. But really, most of my favorite snacks have chocolate!
Here’s a list of all the Homemade Larabars Flavors.
Megan says
I have never been the first to comment! I am a little bit excited! I do have favorite snacks without chocolate too…namely fruit smoothies (usually have coconut butter or coconut extract) or edamame and apples with peanut butter. Coconut and nut butters are just too delicious to pass up!
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
I know what you mean- there is a time (RARE) where I like something other than chocolate and things like this hit the spot!
Annie @ Naturally Sweet Recipes says
Delish!! I was so looking forward to the new flavor yesterday. Can’t wait to try this, thanks!
Qi Ting @ A Dessert Diet says
Weirdly, I like cookies that are NOT chocolate flavoured! Weird I know! And oh my God… you never fail to amaze me!!!
Anonymous says
RICE PUDDING!! No raisins please but with cinnamon. mmmm
katie @KatieDid says
one of my favorite on the go snacks is in fact unsweetened chocolate because its so easy to tote around. If I’m snacking at home it’s usually leftovers or yogurt with nut butter… no my leftovers do not include chocolate (usually!). These photos are so gorgeous.
Gen says
awesome!!!!! can’t wait to try this out!
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
yay for gluten free bars!!! I’ll have to give these a try, I’ve been trying to make my own granola bars since there are few gluten and soy free ones, and they start getting expensive!
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
I can’t get over how simple these are to make! As someone who hates doling out a lot of money for granola bars, I am very excited for this recipe!!
Ali @ Peaches and Football says
These look so simple and tasty! I love larabars but they can be pricey to eat every day. Trying to cut back a bit.
I love soft and chewy peanut butter cookies. Ooh and egg nog cookie cutouts with cream cheese in them. NOT healthy but oh so good!
Laura says
Katie! When is your cookbook coming out???!
Andrea says
Holy deliciousness I have to make these! Oatmeal raisin is one of my favorite flavors 🙂 And how simple, too 🙂
nicole {sweet peony} says
ooooh yum! i love anything oatmeal-raisin flavored & i also love larabars. it’s such a good idea to make them at home. anyways, i’m new to your blog & i love it! thanks for sharing katie 🙂
Anna @ The Guiltless Life says
Hahaha: “I’m a disgrace to my chocolate-covered blog”. Love it. You’ll probably come up with an even better chocolate recipe in the not-too-distant future though so I wouldn’t worry! These do look amazing though :).
Claire @ Live and Love to Eat says
These are delicious – I’ve made similar cookie dough balls with a touch of cinnamon… I think cinnamon makes everything better! 🙂
Kit-Kat says
I have lots of favorite non-chocolate snacks. I eat a lot of things from sweet to savory, crunchy to “creamy”, and sour to flavorful things. I do love fruit….. but then again non-choclate granola/power bars are a favorite, and cookies and cereal.
Hey, I was wondering if I could put in a recipe request for you to try and make sometime before the holidays: could you try and re-invent the creme-filled maple leaf sandwhich cookie? The variety carried at Costco has Hydroginated oils, and is very high in fat and calories for one cookie. Trader Joes makes a much better kind, but still, I thought this would be a really yummy cookie to try.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I could try… lol but I have to google it first. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them!
Katie @ says
I am so in love with these right now I can’t handle it. Ghaa I want want want!
– Katie at
Karen, WA state says
gotta be honest here… I this blog for my son and husband. Both love chocolate, one is daibetic and the other has food allergies, so we are always looking for healthy new recipes. I however, am allergic to chocolate, so almost any dessert without chocolate is my favorite…lol. I absolutely love your blog and especially everything chocolate free that I can enjoy too…..
Sarahishealthy says
Your photos just keep getting better and better! And the recipes, too. I made your chocolate fudge larabars for the millionth time just last week :). Will have to try these too!
jo @ includingcake says
yum- sounds good! Photos are gorgeous too! I made a non-chocolate gingerbread variety recently but haven’t put that on my blog yet. The choc orange ones are still my absolute favourite Nak’d bars (the UK version of Larabar) and I’ve been making them for friends cut up into little bite size cubes.
Heather @ Creative Family Moments says
I love Larabars and am always looking for some good GF snacks to put in my son’s lunch. Thanks!
Emilia says
Oh my gosh, I think my jaw dropped a bit when I saw the title. These look fantastic! As soon as I can get my hands on a food processor I’m making them 🙂
My favorite non chocolate snack would have to be something bread related, or coffee if that counts as a snack!
Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says
Hmm well I always feel chocolate larabars > non-chocolate larabars but these look pretty delicious and super easy to make! Not to mention cost-efficient! I’ll have to make these soon!
Hilliary @ Happily Ever Healthy says
Love Larabars! I need to make my own, would be a lot cheaper! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Lou says
They look delish…. hey, you could always dip them in chocolate 🙂
Em says
these look great!!!
Char @ says
Yummy!! I’m totally with you: sometimes, I just don’t want chocolate in my dessert 😛 Not often, but sometimes. My favourite snack is these 5 minute Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie Dough Balls on my blog (also chocolate-less). They’re ALWAYS in the fridge, and Dallas loves them, too!
