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Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Dip

How to instantly become the most popular person at any party:

Addictive Pumpkin Dip

Bring this Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip.

It’s as easy as that.

Suddenly, people will perceive you to be ten twenty two hundred times more awesome than before. They will chant your name, ask for your phone number, propose marriage.

Suddenly, you will have more fans than George Clooney, Justin Bieber, and Robert Pattison combined. (Then again, maybe this wouldn’t be such a good thing…)

pumpkin dip

But be warned: Once the dip is gone (and it goes fast!), people can get grouchy. They may even throw things. At you.

Best to make a double batch.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip- this popular dip is always the first thing to go at parties.

Sometimes I think I have too much fun writing these posts Smile.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

(Can be sugar-free)

  • 1 can pumpkin (15oz)
  • 1 container cream cheese-style spread (I used Tofutti non-hydrogenated. For substitutions, see the nutrition info link below. Or for a soy-free alternative, try 1 cup of cashew cream: raw cashews that have been soaked, drained, then pureed into raw cashew butter.)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon (more if desired)
  • 3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • sweetener of choice to taste (Amount will depend on whether you’re making this as a dip or a spread. Use up to 1/3 cup for a dip, but you might not even need a tablespoon of sugar or a packet of stevia for a spread. Note that liquid sweeteners will yield a much thinner dip, so either powdered sugar or nunaturals stevia are recommended.)

Combine all ingredients and mix very well. (A food processor is best, but this can be done by hand with a lot of stirring). Serve as a dip, with graham crackers or gingersnaps or fresh fruit. Or use as a festive cream-cheese spread on bagels, toast or pancakes. This will keep in the refrigerator 4-5 days.

View Pumpkin Dip Nutrition Info

Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

Link of the Day: How to Cook Kale – the EASY way!

Published on October 14, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Anonymous says

    I have made with sugar free-fat free cool whip that comes in that big container in the frozen section. Just stir and put in the fridge. Ammazzing!

  2. Stephanie Leming says

    I just made this dip a few minutes ago… It literally took under 10 minutes. I used “Follow Your Heart” brand vegan cream cheese, increased the powdered sugar a bit (1/2 c, so my son would eat it, lol), and added a bit extra cinnamon. Yum! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Andrea says

    This was AMAZING!!! I mixed it all together in my vitamix and plated it with granny smith apple slices and cinnamon-sugar pita chips. It was a hit! Luckily, I saved some for myself to put on my french toast this morning. Delicious!!!

  4. stephanie says

    Hi Katie,

    This pumpkin cheesecake dip looks delish! I’m planning on making it for my Halloween party this weekend. It will be about 20 people. Should I double the recipe?



  5. Alyssa says

    Brought this to a work potluck with no other vegans present and everyone LOVED it, asking for the recipe. People were grabbing anything they could find and dipping it into this dip, though they enjoyed what I brought too – apples, graham crackers, animal crackers and strawberries. Total hit – thanks!

  6. erin says

    hi katie, i am throwing a dessert baby shower for my sister for 15 ppl. I am making your dip and 2 or 3 other cream cheese dips and I am trying to find out how many serving I could get out of a batch. do you think i should make a double batch of each or just one batch of each since there are gonna be more than 1 option. Any suggestions?

  7. erin says

    hi katie, i am throwing a dessert baby shower for my sister for 15 ppl. I am making your dip and 2 or 3 othercheesecake dips and I am trying to find out how many serving I could get out of a batch. do you think i should make a double batch of each or just one batch of each since there are gonna be more than 1 option. Any suggestions?

  8. Victor says

    Woah! I made this and… This was mind-blowing. I’m going to try this on your amazing pumpkin pie pancakes at some point. But I’m definitely making this at Halloween + spooky peanut butter ghosts.

  9. Angela says

    i just made this and mine is much more runny than in the picture it still taste delicious but i dont know what went wrong i can only think of maybe my container of cream cheese is smaller than what was used, mine was 200g, would you happen to recall yours?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      One container should be around 240g or 8oz. Just add more cream cheese or less pumpkin next time and you should be fine.

  10. Sara says

    Is this supposed to be sort of a whipped consistency when it’s done? I used my kitchenaid mixer, and it’s very light and airy. I ended up using 12oz of cream cheese, to try and weigh it down a bit, but it’s still the same. I popped it in the fridge, hoping that’ll make a difference. I’m not a huge fan of whipped things, but the flavor is great. 🙂

    • Jason Sanford says

      It’s a dip, so yeah. I’m not sure what other kind of consistency a dip would have? Maybe I’m not understanding the question though?

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