Hi Chocolate-Cream Pies!
I hope you all liked the Peanut Butter & Jelly Fudge.
Today, I’m stepping away prying myself away from the peanut butter… but not for long! Bright and early next week, I’ll post the recipe for those pb&j blondies. This past week, in between peanut butter posts, I was fixing up the “faves” page, not only adding more recipes to my own faves, but also adding a reader-favorites’ section. From the new page:
These are a few of your favorite things…
For more of your favorite recipes—including fudge babies, single-lady cupcakes, and voluminous ice cream—see my blog’s right sidebar.
Nicole says
I actually just recently found your blog… But I most definitely will be trying your recipes! 🙂
Katherine says
I made the raspberry cobbler bar one time. Except made it with blueberries. It was amazing, everyone loved them. I made it for a potluck, I was the only vegan/vegetarian. Everyone ate them…all of them.
michelle says
My 13 yr old daughter can’t get enough of your blueberry pancakes and I love how healthy they are for her!
Jess says
yes, i have in fact, tried all of those, and liked them. i guess there’s more chocolate on the rest of the list. 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Haha readers seem to like the fruit recipes or sprinkle recipes. MY favorites (fudge daddies, raw fudge cake, chocolate chip oatmeal) are more chocolate-y ;).
Kat @ Cupcake Kat says
I’m pretty sure you already know that I have tried many of your recipes! I really want to try your blondies
Ashley C says
Great job on fixing up the recipes page and blogroll!! I have tried quite a few of your recipes and may i say yo have officially shown me that you can be vegan and eat more than just veggies all the time. Actually youve shown me I can still eat alot of my favorite foods and still be healthy!! It really helped me form a much healthier relationship with food and healthy fats!! The first recipe i ever tried and my favorite still today is the volumous oatmeal!!! I love all the flavors!! I also love the healthy icecreams and milkshakes!! I cant wait to try some of the blondies and experiment with some of your bean recipes!! Keep those yummy recipes coming!!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww I’m so glad!! When I first was looking into becoming vegan, I didn’t think I could do it… I thought you had to give up chocolate! Oh the horrors ;).
kaila @ healthyhelper says
I looooove your single serve strawberry shortcake muffins!! And your lemon poppyseed muffins! Both are incredible!
Dolce says
I just tried your melted banana trick and voluminous oatmeal trick this morning. DEFINITELY will be repeating! 🙂 I am not even vegan, or a full veg for that matter, but now I see that vegan food CAN indeed be fun and yummmiliciousssss <3 Because of you, I think I will be starting my own blog! Thank you so so much Katie, keep up the great work girl!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thank YOU for your sweet words… and good luck if you decide to start a blog!!!
tracey says
Love the single serve cookies and not guilty cookies. I made the the PB cookies with almond butter, stevia baking blend and earth balance! They were yummy! I notice the stevia baking blend makes my baked goods a little more crumbly, but still yummy. I have a recipe substitution question if you have a chances 🙂 …I have a cookie recipe that calls for 1/2 cup of maple syrup which I would like to reduce, but because it is a liquid I don’t want to mess up the consistency…I was thinking make up the difference with applesauce and/or nondairy milk. I welcome your suggestions!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Honestly, I really don’t know! I have to experiment for each individual recipe because each one is different… also, I’m not a trained chef, so I don’t really know the ins and outs of baking very well. I’m sure a real chef could probably tell you exactly what you have to add/subtract to get the right texture. But for me, I just have to experiment!Good luck, though!
Lyza says
The chocolate chip dip and the strawberry pancakes look to-die-for. Honestly, upon first looking at these photos, my impulse is, “I can’t eat that,” because I still sometimes unfortunately have this very wrong tic in my head that anything so scrumptious looking couldn’t be vegan.
LUCKILY this couldn’t be further from the truth, and I’m so pleased your website is the banner of that truth for all omnivores out there who have this mindset!! I am constantly recommending your site because your recipes are so easy and yet make such tasty things. 🙂 They show it’s not hard at all to make a vegan food that looks and tastes just as scrumptious or better than any foods with animal products in them.