Anta says
Any nut butter on a spoon straight from the jar! yummy…sometimes granny smith apples double yummy!!
made these today..but used dates because I didn`t have raisins and added some almond butter to make up for the drier dates. Sooo good…I might have eaten the whole batch before it made it to `bar`form.. =)
Sarah @ says
Generally if its non-chocolate then it must include peanut butter!
Kim says
Those look absolutely amazing and exactly what I’ve been looking for! And you are NOT a disgrace to your chocolate blog, you have risen above it! You are secure in your love of chocolate and are not afraid to show your versatility in cooking and blogging 😉
Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says
PEANUT BUTTER!!! yep, thats about it. But unsweetened chocolate is my favorite snack of all time (just like KatieDid above)
And that treat looks so chewy! I really want to sink my teeth in!
Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says
YUM! Oatmeal raisin is one of my fave cookies, and I LOVE Larabars, so I will definitely be making this soon! 😀
Nut butter is probably my other favourite non-chocolate snack…but then again my fave nut butter is Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut haha!
Sarah @ Engineering Deliciousness says
I’d have to say my fav non-chocolate treat has to be oatmeal raisin cookies. So, it’s a sign- I MUST make these larabars. Like now. 🙂
Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats says
We love Larabars, but I hate paying for them. Thanks for this recipe!!!
Aine @ Something to Chew Over says
I LOVE the combination of oats, raisins and walnuts! Yum 🙂
My favourite non-chocolate treats are nut butters, dried fruit and yoghurt.
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
Making these!!! They look fab 😀
Rande @ The Vegetable Centric Kitchen says
I can’t wait to make these, they sound delicious and kind of holiday-ish actually! Nothing beats chocolate for me but I’ve really been into cinnamon lately. and pumpkin pie spice. and anything involving those things 🙂
Albizia says
I am sorry I say this on a chocolate-covered blog but chocolate isn’t always the answer. For me coconut is the magic word. Well, chocolate-covered coconut beats everything 😀
Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says
Yum! I used to love oatmeal raisin Clif bars. Favorite non-chocolate snack? Definitely something with nut butter!
Jess says
Carrots? Not exaggerating at all, I usually make it through 2-3 pounds of them each week.
Lindsay @ biking before bed says
If the self proclaimed queen of chocolate likes these bars, they must be good! My new favorite Larabar flavor is the Key Lime Pie. I normally go for chocolate and peanut butter flavors but the intense lime and coconut flavors blew me away.
Kristi says
Oh boy, these are delicious!! I made them a few minutes ago while waiting for dinner to finish cooking, lol. I love them!! Thank you, Katie!! 🙂
Moni'sMeals says
These work for me! Yum. Love those healthy fats.
To answer your question…if it is not chocolate, than it is vanilla!
Mari says
Hey Katie! Loving this – I made it in the vitamix so it’s much more smooth than in your pictures, but it’s delicious! One thing though, is that it’s a touch too salty for me! I suppose that’s good, though, because it keeps me from eating it all in one sitting. 😉
Thanks for another great recipe!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hmmm… yikes, I’m so sorry! I always forget that not everyone likes salt as much as I do! If you want to save them, just throw more of everything else into the food processor, omitting the salt, and blend it together with the pre-made dough. That way you can salvage the dough and get it to a saltiness you like :).
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
One of the first recipes I ever made when I started blogging was Ani Phyo’s oatmeal raisin cookies which are raw, vegan, GF. I love her cookbooks and these remind me of those. I love the little green ribbon you tied them up with…so cute! 🙂
Leslie says
I was just thinking I need to make a batch of homemade Larabars soon and then I checked my email. You must have read my mind. I just made these and can’t wait to try them tomorrow for my snack. I was very tempted to all some chocolate chips to the mix but it was so warm coming out of the food processor that it probably would have made a melty gooey mess 🙂 I love all Larabar type snacks, chocolate of course, your blondies, peanut or almond butter toast…..the list goes on and on. There is not much I don’t like! PS I plan to make your giant chocolate chip cookie pie for Thanksgiving this year and cannot wait to try it.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oooh I hope you like it!! 🙂
Abby @ Abz 'n' Oats says
These sound fabulous Katie! I want to try and sub pecans for the walnuts due to allergies but FANTASTIC! 🙂
Heather H says
Those Larabars look amazing!! I think all my favorite treats contain chocolate – I love it!
Christine says
My favorite non-chocolate treat is your peanut butter no-bake cookies and the milkshake made with them. Mmmmm – I need some raisins! 🙂
Amanda @Real Food Frugally says
Yummy, I just harvested some black walnuts so I am definitely making these, have everything it was meant to be, Thanks!!
Anonymous says
i was JUST searching for an oatmeal raisin bar recipe last night and am so glad you posted this before i started making one of the other ones i found! can i replace the walnuts with cashews?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Obviously I can’t personally vouch for the taste because I haven’t tried it… but texture-wise it would definitely work!! 🙂
Katie @Nutrition In A Peanut Shell says
-Gasp- No dates?
