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Peanut Butter Babies

These healthy treats taste like eating peanut butter cookie dough!


(Above, chocolate peanut butter babies)

Peanut Butter Babies
(Makes 120 grams, which is a tiny bit more than the size of two Larabars)

  • 1/4 cup roasted, salted peanuts (30g) (I use roasted-unsalted, and I add about 1/8 tsp plus 1/16th tsp salt.)
  • scant 2/3c dates (80g) (I use SunMaid, because they’re super-soft.)
  • 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • Optional: chocolate chips or cocoa powder

Blend the ingredients in your food processor (I used a Magic Bullet short cup).  Smush into bars, roll into balls, or use cookie cutters!  These peanut butter fudge baby bars taste divine warmed up a little in the microwave.  Oh who am I kidding?  They taste divine ANY way you choose to eat them.

Pb’s brothers and sisters:

  1. Add dried banana for Elvis Babies
  2. Dip in chocolate for Buckeye Babies
  3. Other dried fruit for Pb&J Babies
  4. Add chocolate chips or cocoa for Chocolate PB Babies

Click to see all of my Homemade Larabar Recipes.

Published on October 30, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Christine says

    YUM! I made these with 2 T cocoa powder and 1 oz unsweetened chocolate. They are soooo good! Thanks for the recipe! 🙂

  2. Erin says

    Hi Katie,
    I got the ingredients to make these but I’m wondering about the addition of chocolate… you say that cocoa powder or chocolate chips can be added to make it chocolatey, but how do you think it would turn out with hot chocolate mix?
    Thanks for all your awesome recipes. 🙂

  3. Lena says

    Hi Katie!
    I came across your blog ages ago but lost the link, and came across it again recently and I just wanted to say… I’m in love. I’m not vegan nor is anyone in my family, but I love your recipes! I’ve always been pretty open-minded about what kind of recipes I make so it wasn’t too hard to win me over, but I’ve actually gotten my father, who is definitely harder to persuade to try vegan/more “unusual” ways, to love your blog too. I’ve already made the deep dish cookie pie to great success (making it again this weekend), and I just made these chocolate peanut butter balls and they’re just… amazing. I haven’t yet decided whether I like them more warm or cold (I know, serious business) but either way they’re soooo good. And the fact I’ve converted my dad as well is just more proof. 😉 (He’s actually willing to go out and buy tofu for the chocolate fudge pie! Big deal considering tofu is not something often seen in this household…)
    Anyway, just wanted to say thank you! I’ve already started using the voluminous oatmeal every day (admittedly it doesn’t work as well for me as it does for you – for some reason it’s still somewhat liquidy in the morning – but it’s still tasty and more filling than any other breakfast I typically eat!) and I’ve bookmarked plenty of other recipes I intend to try soon. 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Aww, Lena, your comment meant SO much to me!

      And lol about the tofu… that pie is actually how I got one of my ex-boyfriends to finally stop dissing tofu. He tried the pie and said it was awesome… then I told him it had tofu. He refused to believe me. 😉

  4. Yvonne McCord says

    I just made these for the first time. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE them and they are so easy. I so appreciate your sharing your love of baking and doing healthily so people like me can make what you create and share it with my friends and family. THANK YOU!!!

  5. Lily says

    I also just made these and wanted to tell you they are amazing!! I was going to make the samoa version, but realized too late that I didn’t have coconut on hand. But these were perfect because I am a choco-peanut fanatic! Good job on these awesome recipes. I can’t wait to try new varieties.

  6. Karyn says

    I just sold both kids on these!!! Thank you!!!! We are trying to ditch sugar and starch, and my kids are programmed for an after dinner treat. They just snarfed these, and how EASY they were to make! Both begged for seconds and for them to appear in lunches tomorrow! I am thrilled!!

  7. Julia says

    Hi Katie,
    Just thought you would like to know that your recipe has made its way to India and the locals approve 🙂 I have a teaching job here, and this is my go-to dessert since dates and peanuts are cheap and I don’t have an oven. An Indian coolie delivered something to my house today, and it’s customary to give water and a treat instead of a monetary tip. I didn’t think I had any snacky stuff to give him… but wait! I went to the freezer and popped out some fudge babies. He looked at them questionably and gestured to his mouth to make sure they were actually food… and he LOVED them! Big smile, wanted more. Thanks for the internationally-enjoyed recipe 🙂

  8. Jamie says

    I am having the hardest time finding sun maid dates! Also what coco powder do you use they look so dark and chocolatier than mine. Btw your no sugar added sweets has helped my junk food junkie Gf detox off sugar!!! I’m hoping a pure eating lifestyle will slow her lupus.

  9. Allie says

    uh oh! the wee little food processor spun and spun and squealed and broke. oops…. any recommendations on an acceptable cheap one?

  10. MOna Sigler says

    In Canada, wed can get pitted, pressed dates in a package that is almost like carmel when youtake it out. Sooooo easy and less expensive than buying dates. I make fudge babies and now squares all the time!!!!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I know she’s said before that she uses Whole Foods brand or Enjoy Life. Ghirardelli gold packages are good as well.

  11. Javonni says

    Just tried these. Loved them. I was just going to eat a part, ended up eating the whole thing. Need to go exercise now.

  12. Capt. ManPants says

    Katie, i’m going to have to be honest with you..

    I’m having your babies.

    The tests came back, and the results were definitive.


  13. Randalyn Kiltz says

    Love these and the fudge babies. They are great for trips and for that chocolate craving without eating too much. How many calories in each. Can’t find the info here.

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