I have made “babies” before 😛 LOL but I did an improper job and they didn’t want to mold into little ball shapes like I’d hoped, so I just ate the concoctions straight out of my magic bullet’s cup 🙂
Lyza says
Oh and I’ve also made the cake batter smoothie and done the fluffy oatmeal trick! 🙂 Oops. Well I’ve been reading so long, that really I forget!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh Lyza, you are the SWEETEST!!! Well, you and chocolate. It’s a tie ;).
Megan says
You’re a big inspiration to me Katie! You’re beautiful and make all the creations you make beautiful as well … plus you make eating vegan a lot more easy with the recipes ^_~
I’ve tried many of your recipes and love them all. Some of the ones I like the most are the Snickerdoodle dip, Breakfast Pizzert, Raspberry Cobler bars, and the Deep-Dish Cookie Pie.
I look forward to seeing more of your amazing recipes 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh my goodness, thank you so much!!
Rachel (tea and chocolate) says
I’ve tried tons of your recipes even before I started my blog! Everything you make is simple and doesn’t need weird ingredients, so it’s easy to just pop into the kitchen and whip something up. 🙂
My favorites: cinnamon raisin oatmeal, agar pudding, fudge babies, cake batter milkshake, pizzerts
I’m going to make the blondies soon!
Nathalie says
I actually JUST tried out your mushroom stroganoff (I’m late to the party, I know!)
I talked about it here: http://nmmumaw.blogspot.com/2011/07/kind-of-weird-japanese-food-shirataki.html
It was really, really good. And I liked the boozy edge using mirin gave it. I think I may try adding in a pinch of brewer’s yeast next time for a more powerful, funky flavor.
One of your recipes that I make most often is the single-lady cupcake, though I make the recipe a smidge bigger so it’s a single lady cake instead! I usually eat it with coconut butter, which you also introduced me to (a thousand thanks for that) (actually, just thanks in general!)
Sam says
I only recently stumbled across your blog, and the very first recipe I tried out was the cake batter milkshake. It was awesome! (though I may have un-vegan-ified it)
However, I am currently smitten with your vegan fudge recipe. I made the coconut banana butter for some sweet potato and beet hash I whipped up. And now I’m waiting for some cherry almond (+ hint of cardamom) fudge to finish setting in the fridge. It barely made it in. And my girlfriend was super stoked to find out about the pumpkin version. Her favorite candy shoppe carries pumpkin fudge during the winter months, but she’s been passing on it as it contains ingredients she no longer eats. I had been thinking of ways (like, for the past two years) to make it utilizing the foods she does eat, and this fits the bill! So thanks!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
That makes me SO happy! Oh, and you reminded me I need to make the pumpkin version again. I always seem to forget about pumpkin in the summer… kinda like your gf’s favorite candy shoppe! Poor pumpkin! 😉
Joyce @ Jranola Joyce says
MUST try all of these 🙂
your creativity is astounding!
Monisia says
Great blog;) I like it!
Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says
That picture of the milkshake is awesome!! And I love your single lady cupcakes and blueberry pie pancakes!
Victoria @ Pursuit of Hippieness says
Your cake batter milkshake was the first of your recipes I ever tried… needless to say, I’ve been hooked ever since 🙂
Steffany says
Cake batter milkshakes are one of my all time favorite things too !!!!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww yay 🙂 🙂
Sarah says
I would LOVE it if you made like a chocolate spread! Something that would be good on toast, or something like that! I adore chocolate also, but i don’t really like nutella.
Sarah says
And i have tried like ALL your oatmeal recipes! I want to try a lot of your other recipes too, but i haven’t had a chance too. Like your PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE!!!!!!!!!!
I have also tried a lot of your pancake recipes, but my ultimate favorite recipes of yours are the brownie batter pancakes and the chocolate single serve cake in the microwave!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Maybe the reeses frosting or chocolate banana butter? https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/category/healthy-frosting-recipes/