Oatmeal raisin clif bars are amazing. Perhaps, if you’re feeling a disgrace to your chocolate blog, you can add chocolate an oatmeal-chocolate chip cookie since the raisins are taking the place of the dates?
Aja says
I need to ask for a food processor for christmas so I can make these and several other things on your lovely blog!
Faythe says
I have so many different favorites for indulging in a light snack – cookies, muffins, pie… with a hot cup of coffee, tea or apple cider.
Robin says
Oh my Katie, are you quite sure that you aren’t a fairy from dessert-heaven?
I love having pb+bananas,. it’s delicious, quick, and easy to have on-the-go (though people do look at you rather oddly when eating a pb-smothered banana).
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL dessert heaven? That sounds like a super-fun place!!
Kelly @ Foodie Fiasco says
You’re a genius. I mean, you knew that, but still. 😉
kaila@ healthy helper blog! says
I love larabars! They should totally make this flavor! But I guess they don’t really have to now LOL! I can just make it myself!
Jessica @ Jess Go Bananas says
Last night, after dinner, I usually have my after dinner chocolate-but there was none to be found (very rare!) I didn’t know what to do! lol I settled though in some banana soft serve with cacao nibs! lol still a lil bit of chocolate I squeezed in there!
LizAshlee says
OMG, I cannot wait to make this recipe…and I think I can make it sooner rather than later bc it is so simple…thank you! I love making homemade snack bars!! It a fav!
Michelle @ Blogitness says
My favorite non-chocolate treats would have to be peanut butter, yogurt or apples with caramel dip! Great recipe by the way!
Stephchows says
OMG these look amazing!!!!
Megan says
I wonder if you could make a pumpkin pie lara bar? Or better yet, a chocolate chip pumpkin lara bar? Do you think the pumpkin would spoil?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I did do a pumpkin version once… it was a few years ago (sorry for the old, confusing post!).
LOL it was so long ago that honestly I don’t remember how well it held up! I do remember I liked it at the time, but I don’t remember how I stored them.
Melissa says
These look yummy, but both of my kids have peanut & tree nut allergies. Any suggestions on what I can use instead of the walnuts?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I haven’t tried any other nuts with this recipe, so I can’t vouch for the taste. But texture-wise, at least, any other nut (cashew, almond, etc) will work. Or these are completely nut free:
Selina says
I am SO glad you have some LaraBar “recipes.” I love LaraBars but boy oh boy are they expensive. And your fudge babies? Those are just pop-able LaraBars. And really anything with Fudge in the title HAS to be good!
Jessica says
These look delish! Do they call for dates also?
TeenyLittleSuperChef says
Oh man, these look and sound so delicious. I love Larabars but I definitely don’t love the price each one of those babies are. Thanks for the great recipe. It sounds just like an oatmeal cookie, but without all the yucky sugar and butter. Any chance you’ll make some homemade peanut butter and jelly “Lara”bars? Or have you already and I’m just late in the game?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
You can form my pb cookie dough cookies into larabar form (I usually do that). Maybe sub some of the raisins for dried cherries or other dried berries if you want more of a pbj flavor?
Natalia says
Girl! You are amazing! I see for the first time yours website but I`m loved it!!! You are amazing! I invite you to see my blog 😀
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww thank you! I will!
Kate says
This looks amazing!! Could you use sunflower seeds instead of walnuts? I don’t have any other kinds of nuts and was wondering if this would still work and stick together if I used sunflower seeds.
Colleen says
Omygod, these are so good! So fast, and really close to my favorite oatmeal raisin cookies. I like larabars okay, but the addition of oats makes these much more cookie like, and I like them better!
radioactivegan says
I feel like adding a few chocolate chips to these could not be a bad thing.
Rachel says
these are literally the best things i’ve EVER tried. i LOVE your blog. thank you so much for all your delicious recipes. you are awesome!
Kathleen says
These look SO good! I love your recipes, Katie! 😀
Rachel says
These are AWESOME!!! I threw in crasins and flax seeds as well….sooo delish! Thank you!
Maja says
Works for me! I love these little ones 🙂
ashley says
Not entirely sure what I did wrong here, but these came out so dry that I couldn’t form them into bars. I had to add almond butter to get them to become somewhat wet. maybe next time i will add more raisins. They were still great with the almond butter though. Thanks!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hmmm… maybe the food processor wasn’t strong enough to fully process the raisins or break down the walnuts? That’s all I can think of, because mine are usually SO soft… sometimes even verging on being a little TOO soft from the oily walnuts!
I’m glad you found a way to save them, though!
Becca R. says
I just made these! I rolled them into little fudge baby balls, though. I wanted to make this flavor because they don’t have chocolate in them (WAIT — Let me explain!!!). My mom is allergic to chocolate, poor thing, and she gets terrible migraines if she eats it. I loved the chocolate chip fudge babies so much that I had to use this recipe so she could try one! She loved them, too! I took some pictures, and I thought they were cute enough to share! Here are the links! Hopefully, they work! Oh yeah, I didn’t have walnuts so I used almonds.
Amal says
Nice pictures! How can I post a picture here?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww! They do work! I love the little polka-dot truffle wrappers– so fancy!
This just absolutely made my day! 🙂
Meghan says
LOVE this recipe! thanks!
Linda says
I just made these with dried tart cherries and pecans…yuuuuummmmm! Thanks for the recipe. I love Lara bars but didn’t love paying for them.
Jessy says
Would these be good to take for an excursion? Or what recipe you’d recommend?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sure! 🙂
Wendy says
Today I had an emotional day and ate a whole batch of fudge babies for lunch with a glass of almond milk and don’t even feel bad about it. Looking forward to trying strawberry shortcakes tomorrow for breakfast and many more of your recipes. Genius!
Liz says
Do you have a suggestion for substitutions when there are nuts involved? I’m allergic to all treenuts but can eat peanuts, but sometimes I just don’t like the nut flavor. Any suggestions on what to sub with for this recipe and some of the others that call for nuts?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Here’s my fudge baby flavor without nuts:
Christy says
Katie, I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you also post quantities in grams! I live in England, and will NEVER understand why Americans still fill up all these cups and spoons to measure things out, when all I have to do is put the mixing bowl on my tiny weighing scale and press the zero button whenever I want to add the next thing! Could someone enlighten me?! 😀
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL I know! It would be SO much easier for me if everyone owned a food scale… they are so much more reliable when it comes to measurements :-?. I guess we Americans just *can’t* admit that someone else has a better system! But honestly, your system is so much better ;).
Nikki says
hi katie! one question, do the oats need to be cooked before they are pulverized? all I have is steel-cut, hope those will work instead of quick!
Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe says
Homemade larabars are one of my new favorite things. These look wonderful! I love oatmeal raisin cookies, so if I can enjoy a similar treat guilt-free, I am all over it!
Amanda says
made these tonight along with the Girl Scout larabars as well, so good. Wondered if you could add flaxseed meal to these Oatmeal Raisin ones? Loved the oats, but thought it would be great if I could sneak some flax seed into them too?? Or substitute that for the oats?? Love your site!!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I’m sure you could add them in too… Why not? 🙂
Patty Fischer says
You are a GENIUS! I eat a Larabar everyday for a snack at work. Today, I couldn’t wait to open my homemade oatmeal raisin “larabar!” These things are unreal, Katie! Thank you so much!
Laura says
These were awesome! I added a healthy pinch of cinnamon and toasted the walnuts first to enhance their flavor. I wasn’t sure this would work with a Vitamix but it did and now I’m looking forward to trying your other fudge baby/larabar recipes. Thanks for spicing up my snack routine. 😀
Marianne Kenney says
I would love to eat these Larabars but alas am severely allergic to tree nuts. I can have the peanut ones but not the others! Not sure what I can substitute for the tree nuts. Any suggestions?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Try the Samoas larabars. No nuts! 🙂
Sara says
Hey! First of all, your recipes are delicious! I have tried a few of them and have been thrilled with the results so far. I did, however, want to let you know that this (and a few other recipes under Gluten-Free) is not quite gluten free because of the oats. Oats in themselves are technically gluten free, but, more times than not, they are processed with wheat and there is enough contamination to consider them unsafe for those with Celiac or a gluten intolerance. Uncontaminated oats can be found in certain countries…unfortunately, America is not one of those.
Sorry to be a Debbie downer, but I thought you might want to know. =)
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Sara,
Actually there ARE brands of oats that are certifid gluten-free. Bob’s Red Mill, for example, makes a brand. Look in the gf section of most health-food stores :).
Angela says
Rice Crispy marshmallow treats! They are my weakness! And when I make them I add just a pinch of cinnamon, it’s my secret ingredient! YUM!!! 🙂
Christina says
These are AMAZING!! I can’t stop eating them 🙂
Kathy A. says
Love the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Larabars. Made them for the first time tonight and they were delicious. I am new to your site and am looking forward to making more of your recipes. Thank You!!!!
Lily says
Just made these in my little food processor. I pulverize the oatmeal, took it out.
mixed the raisins and walnuts add a splash of cinnamon
the dough just formed a ball all by itself, add the oatmeal back
it just worked like magic…
definetly gonna make this again
may be with more spice *nutmeg, cinnamon….
Natalie says
These turned out really well, I won’t be buying them again. I shaped them into five bars which makes their nutrition – 196 kcal, 9.2g fat of which 0.8g saturates. 24.3g carbs of which 9.9g sugars and 3.7g fiber. (multiply by 5 and divide by the number of pieces you made) They’re maybe a bit small this way but perfect for an energy kick which is what I wanted! Thanks for the recipe Katie!
Rebecca Boot says
Hi, I don’t have any quick oats- would this work with rolled oats instead or would it be too tough?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sorry, I’ve not tried it so I don’t know.
Rebecca Boot says
ahh okay. I’ll give it a go when I have the energy and let you know how it works
Jules says
i could only find craisins in my house, do you think those would work/taste as good?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Adele says
I am interested in your recipe for oatmeal raisin larabars
you do not instruct any cooking time. do you bake these cookies ?
please reply .
Thank you
Alanna says
No baking necessary! Just blend, Squish together into whatever shape you like, and you’re done! 🙂
Sunflower says
Would these work with cranberries? I’m not sure because they are’t quite as juicy as raisins.
Sunflower says
Sorry, just saw someone else already asked the same question. i think I’ll make them with dates and then add the cranberries after pulverizing everything 🙂
Bethany says
These are soooo good! I don’t know how, but they almost taste buttery!
Emily says
My favorite Larabars are Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, Banana Nut, and Cashew Cookie, but the sugars don’t do so well with me. I’d love to know how to make these versions without sugar, but I don’t know the full ingredients. Do you have any suggestions?
Alanna says
Katie’s homemade Larabars and fudge babies use dates or raisins as the only sugar source (and the base to hold everything together), so you could play around with one of her existing recipes and just modify the nuts or add other fruits in addition to get the flavors you want. Hope that helps!
Jess says
Hi Katie! I recently discovered your blog (and just started my own) and I love it. I just made these and they are amazing! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes.
Alanna says
Yummy! I didn’t have quick oats so I pulverized my rolled oats a bit longer and it turned out fine. Mine aren’t as pretty since I used golden raisins (everything is all one color) but they sure taste good! To all those who said it came out dry: it’s going to look kind of dry/crumbly straight out of the food processor, but if you transfer to a baggie and squish everything together, it should form a ball of dough. The first time I made a fudge baby/Larabar recipe (the German chocolate fudge bites) I thought it looked kind of like dirt and wasn’t sure how that was going to make balls, but it does!
Diane says
I began to makes these and got worried they looked dry and didn’t realize til it was too late I didn’t need it.. I added a small amount of coconut spread and instead of vanilla I used almond extract. I didn’t have any vanilla. Oh my chickens! Sooo good! Thanks!I want to try the cookie pie!
Sarah says
I just made these and as I sampled a bite, the words out of my mouth were “Are you freaking kidding me?” Except I might not have used the word “freaking”.These are so so so good! I added chai spice and they turned out so well. Thanks Katie!
Christine says
OMG. … O.M.G! I used cranberries instead of raisins … best thing I’ve ever eaten and they definitely top my former favorite (UK-brand) nut-fruit-bars!! Also had a problem with the mix being too dry and added some coconut oil but they still turned out SO GOOD. Will try hints given here next time. THANK YOU KATIE FOR THIS BLOG!!
Jenny says
These were really dry for me but once I added about a teaspoon of agave they stuck together ok.
Lyndy says
I just made these. I substituted dried blueberries and almonds (because I didn’t have raisins or walnuts). So Yummy! It was really easy forming them into “bars” using the baggie method. Thanks! Now off to try some other yummy recipes. 🙂
Samantha says
OH MY GOODNESS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I made these this morning and between me and my two daughters; they are gone. Now, a few hours later I’ve just made a triple batch! I cannot believe how much I love these things!!! I’m hoping we will have some left when my husband gets home! I’m already thinking I’m going to make these as part of my food baskets for Christmas gifts! THANK YOU for this! I am so happy to have just found your blog recently!
Amber says
These are delicious!
I used banana chips instead of walnuts in mine w a touch of cinnamon. Very good!
Margarete says
I love these! Tonight i used almonds and a 5 oz. package of mixed dried berries (cranberries, cherries, and blueberries from Aldi ‘s. I did not use vanilla but used some organic blue agave. Excellent!
Diana says
I just found your blog today and tried this recipe. After making it, I immediately made a second batch. They’re fantastic! Perfect for me to grab before hitting the gym in the morning or just as a mid-afternoon snack. I look forward to trying more of your recipes, they all look delish. Thanks!
Lorraine says
Thanks, Katie! I will try that next time:)
Jo says
Im glad I found your page. Thank you for sharing these wonderful and yummy recipes. These are the kind of deserts I love! 🙂
Kam says
I just made these and they are absolutely delicious!! I toasted the walnuts and added cinnamon to the recipe. Wow, so incredibly good!! Thank you so much for the recipe. I can’t wait to make them again 🙂
Jacqui says
mmmh I made these but opted for hazelnuts instead of walnuts. they’re amazing!! thanks so much for the recipe!
Kacy says
Is there anything you would suggest for someone who has a tree nut allergy. What could I use in place of all the walnuts in some of your recipes? Sunflower seeds? Any advice would be helpful. Your blog looks so delicious!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Try the samoas fudge babies! Or the mounds bar babies or coconut cookie dough babies 🙂
Aislynn says
I have been relentless about your website, Katie! I have made your banana doughtnuts (made in a loaf pan but still heavenly) and I made your coconut chocolate oameal for brekkie this weekend and it, too, was divine! My bf and I are trying to eat better but without sacrificing taste or sweets, so your website is #1 on my favs bar (and he doesn’t know that I’m making mostly vegan/vegetarian stuff!).
I try to give my bf fruits and veggies every day, and I was using LaraBars to help soothe his “middle of the day” sweet tooth, but after finding your recipes and finding the “real” LaraBar recipes on the web, I’d rather make them myself! Thank you SO much for all your yummy recipes!
Laura says
Katie, I made these today…WOW! YUMMO! One question I have is how to make them into pretty bars? The dough is so sticky, I’m not sure how you made such pretty squares for your pictures!!! thank you
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Put dough–the amount for a bar–in a plastic bag and smush and form a bar while inside the bag :).
Chris says
After much mulling on this concept, I think there should be a Christmas flavor… I want to try dried cranberries with a tiny addition of orange oil, still keeping a tiny bit of vanilla…..but want to include some white chocolate. This may require some experimentation between recipes…..but I HAVE to find the right combo! Any suggestions?
jill says! just made these this morning – i had just enough quick oats left to make a batch, and i substituted cashews for walnuts (because i avoid walnuts). i was happy to see a recipe with raisins as the sweetener, too. and although i’m a total chocolate lover, sometimes it’s nice to have a non-chocolate treat. although i wasn’t sure at first if my “dough” was going to work, when i started handling it (i made balls, rather than bars, so i could share more easily), it all came together quite nicely.
and since it worked so well, and i did have rolled oats in the cabinet, i experimented again with a slightly different batch, using the rolled oats, and then adding the raisins and cashews… but oops, not quite enough cashews left, so i added a tiny bit of peanut butter to it, and then i found some tiny bits of the chocolate chips i made the other day (from your recipe!) – more like chocolate shavings that were left at the bottom of the bag, and not too many – so i tossed those in, as well… and… they also came out totally YUMMMMMMY!
thank you so much for all these wonderful, healthier treats! i’m so excited to have found your site!
AJ says
I made these with dried cranberries instead of raisins and they turned out really tasty. I had to add a little extra of the cranberries so the mixture would hold together into balls though – about 1 1/2 T extra. Yum!
Jeannifer says
microwave / oven?
Priscilla says
none. once blended you eat!
Amy says
I bought from Whole Foods the other day Spiced Ginger Detox Raw Bars with the ingredients:
What measurements would you recommend for each ingredient? I need to recreate them!
Kim says
What brand of quick oats do you recommend? Thanks!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
I recall her mentioning before that she uses Quaker.
Kim says
Can you please tell me what brand of quick oats you recommend? Thanks!
Erin says
I just made these and I love how easy they are! They taste good (my 3 kiddos love them) so a keeper for sure! I made them try one BEFORE I told them what was in them. 😉 Do these sit out well, or do they need to be kept cold?
Priscilla says
wow. i can’t even begin to explain how good this is. wow. just try it. whoever you are. (i did almonds and cashews instead of walnuts cause i don’t have any)
Grace says
Hi Katie! these caught my attention and I’ve made them and put them on my blog, but I added in cinnamon and used unsweetened golden raisins instead! Thanks so much for the recipe 🙂 love your blog
Alaina says
I just made these and they are fabulous! I ended up doubling the recipe. Since I’m not crazy about raisins but needed the sticky ness I only used 1/4 cup an d then added 1/4 cup dates and 1/2 cup cranberries. They were perfect! Thanks Katie 🙂
Jana White says
I tripled this recipe and added ground flax, cinnamon, egg white protein powder and some water to stick it together as mine didn’t combine well without the added water. I also added some small dark chocolate chips and I cooked these little balls for 6 minutes in a 350 degree oven since I added the water. YUM! Thanks so much! My vegan daughter loves them!!!!!! As I can have no wheat, I also love these little gems!
Brandy says
This was good! But the raisin flavor seemed to strong, I guess you can say. Maybe I didn’t put enough salt? Or maybe I should reduce the raisins? It was a tad bit sour.
Zoe says
I didn’t have any nuts on hand so I used coconut flakes in place of the walnuts – they turned out delish. Thanks so much for this recipe!! 🙂
beryl518 says
If you truly want to make these gluten free you need use certified gluten free oats. Just regular oatmeal may have been contaminated with gluten in the processing.
Marla Berry says
The walnuts you use are they English walnuts or black walnuts?
Vikki says
Made the Oatmeal Raisin Larabars today and really like them! I’m not a huge fan of walnuts and realize you could use any nut but wanted to make them as written the first time around. Excited about trying some other variations 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Vikki says
Made again today using dried cranberries in place of raisins…same calories….husband likes this variation better…i like both!
BakeMeABallerina says
As a fruit and nut Larabar this was very good! But the walnut flavor was a little overpowering for me. Do you know if walnuts are milder when they are fresher? I have had these walnuts for some time now….
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Yup, walnuts can definitely go rancid. It’s best to keep them in the fridge… and taste one before using, as rancid walnuts are awful!
Carol W. says
I doubled recipe and used 1/2 raisins and 1/2 dried figs… yum. Also, spread a little melted almond bark layer on to hold them together better and makes them prettier. Doesn’t add much in the way of calories. 🙂 Thanks for all these great recipes.
Ruth Wooten says
sounds soooo gooood. Can’t wait to try them Was looking for something as crunchy and healthy as “the other ones”. Thanks. Will rreply when done !
Debbie says
I am new to you site and this is the first recipe I have tried. They are really good and so easy! Thanks for sharing your recipes with the world!
Katharine says
I made this and all I have is a bowl of dry ingredients. Well, slightly damp. But it seems this recipe is missing an ingredient like honey or something. Help!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
It’s definitely not missing an ingredient, as many other commenters have made the recipe successfully. It could be that your measurements are slightly off, which can happen if you use cup measurements and the cups are not the same size. Try adding a tbsp of water to the food processor and that should fix it right up! Also be sure to check out CCK’s troubleshooting page at
Amy in Toronto says
I got cocky with this recipe and decided to make it in my Nutribullet instead of my old, trusty food processor and I burnt out the motor of my Nutribullet (may she RIP). On the bright side, these Larabars are delicious and a fantastic pre or post-workout snack. I’ve replaced my Nutribullet with a new one and will be using my archaic food processor from now on to make your fudge babies and Larabars. *hee hee*
As a Canadian, have you ever had butter tarts? These, I think, would be an awful challenge to convert to a healthier version, but I dream of a healthy, crustless butter tart.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I haven’t… I will have to google them! 🙂
Cassie says
I can’t wait to make these! The only type of non-chocolate infused cookie I like is oatmeal raisin… and this is MUCH healthier and basically an acceptable snack or healthy dessert 🙂
Philip Dunn says
I tried to make these. Epic fail. There is nothing to hold them together. It’s just healthy crumbs, which I will happily eat with yogurt for breakfast. But I don’t know what you use to hold them together.
Cass Martinez says
I added a few more raisins and REALLY squished together…they turned out a bit sweet for me, I’m going to keep playing with the recipe and try to make my “perfect” version of oatmeal raisin Clif bars.
Mandy says
These are my favorite. I make them ALL the time now. I live on a very tight budget and the ingredients are always in my pantry, so that is a big bonus since I cant always buy the ingredients in some vegan/raw recipes.
Thank you! (As I pop a bite in my mouth 🙂
Mandy says
Hi Lara, I just made a no nut version of these for my three year old. They will be great for Kindy. Thank you. Do you think you could freeze them?
Rachel says
Does this have to be made with quick oats? Of course I only happen to have old fashioned and steel cut oats. I would love to make these for a co-worker who is gluten free and we both love lara bars.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
I would think it could work with rolled.
Becka says
I substituted raisins for packaged cranberries and my mixture wasn’t sticky at all. I had to add a splash of almond milk to get it moist enough to form. Is there something I did wrong?
Heidi says
Just made these; LOVE them! My raisins were a bit…aged (read: dried out), so I added a little natural peanut butter to make the mix sticky enough. SO very good. Katie – you never cease to amaze me with your recipes. THANK YOU!
Jen says
These look super yummy! But am I missing something here? What keeps them together. The only liquid is the vanilla.
diane says
Just made these in my Magic Bullet and turned out great.
I was thinking they would be good with a bit peanut butter also a bit of unsweetened coconut. So easy and nutritious.
Wendy says
Just made these, so simple, easy and taste good too 🙂
Neetu says
What binds all the ingredients here.
Jenn says
Just made these and they were DELISH! One question though, mine came out a bit crumbly. I substituted pre-chopped dates (they were drier than sun maids medjool dates) for the raisins because that’s all I have on my hands at the moment… money can be tight as a college student. Any suggestions on how to make them more moist? Thanks, I loooove this website <3
Joanna says
All these recipes for Larabars sound great, but what can I use instead of walnuts? I usually deal with my nut allergy by simply cutting the nuts out, but the walnuts here are too much of a main ingredient to cut. Are peanuts a good substitute even in the non-peanut butter recipes?
Audrey says
I love your food!!! I love making the larabars (I just can’t stop eating them). I made the oatmeal raisin cookie bars today (omit salt, add pumpkin pie spice), and the coconut cream bars..NOM NOM!!!! 😀
Dana says
Hi Katie! When you say “pulverize the oats” is the end result essentially equivalent to oat flour (I have some on hand.)? Or is it supposed to be a little chunky-ish? I have a vitamix and a kitchen aid blender. The vitamix guy told me (I imagine he knows what he is talking about!) that OTHER blenders (my kitchen aid probably) are essentially large food processors and food processors are little blenders. Do you agree? So … do you suppose pulverizing the oats in a blender will work the same as a food processor??? Thanks 🙂
Farah says
These are amazing! I doubled the recipe and used my small cookie scoop to make 16 portions. I ended up eating 2 right away out of amazement! I have the rest in the fridge. I’ll have to hold myself back from these pieces of heaven!
To the person who said it didn’t hold together- keep mixing until it does. My kids were annoyed because I had the food processor going for a while to get the right consistency, but it was well worth it. They all agreed:)
lightbrownbear says
I may be the only person with this problem but mine turned out all crumbley–so I pressed batch into bottom of 8×8 pan and put in fridge–hoping that will allow me to cut into bars? Otherwise, not sure what to do–maybe my ingredients were too dried out.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Add a little water to the crumbles and reprocess. Sounds like you just got too dry dates is all. Water will work!
Sheyh says
I can’t believe this is the first time i’ve seen this blog! Thank you pinterest because I have clearly been missing out! I just finished making these and oh boy are they ever good.. with that being said, my poor magic bullet and blender had a very hard time pulverizing the doubled recipe. So I thought as a note for anyone else who doesn’t own a food processor, I thought I would mention that adding a bit of unsweetened apple sauce in at the end made any parts the blender mix bind together much easier (:
Hannah says
I tried these out and was impressed. I actually didnt expect them to be that great but they were tasty and so easy. I added a little cinnamon and used almonds instead of walnuts. They’re really sticky though so I stored them between parchment paper.
karen says
Katie these are fabulous. I have been making them off and on since January. How can I get them a little harder? More bar like and less soft? I like to form the dough into cookies for my kids but I had this idea that if they could be rolled or pressed into maybe crushed nuts that they might be less sticky to pick up, and more solid. Got any ideas for a “roll through?
I really enjoy your blog, my daughter and I have bonded over it. We are trying so hard to dump sugar and white flour but it takes so much more effort on my part.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
They are supposed to be soft. If you wish for a harder bar, check out Katie’s Copycat Nature Valley Granola Bars recipe.
Julie says
These are yummy perfection–seriously perfection.
Ro says
Why are you not on IG, sweetness? Thank you for this recipe. It is healthy, easy and oh so good! Happy Kale Day!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I actually AM now on ig 🙂
Gracie says
Hi Katie,
I LOVE your larabar recipes. Do you have any suggestions for substitutions for nut-free bars? My kids attend a school which has a “nut free” food policy. Could seeds work? Which do you think would be best?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
You could always try sunflower seeds, and if you do, be sure to report back with results!
Otherwise, try some of Katie’s other granola bar recipes:
Caitlyn says
These were absolutely delicious! I used lightly salted almonds instead of walnuts and just omitted the salt.
J says
Am I missing something? What makes them stick together?
Star says
I was going to ask the same thing! Can someone please tell me what helps stick them together?
Roni A. says
Katie, I searched Google for “healthy breakfast pastries” and found your Larabar recipe and made it immediately. I wanted something for my hubby that would satisfy his sweet tooth while providing nourishment in the morning. These Larabars are DELICIOUS! Even my extremely picky 26-year-old raved about them. I admit I didn’t have all the ingredients so I varied ever so slightly, i.e. cashews in place of walnuts. And I made LaraBalls instead of bars, which you suggested. I will be making these for a long time, I can tell. You made me a success tonight. Thank you!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Than YOU for making them!!
Sarah says
I love this website and I am going to start with the Oatmeal Larabar. Katie, you have done an amazing job. I love chocolate so much that I wanted to start writing reviews of all chocolate stores, and now I will try all your chocolate recipes and write reviews of them too. You are soooo chocokatie!!
Wendy says
Mine turned out very dry to…Instead of adding water which I think would detract from it, I added more raisins and it turned out fine.
Jessica says
I recently tried a larabar recipe and with the two cups making up the majority of the recipe I was really turned off. This seems like a better alternative in my search of building a healthy recipe book for our family. Thanks for sharing!
Arielle says
OMG!!!! The oat and raisin ones are absolutely fantastic and my family are going crazy for them, thank you so much for the recipe! However I did have to put a little switch on mine as they did come out a little dry at first and didn’t stick but I simply added 2 dates and they were just perfect xxx
Grace says
Love this recipe! I make it definitely at least once a month. I just posted a blog for them as well using almonds instead and linked back to you. Thanks!
Sam says
I just made these! I only added a dash of salt (which I think I’ll omit next time) and I used raw cashews (since I don’t like walnuts). I made them into balls (and mini balls for my toddler). They were a hit!
Note: I used my food processor instead of my Vitamix and I needed to process longer than I thought I would need to (probably 2-3 minutes). The trick is that the mixing sounds different once the mixture is sticky enough. One could also check the stickiness intermittently.
Yuvia Maldonado says
All Peoples of the World!!!! Try these bars!!! I made them yesterday and they are just Beyond delicious!!
Jen says
Thanks for the recipe. These were super easy and quick to make. I made them in a Vitamix instead of a food processor and it worked beautifully. I didn’t have raisins, so used dried cranberries (which isn’t as healthy since they have added sugar) and also threw in a handful of chia seeds. Delish! Can’t wait to try your other varieties.
Natalie says
Weeeeell you can’t just sub out half of the walnuts with almonds! Ha! I needed some handbag energy bars and didn’t have enough walnuts. It was too dry but I added more raisins to get it to stick together and made 4 bars. Still tastes good
Jacqueline says
After mixing do i put in refrigerator to set?
Erica Metz says
Yummmmm I just made these this morning and subbed fresh cardamom for the cinnamon. Very tasty. This plus a hard boiled egg will make a nice breakfast. Thanks!!
Molly says
Would you please give us the nutritional information for these? They are just what I have been looking for.
Thank you!
LL says
I found these to be a tad dry. The flavor is good though.
Kim says
Would it work to make these with rolled oats rather than quick oats?
Cathy Secondo says
I made these exactly as written and they were good. I made these again and added 5 dates, used only 1 T raisins, 1 t cinnamon, 1 T egg white powder(for protein), and 1 t coconut oil. They were amazing!!